Reduce Xt


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Has anyone ever tried using large dosages of reduce xt... I've just added reduce xt to my daily regimen titrating up from 3 caps ED to 6 ED and surprisingly I can feel a difference in my anxiety, inflammation, and how quickly I become agitated... I didn't notice the last one until my wife mentioned I've been a lot more patient than normal
Inflammation has been a huge reduction which is quite surprising cause I'm on 1.5grams of ARA still and doms have almost disappeared


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I've only used it at 3 caps per day but I can say that it does ease anxiety a bit. It's great for muscle preservation in times of stress


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Has anyone ever tried using large dosages of reduce xt... I've just added reduce xt to my daily regimen titrating up from 3 caps ED to 6 ED and surprisingly I can feel a difference in my anxiety, inflammation, and how quickly I become agitated... I didn't notice the last one until my wife mentioned I've been a lot more patient than normal
Inflammation has been a huge reduction which is quite surprising cause I'm on 1.5grams of ARA still and doms have almost disappeared
We've had a lot of feedback over the years from people that have used up to 6 capsules per day and the feedback has been great, especially for anxiety and mood purposes. I think Reduce XT is very overlooked and underrated for that aspect of it.

I'm really glad to hear that its helping you.


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What exactly does it do for inflammation? I’ve got a nagging shoulder that bothers me every couple of months.


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What exactly does it do for inflammation? I’ve got a nagging shoulder that bothers me every couple of months.
It is a very good possibility that it works for this through known and possibly unknown methods of action, but one moa would be that increased levels of cortisol can lead to inflammation and weakened immune function. By reducing cortisol levels, it can help with inflammation. I suspect that there's also more to it than that as well.

For your shoulder, XPG CurcuPrime Gel may be a good option for you. After I broke my shoulder last year, it helped me a lot and I still use it whenever I have any inflammation or discomfort in it.

If the should pain is joint related, I would definitely say try Joint Support XT.


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It is a very good possibility that it works for this through known and possibly unknown methods of action, but one moa would be that increased levels of cortisol can lead to inflammation and weakened immune function. By reducing cortisol levels, it can help with inflammation. I suspect that there's also more to it than that as well.

For your shoulder, XPG CurcuPrime Gel may be a good option for you. After I broke my shoulder last year, it helped me a lot and I still use it whenever I have any inflammation or discomfort in it.

If the should pain is joint related, I would definitely say try Joint Support XT.
My shoulder seems to be more where it connect to tricep and or bicep…don’t know if it’s tendon or ligaments. It completely goes away and I can bench 295 then all of a sudden it pops up and it hurts to bench 135


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My shoulder seems to be more where it connect to tricep and or bicep…don’t know if it’s tendon or ligaments. It completely goes away and I can bench 295 then all of a sudden it pops up and it hurts to bench 135
That sounds like tendon and ligament.

If you have any other joint issues or want something for preventative purposes, Joint Support XT is great for joints, tendons, ligament, and cartilage pain. I stack it with Cissus XT because that's great especially for tendons and ligaments.

CurcuPrime Gel is great and can be used regularly, but can also be used as needed when an area starts flaring up or giving you a hard time. I use it on my shoulder when it bothers me and regularly on my leg where all the tissue damage is from my accident. If I miss just a day or two, I can tell a big difference.


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That sounds like tendon and ligament.

If you have any other joint issues or want something for preventative purposes, Joint Support XT is great for joints, tendons, ligament, and cartilage pain. I stack it with Cissus XT because that's great especially for tendons and ligaments.

CurcuPrime Gel is great and can be used regularly, but can also be used as needed when an area starts flaring up or giving you a hard time. I use it on my shoulder when it bothers me and regularly on my leg where all the tissue damage is from my accident. If I miss just a day or two, I can tell a big difference.
I've been using the joint xt /cissus-xt combo and I can definitely say they work very well. I have tendinitis in my rights shoulder and Achilles tendonitis in both feet and this combo makes me feel like I don't have any issues in those areas. I have arthritis as well and it's helped massively with that.


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I've only used it at 3 caps per day but I can say that it does ease anxiety a bit. It's great for muscle preservation in times of stress
Same here. 3 caps is the sweet spot in my opinion.


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We've had a lot of feedback over the years from people that have used up to 6 capsules per day and the feedback has been great, especially for anxiety and mood purposes. I think Reduce XT is very overlooked and underrated for that aspect of it.

I'm really glad to hear that its helping you.
Quick question for you. With a supplement like Ara that works by causing inflammation. Wouldn't reducing muscle inflammation defeat the purpose of Ara making it kinda useless? Genuinely asking, I have no clue. It just seems to make sense to me


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Quick question for you. With a supplement like Ara that works by causing inflammation. Wouldn't reducing muscle inflammation defeat the purpose of Ara making it kinda useless? Genuinely asking, I have no clue. It just seems to make sense to me
I brought that up recently with in a different thread and everyone said no and I have to agree with them... I still get sore but it only last for a day and before doms would last me 4 to 6 days... Now I can hit everybody part 2 times per week and not feel too taxed... I assume it lowers inflammation the same way androstenetriol does... Probably gonna go up to 10 caps per day to see if anything negative happens


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Quick question for you. With a supplement like Ara that works by causing inflammation. Wouldn't reducing muscle inflammation defeat the purpose of Ara making it kinda useless? Genuinely asking, I have no clue. It just seems to make sense to me
No, not at all. I can understand why you would wonder that though, because there is a lot of misunderstandings and generalizations about it.

