Summer Fun with Primordial and ForeRunner



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Day 31: Cardio/Rest

1:00:00 || 12.1 mi

*Wow. A cardio only session... Don't think that has EVER happened in all the years I have lifted. I must be getting serious in my old age.


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...I am sure your body is saying.. hmmm you forgot the weights Colby lol. Thanks for the info by the way.


Primordial Performance Rep
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Day 31: Cardio/Rest

1:00:00 || 12.1 mi

*Wow. A cardio only session... Don't think that has EVER happened in all the years I have lifted. I must be getting serious in my old age.
I have had days like that, where I have to tell myself "no, you really do not need to lift today"


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Day 32: Chest

Machine Incline Bench Press:
90 lb x 20 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
270 lb x 10 reps
270 lb x 10 reps
Hammer Strength Machine

Decline Barbell Bench Press:
90 lb x 20 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
270 lb x 10 reps
270 lb x 10 reps
Hammer Strength Machine

Smith Machine Bench Press:
135 lb x 10 reps
225 lb x 4 reps
205 lb x 4 reps
185 lb x 4 reps
135 lb x 4 reps
Old wrist injury really flared up.

Cable Crossover:
30 lb x 20 reps
50 lb x 10 reps
70 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 20 reps

Cycling (stationary):
1:00:00 || 12.3 mi

*Appetite is still lagging but at least I don't feel ill after eating something!
**Not sure what I did but my wrists are killing me. I sprained them both last fall/winter and they both are starting to flare up. Going to have break out the braces I guess and start wearing them during the day.
***W.O. tonight was so-so. Very unfocused and not feeling driven like I have been the past four weeks.


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Day 33: Back/Traps

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown:
50 lb x 20 reps
100 lb x 20 reps
150 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps

Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown:
100 lb x 20 reps
150 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps

One-Arm Dumbbell Row:
45 lb x 10 reps
90 lb x 10 reps
135 lb x 10 reps
Hammer Strength Machine

Smith Machine Shrug:
135 lb x 10 reps
225 lb x 10 reps
315 lb x 10 reps

Dumbbell Shrug:
70 lb x 10 reps
95 lb x 10 reps
105 lb x 10 reps

Cycling (stationary):
1:00:00 || 12.3 mi

Notes and Other Ramblings;

*Italics are PR's and felt really good in the gym. Pushed through my WO without any issues.
**Wrist's are still sore but I wore my braces all day. They do help. I still hate them.
***Found an bottle of Synthetic Supp's Agmatine. Adding it as 1 AM and 1 at lunch to see if I can get this new found vascularity to stick around longer.
****Woke up sore this morning. First time in weeks. Actually felt good and made me realize I was alive.
*****Appetite suppression. I'm no longer worried about it. The more I analyze it, the more I can actually get it to work for me. It's really got me focusing on what I am eating and taking a good look at portion control. The first has been looked upon the past several months but the later is something that has always hindered me when I eat. I am now looking at eating smaller meals throughout the day as well as trying to eat something every couple of hours. If I can take control of the two, I think my next challenge will be to drop 100 lbs and shoot for a solid 245-250. I'll be looking at going with a Lean Gains approach and starting sometime in October. I want to make sure I hold onto my strength and muscle I've been working for the past few months through PCT and then shore things up with a one month run of Intimidate and Licogenix before this next long term adventure. Hmm... Me at 250 again would be an awesome personal accomplishment.


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Hmm... Me at 250 again would be an awesome personal accomplishment.
Another fine workout! Sounds to me like you have the tools in place and definitely the mind set / motivation to make it happen.


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Another fine workout! Sounds to me like you have the tools in place and definitely the mind set / motivation to make it happen.
Thanks boss. Keeping up with your recomp has me really thinking about pushing myself to the next level.


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Well it seems to me that the appetite suppressing has helped you determine the right path. I would continue to roll with it like you said bud and just eat clean


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Day 34: Legs

Barbell Squat:
45 lb x 10 reps
95 lb x 10 reps
115 lb x 10 reps
Hehe, got squats back in the rotation!

