Sexxxy was already brought back, now to redefine it. OEP/ALPHA T2/NATADROL/FORMADROL


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Day 40 of Formadrol and ASTG Pre WO

LAt pull downs (no chin bar) - Warm up 70x20 / 1st set 120x13 / 2nd set 120x11 - 100x10 - 70x15
Decline Bench - Warm up 140x20 / 1st set 220x9 / 2nd set 220x4 - 180x7 - 140x8
DB Upright Rows - Warm up 15x20 / 1st set 30x14 / 2nd set 30x13 - 20x11 - 15x8
T-Cups - Not sure how to list these "did a bunch and felt it in the shoulders nicely"
Squats - Warm up 160x10 / 1st set 250x6 / 2nd set 250x10 - 190x9 - 160x8
Stiff Leg Deads - Warm up 45x15 / 1st set 85x10 / 2nd set 105x12 - 85x8 - 65x6

Again Stiff leg deads are torching my back so I am doing something wrong. I feel the stretch in my hamstrings but I am blasting my lower back way more than my legs. I have looked at countless videos etc and feel like I am doign them right but certainly must NOT be... I am at a loss!!!!

This work out is a killer for sure. I am drenched by the end of the work out and gasping at times. I need to mix in more cardio soon (off days) and perhaps some light stuff on work out days.

My trying to keep pace with Votum on this is going to be the death of me or at least my poor legs and back. I can press like a beast but squats and deads are not working out all too well. Keep telling myself PATIENCE, but I have little.


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Day 42 of Formadrol and ASTG on work out days...

Push Pull - Warm up Barx20 / 1st set 95x9 / 2nd set 95x4 - 85x8 - 65x10
DB Pull Overs - Warm up 20x22 / 1st set 50x10 / 2nd set 50x9 - 40x12 - 30x15
DB Super Incline - Warm up 20x15 / 1st set 40x10 / 2nd set 40x9 - 30x5 - 20x4
Reverse Grip Bench - Warm up 50x20 / 1st set 100x15 / 2nd set 100x10 - 80x15 - 60x11
Deads - Warm up 135x12 / 1st set 225x5 / 2nd set 225x5 - 205x3 - 135x4 (rested one minute and did 135x9 working FORM)
CHeated the work out a bit as I am doing a bike camp today / tomorrow. I did not want to burn my quads out.
Leg Extensions - 70x12 / 70x15 / 70x15 / 70x15 DONE

Weighted Ab crunches and a much needed cold shower! All in all a much better Friday work out than the previous. Stil have much to work on the deads but progress is being made.

The Formadrol and cutting back on carbs is helping with some leaning and still growing in strength. I am pleased. I woudl STRONLY RECOMMEND a NATADROL / FORMADOL (With ASTG) to anyone looking to stay natural. There is a part of my wanting to try the Trifecta but my wife would freak on me...


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Nice workout bro


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Nice workout bro
Thansk Dragon.... The props are appreciated. Looks liek most folks have disapeared or gone to greener pastures. I will try to get pics up next week or this weekend.

Looking a bit more cut and the back is getting a tad thicker.


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Thansk Dragon.... The props are appreciated. Looks liek most folks have disapeared or gone to greener pastures. I will try to get pics up next week or this weekend.

Looking a bit more cut and the back is getting a tad thicker.
Some how I got unsubbed to your log. Then I ran across it again. So I'm back. Keep killing it bro.


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Great workout mate, huge huge effort! When do u go to camp?


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Thansk Dragon.... The props are appreciated. Looks liek most folks have disapeared or gone to greener pastures. I will try to get pics up next week or this weekend.

Looking a bit more cut and the back is getting a tad thicker.
I'm still here, yo. Just because I don't always comment doesn't mean I left ya. Checkin' in, sir! :veryhappy:


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Looks like most folks have disapeared or gone to greener pastures. I will try to get pics up next week or this weekend.
Looking a bit more cut and the back is getting a tad thicker.
My apologies for seldom commenting! I do take the time to check up on your progress daily, but have been too lazy to take a second and say anything. Your workouts and pics are inspirational. You have great drive and determination in getting to your ideal physique. I hope I have that much drive to carry me where I want to go as I creep up towards my 40's. Currently I am about to turn 36 and there is no way in hell that I could ride 72 miles on a bike like you recently did... unless it had a motor :lmao: Seriously though, keep up the good work and remember that just because most of us are too lazy to post up, doesn't mean we aren't following what you are doing and admiring your results!