People tend to try to simplify a very complex process by saying that ARA works by causing inflammation; its not that simple and there's a lot more to it than that.

You may want to space actual anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen out a few hours away from your dosages; but there are very few cases where reducing systemic inflammation would be a bad thing.
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Quick question for you. With a supplement like Ara that works by causing inflammation. Wouldn't reducing muscle inflammation defeat the purpose of Ara making it kinda useless? Genuinely asking, I have no clue. It just seems to make sense to me
This is widely misunderstood, don’t feel bad. It’s not that it causes inflammation, but it’s a precursor to myokines that help with signaling repair/growth, and part of that is inflammation. The only things I would really worry about is medications and omega 3s because those compete for absorption.


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Whilst we're on the subject I remember from previous cortisol reducing supplements my joints can start to give me issues 6-8 weeks in. Is there something where the joints can dry out a little after some time using cortisol reducing supps?


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Whilst we're on the subject I remember from previous cortisol reducing supplements my joints can start to give me issues 6-8 weeks in. Is there something where the joints can dry out a little after some time using cortisol reducing supps?
Some people say that they experience this with some cortisol reducing supplements, but it seems to happen more with some than others; and is rare with Reduce XT.

If it does happen, which is doubtful, most of the time adequately dosed fish oil or Joint Support XT will take care of it. Or you could cut dosage back by 1 capsule when you start to experience it.


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Just wanted to leave a little feedback on Reduce XT.

I used 1 bottle 2 pills per day for the last 3/4 of my 2 month cut. I bought it to help with sleep because the past few years I would wake up at 4 or 5am and not go back to sleep many nights. I would lie in my bed wide awake hungry. With Reduce XT, I would still wake up my normal 2x a night, but I rarely had problems going back to sleep (mostly likely due to decreased cortisol). I will definitely be buying a bottle for next year's cut as it paid dividends with sleep. This was the only benefit/side effect I noticed while taking Reduce XT. Thanks @sns8778 for the recommendation!

Now that I'm done with my cut, I'm trying not to add back in all of the calories at once. So once again I'm having trouble going back to sleep without Reduce XT.


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Just wanted to leave a little feedback on Reduce XT.

I used 1 bottle 2 pills per day for the last 3/4 of my 2 month cut. I bought it to help with sleep because the past few years I would wake up at 4 or 5am and not go back to sleep many nights. I would lie in my bed wide awake hungry. With Reduce XT, I would still wake up my normal 2x a night, but I rarely had problems going back to sleep (mostly likely due to decreased cortisol). I will definitely be buying a bottle for next year's cut as it paid dividends with sleep. This was the only benefit/side effect I noticed while taking Reduce XT. Thanks @sns8778 for the recommendation!

Now that I'm done with my cut, I'm trying not to add back in all of the calories at once. So once again I'm having trouble going back to sleep without Reduce XT.
Thank you for the feedback. I really appreciate it.

Reduce XT gets overlooked a lot on here. It's a great product for cortisol control and stress and mood.


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Come to think of it, during my run of Inhibit-E, Inhibit-P, and Reduce-XT about 7 months ago, I had no joint issues whatsoever. Lost about 30 pounds to boot. I also slept like a baby.
I haven't tried all three of those together. That would be an interesting run!


I haven't tried all three of those together. That would be an interesting run!
It was an interesting run! Those 3 products seem to fit together perfectly. I dropped the weight really quick on that run. I stayed strong, slept great, and had a very nice libido. The drying out effect really made me look better than I had since, well for years. It got me inspired to continue on to where I am finally back working out consistently, looking better than I have in years, and inspired me to get shredded for a least 1 time in my life. (Long way to go, but starting back up on cardio next week) That stack also turned me in to a SNS/CEL/MA fanboy. Definitely another stack I will do again. The only problem now is that I have so many CEL/SNS/MA products waiting in the wings to run, who knows when I will get back to it. Not a bad problem to have, but a problem all the same! Especially when you are as indecisive as I am. Those products could sit there a bit as I try to make up my mind. I can't even decide what to eat at a restaurant haha.


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i know this is an old thread being bumped

but i havent gone above 3 caps .. 2 are perfect for me
damn i need to pick this up now .. been so long cant even tell u last time i ran this

maybe with next prime batch ..get strong and lean at the same time :)


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Come to think of it, during my run of Inhibit-E, Inhibit-P, and Reduce-XT about 7 months ago, I had no joint issues whatsoever. Lost about 30 pounds to boot. I also slept like a baby.
sleep on reduceXT alone is very good for me .. so i can see that

thats a nice stack .. i can do that prolly too with the dosages recommended but if i go over then ill get joint issues.

congrats on losing 30lbs thats awesome.


