Sexxxy was already brought back, now to redefine it. OEP/ALPHA T2/NATADROL/FORMADROL


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12...I would need a larger wallet would I. But it would be interesting to see what 12 would do for me. I'll find out what 10 will do next week.


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I should count how many pills I have left...think I will run out a few days early doing 8. Wouldnt mind 10 sale haha


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Day 40 on Natadrol ...

Gave up on catching up but did post week 4 photos a page back.

Monday week 6 photos and work out.

Weight is 176 this AM - up many pounds but am not sure much of it is "good weight". Aggression is still up but so is knee pain... I banged it up on last weekend camping trip but hiked / climbed / repelled liks a mad man and got a good leg burn going up and down those crazy trails.

Todays work out went pretty well... Added ASTG today (liked it)

Started with a 1.5 mile hike with the family (leisurly but steep trails).

Still no squats due to the knee...

Chest - 5x135 / 5x170 / 5x200 / 5x235 / 2x270 (WIMP)/ 5x 250

Bent Rows - 5x65 / 5x80 / 5x95 / 5x110 /5x125

Super set Dips / incline DB flies

10xbody weight / 10x40 DBs
10xbody weight / 10x40 DBs
8xbody weight / 10x30 DBs

Pushups / crunches / leg lifts... Photos while I look decent. Still not happy with where I am.... Might try 10 caps to run the last of the bottle and move to the Formadrol.



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Day 40 on Natadrol ...

Gave up on catching up but did post week 4 photos a page back.

Monday week 6 photos and work out.

Weight is 176 this AM - up many pounds but am not sure much of it is "good weight". Aggression is still up but so is knee pain... I banged it up on last weekend camping trip but hiked / climbed / repelled liks a mad man and got a good leg burn going up and down those crazy trails.

Todays work out went pretty well... Added ASTG today (liked it)

Started with a 1.5 mile hike with the family (leisurly but steep trails).

Still no squats due to the knee...

Chest - 5x135 / 5x170 / 5x200 / 5x235 / 2x270 (WIMP)/ 5x 250

Bent Rows - 5x65 / 5x80 / 5x95 / 5x110 /5x125

Super set Dips / incline DB flies

10xbody weight / 10x40 DBs
10xbody weight / 10x40 DBs
8xbody weight / 10x30 DBs

Pushups / crunches / leg lifts... Photos while I look decent. Still not happy with where I am.... Might try 10 caps to run the last of the bottle and move to the Formadrol.
Lookin' homo. Is that acne on your back? My GF (or ex-GF or what the hell ever) says I have some on my back. Definitely a sign that something androgenic is going on.


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****...can't find a picture of a manpon, but it looks like you need one in the first pic :D

JP man, looking good, going 60 days on natadrol eh? Well done so far!!


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Great progress bro, love the 270 wimp comment! Will be happy when I can break 200 on the bench!!


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Great progress bro, love the 270 wimp comment! Will be happy when I can break 200 on the bench!!
It is a leverage system so 100 (for example) is a realized 85ish pending where you are on the pivot point. I do not count the actual "bar" only the plate weight. 270 is probably close to a realized 235-240 inclusive of bar/arm... I am very pleased but also know that it is not the same as a bench and an olympic bar. It is also way safer as I have no one to truely spot for me.

My max before starting the program was 300 x 1. I am very interested to see what I can move when this 5x5 is wrapped up. If I last on the program that long... I am happy with the strength gains but it is not doing for my physique what I want... For what its worth, my hunch is I will be able to press 325-340 x 1 in the end.


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****...can't find a picture of a manpon, but it looks like you need one in the first pic :D

JP man, looking good, going 60 days on natadrol eh? Well done so far!!

Didnt even notice that when posting.... Funny.


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Lookin' homo. Is that acne on your back? My GF (or ex-GF or what the hell ever) says I have some on my back. Definitely a sign that something androgenic is going on.

I have a mix of some acne and aftermath of camping (bug bites)... Chest / shoulders as well... My only real complaint is that it really started to kick in well into the cycle. I realize it is a natural product and takes time but with the recommended short run (2 months) it would be awesome to get the max effects sooner in the cycle.

Don't get me wrong. I have been pleased with this product. My body has reacted to it better than any other product I have taken to this date. I am eager to migrate into the Formadrol to se what that does for me. I have nearly given up hope for gaining the body that I want. I do not have the money to keep pouring it into supplements.

