SPP Presents: GlycoMyx

Note to self: check priorities.

Okay, okay. I concede. My apologies. My post is definitely being blown out of proportion. Stimmed pre's have their place. Caffeine can serve as a nice ergogenic. However, they are not responsible for getting individuals to the weight room. If a person can only lift if they have their stimmed pre-workout, then, yes, they should check their priorities.
Okay. I should have phrased it better. The way I put it does seem like a blanket statement towards stims. I do not think Fierce, Focus XT, Craze, Vengeance, etc. qualify as products that get you "stimmed out of your mind." (You know the products fall under that superlative). There are definitely products on the market that do not have efficacious doses of any ergogenic. Instead, the product includes 40mg DMAA and 300mg caffeine.

I personally do not like to have stims in my pre-workout for my 5:30am workouts. I rely on getting an adequate amount of sleep (in bed before 9:30) and a healthy diet. Granted, I do not know your personal life (young children, night shifts). From reading your other posts and knowing that you work out in the early morning, I think you are motivated by pure enjoyment of lifting to get yourself to the weight room. I do not think SAN Fierce is giving you the heart of a lion to get you lift weights.

Fair enough. I am actually quite a bit stim sensitive, so I typically can't go over 200mg C in a stim drink, and don't want that cracked out feeling (I actually don't have any stims in my diet, never have, with the exception of if I take a stimmed pre). But to each his own. For better or worse having two young boys I don't get to bed until after 10pm and get up at 4am to get ready for the gym. No sense in sacrificing a workout for the sake of saying I went stim free. Each person has their own circumstances which is all I meant. Anyways, sorry for getting off topic, so I will end with this:

I have been using Glycemyx (1 scoop) + 1 scoop Myofusion + 1 scoop Protocl as my pre workout shake around 4:30am for over a month now. Previous I was training fasted, but I feel that this shake has made a big difference for me at the gym, don't see myself ever going back to fasted workouts again (at least only keep fasted for cardio only days). This is the reason why I just ordered another 4 tubs of Glycomyx :D
Fair enough. I am actually quite a bit stim sensitive, so I typically can't go over 200mg C in a stim drink, and don't want that cracked out feeling (I actually don't have any stims in my diet, never have, with the exception of if I take a stimmed pre). But to each his own. For better or worse having two young boys I don't get to bed until after 10pm and get up at 4am to get ready for the gym. No sense in sacrificing a workout for the sake of saying I went stim free. Each person has their own circumstances which is all I meant. Anyways, sorry for getting off topic, so I will end with this:

I have been using Glycemyx (1 scoop) + 1 scoop Myofusion + 1 scoop Protocl as my pre workout shake around 4:30am for over a month now. Previous I was training fasted, but I feel that this shake has made a big difference for me at the gym, don't see myself ever going back to fasted workouts again (at least only keep fasted for cardio only days). This is the reason why I just ordered another 4 tubs of Glycomyx :D

I definitely get you. I phrased it pretty poorly. I meant it as the only motivation to get to the gym. No kids of my own, blessing to have, but I know the responsibilities are great, too. We're all clear :)

I'm going to have to try that combo. How does this compare to other carb products you have taken? I may take out the protein, but add in some PeptoPro. I ordered two tubs of GlycoMyx, but I may see if I can order a couple more since they didn't ship out yet.
I definitely get you. I phrased it pretty poorly. I meant it as the only motivation to get to the gym. No kids of my own, blessing to have, but I know the responsibilities are great, too. We're all clear :)

I'm going to have to try that combo. How does this compare to other carb products you have taken? I may take out the protein, but add in some PeptoPro. I ordered two tubs of GlycoMyx, but I may see if I can order a couple more since they didn't ship out yet.