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Ahhhh Feeling the love bruthas... Feeling the love.

Just got back from an overnight bike / camp with the wife. Only 25 out and 25 back for a total of, ya, you can do math... 50 miles.

Had a great time and ate well. Decided that some of the other "standby's" got played out. We did italian sausage hoagies with peppers and onions. NICE!!!!

Going to take the family out Sunday evening into Monday. Do some hiking! Of course I will hit the garage and beat the piss out of myself with Mr. Kleens very detailed masochism program. Shoulder has not felt this good in a while.

I, like most, look in the mirror and am depressed with the total lack of progress most of the time. I see little things here and there but on the overall, not so much. I am NOT happy with my arms at all...


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Doing great man! Go find a gym so you dont have to shell out a couple grand for some more DBs up to 150!!!

I am going to try and keep up...internet is rough up here on the new base!


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Man we're all the same... Impatient SoB's - keep at it mate we'll all get there in the end and I think you're probably closer than some of us!

How's perform treating you, did you set up a mini log?

Overnight hike sounds cool, I'd like a bit more open space around me but London just ain't that open a space, I have a nice postage stamp for a garden though!


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Day 45 on Formadrol and ASTG work out days:

Still loving this. Have reduced carbs a bit to help with body composition. Love the workout and the cardio aspect of it.

Flat Bench DBs - Warm up 30x20 / 1st set 50x13 / 2nd set 50x14 - 40x10 - 30x8
DB Rows - Warm up 30x15 / 1st set 50x12 / 2nd set 50x15 - 40x15 - 30x10
Shoulder Press Machine - Warm up 50x15 / 1st set 95x3 / 2nd set 95x4 - 75x4 - 55x6
DB Drag Curls - Warm up 15x20 / 1st set 30x10 / 2nd set 30x10 - 20x8 - 15x12
Leg Press (KILLED THESE!)- Warm up 160x20 / 1st set 340x15 / 2nd set 390x15 - 340x12 - 160x15 Those last 15 BURNED!!!!!
DB Lunges - Warm up 15x7 / 1st set 40x6 ---- Stopped right there. Nearly passed out and did not want to push it. Realised after the fact that I had not eaten lunch DUH

Wrapped up with DB hammer curls as I am not pleased with my arm progress... 20x15 / 30x10 / 25x15

Shower and dinner!!!!

Truely do feel great about this work out program! Continueing to work on form over reps and making the progress I need to. Thanks again for the support folks! Needed / appreciated...


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Nice workout EMARTIN


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Go get 'em tiger... (I hear that's what the co-pilot is now calling you!)

Great work mate, sounds totally intense!

I friggin' hate DB lunges!!!


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Go get 'em tiger... (I hear that's what the co-pilot is now calling you!)

Great work mate, sounds totally intense!

I friggin' hate DB lunges!!!

They nearly bring me to tears every time. Leg press right into lunges is just WRONG Mr. Kleen... WRONG!!!! ;-)


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Day 48 on Formadrol with ASTG on work out days.

Lat pull downs (no chin bar) - Warm up 70x20 / 1st set 120x16 / 2nd set 120x15 - 100x12 - 70x16
Decline Bench - Warm up 140x20 / 1st set 230x9 / 2nd set 230x10 - 180x6 - 140x8
DB Upright Rows - Warm up 15x19 / 1st set 30x15 / 2nd set 30x12 - 20x14 - 15x10
T-Cups - Not sure how to list these "did a bunch and felt it in the shoulders nicely"
Squats - Warm up 160x11 / 1st set 240x8 / 2nd set 270x8 - 190x8 - 160x7
Stiff Leg Deads - Warm up 45x20 / 1st set 95x13 / 2nd set 95x15 15 second rest 95x13 - 15 second rest 45x6 (focus was on form and reps not sheer weight).

Ended up with some more decline DB presses and Arnold presses to wear my arms out a bit more.