Leg Press:
400 lb x 10 reps
800 lb x 8 reps
600 lb x 10 reps

Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine:
600 lb x 20 reps
600 lb x 10 reps
600 lb x 10 reps
600 lb x 10 reps

Leg Extensions:
100 lb x 10 reps
130 lb x 10 reps
170 lb x 10 reps

Seated Leg Curl:
20 lb x 20 reps
40 lb x 20 reps
60 lb x 15 reps
80 lb x 12 reps

Cycling (stationary):
1:00:00 || 12 mi

Notes and More Ramblings (Sorry my mind wanders while on the damn bike)
*Caloric deficit I think is starting to hit. Not feeling as strong on leg presses. Then again, hello squat rack!
**I've lost some of the keg. I went down a notch on my weight belt and it felt good.
***So, as the mind continues to wander and I break from my path of mass, and for me, there is a correlation between over eating and eating more frequently. Had breakfast about 9 but was ravenous by 1. I engulfed all that I could to settle myself, hence, I over ate. I need to start adding some additional healthy snacks every two hours to avoid the over eating binge I am capable of. Over the course of the next few weeks, whenever the critter and I decide to go out and about, I am bringing something healthy along to munch on in order to keep the over eating to a minimum at lunch. Breakfast, dinner, and post W.O meals on the other hand has been very easy to manage portion control.


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Day 35: Shoulders/Traps (Tonight if the wedding rehearsal doesn't get in my way)

Week 5 Reflection

Thursday, July 12 -338 lbs. (-2 lbs.)

Strength: Even being calorie deficient, my strength continues to increase with each session. I’m at a point where I am no longer consciously trying to add weight but at a point that what I am moving is coming very naturally.

Recovery: Amazing. I’ve had a little soreness each morning after a workout this week and I like it. Recovery between sets has diminished greatly. I also have a feeling that the one body part per day is also helping.

Pump/Vascularity: Feeling solid all day long. Vascularity has not improved much this week.

Mood/Aggression: Still feeling great each day. Aggression has increase significantly to the point that I know my tolerance for other people’s stupidity has diminished. My fuse is much, much shorter that I am used to. So, I am adapting as best as I can.

Energy/Focus: Focus is still awesome and has been very consistent from the start.

Noticeable Changes in Appearance: Dropped a notch on my weight belt, lol. Other than that, nothing much going on.

Libido: A bit diminished but nothing to be upset about.

Odds ‘N’ Ends: Joint Fixx has definitely kicked in. Have not been waking up in the morning with joint pain, though still a bit creaky. Not a lot of pain in the gym while lifting either until I aggravated my old wrist issues from last fall. I’ve really noticed that my knees have adapted well and are not giving me fits when riding the damn bike. Shoulders are feeling good as well as my knuckles and elbows. This is one fast working supplement that I will keep on hand when I start to feel old again!

Added Synthetic Supp’s Agmatine on Tuesday, 1 AM and 1 @ lunch. Looking forward to some additional pump during the last few weeks.


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Colbicide, I don't have anything to add atm, but I really want to commend you on the detail and consistent workouts. Good job man.

Thanks HTS. I'm having a great time with this and keeping the log here on AM has definitely helped keep me focused and open to new possibilities.


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Day 35: Shoulders and Traps (sort of...)

Smith Machine Overhead Shoulder Press:
45 lb x 20 reps
95 lb x 10 reps
145 lb x 5 reps
145 lb x 5 reps

Front Dumbbell Raise:
25 lb x 10 reps
35 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps

Cable Seated Lateral Raise:
20 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 10 reps
30 lb x 10 reps

Upright Cable Row:
100 lb x 12 reps
120 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 10 reps

Machine Lateral Raise:
60 lb x 10 reps
70 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps

Dumbbell Shrug:
125 lb x 10 reps
One set due to lack of time.

