Such thing as too much BCAAs?


Well-known member
So im attempting to make a sick stack for the next 6 weeks

What im planning on is a cutting/muscle retention stack... but im wondering if im going overboard with the BCAAs/Creatine

Here is what my daily would be like

Fat Burner: (2-3 times a day)
Alpha-T2 (Has Alpha Yohimbe, T2, and Methyl-Synphedrine)
100mg Caffiene
And depending on the synergy i may add in ephedrine on the last 2 doses of the day possible

Preworkout Drink:
2 scoops Quake (looks comparable to Jack3d)
1 scoop Vasocharge (half serving for the additional creatine since its on sale)
2.5 grams Dicreatine Malate

During Workout: Sip on
2 Scoops Xtend
5 grams L-Luecine
2 Scoops LG Sciences BC+EAA (I also like that I would get some glutamine from this)

Post Workout: Slam
2 Scoops Xtend
5 grams L-Luecine
2 Scoops LG Sciences BC+EAA
1 Scoops Protein

So i guess my only concern is... am i taking too much L-Luecine... and BCAAs or is that not possible lol

Honestly i think im on the edge of megadosing and I could see some sweet results in 6-8 weeks if i stay focused on working out and my diet
It is quite a bit of creatine but i think ull be fine... i would dose a lil lower just so i could it would last longer... but its not too much bcaa's... i regularly consume 6grams of leucine 4 times ED with an additional 30-40grams of BCAA's spread throughout the day(not at the moment though, no money)...
I dont think that's too's what I consume on lifting days...

2 servings Core ABC
2 packs Animal Nitro
1 serving LG BCAA+EAA
3 servings BCAA Stack
1 serving EAA Nitro
u dont have to worry about toxicity. whatever is not absorbed is excreted out thru urine.
It sounds like a lot? How is your diet because you get a very large amount of aminos from food. I personally do not use/see the need for an extra 50g a day. Just my opinion though. You seem fine on the creatine
I've read somewhere and I will try to find it again. But studies show that BCAA's in doses of 20g a day or higher can affect the mood of those suffering from depression/anxiety. They affect the higher pathways in the brain. So 20g or so + a day can give you symptoms that you otherwise wouldn't have.

But if you don't have either of those then I'm not sure, you're prob fine. But I do, so I know the studies are factual lol.
u dont have to worry about toxicity. whatever is not absorbed is excreted out thru urine.

then wouldn't "waste of money" be a factor here? i think money wasting would be something i would be worried about, unless the OP isn't.

to be TOTALLY honest, i noticed jack diddly from supplemental BCAAs. i took Xtend and Purple Wraath for two tubs each and experienced nada -- no decreased DOMs and slight lactic acid buffering, but i would most likely attribute that to the BA and CM. of course, everyone is different, but i tend to think myself as very in-touch with my kinesthetic senses.

as far as studies go, there are a couple out there that speculated how much EAAs would elicit maximum anabolic response post-workout. the dosage in the study turned out to be 8g of EAA, or 20g of high-quality whey. again, these studies were speculative, but they are also the best indicating studies i could find on the matter.

i also recently read a study showing the satiety effects of BCAA: the conclusion was that BCAA may actually DECREASE satiety, in turn, making you hungrier.

people will not agree with me on this topic, but to each their own. i respectfully presented my opinion to your post, so take it for what it's worth. good luck on your stack regardless!
Honestly since starting xtend last year my DOMS have decreased significantly. Thats what I love about them since I do alot of fullbody workouts I am ready in a day or 2 to do it again
Honestly since starting xtend last year my DOMS have decreased significantly. Thats what I love about them since I do alot of fullbody workouts I am ready in a day or 2 to do it again

i'm glad it worked out for you. unfortunately for me, it was money wasted. i found that eating lots of coconut and olive oil and getting 7 hours of sleep a night was the best form of restoration for me.
i'm glad it worked out for you. unfortunately for me, it was money wasted. i found that eating lots of coconut and olive oil and getting 7 hours of sleep a night was the best form of restoration for me.

What are your stats and how much were you taking per day?
I don't think it is possible to take too many BCAA's (within reason of course), you just have to be making sure you are taking the proper ratio. This has long been a debate and studies show tons of contradicting information. You will be good to go though
Theres newer studies coming out on the adjustments to how many bcaa's are "necessary" but there doesn't seem to be any notes on the amounts based on a persons bodyweight. Layne Norton has a little slideshow offering his new research on bcaa's, and it's pretty interesting.
Theres newer studies coming out on the adjustments to how many bcaa's are "necessary" but there doesn't seem to be any notes on the amounts based on a persons bodyweight. Layne Norton has a little slideshow offering his new research on bcaa's, and it's pretty interesting.

link to layne's slideshow?
I've noticed a definite leaning effect since I started taking 30-40g a day. Plus recovery is great even between sets I feel recovered faster.
Question... As far as BCAA's go... I plan on supplementing about 40g's a day... do you think I should take all 40 during and after my workout as planned? Or should I take about 20 around the workout and then sip on the other 20 the rest of the day to keep me out of catabolism?
sorry man, can't find where this is at, he has a site, not sure if I can link it, so if you google LAyne Norton, you should be able to find his home site, and it's on there.

Look up my bcaa post and you will find it there.
I normally only use my Invalid Link Removed during training, as I feel it has most benefit there or during fasted cardio to prevent any catabolism.

Must be a money thing for me :)
Question... As far as BCAA's go... I plan on supplementing about 40g's a day... do you think I should take all 40 during and after my workout as planned? Or should I take about 20 around the workout and then sip on the other 20 the rest of the day to keep me out of catabolism?

i did a lot of playing around and my best results were 10g pre workout, 10g post workout. then 10g immediately upon waking up. then 10g sometime in the evening. if i dont work out that day, i just do morning, mid day, night for 30g total.