All in all I felt good. Dead lifts are still a struggle. Work has sucked with a few people issues (I mean opportunities) that I am having to try to straighten out and an over abundance of projects with no time. The escape into the garage was good and much needed!

Joints are still pretty stiff / dry but I a working through. My shoulder is still an issue as well but it feels stronger and like it is progressing. Certainly not 100%!


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Nice #'s!!! Especially on the squats and declines!


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Yeah you own me on squats and declines you butthead :)

Looking good E, keep it up!!


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Well came home with a CRAZY headache and could not convince my body that stressing it with weights was a good idea. The problem is that I ate like it was a lift day then did not... Today will be eating lighter but then lifting like a beast later...

Votum set a pretty high bar with a few lifts but I will prevail today!!!!! Actually I am no longer trying to compete with him on lifts. I need to focus on me, my form and my body. Pushing myself is what needs to occur and will.


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day two ot the headache... Going to press through and go visit the garage. Update of pathetic lifts to follow. But I will go out and do my thing.


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day 50 of Formadrol (NO ASTG TONIGHT)...

I have had a headache for the past two days but my wife came up with the magic meds that put it behind me enough to work out... THANKS BABE!

Push Pull - Warm up Olympic Bar x24 / 1st set 95x11 / 2nd set 95x10 - 85x10 - 65x13
DB Pull Overs - Warm up 20x20 / 1st set 50x12 / 2nd set 50x11 - 40x12 - 30x16
DB Super Incline - Warm up 20x12 / 1st set 40x10 / 2nd set 40x10 - 30x8 - 20x5 (much better than past, these are so hard after push pull and pull overs!)
Reverse Grip Bench - Warm up 50x22 / 1st set 100x17 / 2nd set 100x12 - 80x10 - 60x10
Deads - Warm up 135x10 / 1st set 225x4 / 2nd set 225x5 - 205x5 - 135x7 (rest 15 sec 135 x 7 - rest 15 seconds 135 x 10 working form and feeling much better)
Leg Ext - Warm up 50x15 / 1st set 100x15 / 2nd set 100x15 - 80x8 - 60x10

Felt pretty darn good considering no ASTG and a pretty rotten day due to constant headache! Some reps went up, some weights went up -a tad- and spirits run high. Have a great night all. Going to bed with head held high.

Will try to post pics from last week before heading to bed.

From last week (I believe week 13 of this madness)




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Damn bro! Is that a six pack we can see?!? Great work mate, you so deserve this...


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Looks like you trimmed a bit off your mid-section since your last pics. Good Job!!!


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Looks like you trimmed a bit off your mid-section since your last pics. Good Job!!!
Damn bro! Is that a six pack we can see?!? Great work mate, you so deserve this...
Both comments appreciated, especially with my diet not being all that great this week. I thnk that Kleen's work out and adding HEAVY (for me) legs and back have helped lean me out a bit as the added lbm is doing what it ought to, help fix my caloric surplus ;-) Have been unable to figure out a way to take leg shots of myself but the quads are coming in nicely and my calves continue to get cut up with the weights and biking.

Only a few more weeks of Formadrol and I will be rocking it as hard as I can. Have a trip to Alaska on the horizon and that will not help matters but I will do what I can with what I have. All any of us can do I suppose.

There is a very large part fo me contemplating movin to the Trifecta to see what I can do with that and a solid diet. Of course the other side of it is to remove all but the basics of suplementation [GASP] and see what shear mean in the garage gym will get me with a solid diet.


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Day 52 on Formadrol PCT and ASTG work out nights...

Woke up this morning and decided that tonight was going to be a "beast leg" night... While I compete with me for my betterment, I have to admit that I still watch Votums numbers with a watchful eye... ;-o

The whole work out was pretty dang good! I really am considering going and picking up the 60 pound DBs but $$$!!!!

