Fair enough. I am actually quite a bit stim sensitive, so I typically can't go over 200mg C in a stim drink, and don't want that cracked out feeling (I actually don't have any stims in my diet, never have, with the exception of if I take a stimmed pre). But to each his own. For better or worse having two young boys I don't get to bed until after 10pm and get up at 4am to get ready for the gym. No sense in sacrificing a workout for the sake of saying I went stim free. Each person has their own circumstances which is all I meant. Anyways, sorry for getting off topic, so I will end with this:
I have been using Glycemyx (1 scoop) + 1 scoop Myofusion + 1 scoop Protocl as my pre workout shake around 4:30am for over a month now. Previous I was training fasted, but I feel that this shake has made a big difference for me at the gym, don't see myself ever going back to fasted workouts again (at least only keep fasted for cardio only days). This is the reason why I just ordered another 4 tubs of Glycomyx