Sexxxy was already brought back, now to redefine it. OEP/ALPHA T2/NATADROL/FORMADROL


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Thanks, I get that a lot... Its not easy being this good looking... :veryhappy:

My age range guesses are anywhere between 32 and 36 pending if I have a beard of not at the time. The beard hides the laugh lines and makes me look even younger.

Be a beast!!!!
Good to see humility is not a problem with you...:veryhappy::rasp: You've earned it, so why not flaunt it? I just happen to have pretty much the same face I had in high school. That and most of the guys I see who are my age have the huge gut and very little if any muscle tone. My rule of thumb is, as long as my shoulders are wider than my waist and I can look down and see Mr. Happy, I'm good.


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Good to see humility is not a problem with you...:veryhappy::rasp: You've earned it, so why not flaunt it? I just happen to have pretty much the same face I had in high school. That and most of the guys I see who are my age have the huge gut and very little if any muscle tone. My rule of thumb is, as long as my shoulders are wider than my waist and I can look down and see Mr. Happy, I'm good.

Its all good man! My online ego is MUCH larger than my reality... I know I have accomplished a bit and know that I have MUCH more in me to do. Loving not looking or feeling "my age" or how most of those my age look and feel. Much like you said.


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Its all good man! My online ego is MUCH larger than my reality... I know I have accomplished a bit and know that I have MUCH more in me to do. Loving not looking or feeling "my age" or how most of those my age look and feel. Much like you said.
Amen to that! Keep killin' it!


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Day 9 on Formadrol...

Traveling for business so I brought little red pills along for the ride and hit the hotel gym tonight..

The gym was lacking but I managed to punish my chest and arms with DBs.

Incline with 50 pound DBs to failure - 4 sets

Flat with 50 pouunds to failure - 4 times

DB curles

DB hammer curles

Tricep extensions

Incline crunches

Recumbant bike for 30 minutes...

Nothing special at all... I just needed to stay in the habbit and let my body know I was not done with it. Nor will I be for some time!


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Day 9 on Formadrol...

Traveling for business so I brought little red pills along for the ride and hit the hotel gym tonight..

The gym was lacking but I managed to punish my chest and arms with DBs.

Incline with 50 pound DBs to failure - 4 sets

Flat with 50 pouunds to failure - 4 times

DB curles

DB hammer curles

Tricep extensions

Incline crunches

Recumbant bike for 30 minutes...

Nothing special at all... I just needed to stay in the habbit and let my body know I was not done with it. Nor will I be for some time!
I know exactly what you mean mate! If you check in at my log you'll see I'm in a very similar position with small hotel gym and a very large beach and ocean as my workout domain, just got to keep on trucking as best we can... I actually quite like the challenge of it!

Well done for keeping on going, and that looked like a pretty good lift all things considered, good job mate!


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Thank you sir.... There was another dude in there that looked like he ate a few of me. HUGE and THICK BEAST.... I had to wait for him to finish curling so I could bench press... Dude was nice enough but spooky!



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Day 13 on Formadrol and using ASTG on work out days.

I did have a Wednesday work out but it was a very quick and simple as I was out way late flying back from Business.

Today, Friday, is PR day on the 5x5 program but I spent all day wrestling with my rear brakes on the G35x. Those suckers where RUSTED in bad.

Weighing in at 171.5 so I am holding at about the same weight and have decided to be OK with that as long as I am continueing to lose FAT not MUSCLE.... This seems to be the case and strength continues to CLIMB.

Squat - 130x5 / 160x5 / 190x5 / 225x5 / 261x3 / 190x8 Feel that I could go heavier but knees spook me still (its mental).

Bench - 140x5 / 175x5 / 215x5 / 250x5 / 290x3 (NEW PR BABY) / 215x8 That was hard fought and got stuck on number 3 for a bit. Went into cave-man mode and killed it!!!!

Row - 65x5 / 85x5 / 100x5 / 115x5 / 135x3 / 100x8

Mixed it up on the final "blow up": Body weight dips and 70 pound straight bar over head pull downs (sort of an upright "laying cable curl")

15 dips - 20 curl
10 dips - 20 curl
8 dips - 15 curl

Wrapped it up with a shower and immediate dinner of chicken breast - spinach - brown rice.