Flat Bench DBs - Warm up 30x20 / 1st set 50x15 / 2nd set 50x12 - 40x10 - 30x9
DB Rows - Warm up 30x10 / 1st set 50x12 / 2nd set 50x15 - 40x12 - 30x15
Shoulder Press Machine - Warm up 50x15 / 1st set 100x3 / 2nd set 90x7 - 70x4 - 50x5 (still nursing shoulder along)
DB Drag Curls - Warm up 15x14 / 1st set 30x10 / 2nd set 30x11 - 20x10 - 15x12 -rest minute - 15x10 rest minute 20x10 (feel arms revolt)
Leg Press (KILLED THESE AGAIN!)- Warm up 180x15 / 1st set 450x17 / 2nd set 450x15 - 350x13 - 280x14 LACTIC ACID MUCH!!!!
DB Lunges - Warm up 15x10 / 1st set 40x10 / 2nd set 30x7 - 15x10 - 15x8

Finished up with some hammer curls and body weight dips just to punish myself further. Felt GREAT tonight. Could have gone heavier but I only have so many 45 plates... BEAST MODE!


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You are smoking me on legs man!

I bet we are about even on upper body too, you need a gym to get those big DBs!

And the pics look damn good, made a lot of progress so far, bet the wife is lovin it :D


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You are smoking me on legs man!

I bet we are about even on upper body too, you need a gym to get those big DBs!

And the pics look damn good, made a lot of progress so far, bet the wife is lovin it :D
Oh to see myself thru other peoples eyes!!!! Thanks man!


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Day 54 on Formadrol with ASTG on work out days... Still kickin it! Angry day so I decided a BEAST MODE chest work out was in order...

Lat pull downs (no chin bar) - Warm up 70x23 / 1st set 120x15 / 2nd set 120x12 - 100x13 - 70x18
Decline Bench - Warm up 140x16 / 1st set 230x9 / 2nd set 230x5 (kept sliding down the bench!) - 180x10 - 140x8 - [30 second pause] -140x10 - 90x15
DB Upright Rows - Warm up 15x10 / 1st set 30x12 / 2nd set 30x12 - 20x10 - 15x9 - 8x8
T-Cups - Not sure how to list these "did a bunch and felt it in the shoulders nicely"
Squats - Warm up 160x10 / 1st set 250x7 / 2nd set 250x8 - 200x8 - 160x6
Stiff Leg Deads - Warm up 45x16 / 1st set 95x11 / 2nd set 95x12 - 65x14 - 45x8 (flower back is feeling it big time).

Took an Alpha T3 with the ASTG to help with the intensity and get a bit of water weight out and burn some cals as I ate big today... Decided that my chest was not cooked enough.

Decline DB press 50x15 [rest 1 minute and take on a HUGE drop set] 50x10 - 30x8 - 20x15 - 15x20 [immediate move to flys] 8x38 rest 30 seconds 20x30 rest 30 seconds 30x25...

Did various pump sets of DB curls with various weights.

Nearly blacked out and decided that was probably a sign that stopping the punishment might be in order...

FELT / FEEL GREAT!!!!!!!! Recovery is truely awesome. Quite honestly I feel like I could go do it again right now and its only been about 45 minutes since the last rep. Crazy!!!


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Day 56 on Foradrol with ASTG on work out days.

Slept weird on my shoulder and did it NO favors... Need to try to sleep on my back for a while and see fi that helps the healing. Some of the lifts were GREATLY affected by this.

Push Pull - Warm up Olympic Bar x24 / 1st set 95x3 (hurt flipper) Moved to 65 and did a set of 16, 10, and pushed out 15. Just not happening tonight.
DB Pull Overs - Warm up 20x25 / 1st set 50x15 / 2nd set 50x18 - 40x12 - 30x15
DB Incline (less stress on the shoulders)- Warm up 20x16 / 1st set 40x12 / 2nd set 40x8 - 30x5 - 20x3 (can't imagine how I could have done anything with shuolders more involved!)
Reverse Grip Bench - Warm up 50x20 / 1st set 100x17 / 2nd set 100x15 - 80x8 - 60x10
Deads - Warm up 135x10 / 1st set 235x6 / 2nd set 235x6 - 185x7 - 135x6
Leg Ext - Warm up 50x15 / 1st set 100x14 / 2nd set 100x11 - 80x10 - 60x12

NOt the greatest work out but the first work out that I pushed decent weight for deads and felt good afterwards. I am not sure what is going on other than TONS of stress in the office with projects but I just didnt "have it" tonight. I was set to rock the iron but it rocked me.

Will rest this weekend and hit it hard again next week!!!!!!


