Summer Fun with Primordial and ForeRunner



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Day 4 PCT: Chest

Machine Bench Press:
90 lb x 12 reps
90 lb x 12 reps
90 lb x 12 reps
90 lb x 12 reps

Machine Incline Bench Press:
90 lb x 12 reps
90 lb x 12 reps
90 lb x 12 reps
90 lb x 12 reps

Decline Barbell Bench Press:
90 lb x 12 reps
90 lb x 12 reps
90 lb x 12 reps
90 lb x 12 reps
*Hammer Strength

Cable Crossover:
30 lb x 12 reps
30 lb x 12 reps
30 lb x 12 reps
30 lb x 12 reps

Cycling (stationary):
0:10:00 || 1.9 mi
0:10:00 || 1.9 mi

Elliptical Trainer:
0:40:00 || Intense!

*Seem to be on track.
**Good pump today.
***Drive focus has diminished. Sleep has been pretty good the last two night though my daughter thinks it's OK to come bother me at 2 AM the past two nights...

I will not go heavy. I will not go heavy. I will not go heavy. Repeated for nearly an hour today before Cardio.


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Day 5 PCT: Back/Traps

Wide-Grip Pulldown Behind The Neck:
50 lb x 20 reps
50 lb x 20 reps
50 lb x 20 reps

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown:
50 lb x 20 reps
50 lb x 20 reps
50 lb x 20 reps

Seated Cable Row:
70 lb x 12 reps
70 lb x 12 reps
70 lb x 12 reps
ne-Arm Dumbbell Row:
45 lb x 12 reps
45 lb x 12 reps
45 lb x 12 reps
*Hammer Strength

Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown:
45 lb x 12 reps
45 lb x 12 reps
45 lb x 12 reps
*Hammer Strength

Dumbbell Shrug:
45 lb x 12 reps
45 lb x 12 reps
45 lb x 12 reps

Cycling (stationary):
0:10:00 || 1.9 mi
0:20:00 || 3.8 mi

Elliptical Trainer:
0:30:00 || Moderate

*Working around 25% of max. Body needs it. The little aches and pains are creeping back into my life.
**Good pump today. Really tried to concentrate on muscle contractions.

Got to the classroom today, uploaded everything from my flash drive, and EVERYTHING I WORKED ON THIS SUMMER WAS GONE!!! What a morning. I wanted to first roll into a ball and cry. Then I thought about getting to the gym and killing myself (which is the norm when **** hits the fan at work). Then the realization that I need to stick to my plan. So I left early, ate lunch, and hit the gym. Though I didn't kill myself, it did do me a lot of good.


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Hoping you found the material on your flash drive Colby...
No such luck. Though I found a good hopped up brew at the brewery down the street last night. Just one made me feel better last night.


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Day 6 PCT: Legs

Leg Extensions:
40 lb x 12 reps
40 lb x 12 reps
40 lb x 12 reps
40 lb x 12 reps

Leg Press:
200 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 12 reps
*Feet placement changed with each set.

Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine:
200 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 12 reps
*Feet placement changed with each set.

Seated Leg Curl:
30 lb x 12 reps
30 lb x 12 reps
30 lb x 12 reps
30 lb x 12 reps

Cycling (stationary):
0:15:00 || 2.8 mi
0:15:00 || 2.9 mi

Elliptical Trainer:
0:30:00 || Broke a Sweat

*Very hard to go light today. I wanted to obliterate myself this afternoon due to all the progress I've made this summer. But I was good...
**Very tired and unfocused today. Added an extra scoop of Craze but it really didn't help. Though things did look up when I was doing leg presses. Unfortunately that went away as I moved on...

I am aching to get back to moving heavier weight. Friday is almost here and I will be one step closer.


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Day 7 PCT: Shoulders

Machine Shoulder (Military) Press:
10 lb x 12 reps
15 lb x 12 reps
15 lb x 12 reps
*Hammer Strength

Upright Barbell Row:
35 lb x 12 reps
35 lb x 12 reps
35 lb x 12 reps

Front Dumbbell Raise:
10 lb x 10 reps
13.5 lb x 10 reps
15 lb x 10 reps

Machine Lateral Raise:
15 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 10 reps

Reverse Flyes:
20 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 10 reps

Cycling (stationary):
0:15:00 || 2.9 mi
0:20:00 || 3.9 mi

Elliptical Trainer:
0:25:00 || Moderate


*NO shoulder issues the past two days but kept it really light this afternoon. I hope that these light shoulder sessions the past few weeks help heal them. I know that warming them up prior to lifting has helped a lot.
**NO, and I mean NO energy this afternoon. I hope I hit my teaching stride here quickly so I can get rolling again. Dragging my self into the gym isn't fun, but I know I need to do it.