Still loving the Formadrol but have no real libido increase to attribute to it. Not lacking really but not the rabbit many report becoming... I have no complaints, just an observation.

The ASTG is one of the single best things I have ever participated in for prework out. I have concocted my own variations, used jack3d, done the intra work out, and a SHORT attempt at some others that advertise heavily in the mags but are CRAP once you become educated. This is the real deal.

So this week has seen new PRs on weeks that the Monday and Wednesday work outs where not stellar. I attribute this to rest, focus, and down right mean ness... Had to let a guy at work and in this ecconomy that SUCKS!!!!!!

To all a good night... I will dream of new PRs and a leaner body.


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290x3 @ only 171.5 BW.... Sweet! Congratulations!


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290x3 @ only 171.5 BW.... Sweet! Congratulations!
I do not want to minimize the accomplishment that I am quite proud of but this is a machine (very nice leverage) system so no "stabilizers" required with free weights and due to the "pivoted end" system there is about 10-15% less "realized weight" depending on where you are in the arch.

Still - remove 30 - 50 pounds at points in the arch and I am VERY pleased with 240-260 x 3. It is much easier to simply list plate weight (I never include the 28 pounds that the machine arm weights to help offset the leverage).

I am eager to move from the 5x5 wrk out and start going higher rep and more sets to really start shaping my body more than right now, simply getting much stronger with moderate physical changes.


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Day 14 on the Formadrol....

Had a bit of a bing on a carelessly placed bucket of caramel corn (LOVE THAT STUFF)... Decided to see if I could break even on the slip up in diet and get cardio ready for the bike camp trip next week.

22.4 miles on a paved bike path with HILLS that all seem to go up. ;-) Avereaged 17.8 miles per hour on the new Cannondale. Have her set up with light, bags, and cyclometer to make the trips comfy and the story's of speed / distance / etc in check.

For what its worth that bike ride was powered by a 1 liter bottle in the camel back and 2 OEP... Nothing like a bit of after burner on a binge penence....

Have a great weekend all. I plan to make Sunday a true day off and get ready for a good solid week of making myself the best self I can be.


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Day 16 on Natadrol

Had a lot of crap go down in the office and the stress is taking its toll I'm afraid... I ate well but todays work out was done on little sleep. I am afraid I did not give the ASTG enough body and mind to work with today.

Squat - 130x5 / 165x5 / 195x5 / 230x5 / 260x5

Bench - 145x5 / 180x5 / 220x5 / 255x5 / 291x3 Got stuck on 4 and could not recover.. PISSED OFF!!!! Treid to rest and knock the other 2 out but simply could not get my mind right.

Rows - 70x5 / 85x5 / 100x5 / 120x5 / 135x5

Wrapped up with weighted (60#) crunches and incline DB press (40#) for pump.

20 crunch - 15 press
15 crunch - 15 press
15 crunch - 8 press

Weight is down to 169.5 today. Feeling very strong but rattled in the head with all the "crap" going on. Will get myself right and move forward.

Pics are not stellar but show progress. Abs coming back, upper chest coming in slowly, and back is starting to fill out nice. Legs are shaping up as well but hard to take a pic of that.




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Great pics bro


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Going on a 3 day Boy Scout trek on the bikes... Have my Formadrol and Protein packed in the bags. Ready to roll but the logs is going to be on hold till Saturday or Sunday.

Have a great one folks!


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Going on a 3 day Boy Scout trek on the bikes... Have my Formadrol and Protein packed in the bags. Ready to roll but the logs is going to be on hold till Saturday or Sunday.

Have a great one folks!
Enjoy it, E! I'll hold it down for those of us over 40 'til ya get back. As I've said before, excellent pics and progress.


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Going on a 3 day Boy Scout trek on the bikes... Have my Formadrol and Protein packed in the bags. Ready to roll but the logs is going to be on hold till Saturday or Sunday.

Have a great one folks!
enjoy it matey, have a great one!


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Got home from the trip and BAM... Work in another state. On a plane and down in FL. Log is goting to hell but I am eating right. Taking in my 2x2 Formadrol and working it when and how I can.