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Good plan mate, I feel you on the work front, but we just gotta keep soldiering on... Just look at that six pack in the mirror and smile!!!


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Day 59 on Formadrol for PCT with ASTG on work out days.

Flat Bench DBs - Warm up 30x20 / 1st set 50x15 / 2nd set 50x11 - 40x10 - 30x12
DB Rows - Warm up 30x15 / 1st set 50x17 / 2nd set 50x15 - 40x16 - 30x13
Shoulder Press Machine - Warm up 50x12 / 1st set 90x2 / 2nd set 70x6 (rest) 70x6 - 50x6 Still have a hurt flipper and need to just go lighter all the way around to stress it be safely.
DB Drag Curls - Warm up 15x17 / 1st set 30x15 / 2nd set 30x13 - 20x10 - 15x12
Leg Press (KILLED THESE AGAIN!)- Warm up 160x20 / 1st set 450x20 / 2nd set 450x17 - 340x17 - 250x19!!!!!
DB Lunges - Warm up 15x10 / 1st set 40x7 / 2nd set 50x10 - 30x5 Did not finish out.

Asside form the hurt flipper making presses very difficult and my lack of motivation to finish out the lunges it was a stellar work out. Quads are coming in nicely.

Thanks for the ongoing support. It makes a huge difference to this old man.


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Day 65 on Formadrol with ASTG on work out days...

Back from Alaska and a camping trip that took me out of lifting since Tueday. Did a 10 / 12 mile hike in the Antietam Battle fields with my Scout troop... Calling that Cardio even though it was SLOW PACED due to some very lazy coddled boys that love to drag tail and whine.

Did my Monday work out again as I wanted to hit legs hard as well as chest.

Flat Bench DBs - Warm up 30x20 / 1st set 50x16 / 2nd set 50x11 - 40x9 - 30x10
DB Rows - Warm up 30x15 / 1st set 50x20 / 2nd set 50x16 - 40x15 - 30x20
Shoulder Press Machine - Warm up 50x15 / 1st set 50x20 / 2nd set 50x16 / 3rd set 50x15 / 4th set 50x10 Still have a hurt flipper and need to just go lighter but burn it up..
DB Drag Curls - Warm up 15x20 / 1st set 30x15 / 2nd set 30x13 - 20x13 - 15x10
Leg Press - Warm up 160x25 / 1st set 450x20 / 2nd set 450x15 - 340x17 - 280x18

Went back and hit chest again with flad DB presses 40x15 / 40x16

Good to get back at it for sure. The shower was a bit painfu for sure. A sign that all went well.


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Day 67 on Formadrol and ASTG on work out days.

Changed things up and simply hit chest and back hard with some ab work.

Did flat / incline / decline bench with DBs and BB for multiple sets to failure with a mix of flys.

BB standing bent rows with 135

Stiff leg deads with the same 135

standing oblique crunches with 50 pound DB

Machine crunches with 60 pounds.

Kept form very good and beat the piss out of myself.

Might continue the trend and simply pick some body parts to work out and hit the very hard this week to change things up.


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Continuing the convo with myself and the log... ;-)


Update to follow after tonights flogging of the garage gym!


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Continuing the convo with myself and the log... ;-)


Update to follow after tonights flogging of the garage gym!
Oh, we are watching!


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That explains the uneasy feeling I get in the squat rack and the phantom giggles I thought where just in my head... You guys are actaully ninja voyers watching!!!!

Doing my thing. I think I am off the Formadrol next weekish (need to look at pill count).

I am looking at what to do next while I let my body reset and "normalize". Been on the fence with a low carb slow lean bulk or even a two month strict Keto diet to get the fat gone and build more muscle. I carry fat in my chest and lower mid section that I have simply not been able to rid myself of...

Been working with Cris / Mr Kleen and might continue on his Warrior Work out (its a killer) and incorporate the Keto.

It might be picture night tonight as well. Overdue. I will certainly be posting "before / after" at the tail of this run.


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That explains the uneasy feeling I get in the squat rack and the phantom giggles I thought where just in my head... You guys are actaully ninja voyers watching!!!!

Doing my thing. I think I am off the Formadrol next weekish (need to look at pill count).