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i know this is an old thread being bumped

but i havent gone above 3 caps .. 2 are perfect for me
damn i need to pick this up now .. been so long cant even tell u last time i ran this

maybe with next prime batch ..get strong and lean at the same time :)
2 to 3 capsules is great.

There are some people that will go very high on Reduce XT for periods of time for cutting and some, including myself, respond insanely well to doing it. It was very popular to do it for years when Reduce XT first came out and I've seen more people doing it in the last few months than in a long time.

I never recommend it because I just never make recommendations at going over the label dosages, but the protocol was for 8 weeks of doing 6 to 9 caps per day. That can obviously get pricey but for most people the results are crazy good if diet and training is in check and they have their bases covered.


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2 to 3 capsules is great.

There are some people that will go very high on Reduce XT for periods of time for cutting and some, including myself, respond insanely well to doing it. It was very popular to do it for years when Reduce XT first came out and I've seen more people doing it in the last few months than in a long time.

I never recommend it because I just never make recommendations at going over the label dosages, but the protocol was for 8 weeks of doing 6 to 9 caps per day. That can obviously get pricey but for most people the results are crazy good if diet and training is in check and they have their bases covered.
2 caps at a time I’m assuming?


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2 caps at a time I’m assuming?
If running the normal dosage, 1 capsule 2 to 3 times per day.

For people running the high dose protocol, its generally done at 2 capsules 3x per day with some doing 3 caps 3x per day.

That used to be very popular and people still do it, just most of the people that do it don't post anymore so you don't see it written about as much. I've been trying to figure out where/why there's been a big resurgence of it the last 6 months because I've had a ton of people ask me about it but its been mostly by email, not on here.


I've been trying to figure out where/why there's been a big resurgence of it the last 6 months because I've had a ton of people ask me about it but its been mostly by email, not on here.
Maybe simply because of word of mouth of how good it works, and works impressively well! I was running Inhibit-e and inhibit-p for about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks which was really tightening me up, (also impressive supps) drying me out some, and having me feel really good. When I brought in reduce-XT, it was like a switch was turned on and the weight just began to drop off and I really tightened up. Strength began to recover more and pushed me on my way to becoming obsessed with working out again because of the results. Hmm... all of this is making me question what I should run next, again!


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Supress C vs Reduce XT which is better overall? Take out the topical vs oral aspect. Just overall product in terms of cortisol.


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Supress C vs Reduce XT which is better overall? Take out the topical vs oral aspect. Just overall product in terms of cortisol.
Are we talking normal dose versus normal dose?

If so, the honest answer is that if we both took them and then switched, that one may work better for one of us and the other may work better for the other.

If we're talking mega dosing like I mentioned, then Reduce XT. I wouldn't mega dose Suppress-C.

I know that answers like this suck because people want clear cut answers, but that's the honest one - that one may work better for one of us and the other work better for the other one.


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It was an interesting run! Those 3 products seem to fit together perfectly. I dropped the weight really quick on that run. I stayed strong, slept great, and had a very nice libido. The drying out effect really made me look better than I had since, well for years. It got me inspired to continue on to where I am finally back working out consistently, looking better than I have in years, and inspired me to get shredded for a least 1 time in my life. (Long way to go, but starting back up on cardio next week) That stack also turned me in to a SNS/CEL/MA fanboy. Definitely another stack I will do again. The only problem now is that I have so many CEL/SNS/MA products waiting in the wings to run, who knows when I will get back to it. Not a bad problem to have, but a problem all the same! Especially when you are as indecisive as I am. Those products could sit there a bit as I try to make up my mind. I can't even decide what to eat at a restaurant haha.
What was your diet like?


I dropped the carbs to about 75 - 100 grams per day. Some days much less than that. Upped my protein to about .75 to 1 gram per pound. Calories were cut pretty significantly to anywhere between 1700 to 2100. 2100 here and there on high intensity days of 30 - 40 mins cardio and full body workout. Calories now average 2200 - 2400 and I am still losing weight. Hit 168 2 days ago. Goal is a consistent 165 fit with 10% body fat. Lost my calipers, but probably about 15-17%.

My wife's family are Angus beef farmers. Luckily, I have no shortness of good protein. I want to begin building mass from a position of being thin, healthy and fit. By the way, I am 5'7".


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I dropped the carbs to about 75 - 100 grams per day. Some days much less than that. Upped my protein to about .75 to 1 gram per pound. Calories were cut pretty significantly to anywhere between 1700 to 2100. 2100 here and there on high intensity days of 30 - 40 mins cardio and full body workout. Calories now average 2200 - 2400 and I am still losing weight. Hit 168 2 days ago. Goal is a consistent 165 fit with 10% body fat. Lost my calipers, but probably about 15-17%.

My wife's family are Angus beef farmers. Luckily, I have no shortness of good protein. I want to begin building mass from a position of being thin, healthy and fit. By the way, I am 5'7".

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