Sometimes instead of Myofusion I will throw in HumaPro instead. I have used Karbolic before but only post wo, one of these days I should try pre to compare. Before Glycemyx I was training fasted during the week and on the weekend I would have some oatmeal and a pro shake pre. I actually did a quick review on Glycemyx but that is over on bb.com. I have about 2.5 tubs of Glycemyx to get through and then 4 tubs Glycomyx on its way. Later this summer i will be doing a clean bulk so i may look to use multiple servings of glycomyx daily to help hit some of my macros
Sometimes instead of Myofusion I will throw in HumaPro instead. I have used Karbolic before but only post wo, one of these days I should try pre to compare. Before Glycemyx I was training fasted during the week and on the weekend I would have some oatmeal and a pro shake pre. I actually did a quick review on Glycemyx but that is over on bb.com. I have about 2.5 tubs of Glycemyx to get through and then 4 tubs Glycomyx on its way. Later this summer i will be doing a clean bulk so i may look to use multiple servings of glycomyx daily to help hit some of my macros

I haven't used any carb specific products before, so I hope this won't be a flop for me. I don't think it will being the case it comes from Dsade.
The good news is you should be able to get benefits from GlycoMyx whether you use stims or not :)
domore said:
Okay, okay. I concede. My apologies. My post is definitely being blown out of proportion. Stimmed pre's have their place. Caffeine can serve as a nice ergogenic. However, they are not responsible for getting individuals to the weight room. If a person can only lift if they have their stimmed pre-workout, then, yes, they should check their priorities.

Well put sir! I was just messin with ya but yeah i agree somewhat with you. Gym motivation shouldnt solely come from pounding a bunch of stimulants but hey whatever floats people's boats!
Awesome, and you know with NP they will be at the door very soon. Make sure to let us know how you use Glycomyx and your thoughts on the product!

Been using Glycemyx for a while, so will be using Glycomyx in the same fashion.

1 scoop Glycomyx + 1 scoop Protein + 1 scoop Protocol + PLCAR + GDA first thing in the morning (4:15am), lift at 5am

When I start my bulk I will start using Glycomyx as a meal replacement as well to get in some extra carbs/cals (probably add in a Tbsp of EVOO or Mac Nut Oil)
I've been using it as well. But just at the end of my last tub from the beta batch. Here's what I am running pre-workout:

Shower with Java Soap + 50 UR Sprays + SMOLDER (spots not covered by UR) + 1 Slin Sane + PLCAR + 1 scoop Glycomix + 1 scoop protein + 4 Xfactor Advanced + MAN Clout + Hemavol

Post Workout:

1 scoop Glycomyx + Ultra Peptide 2.0 + 1 Slin Sane + 2 DCP

I want to add Protocol to the mix for pre and intra but waiting on the new flavor

If I need some extra energy, I'll throw in a caffeine tab pre-workout. But I usually try to avoid that.
I've been using it as well. But just at the end of my last tub from the beta batch. Here's what I am running pre-workout:

Shower with Java Soap + 50 UR Sprays + SMOLDER (spots not covered by UR) + 1 Slin Sane + PLCAR + 1 scoop Glycomix + 1 scoop protein + 4 Xfactor Advanced + MAN Clout + Hemavol

Post Workout:

1 scoop Glycomyx + Ultra Peptide 2.0 + 1 Slin Sane + 2 DCP

I want to add Protocol to the mix for pre and intra but waiting on the new flavor

If I need some extra energy, I'll throw in a caffeine tab pre-workout. But I usually try to avoid that.

Scary how similar! I add smolder on my arms pre workout, but I don't shower until after the gym, so I apply to my mid section then. Just finished up DCP, I take Hemavol + Fierce before Glycemyx (and my X Factor run starts as soon as it gets shipped to me :D )
^^^helluva stack
Ughhhh mine's still Processing, and I bought 7 of them :(

Should be getting shipped soon I would think. Sometimes that damn processing mode seems to take forever :)

Selling really well, looks like it's at 37 of NP's top 100. I know you guys will be pleased!
Should be getting shipped soon I would think. Sometimes that damn processing mode seems to take forever :)

Selling really well, looks like it's at 37 of NP's top 100. I know you guys will be pleased!

I keep hearing good stuff. Mine should be here in a day or so.

I will be using:
Half Scoop GlycoMyx
Cit Mal
The tub i bought myself got here just in time to be used for my back workout!

Half a scoop 45 mins pre... Initial thoughts.. YEA BUDDY.. I like that the taste is very mild with a hint of oats.
Seems like the mixability of the new GlycoMyx is better than the mixability of the GlyceMyx beta batch. Anybody else noticing this?
Seems like the mixability of the new GlycoMyx is better than the mixability of the GlyceMyx beta batch. Anybody else noticing this?

Interesting. I haven't opened up GlycoMyx yet since I still have some Glycemyx left. If I get a chance I will compare.
If I didn't drink Glycemyx right away, it would get thick. GlycoMyx doesn't seem as bad.

