SNS in the EU - Where to Find Us & Where Do You Want Us to Be Sold

The list of restricted compounds is not 100% WADA but close to. Yes, DHEA is on the restricted list.
Other EU countries have other rules. The UK is very liberal regarding supplements. But after they left the EU this is not an option unless the shops offer to send from within the EU.
The topic is “SNS in the EU” so I just wanted to note that Unreal is not in the EU. It could be nice if SNS wants to consider corporation with a shop in the EU.

I'm not sure if you know, but I'm the owner of SNS and I'm the one that started this thread.

You said that it would be nice if SNS wants to consider cooperation with a shop in the EU - as a business, we are very easy to work with and are open to working with any retailers anywhere in the world. We regularly send sales emails to new retailers that customers request, and we have a contact form on the website for retailers that would like to carry us. We want to be offered by as many retailers as possible to make it as easy as possible for consumer to purchase our products.

In this thread, people have discussed what retailers they buy from, what retailers that they would like for us to try to get to carry the brands, and even some websites that have fraudulently claimed to carry the products that don't.

The poster whose idea this thread was, @TheMrMuscle lives in Sweden, and he is the one that originally mentioned Unreal Supplements and how good they were about shipping to different countries in the EU in post #80.

Invalid Link Removed just did us that live outside of UK a big favor, the removed the VAT from all their products. So the moment you enter a European adress the VAT automatically gets deducted. Awesome service from them.

There have been multiple retailers listed in this thread with people sharing different sales at Unreal, Predator, Powermyself, etc. as well as positive experiences of people that have bought direct from us.

If you have any specific retailers you'd like to see us carried at, you're welcome to let me know. If you're affiliated with any particular retailer, send me a pm or email and I'd be glad to work with you.
The list of restricted compounds is not 100% WADA but close to. Yes, DHEA is on the restricted list.
Other EU countries have other rules. The UK is very liberal regarding supplements. But after they left the EU this is not an option unless the shops offer to send from within the EU.

I always encourage people to buy from whatever retailer that they are most comfortable buying from.

I do know though that someone on here within the last 2 weeks that lives in Greece posted about receiving Epiandro300 or Epiandro Lean from Unreal Supps, so they do ship anything they stock to different countries in the EU and they do remove the VAT.

From the company side, it doesn't matter to me where people buy from - I just want them to have access to, and enjoy the products. I share sales in this thread from any company that ships in the UK/EU.
Can confirm VAT is removed and certain arrangements can be made with Unreal, should you contact them directly, prior to placing or upon placing your order. will be adding a lot more SNS & CEL products the coming weeks

My go to shop in the EU for sport supplements. Imo the best shop in EU

They just started updating the site and have some UI bugs they're working on but you can still order without an issue will be adding a lot more SNS & CEL products the coming weeks

My go to shop in the EU for sport supplements. Imo the best shop in EU

They just started updating the site and have some UI bugs they're working on but you can still order without an issue
Yes, it seems very interesting for us in Europe as the only one without customs is Predator right now.I have communicated with muscle lab and they will soon upgrade the site with English language for us not from Germany.
I appreciate people requesting the products at their favorite retailers.

We are super easy to work with and want to have our products offered at as many retailers as possible in order to make it as easy as possible for consumers to get them.
Hello @sns8778, if I may ask you or the other people here - has anybody recently ordered from bodyshock? I check their website from time to time and had few orders before (without any issues) but I saw this thread -

Do you still have any issues with them or have any idea if the products are authentic? Because it seems they have almost full stock of SNS, CEL and XPG.


I'm always glad to answer any questions.

Body Shock has been ordering directly from us now for several months.
Thanks for the info, definitely makes it easier to order some products for people in the EU!

You're very welcome. If there are any other retailers that you would like for us to contact to try to get to carry the brands, please let me know.