I have seen some huge gains in my legs and stamina. Sure much of this is due to training but I have to give some credit to the LG Science folks... The longest I have bikes in YEARS has been 24ish miles. This bike / camp trip saw a 40 mile day one on unpaved trail followed by a day and two nights of crappy sleep on a pad and sleeping bag... Day 3 brought me 51 miles averaging 15 miles per hour with many a stint into 17/18. I could have gone longer but did not have the cals in me needed, lack of sleep, and the almighty clock said TIME TO STOP, YOUR RIDE IS HERE....

Workout stats pic etc to come very soon. Needing a paycheck blows.


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Day 23 on Formadrol for PCT...

Was on planes most of the afternoon and putting out more than a few fires at the work, remotely... Always fun! I have had a few so so showings in the garage of late and have had some difficulty getting enough GOOD calories in with teh camping trip and then business tavel. I did my best today to prep for a work out that started pretty late as I did not get home till 9:30.

1.5 scoops of ASTG and 2 Formadrol and then to the garage (15 minutes later).

Squats: 135x5 / 165x5 / 201x5 / 235x5 / 270x5 - felt like doing it so 300x3 to show my legs they can go heavier.

Flat Bench: 150x5 / 185x5 / 225x5 / 260x5 / 300x3 - could not get the last two..... Again, PISSED!!!!

Bent Rows: 70x5 / 85x5 / 105x5 / 120x5 / 140x5 (form getting a bit shakey with the last couple)...

Finished off with 20 body weight dips and another set of 5 to tell my body it was MINE!

I am getting the vibes that my body is not going to go too much farther with the bench at this weight. Unfortunatly putting weight on for me is hard (unless I embrace more fat). I am not sure that I want to do so... To be honest I am not sure what I am going to do about this. My shoulder is still a bit hosed so I might be able to go a bit heavier once it heals (assuming I decide to be nice to it and allow that process).

Very open to suggestions as I am one of the newbies around here.... Just trying to push my body, move some weight, and shape things up.


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300 is not bad for bench man, I would just stay where you are for awhile. You may just be done with newbie gains, and need real work for it now. My boss will stick at one weight for 3 weeks or more before moving up. I don't have his patience at all, but it works for him.


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300 is not bad for bench man, I would just stay where you are for awhile. You may just be done with newbie gains, and need real work for it now. My boss will stick at one weight for 3 weeks or more before moving up. I don't have his patience at all, but it works for him.

I am not a patient man either but fear I have probably hit a platue (especially with my bunged up shoulder). I may continue the 5x5 for rows / deads / squats and then work lighter with higher reps on the chest and shoulders to shape em up and let my shoulder heal a bit. I have the streangth I was looking for (THANKS LG) but I now want the "show"...

Had a decent Hotel work out tonight. The Double Tree I am at has a cable system so I worked back / chest / arms and then spent some time doing HIIT on the recumbant bike.

Nothing noteworthy but I did try an experiment.

A pre work out Double Tree cookie is powerful stuff but is NOT as good as 1 - 1.5 scoops of ASTG... So for all that had been curious and thought to try. Save your money! The results are in and scientific seat of pants data compiled. Stick with the ASTG! :bigok:


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LUCKY! I was at a doubletree for a week while on leave thinking to myself "Nicest hotel in town will have a good gym" Not true, 50lb dbs and 2 adjustable benches + some treadmills :( I was a sad camper lol.


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LUCKY! I was at a doubletree for a week while on leave thinking to myself "Nicest hotel in town will have a good gym" Not true, 50lb dbs and 2 adjustable benches + some treadmills :( I was a sad camper lol.
That is a standard hotel gym now days. The Nicest one I have ever been to was the the SLC Airport Hilton. VERY VERY nice for a hotel!


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Half hour of HIIT on the recumbant bike in the hotel. I am back on a big bird tomorrow to hit the garage with a vengance (holding out for a lack of jet lag)... Have some plans for an intense bike ride with my baby on Saturday. Shooting for 75 miles minimum. Training to do the C&O canal end to end in two days, later this fall... About 185 miles end to end.


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Day 28 on Formadrol...

Got back from San Fran and the scale said (in a very condesending voice mind you) "Hello fat boy, eat a bit too much S.F. Sour Dough, did you?"

So, I am off for an EPIC bike ride. as a cheater I am taking a couple OEP and an Alpha T2 in addition to my 2 formadrol. Hoping to shed a bit of the excess CRAP my body is holding onto.

So, I am off.