Cycling (stationary):
1:00:00 || 12 mi

*Recovery in between sets tonight was AWESOME to say the very least, especially with the time crunch I was experiencing.
**Snacking on the healthy stuff really helped today. Now I just need to make a conscious effort to do it daily.
***Wish I was capable of going heavier with my shoulders. They just cannot take it like they used to. I guess I should be thankful (and I am) that they do respond well to lower weights. I may switch things up next week and use more dumbbells to mix things up for the next two weeks and see if there is any improvement. The nice part is I don't hear them clicking much anymore when lifting!


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Day 35: Shoulders and Traps (sort of...)

Smith Machine Overhead Shoulder Press:
45 lb x 20 reps
95 lb x 10 reps
145 lb x 5 reps
145 lb x 5 reps

Front Dumbbell Raise:
25 lb x 10 reps
35 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps

Cable Seated Lateral Raise:
20 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 10 reps
30 lb x 10 reps

Upright Cable Row:
100 lb x 12 reps
120 lb x 12 reps
200 lb x 10 reps

Machine Lateral Raise:
60 lb x 10 reps
70 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps

Dumbbell Shrug:
125 lb x 10 reps
One set due to lack of time.

Cycling (stationary):
1:00:00 || 12 mi

*Recovery in between sets tonight was AWESOME to say the very least, especially with the time crunch I was experiencing.
**Snacking on the healthy stuff really helped today. Now I just need to make a conscious effort to do it daily.
***Wish I was capable of going heavier with my shoulders. They just cannot take it like they used to. I guess I should be thankful (and I am) that they do respond well to lower weights. I may switch things up next week and use more dumbbells to mix things up for the next two weeks and see if there is any improvement. The nice part is I don't hear them clicking much anymore when lifting!
Getting older sucks:(


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Day 36: Arms

Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press:
45 lb x 20 reps
95 lb x 10 reps
115 lb x 10 reps
165 lb x 10 reps
185 lb x 8 reps
205 lb x 6 reps

EZ-Bar Curl:
35 lb x 20 reps
55 lb x 10 reps
75 lb x 10 reps
95 lb x 10 reps
105 lb x 10 reps

Triceps Pushdown - V-Bar Attachment:
100 lb x 20 reps
200 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps

Preacher Curl:
60 lb x 10 reps
70 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps

Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension:
100 lb x 20 reps
130 lb x 10 reps
150 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps

Hammer Dumbbell Curl:
35 lb x 10 reps
50 lb x 10 reps
55 lb x 10 reps

Elliptical Trainer:
0:15:00 || Moderate
Nice to still be able to feel my nuts and ass when doing cardio...

Cycling (stationary):
0:45:00 || 9 mi

*PR's in italics.
**Felt good and strong tonight, like I did the first two weeks. Pumps were amazing. Left the gym with a huge ****-eating grin!
***I swear, cardio machines are made by the vertically challenged to torture those of us with a little height...


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Day 37: Rest and I am still being wicked...

Wife's cousin is on his 3rd marriage. The first was a psycho princess, the second found herself walking out of the closet, and the third? We'll find out in six months to a year is my guess.

Two hour Catholic wedding to boot. Loading up the mini cooler with beers right now. I have a feeling that our three year old is going to need some 'outside' time during this oh so blessed event. Therefore, a quick beer or two will be very nice while she runs around. Hoping that alcohol will numb my taint so the seatted position on the pew for a lenghty amount of time won't make me feel like I am on the bike today!


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Day 36: Arms
**Felt good and strong tonight, like I did the first two weeks. Pumps were amazing. Left the gym with a huge ****-eating grin!

Nice workout Colby. I love good pumps.. this stack has certainly delivered in that area hasn't it! I am not getting crazy pumps at all with my current stack.

Day 37: Rest and I am still being wicked...

Wife's cousin is on his 3rd marriage. The first was a psycho princess, the second found herself walking out of the closet, and the third? We'll find out in six months to a year is my guess.