I am looking at what to do next while I let my body reset and "normalize". Been on the fence with a low carb slow lean bulk or even a two month strict Keto diet to get the fat gone and build more muscle. I carry fat in my chest and lower mid section that I have simply not been able to rid myself of...

Been working with Cris / Mr Kleen and might continue on his Warrior Work out (its a killer) and incorporate the Keto.

It might be picture night tonight as well. Overdue. I will certainly be posting "before / after" at the tail of this run.
Squat Rack? Dont you go telling a fib. I seen you at the Hip abductor only! :D


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OEP - 2 Formadrol - Alpha T2 - ASTG ---> 15 minutes and I hit it LIKE A BEAST!!!!

This is quite the lead up to a work out no? Better be a dang good one!!!!


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Day 69 on Formadrol with ASTG on work out days.

Another free form total body work out today. Decided to add an OEP and Alpha T2 to the pre work out mix and add cardio as well. This haunted me!

25 minuted on the Elip to warm up and get the heart pumping.

Set out on a qwest to see how much Natadrol strength was left in the tank.

Flat Bench - 90x15 - 180x10 - 270x4 - 320x1 - longer rest - 90x28 pump set

Dead lift - 135x15 (focus on FORM) - 225x9 - 315x.5 (OK .25) - 295x1 - (determined I needed to move 300) - 300x1 - 225x6 - 135x14

BB Rows - 135x10 - 135x9 - 135x10

DB Drags - 30x15 - 30x12 - drop set 30x10 / 20x7 / 15x8

Ab crunch 55 pounds x20 - x20 - x 20

DB Curls 30x6 - 30x6 - 30x8

Leg Press - 180x36 - 315x36 - 385x33 - 385x26

Was going to end on the elip again but think I would have killed myself. I am VERY happy with this work out and the ability to get form down and start moving some weight with the deads. I am probably going to go free form one more time on Friday and then return to the "proper" Warrior Work out as outlined.

Color me a happy man! Now to drop some of this fat I carry in my chest and lower abs!!!!


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Day 71 on Formadrol with ASTG on work out days.

Again, made crap up as I went and did what felt good. Next week I will dive back into the Warrior work out.

Tonight was incline BB bench

Flat BB bench

Incline DB flies

Flat DB flies

Calve raises

Leg extensions

Dead lifts (tried to get into 310 - would have been new PR but no go)
All of various weights and number of reps. The goal was simply to go heavy enough to work it and light enough to get reps in. It was nearly a cardio / resistance work out.

I then did a HUGE super set with cardio.

10 dips

10 leg ext with 100 pounds

2 dead lifts at 225

1/4 mile on the elip at about a 7 out of 10 pace

Repeat for a mile and end on another round of dips / ext / dead

Breathing quite heavy at the end and felt great.

Ended up showering and heading out to play a few hours of basket ball with "the guys". Did OK with minimal calve cramping. Tonight/tomorrow are going to be a bit rough. ZMA's for some sleep and recovery!!!!


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Day 72 on Formadrol with ASTG on work out days.

THIS IS THE END OF THE RUN... I am off of the Formadrol as of today. I am going to be traveling Monday / Tuesday so I did the Monday version of the Warrior Work out tonight. I have changed up the diet and have gone to bare minimum Carbs in hopes of leaning out while continueing to put on lean mass with a caloric surplus. We shall see how that goes.

Flat DB Bench - Warm up 30x20 / Set one 50x12 / Strip set 2 50x11 - 40x8 - 30x13

DB Rows - Warm up 30x15 / Set one 50x20 / Strip set 2 50x17 - 40x14 - 30x12

Shoulder press - Warm up 50x15 / Set one 70x9 / Strip set 2 70x9 - 60x3 - 50x3

DB Drag Curls - Warm up 15x21 / Set one 30x13 / Strip set 2 30x10 - 20x9 - 15x10

Leg Press - Warm up 180x22 / Set one 470x17 / Strip set 2 (killed it) 520x15 - 370x17 - 300x23

Lunges - Warm up 15x10 / Set one 40x5 / Strip set 2 40x6 - 30x7 - 20x5 (hate these, especially after leg press)

Wrapped up with a circuit of bdy weight dips - ab crunches - reverse curls - leg ext

10 - 20 - 20 - 10 (repeated 3 times)

Pushups / scisor kicks / leg lifts / crunches and a much needed shower!!!!