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PCT Week 1 (9) Reflection:

Thursday August 9th, 333 lbs. (-0)

Strength: Not much to say, I’ve only been lifting at about 25% max this week to keep me sane.

Recovery: No soreness but then again, read above.

Pump/Vascularity: Decent pump in the gym. Vascularity is slowly starting to diminish. I’m hoping that it will come back as the weight I am moving increases.

Mood/Aggression: Good mood. Minimal aggression this week.

Energy/Focus: Back in teacher mode. Energy has diminished this week. Mornings start off really good but I am dragging to get my butt in the gym in the afternoons. Focus is not as intense as it was this summer. But I’ve actually been able to learn from the experience and am trying to do it myself. It does take quite a bit to get there but it’s attainable. Definitely notice the lack of focus when doing cardio. I’m still making myself get an hour in after each workout.

Noticeable Changes in Appearance: Nothing negative to say. I look pretty much the same as I did last week. Still feeling pretty solid as well.

Libido: Morning wood is good!

Odds ‘N’ Ends: Miss the focus already but the sleep this past week has been awesome. I miss lifting heavy but I know my body needs a break. I’ll be hitting about 50% next week, 75% the following, and trying for 100% for week four. It’s easier math to deal with if I keep everything in quarters. All the little aches and pains are starting to creep back into my life. I’m hoping that this light week will also allow those to heal up as well.

I am actually OK that my weight didn’t change this week. Looking back at my other logs this past year, it seems that I would drop a lot of weight with PCT. I’m going to assume that it was mostly water. Seeing as I lost 13 lbs. this time, instead of huge weight gains, I’ll be happy to fly right where I am at for the next month and then start the leaning process again.

Looking into a couple of new Pre W.O.’s and will post about which one gets here first and I end up rolling with for the rest of the month. I am not crazy about Craze. I think I need to do a search for reviews by guys that are 250 lbs. + and what is giving them good focus, pumps, and energy in the gym. The effects of something on someone below 200 lbs. have to be different than someone closer to 300 lbs.


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You may want to look into a a product like Malice from Chaotic labz --- they have a plethora of unique mood enhancing products!



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Looking into a couple of new Pre W.O.’s and will post about which one gets here first and I end up rolling with for the rest of the month. I am not crazy about Craze. I think I need to do a search for reviews by guys that are 250 lbs. + and what is giving them good focus, pumps, and energy in the gym. The effects of something on someone below 200 lbs. have to be different than someone closer to 300 lbs.
You can probably still get it from the planet.. so give IForce Maximize Intense a try... strongest preworkout I have used.


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We get a lot of feedback from people gaining weight in PCT using the TRS one of the great things of the AS products is a quick and easy PCT


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You may want to look into a a product like Malice from Chaotic labz --- they have a plethora of unique mood enhancing products!

Thanks for the suggestions Matt! I will have to look into them!

You can probably still get it from the planet.. so give IForce Maximize Intense a try... strongest preworkout I have used.
That's on the list of got to try's Was. My Volatile from Fahrenheit arrived today. Going to run that here for the next couple of weeks at 2 scoops to see if it may help. The one draw back on this one, even before I've used it is that at 2 scoops, a tub will only last me 16 days... We'll see though. I will look at Maximize here soon.

We get a lot of feedback from people gaining weight in PCT using the TRS one of the great things of the AS products is a quick and easy PCT
Very quick an easy. Everything mixes well with OJ and the SA dries extremely fast with no lingering smell! Loving it.