As a side note... I was contacted by the good folks at AI asking "hey, you are old and in the USA right...? How would you like to log Perform for a month"... Being that work has been stressing the hell out of me I (after talking to the wife) said bring it on... The formadrol is not quite probably doing its thing but I have not experianced the "I gotta get me sum" feelings that others have described and I am nearly a month in at 2 and 2. Not sure what this means but it is what it is... Had thought about raising the dose but 3 and 3 or 2 / 2 / 2 seems overkill....

Off for an EPIC adventure in cycling. Lance has nothing on me!!!!


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Day 28 on Formadrol...

Got back from San Fran and the scale said (in a very condesending voice mind you) "Hello fat boy, eat a bit too much S.F. Sour Dough, did you?"

So, I am off for an EPIC bike ride. as a cheater I am taking a couple OEP and an Alpha T2 in addition to my 2 formadrol. Hoping to shed a bit of the excess CRAP my body is holding onto.

So, I am off.

As a side note... I was contacted by the good folks at AI asking "hey, you are old and in the USA right...? How would you like to log Perform for a month"... Being that work has been stressing the hell out of me I (after talking to the wife) said bring it on... The formadrol is not quite probably doing its thing but I have not experianced the "I gotta get me sum" feelings that others have described and I am nearly a month in at 2 and 2. Not sure what this means but it is what it is... Had thought about raising the dose but 3 and 3 or 2 / 2 / 2 seems overkill....

Off for an EPIC adventure in cycling. Lance has nothing on me!!!!
Lucky I'm too hated on here to have companies contact me and ask me to log stuff....even though I've spent thousands.:ponder: No, I'm not whining. I think you'll like Perform...and that's an understatement!:32:


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Update... 71 miles and change in a great time. I wanted that 75 so bad but time was not on my side and my legs finally said "you're Jedi mind tricks are of no use" and started to cramp. PISSED... All in all 71 miles is not a bad distance. Even my son cranked out 51 and my wife and middle duaghter pushed though for 45!


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Lucky I'm too hated on here to have companies contact me and ask me to log stuff....even though I've spent thousands.:ponder: No, I'm not whining. I think you'll like Perform...and that's an understatement!:32:
Have a electronic Bro-Hug and a fist bump on me.... I hope so. We shall see.


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Nice one Martin, look fwd to that log...

I personally am like XT, spent thousands, haven't had a free anything, also not whining but like it when others get the chance to log... Being in the UK has it's limitations for freebies unfortunately.

...and I think ur a top bloke XT, no hate here bro...


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Nice one Martin, look fwd to that log...

I personally am like XT, spent thousands, haven't had a free anything, also not whining but like it when others get the chance to log... Being in the UK has it's limitations for freebies unfortunately.

...and I think ur a top bloke XT, no hate here bro...

Came as a shock to me... I was trying to get in on one of the min trials for the HGHup and ended up with a month log opportunity on the Perform.

I am a giving sort of guy so you can have an electronic bro-hug and fist bump as well. Mad props to my over-seas friends and cohorts.


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Nice one Martin, look fwd to that log...

I personally am like XT, spent thousands, haven't had a free anything, also not whining but like it when others get the chance to log... Being in the UK has it's limitations for freebies unfortunately.

...and I think ur a top bloke XT, no hate here bro...
Thx mate! :veryhappy::bigok:


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Alrighty then... Today is day 30 on Formadrol at 2 and 2...

I do not have any "tell tale" signs of it working but do not doubt it is in the system. I am contemplating bumping to 2 / 2 / 2 or 3 and 3 but am nto sure how wise this is.

I have also decided to abandon the 5x5 program as I went in looking for strength and found it. I hit a stall with my shoulder and wanted to use the new found strength to better shape myself as I was hitting some weights that were going to be very difficult to do working sets with unless I decided to put on some additional weight myself. (or so I tell myself).

This led me to track down Chris "Mr. Kleen" and get a copy of his Warrior Work out. I saw that my man Votum was tackling itand figured if it was good enough for him then... This work out on paper looks painful. I can assure you that the actual work out was MUCH more painful than I expected. I could have made a killing if a porno company had recorded my heavy breathing for the past 45 minutes. My dear heavens above this killed me. I did not puke but I felt a bit light a few times....