When I was doing 1 scoop Glyc + 2 scoops Protein it would get rather clumpy. I actually got more of an arm workout trying to shake the clumps out!! Now I just use 1 scoop each and consistency has been much better, haven't noticed it getting thick.
same formula. The only difference would be that the original batch was processed on a VERY small scale, whereas the GlycoMyx was run through the full process machinery. Should eliminate any clumping effect and make it easier to mix.
same formula. The only difference would be that the original batch was processed on a VERY small scale, whereas the GlycoMyx was run through the full process machinery. Should eliminate any clumping effect and make it easier to mix.

That must be the difference I am experiencing... Thanks
Random question for anyone who can answer ... most posts about this as a preworkout discuss taking it alone or mixing it with some other bulk powders ... is anyone mixing this with a formulated preworkout such as flashover?? I'm wondering because I currently use flashover as my preworkout supplement and wondering how I would mix or time glycomyx with it.
A tester is mixing it with Juggernaut, and loving it.
Random question for anyone who can answer ... most posts about this as a preworkout discuss taking it alone or mixing it with some other bulk powders ... is anyone mixing this with a formulated preworkout such as flashover?? I'm wondering because I currently use flashover as my preworkout supplement and wondering how I would mix or time glycomyx with it.

I have mixed with Protocol Pre workout without issue
Random question for anyone who can answer ... most posts about this as a preworkout discuss taking it alone or mixing it with some other bulk powders ... is anyone mixing this with a formulated preworkout such as flashover?? I'm wondering because I currently use flashover as my preworkout supplement and wondering how I would mix or time glycomyx with it.
Goes good with White Flood Watermelon too
thanks for the quick response ... I'll give this a shot today with Flashover and see what happens ... already tried Glycomyx as a meal replacement with some isolate and natty pb and loved the flavor ... so much easier than grinding oats
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Took my first dose, today.

Went ahead and used a full scoop with 3 scoops of NutraPro ~ 1 hour pre-workout. Mixes up really easily (way better than when I'd grind oats in a coffee grinder and use them) and taste is pretty faint. I saw someone else mention an "earthy" taste and I can see what they meant. It's similar to ground oats; not strong at all, but it's there.

I also see what Matt was talking about in terms of feeling almost too full from a whole scoop. I just like to have my pre-workout carbs around the 40-60g range, so that's why I went full scoop. I'll be manipulating that, though.

Very impressed with dose #1.
Took my first dose, today.

Went ahead and used a full scoop with 3 scoops of NutraPro ~ 1 hour pre-workout. Mixes up really easily (way better than when I'd grind oats in a coffee grinder and use them) and taste is pretty faint. I saw someone else mention an "earthy" taste and I can see what they meant. It's similar to ground oats; not strong at all, but it's there.

I also see what Matt was talking about in terms of feeling almost too full from a whole scoop. I just like to have my pre-workout carbs around the 40-60g range, so that's why I went full scoop. I'll be manipulating that, though.

Very impressed with dose #1.

Yeah, the taste is very earthy. Very hard to describe. I have only tried with Vanilla protein powder, but have some other flavors to try with next (Cinn Roll, Choc, etc...)
Yeah, the taste is very earthy. Very hard to describe. I have only tried with Vanilla protein powder, but have some other flavors to try with next (Cinn Roll, Choc, etc...)
Ultra Peptide 2.0 cinnamon Roll with GlycoMyx is too delicious to explain. Perfect complement of flavors.
dsade said:
Ultra Peptide 2.0 cinnamon Roll with GlycoMyx is too delicious to explain. Perfect complement of flavors.

I don't believe you...send me some tO try! OM NOM NOM NOM! :yumyum:
Bought 3 tubs and it tastes very good with XF Mochaccino. Great job Matt.
mochaccino? Hmm, i wouldn't have guessed that one. Going to have to borrow a scoop or two from my workout partner and give it a shot.
I would love to log this guys. I am lean bulking and I am in dire need of a nice carb source!

We aren't looking for loggers at the moment, but you can score GlycoMyx pretty cheap at the planet. The feedback has been astounding so far. It's a purchase you won't regret!
A little something I put together ;)

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And a little something my good friend Brucey (D2footballjrc) put together for me:

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