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Day 8 PCT: Arms

Seated Dumbbell Curl:
20 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 10 reps

EZ-Bar Curl:
45 lb x 10 reps
65 lb x 10 reps
65 lb x 10 reps

Preacher Curl:
45 lb x 10 reps
60 lb x 10 reps
60 lb x 10 reps

Hammer Dumbbell Curl:
25 lb x 10 reps
25 lb x 10 reps
25 lb x 10 reps

Machine Dips:
130 lb x 10 reps
130 lb x 10 reps
130 lb x 10 reps

Triceps Pushdown - V-Bar Attachment:
130 lb x 10 reps
130 lb x 10 reps
130 lb x 10 reps

Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension:
80 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps

Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment:
80 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps

Cycling (stationary):
0:20:00 || 2.9 mi
0:20:00 || 2.9 mi

Elliptical Trainer:
0:20:00 || Moderate


*Again, had to drag myself into the gym. I hope my energy normalizes here quickly with school starting again.
**Quite happy to add weight again beginning Week 2. Going to keep it around 50% max, just have to remind myself.
***Joints seem to be pretty happy with me right now. Knock on wood.


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Interested to hear your thoughts on Volatile... let me know after a few doses

By the way my final review is up in my thread Colby.. check it out brother.


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I have heard good things about Malice. I wonder how it would stack with AndroDrive.

I really wanted to push for a "super androdrive" with added nootropics and mild stims.....buuuuut I just do not think that wish will manifest into reality unfortunately at anytime soon.



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I really wanted to push for a "super androdrive" with added nootropics and mild stims.....buuuuut I just do not think that wish will manifest into reality unfortunately at anytime soon.

That would be awesome. There is already discussions of androdrive usage in the nootropic thread.


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Day 9 & 10 PCT: REST

Needed it with a summer cold that kicked in Sunday morning. Yes! Right before kids show up...


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Day 11 PCT: Chest

Machine Bench Press:
25 lb x 20 reps
90 lb x 10 reps
180 lb x 6 reps
180 lb x 5 reps
180 lb x 5 reps
*Hammer Strength

Machine Incline Bench Press:
90 lb x 10 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
*Hammer Strength

Decline Barbell Bench Press:
90 lb x 10 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
*Hammer Strength

Machine Chest Fly (Pec Deck):
60 lb x 10 reps
60 lb x 10 reps
60 lb x 10 reps

Cycling (stationary):
0:10:00 || 1.8 mi
0:20:00 || 3.5 mi

Elliptical Trainer:
0:15:00 || Moderate

*Still at 50% and keeping the set volume down.
**Shoulder felt good as did my forearm.

Two scoops of Volatile w/ 10 oz of water about 30 minutes before I got to the gym. Focus kicked in within 10 minutes. Drive kicked in shortly after and I could not get to the gym fast enough. Unfortunately it didn't last too long. I'm just worn out from the first day of school and even with this running through me, the Focus, Drive, Energy died. I'm hoping that I'll get my rhythm back here soon.

Taste: 10/10. I am not a berry type person. This was actually really good.
Mix-ability: 10/10. Couple of quick shakes and it was dissolved and chugged. No chalkiness and no aftertaste other than the occasional berry burp.

I won't do a full review on this until I get rolling completely in class. I think it would be completely unfair. But so far, I'm liking what I experienced today and hope for more tomorrow.


I really wanted to push for a "super androdrive" with added nootropics and mild stims.....buuuuut I just do not think that wish will manifest into reality unfortunately at anytime soon.

I think this would be great, you would complete your product lineup with a "steroid" for the brain


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I think this would be great, you would complete your product lineup with a "steroid" for the brain

Keep in mind we will need to start rephrasing our marketing approach too --- now that the ban will be lighting a fire under companies asses.

But I agree that adding some PEA's piracetams, caffeine, what have you would be cool addition to AndroDrive --'AndroDrive overload'



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Two scoops of Volatile w/ 10 oz of water about 30 minutes before I got to the gym. Focus kicked in within 10 minutes. Drive kicked in shortly after and I could not get to the gym fast enough. Unfortunately it didn't last too long. I'm just worn out from the first day of school and even with this running through me, the Focus, Drive, Energy died. I'm hoping that I'll get my rhythm back here soon.

Taste: 10/10. I am not a berry type person. This was actually really good.
Mix-ability: 10/10. Couple of quick shakes and it was dissolved and chugged. No chalkiness and no aftertaste other than the occasional berry burp.

I won't do a full review on this until I get rolling completely in class. I think it would be completely unfair. But so far, I'm liking what I experienced today and hope for more tomorrow.
Sounds good so far!


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Sounds good so far!
Much better today. A lot more energy and it got me through the first half of cardio. We'll wait to see how this one builds up as I adjust to my new routine with the critters.


