Superdrol, 1-Test, 4AD, MOHN Stack?


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I am 43, 6'1", 195 lbs, have been lifting for several years, and have moderate experience with prohormones/prosteroids. My last cycle was 1-TU (150 mgs) and MOHN (16 mgs) for a month. I gained 12 lbs, kept 10 lbs, and used clomid and 6-OXO for PCT. Had moderate sides, mainly lethargy and some libido loss, but recovery was relatively quick. It has been 4 months since this cycle.

I have 4 bottles Superdrol, 3 bottles 1-Test estergels (100 mgs), 4 bottles Androdiol Select 300, 3 bottles of 4Derm, 4 bottles of MOHN, clomid and nolva for PCT.

I want to do a 4 week cycle using the best combination of the above for lean bulking while minimizing sides.

I'm looking for suggestions on the dosages, especially with the addition of Superdrol. I am also looking for feedback regarding the proposed stack of all four. Have some concerns about stacking the two methyls, but will be taking Milk Thistle during the cycle.

Any help would be appreciated.

Lean One

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You got a lot of stuff there. It would be serious overkill if you tried to ues it all in one cycle. I suggest 20 to 30mg SD/day with the 4Derm at label recs. That's really all you need. SD is potent ****. Save the other stuff for a cutter later on.

Incidentally, I'm day4 into 30mg SD with 4ADcyp and I'm already up 3.5 lbs. Todays workout was unreal. It's a wicked combo. :thumbsup:


New member
Lean One, I appreciate the response. I'm actually planning on dividing up what I have for 3 or 4 cycles. I'm looking for what would be the best combination(s) for those cycles.

The info on Superdrol references a stack using 1-T, 4AD, and MOHN, but doesn't specify dosages.

I am considering front loading the 4AD at 600 mgs a day for a week. Then adding the Superdrol at 20 mgs, with 200 mgs of 1-Test, and 24 mgs of MOHN. I'm not certain the MOHN would be that helpful, but have read some threads where Superdrol and MOHN have been stacked.

I also thought I would up the 4AD during the cycle by adding 200 mgs transdermal. I haven't been able to find anything of combining 4AD in capsule form with a transdermal.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Lean One

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Really all you need is the 4Derm and SD. I would advise against stacking methyls when you don't have to. :nono: Transdermal 4AD kicks in pretty quick so front loading isn't really nesesary. Oral 4ad is really only worthwhile at doses above 900mg/day I believe. Save the 1TEST and MOHN for a cutting cycle. You can do what you want, but I'm sticking to that advice. Perhaps someone else will tell you what you want to hear.


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I will not. What Lean One is telling you is also what I advise. Save the the 1-test, and mohn for another cycle.


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Thanks for the advice! I'll try the Superdrol and 4AD as my cycle. I'll be starting it next Friday and will try to post how it goes.

Lean One

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Wise choice. Trust me. Superdrol is Good ****. I Don't think you realize what it can do. You'll soon find out though. :hammer: Good luck!


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I would not run the MOHN with this cycle, the SD would simply blow it out of the water.

Sledge recommended a 1T/4AD/SD stack if I remember correctly. And said the addition of a pure androgen would be welcome.(MDHT, M5AA, 3alpha)

For the sake of using as little SD as possible(so it lasts longer). I would run:

1-6 1T/4AD
1-2 15mg superdrol (21tabs)
3-4 20mg superdrol(28tabs, 49tabs total.)

This way you get ~2 cycles out of 1 bottle of superdrol.

Lean One

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I would not run the MOHN with this cycle, the SD would simply blow it out of the water.

Sledge recommended a 1T/4AD/SD stack if I remember correctly. And said the addition of a pure androgen would be welcome.(MDHT, M5AA, 3alpha)

For the sake of using as little SD as possible(so it lasts longer). I would run:

1-6 1T/4AD
1-2 15mg superdrol (21tabs)
3-4 20mg superdrol(28tabs, 49tabs total.)

This way you get ~2 cycles out of 1 bottle of superdrol.
That's a good stack too. Adding the 1Test won't be bad since you're using ethergels. Still, You won't need it. I think your 1Test would be put to better use if you saved it and stacked it with the MOHN later on.


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Ugggg. Far too much hearsay stacking going on and being 'referenced' IMO. Keep in mind...few have experience with it and most will never know what it can do all by itself unless they give it a shot. Not saying 'don't stack', just suggesting that less can and is more in the case of SD.

SD at 30mg will provide some real deal results. If you want to get wet-ish go ahead and add the 4AD at a low-mod dose. Your diet and training will ultimately determine you overall mass gain.

I know a guy who started a cutting cycle with two weeks of M1T and is following with 4 weeks of SD. His first two weeks on M1T he was able to drop just about 6lbs. When he switched over to SD he has put back on 1-2lbs in the last 8 days. He has been eating 1400cal at ~203lbs. He is as thick and full as he was when he was hyper-caloric.

Just my $0.02


***** Vampire
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Incidentally, I'm day4 into 30mg SD with 4ADcyp and I'm already up 3.5 lbs. Todays workout was unreal. It's a wicked combo. :thumbsup:
So thats all SD then - wow - the 4cyp would take ~4weeks to start......amazing.

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