I have enough formadrol to run it a few times and plan to do so. My next real experiment will be to eat VERY well and lift VERY hard / smart and only add in my beloved Myofusion / fish oil / multi (perhaps creatine mono) and see what the difference is... My hunch is that I will maintain the same sort of results if not a bit better as I dont have anything "going on" in my body.

I did try out the new ASTG this last work out and LOVED it... I had used jack3d from USP labs but it grew old and ran its course...


Well-known member
  • Established're not giving yourself enough credit. You look GREAT! Remember, this is a marathon, not a race...slow and steady.

On another note, FCUK USPLabs. I love ASGT too, although I can't stand the taste. I put a 1/2 tsp of powdered Kool Aid in it and chug it down. Definitely can't argue with the results.


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Day 42 on Natadrol and 2nd work out with ASTG pre...

Went with the family on a 7.5 mile hike at a good clip for some much needed cardio and then back for some ASTG and a work out. My knee was feeling pretty good so I returned to squats and took up with the "scheduled" weight in the 5x5 rather than the place I stopped.... Not that it is much weight but I was proud.


Squats: 110x5 / 140x5 / 165x5 / 165x5

Military Press: 75x5 / 90x5 / 105x5 / 120x5 (last 2 reps came hard)

Dead Lift: 130x5 / 155x5 / 180x5 / 205x5

Feeling great. Time for some ZMA's and bed!!!!!


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Day 45 (Satuday) on Natadrol...

Friday was just plain old not a good day. I could not bring myself to work out as it would have been a waste of time and dangerous with how tired I was (fell asleep at the wheel a few times on the commute home). Boy do I miss the stim side of the OEP...


Saturday was began bright and early with a 23 mile bike ride with a hard core cycling friend of mine. He is a machine and I set a best time trying in vein to keep up with him. 23 miles in 53 minutes.

Came home with rubber legs and slept for a bit.

Woke up from nap time and did the 5x5 (wrapping up week 5).

Squats - 5x110 / 5x135 / 5x165 / 5x190 / 3x225 / 8x165 (was thrilled to even do squats after that ride!)

Bench - 5x135 / 5x170 / 5x200 / 5x235 / 3x275 / 8x200 (zero assistance and felt GREAT)

Row - 5x65 / 5x80 / 5x95 / 5x110 / 3x130 / 8x95

Super set (body weight dips / over head tricep ext. / DB curles)
10 / 10x60 / 5x40 - 5x30
10 / 10x60 / 3x40 - 7x30
10 / 10x50 / 10x30

Why oh why can I not look like I do after a good work out full time.... Always bumbed about the difference an hour makes after the work out... SHRINK>>>>>>

Need to count the Nata to see how much longer that run is. It might only be thru this week and then on to the Formadrol.


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Took a Natadrol cap count and am down to 3 days worth at 8... Then the move to Formadrol.

How long does the Formadrol take to "kick in"... It seems like the Natadrol took its time but DID show up.


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Took a Natadrol cap count and am down to 3 days worth at 8... Then the move to Formadrol.

How long does the Formadrol take to "kick in"... It seems like the Natadrol took its time but DID show up.
You'll notice the Formadrol rather quickly.


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Took a Natadrol cap count and am down to 3 days worth at 8... Then the move to Formadrol.

How long does the Formadrol take to "kick in"... It seems like the Natadrol took its time but DID show up.
My experience would suggest within the week...


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Day 47 on Natadrol (last few days)...

Bumped up to 9 caps to wrap up.

Came hoe from work and took a hike with the family. Stuffed a 25 pound plate in a pack and took the hills at a quick pace. BURNED up my calves and felt great. Decided to hydrate on the hike with ASGT so I could come home and work out.

Squat (hurt after the hike) - 110x5 / 140x5 / 170x5 / 195x5 / 225x5

Bench - 140x5 / 175x5 / 210x5 / 240x5 / 275x2 (PISSED OFF)

Rows - 65x5 / 80x5 / 95x5 / 115x5 / 130x5

Not at all happy about coming up short on the bench press. Had to restrain myself from breaking things (me) in a fit.... I will get a pic up as soon as I find my camera (tomorrow I hope) and will take measurements quicly as well. I know BF% is about the same still but I am once again losing weight. 172 at the moment, wrong direction!