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Day 12 PCT: Back

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown:
100 lb x 10 reps
150 lb x 10 reps
170 lb x 10 reps
170 lb x 10 reps

Wide-Grip Pulldown Behind The Neck:
80 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps
Seated Cable Row:
150 lb x 10 reps
150 lb x 10 reps
150 lb x 10 reps

One-Arm Dumbbell Row:
90 lb x 10 reps
90 lb x 10 reps
90 lb x 10 reps
*Hammer Strength

Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown:
70 lb x 10 reps
70 lb x 10 reps
70 lb x 10 reps
*Hammer Strength

Dumbbell Shrug:
75 lb x 10 reps
75 lb x 10 reps
75 lb x 10 reps

Cycling (stationary):
0:10:00 || 1.8 mi
0:20:00 || 3.8 mi

Elliptical Trainer:
0:15:00 || Moderate


*Sick back workout and felt strong all the way through. Pump was great. Energy great. Focus great. Too bad it died 1/2 way through cardio.


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But I agree that adding some PEA's piracetams, caffeine, what have you would be cool addition to AndroDrive --'AndroDrive overload'

AD overload, would love to see something like that


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Day 12 PCT: Back

PLACE HOLDER FOR W.O. - I'm going to bed.


*Sick back workout and felt strong all the way through. Pump was great. Energy great. Focus great. Too bad it died 1/2 way through cardio.

Sounds good, love that Focus/Energy of being on. Cardio is always a pain in the ass lol.


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Day 13 PCT: Rest, well yard work I have not done in a while.

Feeling good this week though my energy levels are 0 by dinner. It's nice to start adding weight again but I am taking it slowly. I think my body and joints are happy about that.

As for the mini Volatile review, I will definitely try it again once I get my teaching feet under me. I don't think that me reviewing it at the beginning of the school year gives it a fair chance. Then again, it's pretty damn good even after beating myself up in class all day long. It's got me to the gym and I am liking the effects so far. We'll see what time will show us.


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Day 13 PCT: Rest, well yard work I have not done in a while.

Feeling good this week though my energy levels are 0 by dinner. It's nice to start adding weight again but I am taking it slowly. I think my body and joints are happy about that.

As for the mini Volatile review, I will definitely try it again once I get my teaching feet under me. I don't think that me reviewing it at the beginning of the school year gives it a fair chance. Then again, it's pretty damn good even after beating myself up in class all day long. It's got me to the gym and I am liking the effects so far. We'll see what time will show us.
Noticing any impulsiveness? Not thinking before you speak, abrupt decisions, attentiveness?



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Noticing any impulsiveness? Not thinking before you speak, abrupt decisions, attentiveness?

10 minutes after downing it and I am wide awake and in the zone. It's really too bad that it takes me 30 minutes to get to the gym. Next week I'll slam it when I pull into the parking lot to see if I can get it to last through cardio.

BTW - that drive from work to the gym absolutely sucks because I am ramped up to get there that everyone is a bad driver and cannot go fast enough. It nearly drove me mad time I tried it and got stuck at every red light...


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Day 13 PCT: Rest

Little one has swim lessons while the wife works late. Looks like it will happen again on Friday. Let's just say Saturday I am going to try and turn it up to 11 to make up for lost time and to see what the Volitile feels like when I'm fully rested. I'm amped to say the least.


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10 minutes after downing it and I am wide awake and in the zone. It's really too bad that it takes me 30 minutes to get to the gym. Next week I'll slam it when I pull into the parking lot to see if I can get it to last through cardio.

BTW - that drive from work to the gym absolutely sucks because I am ramped up to get there that everyone is a bad driver and cannot go fast enough. It nearly drove me mad time I tried it and got stuck at every red light...
Try living in the Chicago and taking the train to and from the gym. Sometimes I am so amped to hit the gym, and half asleep when I get there.


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Day 13 PCT: Rest

Little one has swim lessons while the wife works late. Looks like it will happen again on Friday. Let's just say Saturday I am going to try and turn it up to 11 to make up for lost time and to see what the Volitile feels like when I'm fully rested. I'm amped to say the least.

After PCT -- what (if any) cycles did you have your sights set on???



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PCT Week 2 (10) Reflection:

Thursday August 16th, 333 lbs.

Strength: Felt good to add some weight this week. Added a few extra lbs when doing front pull downs just to see how things were going. I liked it!

Recovery: Not as sore as I was expecting. Maybe a little the next day but nothing to like or dislike. We’ll see how it goes as I start adding more weight.