Two hour Catholic wedding to boot. Loading up the mini cooler with beers right now. I have a feeling that our three year old is going to need some 'outside' time during this oh so blessed event. Therefore, a quick beer or two will be very nice while she runs around. Hoping that alcohol will numb my taint so the seatted position on the pew for a lenghty amount of time won't make me feel like I am on the bike today!
Dude, you crack me up! And I certainly can relate. You will almost be hoping the little one gets you some beer time during the service!


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Day 38: Rest and the wife was HUNG OVAH!!!

Damn lazy day and I liked it. I have to thank my wife for drinking too much and allowing the whole family to benefit from it!

This week is looking crazy. Tuesday: State Fair, Thursday: Family, Friday: Family. Going to try and sneak off to the gym as much as possible but I don't see me getting my full 5 workouts in. Looking as there will be a lot more rest this week, I am going to ramp things up again next week to try and break those PR's set the first two weeks.

M: Chest
T: Off (unless we get home from the fair early!)
W: Legs - like I need my quads to grow any more right now...
Th: Off
F: Off
S: Sneaking in for Back, I hope
S: Off

We'll see how this shiz works out. I hope I can sneak in a few more sessions but I'll be happy with the three if I get them.


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Day 39: Chest

Smith Machine Incline Bench Press:
45 lb x 20 reps
90 lb x 20 reps
105 lb x 15 reps
135 lb x 10 reps
185 lb x 10 reps
205 lb x 8 reps
225 lb x 2 reps
185 lb x 8 reps
135 lb x 10 reps

Smith Machine Bench Press:
135 lb x 10 reps
185 lb x 10 reps
205 lb x 4 reps
185 lb x 6 reps
135 lb x 10 reps

Decline Barbell Bench Press:
90 lb x 20 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
205 lb x 6 reps
180 lb x 4 reps
Hammer Strength Machine

Cable Crossover:
20 lb x 20 reps
40 lb x 20 reps
30 lb x 20 reps
50 lb x 20 reps

Elliptical Trainer:
0:25:00 || Moderate
Found a machine that fits my body type!

Cycling (stationary):
0:35:00 || 6.5 mi


*Well that feeling of strong, hard, and pumped continues. I am glad it is back. Feels good to be feeling what I did during weeks 1 & 2. Things are definitely starting to kick into over drive. I am very glad to get through that summer crud slump. And I've learned a thing or two about myself.
**Found an elliptical machine that fits my body type. I was surprised that I was able to get 25 minutes in without any aches or pains. Looks like I am learning to tolerate this cardio ****...


***Body seems to be adapting to the caloric deficit and strength is returning like it was when I was eating everything in sight. Looking back upon the past two weeks, I think I have figured out how to eat without over eating at times. For me, I think the following will work: Breakfast:shake, AM snack: Carrots,apples, nuts, or what ever my daughter is munching on, Lunch: Big meal of the day, PM snack: only if needed, Dinner @ 5:30 or 6 - small portion controlled, W.O @ 6:30 or 7, Post W.O.: shake. Water all day long. This has really helped with the diminished appetite, it's helped me keep my portions in control, and I am finally getting my body some decent nourishment throughout the day.


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Another strong workout Colby....things are looking awesome man


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The adaptation to a caloric defecit is always 99% mental with me. I just love food too much.
Same here. Still eating all the good stuff I enjoy cooking but in smaller quantities. Guess you might call it, best of both worlds.


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Day 40: Back/Traps

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown:
100 lb x 10 reps
150 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps
220 lb x 10 reps
160 lb x 10 reps

Wide-Grip Pulldown Behind The Neck:
100 lb x 10 reps
120 lb x 10 reps
140 lb x 10 reps
100 lb x 10 reps

One-Arm Dumbbell Row:
45 lb x 10 reps
90 lb x 10 reps
115 lb x 10 reps
125 lb x 10 reps
135 lb x 10 reps
Hammer Strength Machine

Smith Machine Shrug:
45 lb x 20 reps
135 lb x 10 reps
225 lb x 10 reps
315 lb x 10 reps
365 lb x 5 reps
315 lb x 5 reps
135 lb x 10 reps