I am looking forward to the transition to Formadrol.


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YOU ARE INSANE to hydrate with ASGT....

I would die, literally.

Formadrol will kick in VERY fast. The first time I took it I was dosing 2/2 and broke out very bad on my face, this time around I am dosing 1/1 and have not broken out, the breakout from increased natadrol is actually going down.


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YOU ARE INSANE to hydrate with ASGT....

I would die, literally.
Seemed like a good idea at the time... It was a weighted hike so a great leg work out, complete with the tingly sensation of the ASTG coursing thru my body... Sprinted some of the hike just cuz i could...

Looking forward to the Formadrol.


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Went for a 20 mile bike ride and pushed pretty hard on the first 10. Held back and took it at wife pace on the return trip to be a nice guy. Felt good and gave the legs a work out. Plenty of hills.

Nearly done with the Natadrol cycle. Tomorrows work out will be the last before moving to the Formadrol.

Torn between doing 1 and 1, 1 and 2, or 2 and 2 (all first AM then pre bed.)


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Day 49 on Natadrol...

I have bumped up to 9 caps a day but not to do anything more than end on a full day. Tomorrow will be the last day on the Natadrol and it is a non training day. Sort of a bummer.

Today is the light day on the 5x5 and that was welcomed as I messed up my right delt again on the last set of bench Monday.

Squats - 5x110 / 5x140 / 5x170 / 5x170

Military Press - Gave it a go and 20 pounds was too rough on my right shoulder (sad). Baled on press.

Dead Lift - 5x135 / 5x160 / 5x185 / 5x212

Weighted crunches / Dips

25x50 / 10xbody weight
25x50 / 10xbody weight
25x50 / 10xbody weight

Not happy about overhead presses and what this might do to my bench goals but the rest felt good. Wrapped up with a bazzillion pushups / crunches / etc...

My weight is all over the board. I was up to 177 on Sunday morning and all the way down to 171 this morning. How I lost 6 pounds in 3 days is beyond me!!!!!


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Day 50 on the Natadrol...

Underdosed just so I can full dose on my last day of it for a heavy work out. Tonight was a cardio day.

Put 22 miles on the mnt bike. THe path I take has plenty of assents so it is perfect to push hard for short prints and take it easy down the back side. Closet thing to HIIT training I can find on the bike.

Legs are BURNING!

Wrapped up the night with some chicken and veggies and a bot of rice. Hoping my shoulder is OK to push a bit on the Friday increase for the 5x5.



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Some nice workouts there mate :fing02:

Did u dose form during your nata run? Or completely stand alone? I've been running nata at 9 per day since begin if week three, with 3 form as well - not sure I've noticing any significant strength gains yet but that seems to be the norm... I think I've got some leaning out going on and hoping the nata kicks in next week


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Some nice workouts there mate :fing02:

Did u dose form during your nata run? Or completely stand alone? I've been running nata at 9 per day since begin if week three, with 3 form as well - not sure I've noticing any significant strength gains yet but that seems to be the norm... I think I've got some leaning out going on and hoping the nata kicks in next week

Today will be the last day on Natadrol for a 2 caps in the AM and 3 in the PM before heading home to work out. I will start the Form tonight with 2 caps EOD.

Still hoping for a bit of advice with dosing on the Form. 1,1,2 / 2,2 / 1,1,1 / etc... Not sure about the best plan for keeping it in the system and if dosing pre workout is recommended or not needed.


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Today will be the last day on Natadrol for a 2 caps in the AM and 3 in the PM before heading home to work out. I will start the Form tonight with 2 caps EOD.

Still hoping for a bit of advice with dosing on the Form. 1,1,2 / 2,2 / 1,1,1 / etc... Not sure about the best plan for keeping it in the system and if dosing pre workout is recommended or not needed.
no expert but after trifecta, I was dosing 2am/2pm, and since I workout early morning that also meant my am dose was pre-workout - treated me pretty well


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no expert but after trifecta, I was dosing 2am/2pm, and since I workout early morning that also meant my am dose was pre-workout - treated me pretty well

I wake up pretty dang early for work... I could do 2 @ 4:30 / 5:00 AM and 2 @ 4:00 PM just before heading out of the office. That is 2 every 12 hours and the second dose pre work out by about 2 hours...

Like the sound of it but would love to hear from a rep confirming the plan or recommending EOD for second dose.