Pump/Vascularity: Pump was normal last week except for the days I started to add Volatile, good stuff! Vascularity has diminished greatly, I’ll be keeping an eye on things while using the Volatile though. It may help bring it back.

Mood/Aggression: Good mood. No aggression throughout the day.

Energy/Focus: I am barely dragging myself into the gym as I get my teacher legs under me. Focus is there but not to the extreme. The Volatile this week as help in both areas.

Noticeable Changes in Appearance: Though my weight has stayed the same, in the mirror it looks like I have leaned a bit as there is a bit more separation in the shoulders and arms. All my pants I thought might not fit are fitting nicely. Quads are still too big to wear boxers, lol.

Libido: Moring wood, check. Middle of the night wood, check. Boys hang low and feeling large, check.

Odds ‘N’ Ends: First school week down. Trying to get my energy levels up but that might be too much to ask this early. I should be conditioned here soon though. So far the Volitile has been very good to me. Good energy, focus, and pumps. I really can’t wait to see what it has to offer when I’m 100% me.


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Day 14 PCT: Rest

Birthday party with some friends. In bed by 9:30 and will hit the gym at 8:00. Arms and I'm going to try and just obiterate myself.


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After PCT -- what (if any) cycles did you have your sights set on???

Probably take September off of everything except the very basics just to give the body a chance to level itself.

From there I have an 8 week Initimidate/Licogenix/and the new PNI fat burner run in store.

After that, if the November elections pass here in CA and my school year (and paycheck) is funded 100%, I want to do an 8 week AndroHard/AndroLean run for Nov/Dec or Dec/Jan and run it as 3/3 for now and then do another run at 3/6 next summer.

I'm currently open to suggestions as well. Only as long as there are no back pumps and lethargy. I can deal with raised blood pressure but the other two mess me up too much. I can't move like I want with my 3 year old and my wife hates it when I nap all the time, lol.


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Day 15 PCT: Arms

Triceps Pushdown - V-Bar Attachment:
150 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps
220 lb x 10 reps
220 lb x 10 reps
230 lb x 10 reps

Machine Dips:
100 lb x 10 reps
150 lb x 10 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
210 lb x 10 reps

Machine Triceps Extension:
100 lb x 10 reps
150 lb x 10 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
210 lb x 8 reps

Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension:
100 lb x 10 reps
130 lb x 10 reps
160 lb x 10 reps
190 lb x 10 reps

Dumbbell Bicep Curl:
20 lb x 10 reps
30 lb x 10 reps
40 lb x 10 reps
50 lb x 6 reps

Forearm pain kicked in on 5th rep of 50 lbs.

Machine Preacher Curls:
50 lb x 10 reps
60 lb x 10 reps
70 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps

Hammer Dumbbell Curl:
25 lb x 10 reps
35 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps

Cycling (stationary):
0:20:00 || 3.7 mi

Elliptical Trainer:
0:20:00 || Intense!

*Italics are PR's
**After two weeks of light stuff, it felt great to get back into the normal range I achieved while on. Three weeks into PCT and my strength is still with me is something that I haven't been able to achieve in a long time. Right now I'm sitting here with a ****-eating grin typing this knowing that PP's TRS is doing what it's supposed to.
*** Still having some issues with the left forearm on arms days. It's not as bad as it was four weeks ago though, so I do know that it's healing. I was really surprised that it lasted as long as it did with curls. After the twinge I decided to tone it back a bit... Just a bit.


Volatile after a good nights sleep is amazing! I got that intense focus and drive that I had while using the AD. Energy levels were running on high throughout the workout and cardio. I can equate it to Jack3d without the cracked out feeling. Pumps were insane and are still with me as I type this. I have 13 more workouts to go for this tub and if each one is as good as the first 3, I will definitely be adding Volatile to my list of staples.


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You move an incredible amount of volume each workout. Very nice.
Thank you. Lifting, beer and BBQ are about to the only things that keep me sane. Not to mention the ramblings of my daughter.

"Mama. do dragons have boobies?"

"I don't think so. They lay eggs like penguins. Which means they probably eat fish and not milk."

Wife's a sharp one and the little girly was quite happy with the answer.


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Thank you. Lifting, beer and BBQ are about to the only things that keep me sane. Not to mention the ramblings of my daughter.

"Mama. do dragons have boobies?"

"I don't think so. They lay eggs like penguins. Which means they probably eat fish and not milk."

