Struggling with gyno


New member
5 years ago I got gyno from MK677 which shrunk to a size that was unnoticeable with raloxifene, exemestane, and inhibit P.

Fast forward to this year and it came back fast and I don't know why. Here are the factors:
-I was on a slow bulk (up 14 lbs over 4 months, pretty clean)
-I started BPC 157 injections to heal an injury
-I started a log of Alpha Defy at the same time as BPC
-I was taking various test boosters (first optimize t then Mtest)
-Other supplements at that time: greens powder from Performax, glycophase, CoQ10, NAC, GAT multi, various preworkouts, protein, creatine

At the end of my bulk and after about a week of BPC and AlphaDefy I noticed it and stopped doing those. I quickly ordered Inhibit E and Inhibit P which made the sensitivity go away but not the size of the lump. There's people on Reddit that claim BPC can cause gyno and an ingredient in AlphaDefy (genistein) that could cause issues. Bulking in theory could cause extra aromatization and taking test boosters along side that.

In the last couple months I started Raloxifene 60 mg stacked with Inhibit E and P. Some days it'd seem like it was better then other days not. Last week I added Exemestane at 25 mg every day and bumped ralox to 80 mg every day along with Inhibit P. I dropped all the extras at this point just to reduce variables.

At this point what is my best option before considering surgery? It's not visually noticeable, but you can definitely feel a lump on just the left side.


New member
Could it be related to cortisol in any way? Could it be something other than gyno? It's a small, hard, round lump directly behind my nipple and hurts a little bit if I press on it.

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