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I wake up pretty dang early for work... I could do 2 @ 4:30 / 5:00 AM and 2 @ 4:00 PM just before heading out of the office. That is 2 every 12 hours and the second dose pre work out by about 2 hours...

Like the sound of it but would love to hear from a rep confirming the plan or recommending EOD for second dose.
Send a PM to Rob (metroba) he's always responded to any questions I have had in the past


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Just took the last three Natadrol caps.... Officially the end of a three bottle cycle. Home to work out and end the day with the start of PCT via Foradrol...

I picked up many a bottle of Formadrol last sale. How long can one run it without opening up to possible issues?


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Alright... Natadrol run has come and gone....

I saw tremendous gains in strength but little in the sort of change I had hoped for in phisique. I went into this with the hopes of gaining at least 5-7 pounds of lean muscle and drop some body fat. Knowing what my body did with the combo of Natadrol / OEP / Alpha T2 I would run this again in a heart beat on a cut or a recomp... I was trying for a lean bulk and ended up losing weaght along the way... Bummer.

Do I look better all in all...? I think so. And I did truely make great gains in strength... I have NO complaints in that dept!

Last work out was a modified 5x5 Friday version as my soulder is still screwed.

Squat - 5x110 / 5x140 / 5x170 / 5x196 / 5x230 (was only to do 3 but pushed it out) / 8x170

Bent Rows - 5x65 / 5x80 / 5x95 / 5x115 / 3x130 / 8x95

Bench - upped reps / lowered weight (largest DB is 50 in my garage)... Flat 15x50 - 15x50 - 15x50 incline 10x50 10x50

60 pound weighted crunches 25-25-25

Pushups - crunches - scissor kicks - oblique crunches....

Pics from the last work out with Natadrol:



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Question on the Formadrol... Been dosing 2x2 a day since Saturday, so into day 3....

I AM SO FREAKING HUNGRY!!!!!!!! Is this a common side or just my body craving crap that I have been starving it of / coincidence? I just at a left over burger patty, a fillet, and a potato and given the chance would devour a bakers dozen of donuts!!!!!

Is adding in some Recreate going to be a very good idea with this PCT?


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Question on the Formadrol... Been dosing 2x2 a day since Saturday, so into day 3....

I AM SO FREAKING HUNGRY!!!!!!!! Is this a common side or just my body craving crap that I have been starving it of / coincidence? I just at a left over burger patty, a fillet, and a potato and given the chance would devour a bakers dozen of donuts!!!!!

Is adding in some Recreate going to be a very good idea with this PCT?
Pics looking good mate, and yep I agree great for a recomp/cut in the way you stacked it... I think to have hit the lean bulk side you would have to eat a lot more, ditched the OEP and AT2 and kept it very clean.

Interesting I can't say that I noticed increased hunger while in PCT, however I have in the past week or so while doing NataD BUT I am also taking formadrol at the same time... so maybe it's the Forma that is making me hungry AND what's worse is it's for sweet things! Sweet tooth cravings aren't uncommon for people, but given I am a savoury person, it's very unusual for me personally.

Not sure on the recreate front, I have a bottle of it which I am saving for my PINK MAGIC stack later in the year, but I think i've read before that it's pretty good for recomp, so in my mind it probably would supress the hunger, but that won't help if you want to add some lean pounds during PCT, given your recent experience. I guess i'd be looking to research a good clean bulk diet in your position and using the hunger to my advantage.

I'm certainly no expert, but that's my two cents worth. Perhaps try asking someone like Edwit or Kleen? Kleen is a bit of a nutiritional expert from what I know, also Dreamweaver would be another that comes to mind...


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Nice Deltoids my friend!

I am doing form 1/1 just because it made me break out bad in the past at 2/2. When I gte back to iraq Ill move to 2/2 for the rest of the bottle


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Great pics and progress!!!


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sorry for the late response...

Formadrol is pretty safe stuff. You could easily go 8 weeks straight without any issues. I don't know if I can recommend longer than that, although I know people who have gone longer.

Dose 2 caps AM, 2 caps PM.

You can run recreate during PCT. Make sure you eat enough though.


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Question on the Formadrol... Been dosing 2x2 a day since Saturday, so into day 3....

I AM SO FREAKING HUNGRY!!!!!!!! Is this a common side or just my body craving crap that I have been starving it of / coincidence? I just at a left over burger patty, a fillet, and a potato and given the chance would devour a bakers dozen of donuts!!!!!