EChris said it best in his note: "warmEach exercise gets 1 warm up, 2 work sets with 2 drop sets on second set. Weight intensity, you fail between 6-8 reps on the 2 work sets and drop 20-25% for each of the 2 drop sets make it convenient exact % are not as important as all out effort.. Keep rest to 1 minute between sets and no rest between drop sets. You will want to go until “Form Failure” That is muscular failure to the point you can not complete your next rep in good form."

I modified this as my DB collection only goes up to 50 pounds. Thus lighter weights and higher reps. I could use machine weights but that seemed like it defeated the purpose so I have modified. Will tweek until I find what I like or buy larger DBs.

Any excersise with DB listed is per side and anything machine is total plate weight.

Flat Bench DBs - Warm up 30x20 / 1st set 50x12 / 2nd set 50x12 - 40x12 - 30x10
DB Rows - Warm up 30x20 / 1st set 50x12 / 2nd set 50x13 - 40x13 - 30x14
Shoulder Press Machine - Warm up 50x20 / 1st set 90x6 / 2nd set 90x2 - 70x4 - 50x3
DB Drag Curls - Warm up 15x12 / 1st set 30x10 / 2nd set 30x8 - 20x7 - 15x8
Leg Press (Dont have a press - did squats) - Warm up 90x10 / 1st set 210x8 / 2nd set 210x8 - 140x8 - 90x10
DB Lunges - Warm up 15x10 / 1st set 30x9 / 2nd set 30x10 - 20x9 - 15x8

Two 15 pound DBS in my hands and I feel like crying at the end... ;-)

Chris Tucker you are a sadistic man and I LIKE IT>>>>> Going to keep rolling this bad boy!!!!

Week 11 pics (after a bout with the equivelant of many loaves of fresh San Fran sour dough....




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Nice workout bro.


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Nice workout bro.
Thanks. I thought I was going to die!!!! I am not sure that LG should be backing a man that freely dols out work outs to the buying public for the purpose of killing them... Seems counter productive!


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Thanks. I thought I was going to die!!!! I am not sure that LG should be backing a man that freely dols out work outs to the buying public for the purpose of killing them... Seems counter productive!
LMFAO!!! Agree with dragon, nice workout mate..


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:D Seems to be a rash spreading around here o.0
I have been rocking the warrior workout and it does amazing things on a recomp/cut. I attribute a lot of my positive body composition changes to the warrior workout. Speaking of, I have a brutal day ahead of me today...


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Speaking of, I have a brutal day ahead of me today...
We all do... Already getting myself pumped for the pain... BRING IT!!!!!!! BBBRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG IT!!!!!!


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Day 32 on LG Formadrol (with ASTG on work out days)

Work out #2 of the Warrior Work Out.

LAt pull downs (no chin bar) - Warm up 90x20 / 1st set 130x12 / 2nd set 130x10 - 110x10 - 90x13
Decline Bench - Warm up 30x25 / 1st set 50x12 / 2nd set 50x10 - 40x7 - 30x6
DB Upright Rows - Warm up 15x15 / 1st set 30x10 / 2nd set 30x12 - 20x10 - 15x7
T-Cups - Not sure how to list these "did a bunch and felt it in the shoulders nicely"
Squats - Warm up 160x15 / 1st set 250x6 / 2nd set 250x10 - 190x8 - 160x7
Stiff Leg Deads - Warm up 45x15 / 1st set 130x6 / 2nd set 130x8 - 110x2 - 95x3

It became readly apparent that I do not know how to stiff leged deadlifts right. Or, I know how but was not executing properly. My lower back is killing me!!!! Need to have my nephew come over and help the "old man" out as I am NOT going to jack up my back!

Ended up doing a few sets of dips and then a few sets of crunches and push ups to work core a bit more. Drenched and discusting. Sore and quivering. Showering was a bit of a chore but I like what this is doing!


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Great workout bro. Love the T Cups


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Great workout bro. Love the T Cups
Thanks Dragon... I was not feeling like I did my best. I gave it my all but todays all simply felt lacking for some reason. I have looked at a bunch of your tube postings for Stiff leg Deads and have come to the conclusion that I was simply bending too far and hitting my lower back way too hard. Going to go shallower and see if that helps. If this is the answer I will then add more weight / reps and be a beast like the rest of you.