Wife's a sharp one and the little girly was quite happy with the answer.
That actually is well done.


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PCT Day 16: Rest

Much needed trip to Russian River Brewery.


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PCT Day 17: Chest

Smith Machine Incline Bench Press:
45 lb x 20 reps
90 lb x 12 reps
140 lb x 10 reps
190 lb x 6 reps
190 lb x 6 reps

Smith Machine Bench Press:
90 lb x 12 reps
140 lb x 10 reps
190 lb x 8 reps
190 lb x 7 reps

Decline Barbell Bench Press:
90 lb x 12 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
230 lb x 10 reps
230 lb x 6 reps
*Hammer Strength

Cable Crossover:
30 lb x 10 reps
60 lb x 10 reps
90 lb x 10 reps
90 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 20 reps

Machine Chest Fly (Pec Deck):
60 lb x 10 reps
*Cut short. Shoulder started to ache.

Cycling (stationary):
0:20:00 || 3.7 mi
0:15:00 || 1.6 mi

Elliptical Trainer:
0:15:00 || Moderate

*Still getting my groove back with teaching.
**Felt good to add the weight and not have the shoulder hurt. I think it's been about 3 or 4 weeks since I had to tone things down and hit chest in other fashions. We'll see how it does with some rest and if I can go heavier next week.
****Volatile slammed with 16 oz of water right before entering the gym helped a lot today. Focus, drive, and pump have all been great.

I am really pleased that my strength has stayed with me through PCT. Appetite has started to increase, especially if I forget to eat something every hour. It's really bad on the weekends but I can't complain as long as I try to keep what I am eating relatively healthy. So far, so good.


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I am really pleased that my strength has stayed with me through PCT. Appetite has started to increase, especially if I forget to eat something every hour. It's really bad on the weekends but I can't complain as long as I try to keep what I am eating relatively healthy. So far, so good.

Nothing wrong with eating heavy in PCT, in fact, it is a good thing!


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PCT Day 18: Back/Traps

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown:
100 lb x 10 reps
150 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps
250 lb x 10 reps
250 lb x 10 reps

One-Arm Dumbbell Row:
100 lb x 10 reps
145 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 6 reps
100 lb x 10 reps
*Hammer Strength Machine

Wide-Grip Pulldown Behind The Neck:
100 lb x 10 reps
130 lb x 10 reps
166 lb x 10 reps

Seated Cable Row:
290 lb x 10 reps
290 lb x 8 reps
290 lb x 6 reps
200 lb x 10 reps

Smith Machine Shrug:
45 lb x 10 reps
135 lb x 10 reps
225 lb x 10 reps
315 lb x 10 reps
225 lb x 10 reps
135 lb x 10 reps

Cycling (stationary):
0:20:00 || 3.8 mi

*PR's in italics.
**Felt beastly today. Nothing was going to stop me. Best PCT workout that I can remember. Didn't feel like I had to push myself. It just came naturally and with a little extra rest between sets to catch my breath.
***Hoping that my shoulder's, forearm, and lower back don't tell me to go to hell tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to legs tomorrow, just like a little kid on Christmas morning. Fingers crossed that squats are on the menu.


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Day 19 PCT: Legs

Barbell Squat:
45 lb x 10 reps
135 lb x 10 reps
225 lb x 10 reps

Leg Press:
1000 lb x 5 reps
890 lb x 6 reps
800 lb x 8 reps
600 lb x 10 reps

Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine:
1000 lb x 10 reps
890 lb x 10 reps
800 lb x 10 reps
600 lb x 10 reps

Leg Extensions:
70 lb x 10 reps
70 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps

Seated Leg Curl:
30 lb x 10 reps
60 lb x 10 reps
90 lb x 10 reps
90 lb x 10 reps

Cycling (stationary):
0:30:00 || 3.9 mi

*Nice to see the weight being moved has not changed or has decreased only a bit.
**Recovery between sets has definitely grown longer. Took forever to get through squats and presses today.

3:00 and my classroom door is locked and I'm on my way to the gym. Feels good. Really happy that my strength gains have stuck around. Today was the biggest challenge with trying the 1K lbs. leg presses again. Eventually, it will become the norm - just might take a bit of time. I'm also glad that I can get a few sets of squats in as a warm up. With back and knee issues this past year, I am OK with repping up to 225 for my warm ups. Wrapping up week 3 and feeling good about everything right now.

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