Dumbbell Shrug:
60 lb x 10 reps
80 lb x 10 reps
100 lb x 10 reps
120 lb x 10 reps

Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown:
100 lb x 10 reps

Elliptical Trainer:
0:30:00 || Broke a Sweat

Cycling (stationary):
0:30:00 || 6 mi

*Still feeling good and strong. Went in this evening feeling deflated and came out pumped and feeling good about things.
**Legs tomorrow. Rest Thursday and not sure what Friday may have in store.
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Primordial Performance Rep
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Same here. Still eating all the good stuff I enjoy cooking but in smaller quantities. Guess you might call it, best of both worlds.
That is my plan when I come off this carb cycling. Eat regularly, just the right amounts. I love food and cooking way too much.


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Day 41: Legs

Barbell Squat:
45 lb x 10 reps
95 lb x 10 reps
145 lb x 8 reps
Felt really good to squat again. Felt like I could go heavier but I'm in no mood to push it and get hurt again.

Leg Press:
200 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps
400 lb x 10 reps
400 lb x 10 reps
600 lb x 10 reps
600 lb x 10 reps
800 lb x 5 reps

Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine:
200 lb x 20 reps
200 lb x 20 reps
400 lb x 12 reps
400 lb x 12 reps
600 lb x 15 reps
600 lb x 15 reps
800 lb x 10 reps
800 lb x 10 reps

Leg Extensions:
60 lb x 12 reps
160 lb x 10 reps
165 lb x 10 reps

Seated Leg Curl:
30 lb x 20 reps
50 lb x 20 reps
70 lb x 10 reps

Elliptical Trainer:
0:30:00 || Broke a Sweat

Cycling (stationary):
0:30:00 || 5.4 mi


*PR's in Italics.
**Squats felt really good tonight. Going to increase the weight a little each week so I don't mess the knees up again. You don't know how happy I am that I feel like I can get this back into my routine.
***New eating strategy seems to be paying off. Feeling good throughout the day. Feeling very strong the past few sessions and enjoying myself again.


Got two encouraging comments at the gym this evening. The first was from the owner. Came by after squats, said hello, and made the polite comment that "It looks like you're turning into a regular around here", shook my hand and walked away. The second comment came from the gym manager. He does his walk-abouts and checks in with everyone and caught me before hitting the 800 presses and calve lifts. He came over to say "thank you". I asked "why". He commented that I was the only person in the gym to use the 100 lbs plates since he moved them from storage to the leg press machines. This just gave me a good chuckle inside.


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Another fine workout Colby. Good to see your new eating strategy is working well!


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Day 42: Forced rest due to family.

Thursday, July 19th ; 334 lbs. (-4 for the week, -12 since beginning)

Week 6 Reflection: The true half way point.

Strength: Amazing. I love feeling strong again. Moved through all the blah and am picking up where I left off back in week 2. And I am doing it with a caloric deficit. In the past, whenever I have lost weight, my strength usually diminishes with it. It's nice to see the weight fall and my strength to continue to improve. The next few weeks should be interesting.

Recovery: Very good. Little or no soreness the following day. The joints are loving me right now and the wrists seem to be healing up pretty quickly. Then again, I’m keeping them wrapped during each workout but the combination of the two has been very beneficial. Rest between sets, even heavy, is very quick.

Pump/Vascularity: Pumps have been out of this world this week. Vascularity has continued to improve and is now sticking around throughout the day. Lots of veins coming through in my legs which has not happened in a long time.

Mood/Aggression: Walking out of the gym with a ****-eating smile is great. The aggression has leveled off but there is definitely an alpha feeling going on all day, not just during my W.O.’s.

Energy/Focus: Has stayed the same since day one and has really made a difference in the way I reflect on things. Not to mention, it’s still helping me get passed my cardio hatred.

