The topic is “SNS in the EU” so I just wanted to note that Unreal is not in the EU. It could be nice if SNS wants to consider corporation with a shop in the EU.
I'm not sure if you know, but I'm the owner of SNS and I'm the one that started this thread.
You said that it would be nice if SNS wants to consider cooperation with a shop in the EU - as a business, we are very easy to work with and are open to working with any retailers anywhere in the world. We regularly send sales emails to new retailers that customers request, and we have a contact form on the website for retailers that would like to carry us. We want to be offered by as many retailers as possible to make it as easy as possible for consumer to purchase our products.
In this thread, people have discussed what retailers they buy from, what retailers that they would like for us to try to get to carry the brands, and even some websites that have fraudulently claimed to carry the products that don't.
The poster whose idea this thread was,
@TheMrMuscle lives in Sweden, and he is the one that originally mentioned Unreal Supplements and how good they were about shipping to different countries in the EU in post #80.
Invalid Link Removed just did us that live outside of UK a big favor, the removed the VAT from all their products. So the moment you enter a European adress the VAT automatically gets deducted. Awesome service from them.
There have been multiple retailers listed in this thread with people sharing different sales at Unreal, Predator, Powermyself, etc. as well as positive experiences of people that have bought direct from us.
If you have any specific retailers you'd like to see us carried at, you're welcome to let me know. If you're affiliated with any particular retailer, send me a pm or email and I'd be glad to work with you.