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Day 34 on Formadrol with ASTG on work out days.

Well I decided that I was going to use Votum as a barometer and found that he has some legs and probably MUCH better form in Deads and Squats... Need to work that crap out fast before I hurt my back trying to play with the bigger kids.


Warrior work out day 3:

Push Pull - Warm up Barx20 / 1st set 95x9 / 2nd set 115x4 - 95x8 - 65x13
DB Pull Overs - Warm up 20x20 / 1st set 50x10 / 2nd set 50x12 - 40x14 - 30x15
DB Super Incline - Warm up 20x15 / 1st set 40x8 / 2nd set 40x4 - 30x3 - 20x3 (got pissed off and did 18x7 after 15 second rest)
Reverse Grip Bench - Warm up 50x20 / 1st set 100x12 / 2nd set 100x15 - 80x12 - 60x15
Deads - Warm up 155x12 / 1st set 245x3 / 2nd set 235x4 - 155x3 - 115x3
Leg Ext - Warm up 50x20 / 1st set 100x15 / 2nd set 100x12 - 75x15 - 60x16

Worked on form for Deads form and pushed out 9 at 95 pounds. Felt much better but I need to work form before doing anything DUMB!!!!

Feel like I was hit by a truck to be sure. This is a sick work out!!!!!


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Did a 20 mile bike ride with my wife and son...

Came home and decided to tackle my "form issues".... Took my Olympic bar and 2 45 plates and worked on form. Did 20 reps nice and slow and worked on doing it RIGHT. Stacked another 2 25s on them and then did a superset.

Squats - 185x10 / BW dips 15 / Weighted crunches 20
Squats - 185x10 / BW dips 10 / Weighted crunches 20
Squats - 185x10 / BW dips 10 / Weighted crunches 25

Pushups / oblique crunches / etc till I was panting like my golden retriever.

I think I have form worked out. Now I need to slowly and steadily add weight and reps to get the legs I want.


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Nice workout bro, keep killlin' it... It will all be worth the pain


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Good job on the squats martin, that's what I do every once and awhile to, just put on 45s and go big long reps.

DOMS stops after a week by the way :D


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Good job on the squats martin, that's what I do every once and awhile to, just put on 45s and go big long reps.

DOMS stops after a week by the way :D
This is good to hear as I have been in a perpetual state of sore since the first work out last Monday. This evening will be my second week of the maddness. I am actaully quite excited about this as I have a VERY quick recovery time and rarely suffer from doms. Having something that beats me to death, gives me a good pump, and reminds me that I did it is welcomed for a while.


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Day 37 on Formadrol and ASTG on work out days.... Also added in AI's perform as a pre work out on Monday - Wedensday - Friday and for fun on other days.... Logging it under the Supp reviews.

Came home hell bent on doing big things in the garage gym.... Took my scoop of ASTG and the simply rested for 1/2 hour before hitting the weights.

Flat Bench DBs - Warm up 30x20 / 1st set 50x15 / 2nd set 50x13 - 40x7 - 30x8 (up on the heavyer and down on the lighter and am OK with that)
DB Rows - Warm up 30x20 / 1st set 50x13 / 2nd set 50x13 - 40x12 - 30x14 (about same as last week)
Shoulder Press Machine - Warm up 50x20 / 1st set 70x5 / 2nd set 70x6 - 55x5 - 40x4 (took this very easy as I feel like my shoulder is finally healing)
DB Drag Curls - Warm up 15x21 / 1st set 40x11 / 2nd set 40x11 - 30x10 - 20x9 (up on weight and reps- BURNED)
Leg Press (yes, figured out how to perform these on my bench system) - Warm up 90x20 / 1st set 300x16 / 2nd set 300x15 - 250x12 - 180x17 (BURNED my quads up!)
DB Lunges - Warm up 15x20 / 1st set 40x9 / 2nd set 40x10 and died... Could not muster any more. Mad as I got at myself I could not see anymore lunges.

Did a quick set of body weight dips and came inside to die in the AC rather than the 95 degree garage! If your going to die might as well be comfy!

I am THRILLED with the success of the leg press and will take it much heavier next go around. I really need to get my hamstrings in shape as they are SOOOO much weaker than by quads.

All in all a good work out with the exception of the lunges and mental wall I hit.

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