Is adding in some Recreate going to be a very good idea with this PCT?
I got hungry on the formadrol. I think it may be from your test going up.


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Day 3 on Foradrol and am experiancing some searious HUNGER... But also feeling like I could take on the world. I like it...

I took my wife out for a 20 mile bike ride and stayed with her. Pretty slow pace but I attached every accent and burned up my legs good. Warned them up for my week 7 5x5 Monday edition. I knew that I had more in my in weeks past so I upped the weights for both squats and deads.... Rows and bench is where it needs to be to push me. Let me say, I felt GREAT tonight!!!!!

Shoulder has been giving me tns of crap but I was reading on Eds thread and say Kleens shoulder stretch remedy. Did 50 and then did another 10 betwen each set. WOW.. This will be a staple!!! Well worth 15 minutes of pain to stretch out right.

Squats - 130x5 / 160x5 / 190x5 / 225x5 / 255x5 (that last set HURT after the bike ride)

Bench - 140x5 / 175x5 / 215x5 / 250x5 / 285x3 (NEW PR BABY)

Row - 65x5 / 85x5 / 100x5 / 115x5 / 130x5

Felt like a beast tonight. Again a HUGE thanks to Mr Kleen for sharing the shoulder work out. I was about to give up on my qwest to bench twice my body weight. Back on track and want to get it done in a month and a half. This is again doable!!!!

3x285 on "the beast"...



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Yesterdays lunch choice made a 22 mile bike ride a mandatory thing.... 5-Guys burger and fries... TOTALLY WORTH THE 22 MILES OF PAIN!!!!!

I figure I might have worked off the fries, perhaps.

Diet back in check today with added carbs for a great Wed session tonight. Going ahead and adding a noon time cap of the USPLabs Recreate into the mix to stay off some of the Formadrol "GIVE ME FOOD NOW" side that I seem to be feeling...


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Seems I am constantly playing catch up. Nearly a week into Formadrol and loving it. I have qwelled the hunger sides with a cap of Recreate after lunch...

Wednesday work out -

Squats - 130x5 / 160x5 / 190x5 / 190x5

streched my shoulders really well before moving on

Millitary Press - 80x5 / 95x5 / 110x5 (started hurting- the bad kind)/ 130x2 and out.....

Shoulder would have no more and I did not want to force the issue when I am pleased with my shoulders over all and want to have a rotator to bench with on Friday (we will see).

Deads 150x5 / 180x5 / 215x5 / 245x5

Back and legs felt great... Bumping up the weights for the balance of the 5x5 program (about 5 weeks left) really helped and I am starting to see progress in my legs from this and biking about 75-100 miles a week. Best cardio I have found. Low impact, pretty scenery, and every hill is a chance to impose your will on gravity... Chasing a deer or two can be fun as well.

Thursday was an off day and I took it off.... Didnt even do any cardio. Tomorrow is beast day on the program. Wish me and my shuolder good luck. If I can swing it, I have 291 pounds to force away from my chest 3 times while setting a new PR (might require some extra stretching and an extra scoop of ASTG...) I am loving that stuff - not so much the taste though.


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Alright... 7 days on Formadrol PCT and loving it!!! Spent the day worrying about my work out tonight as I wanted to set that new Friday PR for bench BADLY but my shoulder was HURTING...

Came home took a scoop and a half of my new pall ASTG and went bike shopping for a new stead. Grabbed a new Cannondale and have an ear to ear grin as I love the bike for cardio...

Came back home from the trip and got ready to DO WORK....

Gloves on / I-Pod cranked / riding my ASTG high....

Squat - 130x5 / 160x5 / 190x5 / 225x5 / 260x3 / 190x8 (going as heavy as my knees allow)...

50 reps of what I am now calling Mr Kleens broom handle trick (no smart alec remarks)

Bench - 140x5 / 175x5 / 215x5 / 250x5 / drum roll please - 291x3 / 215x8

Rows - 65x5 / 85x5 / 100x5 / 115x5 / 135x3 / 100x8

Body weight dips 3 sets to failure

DB curles 40 pounds to failure

incredible amounts of smiles and fist pumps from a killer work out I did not think possible. Thanks LG Formadrol and ASTG....