Obligatory end of the run pics and measurments / comparo.

Age: 42 (near enough to claim it anyway)

Start Weight: 175 End Weight: 178

Start Calves: 14.75 End Calves: 15

Start Quad: 23.75 End Quad: 24 (more muscle mass and leaned up A LOT)

Start Waist: 33.5 End Waist: 32.5

Start Chest: 42.5 End Chest: 43

Start Bi-Tri: 15 End Bi-Tri: 15.5

Start Fore Arm: 12.5 End fore Arm: 13.5




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You look like you are continuing to lean out EMartin and your abs show through more than mine do at the moment... and I am on ECA with Erase and AS-GT. If you go to a low carb diet for 4.5 days (M-F evening) than do a big carb up between Friday night and Saturday night, you will really enjoy the results I think. I just did that this last week and I still had energy to make PRs in the gym, was full and HAYUGE for the weekend, then back to normal on Sunday. This worked great for me, meals are easy, hormones are optomized due to the extra good fats and when you do carb up, man you feel like a beast. If you want some more reading on this, PM me your email and I can send you a copy of where I got it from.


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Looking great my friend!!! What's the plan now?


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You look like you are continuing to lean out EMartin and your abs show through more than mine do at the moment... and I am on ECA with Erase and AS-GT. If you go to a low carb diet for 4.5 days (M-F evening) than do a big carb up between Friday night and Saturday night, you will really enjoy the results I think. I just did that this last week and I still had energy to make PRs in the gym, was full and HAYUGE for the weekend, then back to normal on Sunday. This worked great for me, meals are easy, hormones are optomized due to the extra good fats and when you do carb up, man you feel like a beast. If you want some more reading on this, PM me your email and I can send you a copy of where I got it from.
E-Mail inbound... I have done some light reading and had some quick exchanges with Kleen...


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Looking great my friend!!! What's the plan now?
Thanks. I have noticed you making quite the positive change as well...

Where to next? Undecided.

I will spend at least the next few months eating very clean and probably some radical carb cycling and continuing the Warrior Work with added Cardio. I have seen great improvements in the past many weeks on Chris's program and would be silly to give it up. Legs are leaning out and showing muscle seperation, upper chest is making slow progress, and abs are coming in.

I need to give my body a rest from the "help" I have been giving it. Loved me some Natadrol and am betting I note the lack of formadrol more than I noticed the presence. I am betting it is a subtle sup for me.

I have toyed with the idea of going PH but am ALL ABOUT THE SAFE / MILD approach. I realize there are more gains to be had when you are willing to risk more sides... I have not researched much but do read and learn a bit at a time.

If I want something that seems very very safe with returns on my investment the TRIFECTA seems like the way to go. I have read some very very good things about some of the Primordial Performance products as well.

ASTG is a new staple in the supplement cabinet for sure. Wish it tasted a bit better but the results can not be argued with!

So where I go is BIGGER, BADDER, BETTER... How I arrive at that. Hard work, and improved and refined diet, and some flavor of "assistance" from my boys at LG and perhaps another trusted company or two.

I can count the number of positive experiances I have had with supplement companies on one hand LG owns a finger!

I am going to miss the logging for sure. I document each work out on paper to track my progress. Will be odd not hitting this forum with updates every other day or more.


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My suggestion, just start a log in the workout section and update a few times a week to stay accountable. That is where my next log is going to go most likely. Everyday updating can be a pain for me some weeks so a break from the sponsored logs will be welcome.


Well-known member
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My suggestion, just start a log in the workout section and update a few times a week to stay accountable. That is where my next log is going to go most likely. Everyday updating can be a pain for me some weeks so a break from the sponsored logs will be welcome.
I agree with this, either run a workout log, to which you can add pics, etc - many of us log for reasons other than to tell the world about the sups we are using, and let's face it - workouts probably make up more of our logs than notes on the supps do (with the possible exception of your superb PERFORM log), add some humour, jokes, sayings, general chit chat and just don't post as many times a week

I think it will be worth it and you can count me in for ride!!!

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