Random act of kindness thread



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Here is a little story of mine to get things started. This is what inspired me to start this.

I was talking in another thread about a popular product. I said samples were not available in the UK and due to the potent nature of it was reluctant to buy it otherwise. Out of the blue I received a PM from 'Bruce' aka D2footballjrc saying he would send me some.

Initially I thought he must have forgotten that I was located in a different country so I kind of dismissed it. When I told him I was in England he said he would check shipping fees and send me his tub for free if I covered shipping, which I agreed to.

So, a few days later he posts a picture online of the box he has sent me. It includes other products and many other samples, this is extremely generous as the total cost in the UK would be equivalent to over $100 (at a guess). Although this was not in the agreement my plan was to send him some extra money via PayPal as a thank you to reward his act of generosity. Here is the conversation which followed;

Brucey can you PM me your PayPal email address please?
Don't have one, darn it. Just enjoy bro! Its my random act of kindness for the month. I try to do that randomly. Pay it forward to someone else. Buy someones tea randomly or something! The wife and I both have decent jobs and are really blessed. If you really feel the need to pay something give it to a local church or charity. It would serve them much better!
You did this all along knowing I wouldn't be able to pay you?!

You sir are a gentleman. Thank you for your kindness.
I am going to work out a random act of kindness I can do to keep the good karma flowing.
I did it because you said you wanted to try Craze. I no longer was taking Craze, add in you've been a good guy on the forum, I felt you deserved it. I don't believe in Karma, but I do believe in random acts can have a positive effect on the world around us. All in all, I'm a big softie. I have the tracking numbers at work, ill pm you those on Monday when I go back into the office.

Now to continue with this thread...

Gray Dolphin.
This touched me as a huge random act of kindness and since then I have decided I need to do more. This thread is to serve as inspiration for a flow of good karma. Please keep positive and remember that the point of this thread is not to receive but to give.

After some thought I realised that every idea I came up with defeated the object, it stopped it being 'random' so..

My first 'random' act of kindness came when I saw a pregnant girl carrying a lot of bags through her workplace. I stopped what I was doing to take them from her and carry them on her behalf. This was the first act of kindness which was truly random.

Lets keep the good karma flowing. What have you done today?


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Our world could certainly use more of this. Better to reach out then to lash out.


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nice...that's inspiring. I just realized I haven't been doing any thing like that. Too busy with my own thoughts, I guess. I hope to remember this and do my share sometime.


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Here is a little story of mine to get things started. This is what inspired me to start this.

I was talking in another thread about a popular product. I said samples were not available in the UK and due to the potent nature of it was reluctant to buy it otherwise. Out of the blue I received a PM from 'Bruce' aka D2footballjrc saying he would send me some.

Initially I thought he must have forgotten that I was located in a different country so I kind of dismissed it. When I told him I was in England he said he would check shipping fees and send me his tub for free if I covered shipping, which I agreed to.

So, a few days later he posts a picture online of the box he has sent me. It includes other products and many other samples, this is extremely generous as the total cost in the UK would be equivalent to over $100 (at a guess). Although this was not in the agreement my plan was to send him some extra money via PayPal as a thank you to reward his act of generosity. Here is the conversation which followed;

This touched me as a huge random act of kindness and since then I have decided I need to do more. This thread is to serve as inspiration for a flow of good karma. Please keep positive and remember that the point of this thread is not to receive but to give.

After some thought I realised that every idea I came up with defeated the object, it stopped it being 'random' so..

My first 'random' act of kindness came when I saw a pregnant girl carrying a lot of bags through her workplace. I stopped what I was doing to take them from her and carry them on her behalf. This was the first act of kindness which was truly random.

Lets keep the good karma flowing. What have you done today?


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Glad you posted this, Ben.

It certainly is something we can forget about and I need to do a better job of doing this, myself.

For your inspiration:



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It is truely amazing that some thing so simply can make so meny of think about the way we are or the way we think. Hats of to u for this thread


Great idea, more people need to partake in things like this. I make it a point to try to help someone at least once a week even if it seems like something silly! :) Little things count towards a lot.


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Uhmmmm, Flex posted something and I did not tell him to STFU! Doesn't that count for something?


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I've been homeless before (bad family, not as a result of any addiction) and it can be extremely lonely and heartbreaking when you feel you have nowhere to turn and nobody cares. Anytime I come across a homeless individual that doesn't look like a drunk or drug addict (look them in the eyes you can tell the difference from those in real need) I try to help as in buy them a meal or give them food or something I have on me that I don't need but could help them some. You can't save them by doing that but you may be able to help reinstall alil bit of hope in their lives that can add up to enough to pull them outs the hole theyre in.