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Alright... 7 days on Formadrol PCT and loving it!!! Spent the day worrying about my work out tonight as I wanted to set that new Friday PR for bench BADLY but my shoulder was HURTING...

Came home took a scoop and a half of my new pall ASTG and went bike shopping for a new stead. Grabbed a new Cannondale and have an ear to ear grin as I love the bike for cardio...

Came back home from the trip and got ready to DO WORK....

Gloves on / I-Pod cranked / riding my ASTG high....

Squat - 130x5 / 160x5 / 190x5 / 225x5 / 260x3 / 190x8 (going as heavy as my knees allow)...

50 reps of what I am now calling Mr Kleens broom handle trick (no smart alec remarks)

Bench - 140x5 / 175x5 / 215x5 / 250x5 / drum roll please - 291x3 / 215x8

Rows - 65x5 / 85x5 / 100x5 / 115x5 / 135x3 / 100x8

Body weight dips 3 sets to failure

DB curles 40 pounds to failure

incredible amounts of smiles and fist pumps from a killer work out I did not think possible. Thanks LG Formadrol and ASTG....
Congratulations on a great workout, the new bike and the new PR!!!


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Great workout
Thanks Dragon... Kicked a little butt. Still a bit embarrased that I am benching more than I am squating but my poor knees are not loving me. I work them hard on climbs / hikes / hard riding... They are coming along but I will never have wheels like some of these hard core animals!!!!!


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The weekend brought proper dosing of Formadrol and a business trip that will throw me for a loop on the Monday work out but I will make due with what ever the hotel has at hand.

Still loving the Formadrol. I did not notice any change of intensity / strength / desire to work out / aggression when moving from the Natadrol to the Formadrol. I am noticing a bit of a leaning and my back says that I am a teenage boy again... Its doing its thing...

Today will be some light cardio but all in all an "off day"...

Florida is just flat out gross with this humidity... How does anyone live here?!?!?!? On the upside my being 42 is still classified as a youngster! ;-)


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Alright... 7 days on Formadrol PCT and loving it!!! Spent the day worrying about my work out tonight as I wanted to set that new Friday PR for bench BADLY but my shoulder was HURTING...

Came home took a scoop and a half of my new pall ASTG and went bike shopping for a new stead. Grabbed a new Cannondale and have an ear to ear grin as I love the bike for cardio...

Came back home from the trip and got ready to DO WORK....

Gloves on / I-Pod cranked / riding my ASTG high....

Squat - 130x5 / 160x5 / 190x5 / 225x5 / 260x3 / 190x8 (going as heavy as my knees allow)...

50 reps of what I am now calling Mr Kleens broom handle trick (no smart alec remarks)

Bench - 140x5 / 175x5 / 215x5 / 250x5 / drum roll please - 291x3 / 215x8

Rows - 65x5 / 85x5 / 100x5 / 115x5 / 135x3 / 100x8

Body weight dips 3 sets to failure

DB curles 40 pounds to failure

incredible amounts of smiles and fist pumps from a killer work out I did not think possible. Thanks LG Formadrol and ASTG....
Epic sh!t, dude....keep up the great work! This is what I like to see!


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The weekend brought proper dosing of Formadrol and a business trip that will throw me for a loop on the Monday work out but I will make due with what ever the hotel has at hand.

Still loving the Formadrol. I did not notice any change of intensity / strength / desire to work out / aggression when moving from the Natadrol to the Formadrol. I am noticing a bit of a leaning and my back says that I am a teenage boy again... Its doing its thing...

Today will be some light cardio but all in all an "off day"...

Florida is just flat out gross with this humidity... How does anyone live here?!?!?!? On the upside my being 42 is still classified as a youngster! ;-)
I HATE YOU!!! I'll be 43 in three weeks. J/K dude, I don't look 42 and neither do you. People don't believe me when I tell them. You should see the look on their faces when I ask them, "Well, what does 42 look like?" Talk about uncomfortable! Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!


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I HATE YOU!!! I'll be 43 in three weeks. J/K dude, I don't look 42 and neither do you. People don't believe me when I tell them. You should see the look on their faces when I ask them, "Well, what does 42 look like?" Talk about uncomfortable! Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Thanks, I get that a lot... Its not easy being this good looking... :veryhappy:

My age range guesses are anywhere between 32 and 36 pending if I have a beard of not at the time. The beard hides the laugh lines and makes me look even younger.

Be a beast!!!!

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