Noticeable Changes in Appearance: Vascularity is much more noticeable all over. Legs continue to grow at an obnoxious rate, not sure if the three new pairs of pants are going to fit when the new school year begins. Shoulders look wider than they did before I started.

Libido: Finally, I am starting to feel shut down. Takes a while to get going with the wife and I’m no longer walking around like a horny 20 year old when things first started. PCT starts in a few weeks so I’m not worried. From my personal history, I tend to start feeling pretty normal within the first couple of days. Never tried the TRS stack but if it gets me feeling normal in the first 24 - 48 hours of use, it will live up to my expectations.

Odds ‘N’ Ends: The hour of cardio has been great for self reflections on what I’ve been going through, what I want to accomplish, and what I have accomplished already. So far, I feel that everything – good/bad/in-between – has been completely worth it. Like I stated at the beginning, I am going to bust my ass to earn every single gain I possibly can this summer. And I believe that this stack has definitely supported me and my efforts thus far.


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Sounds like you are in the zone bud, keep at it and keep pushing it


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Your weekly reflections speak volumes.. this stack seems excellent.


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Day 43: Arms and Calves (Sort of)

EZ-Bar Curl:
15 lb x 20 reps
35 lb x 15 reps
65 lb x 12 reps
85 lb x 10 reps
105 lb x 10 reps

Machine Triceps Extension:
70 lb x 20 reps
100 lb x 10 reps
130 lb x 10 reps
160 lb x 10 reps
210 lb x 8 reps

Dumbbell Bicep Curl:
20 lb x 10 reps
25 lb x 10 reps
35 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps

Machine Dips:
130 lb x 10 reps
160 lb x 10 reps
190 lb x 10 reps
220 lb x 10 reps

Incline Dumbbell Curl:
25 lb x 10 reps
35 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps

Triceps Pushdown - V-Bar Attachment:
100 lb x 20 reps
200 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps
200 lb x 10 reps

Elliptical Trainer:
1:00:00 || Moderate

Standing Barbell Calf Raise:
220 lb x 15 reps
240 lb x 15 reps


*PR's are in italics.
**Still feeling strong and I like it. Wrists have been a bit sore but keeping them wrapped has helped. Still feel like I am in a zone, not trying to really push myself, instead I feel that what I am moving is coming very naturally. And looking at the PR's tonight, I am surprised because I wasn't trying to go there. My goal was to get a good workout in before 10 PM and I knew I was running out of time.
***Hour on the elliptical. Have to say that it's been good on the joints.


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You decimated those triceps man! Congrats on those PRs!


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Thanks Capt. And I love the new avatar!
Thanks man. You're doing a great job with the log. I may have to look into some of these products.


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Day 44: REST!

Whole family slept in and hung out today. Not bad for it being 104. We'll see if I can drag my butt in to the gym for some cardio tomorrow.

Hope the weekend is treating the rest of you well.

Edit: Forgot to mention that the tri's were exceptionally sore today. I love it!
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Day 45: Rest!

Had to go out to the in-laws and get their new laptop up and rolling before they get back from Mexico. Nice hot day with the family.

Chest tomorrow if all goes well.


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Day 46: Chest

Smith Machine Incline Bench Press:
45 lb x 20 reps
95 lb x 10 reps
115 lb x 10 reps
135 lb x 10 reps
155 lb x 6 reps
135 lb x 10 reps

Smith Machine Bench Press:
95 lb x 10 reps
115 lb x 10 reps
135 lb x 10 reps
185 lb x 7 reps
135 lb x 10 reps

Decline Barbell Bench Press:
90 lb x 10 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
230 lb x 8 reps
180 lb x 10 reps
*Hammer Strength Machine

Cable Crossover:
20 lb x 20 reps
30 lb x 12 reps
50 lb x 12 reps
70 lb x 12 reps
90 lb x 10 reps
20 lb x 20 reps

Elliptical Trainer:
0:35:00 || Moderate

Cycling (stationary):
0:25:00 || 4.8 mi

*Craptastic workout this evening. Started with NO focus or drive. And then on the fourth set of incline, my left shoulder had a nice twinge go through it... To say the least, I had to tone everything down as not to make it feel worse.
**Definitely not feeling as strong or focused today. Not sure why.
***Last day of Bulk.
****Not sure if I will make it to the gym tomorrow. Family has plans to head out to the state fair in the evening.


Primordial Performance Rep
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*Craptastic workout this evening. Started with NO focus or drive. And then on the fourth set of incline, my left shoulder had a nice twinge go through it... To say the least, I had to tone everything down as not to make it feel worse.
**Definitely not feeling as strong or focused today. Not sure why.
It happens to everyone, dont let it get you down.


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Day 47: Rest

Weather was much better this week than last so the family decided to head out to the state fair. Had a good time but limited myself to 1 king size corndog with the critter. Once we made it back home it was diced chicken salad. Felt much better after eatting them greens, lol.


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Day 48: Legs

Barbell Squat:
45 lb x 10 reps
135 lb x 10 reps
225 lb x 10 reps
315 lb x 2 reps
*Last set could have done a few more but cautious with knees.

Leg Press:
1000 lb x 5 reps
800 lb x 10 reps
800 lb x 10 reps
600 lb x 10 reps
600 lb x 10 reps
600 lb x 10 reps

Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine:
800 lb x 10 reps
800 lb x 10 reps
800 lb x 10 reps
600 lb x 10 reps
600 lb x 10 reps
600 lb x 10 reps

Leg Extensions:
80 lb x 10 reps
120 lb x 10 reps
160 lb x 10 reps

Seated Leg Curl:
30 lb x 20 reps
60 lb x 10 reps
90 lb x 10 reps

Elliptical Trainer:
0:30:00 || Intense!

Cycling (stationary):
0:30:00 || 5.8 mi


*PR's in italics.
**Still pissed about Monday's workout helped to fuel this one.


When I started lifting, about age 16, I have always loved leg days. Thing is I've always have had bad knees so squats and I have never seen eye to eye. The past 6 months, I've tried to get them back into my routine only to have a knee or my back complicate things. So to see myself hitting the 315 mark for the first time in at least ten years is a huge boost, even for only two reps. Yea, I do believe I could have gotten another 3-5 reps but I'm at the point that I have learned not to push myself too hard, too fast and just enjoy the little things. Slowing down a tad lets me reflect and set a goal for the next week. I definitely have plans to get that 315 to 5 or 8 reps next week. Though I may have to go a little lighter with the leg presses afterwards. Back to back PR's this evening definitely put some stress on the body. If I am not waddling like a duck by Friday, I may have to to it again! :woohoo:


Primordial Performance Rep
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Day 47: Rest

Weather was much better this week than last so the family decided to head out to the state fair. Had a good time but limited myself to 1 king size corndog with the critter. Once we made it back home it was diced chicken salad. Felt much better after eatting them greens, lol.
Strong dedication. I hit those fairs and the like up, and end up putting back about 5k calories for lunch, lol.


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When I started lifting, about age 16, I have always loved leg days. Thing is I've always have had bad knees so squats and I have never seen eye to eye. The past 6 months, I've tried to get them back into my routine only to have a knee or my back complicate things. So to see myself hitting the 315 mark for the first time in at least ten years is a huge boost, even for only two reps. Yea, I do believe I could have gotten another 3-5 reps but I'm at the point that I have learned not to push myself too hard, too fast and just enjoy the little things. Slowing down a tad lets me reflect and set a goal for the next week. I definitely have plans to get that 315 to 5 or 8 reps next week. Though I may have to go a little lighter with the leg presses afterwards. Back to back PR's this evening definitely put some stress on the body. If I am not waddling like a duck by Friday, I may have to to it again! :woohoo:
As I've gotten older and no longer recover like I use to backing off on training has been a hard lesson to learn but if I want to keep weights in my life I have to do it. It's good that you listen to your body no point in injuring yourself and then being hurt to the point that you can't train at all.

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