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I've been homeless before (bad family, not as a result of any addiction) and it can be extremely lonely and heartbreaking when you feel you have nowhere to turn and nobody cares. Anytime I come across a homeless individual that doesn't look like a drunk or drug addict (look them in the eyes you can tell the difference from those in real need) I try to help as in buy them a meal or give them food or something I have on me that I don't need but could help them some. You can't save them by doing that but you may be able to help reinstall alil bit of hope in their lives that can add up to enough to pull them outs the hole theyre in.
Call it Karma, call it sewing and reaping, call it what you want, but I am convinced it all comes back to you in the end.


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Call it Karma, call it sewing and reaping, call it what you want, but I am convinced it all comes back to you in the end.
Same here I belive u get out of life what u put in so if u help pepoel u will be help. We r the only thing standing in the way


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Thanks for the support guys. My thoughts were that if a few people took it upon themselves to do nice things it would at least help brighten up some people's days.

So, hopefully this will start a movement and we can get some random acts of kindness completed and posted upon here. Let the goodwill commence. :)


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I've been homeless before (bad family, not as a result of any addiction) and it can be extremely lonely and heartbreaking when you feel you have nowhere to turn and nobody cares. Anytime I come across a homeless individual that doesn't look like a drunk or drug addict (look them in the eyes you can tell the difference from those in real need) I try to help as in buy them a meal or give them food or something I have on me that I don't need but could help them some. You can't save them by doing that but you may be able to help reinstall alil bit of hope in their lives that can add up to enough to pull them outs the hole theyre in.
Keep it up! I admire you guys!

...I hope to remember this..and if I can do my share for the next few days, I'll post it here. I support the movement.


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Things I usually do are

Help a homeless (not a drunk/junky) person with food or whatever I can in passing

Help push stalled out cars on the road to safety (as long as I don't have my baby boy with me)

Help fellow bikers broken down and never pass up a loner ( unless riding in a pack) -believe it or not the last one I stopped for was a LEO MC guy with a broken throttle cable. Tried to be a nice guy and the whole time he was acting nervous and had his hand on top his gun and couldn't get rid of me fast enough :-/ whatever


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I put carts away at Walmart so they don't run into someone else's car.

It amazes me that people are so lazy (actually, it sadly doesn't, any more).


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I put carts away at Walmart so they don't run into someone else's car.

It amazes me that people are so lazy (actually, it sadly doesn't, any more).
I do that unless I have my son. Not gonna leave him in the car unattended while I run a shopping cart across the lot. I feel kinda shty leavin it there but I'll never leave him unprotected.


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why won't you help junkies or drunks? do you think they are worth less? if you differentiate between who you support and who you do not, then your motive is entirely ego-motivated and you are only doing it for your own satisfaction.
true empathy is not only helping people that you love but also helping people that you hate.


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why won't you help junkies or drunks? do you think they are worth less? if you differentiate between who you support and who you do not, then your motive is entirely ego-motivated and you are only doing it for your own satisfaction.
true empathy is not only helping people that you love but also helping people that you hate.
enabling a junkie to continue to be a junkie is not helping but only exacerbating the problem.


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If they look truly like a junkie or boozed out, I'll buy them a burger or something and give that to them instead of money.


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that sounds like the appropriate thing to do. denying people help however because one doesnÄt agree with their life choices is something that bothers me greatly. nobody should be suffering, wether its "their own fault" or not is irrelevant.

and to be honest, i have given an alcoholic homeless guy a few bottles of beer before. he was actually quite happy. some may judge this to be wrong, but in that moment it was better for him than nothing. me not giving him the beer wouldn't get him off the street anyways.


i volunteered for "operation cool breeze" providing central hvac for the elderly during the summer months...feels good...


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that sounds like the appropriate thing to do. denying people help however because one doesnÄt agree with their life choices is something that bothers me greatly. nobody should be suffering, wether its "their own fault" or not is irrelevant.

and to be honest, i have given an alcoholic homeless guy a few bottles of beer before. he was actually quite happy. some may judge this to be wrong, but in that moment it was better for him than nothing. me not giving him the beer wouldn't get him off the street anyways.
that's horrible. you're only adding to the problem instead of finding a way to actually help.


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If they look truly like a junkie or boozed out, I'll buy them a burger or something and give that to them instead of money.
Good idea.

that sounds like the appropriate thing to do. denying people help however because one doesnÄt agree with their life choices is something that bothers me greatly. nobody should be suffering, wether its "their own fault" or not is irrelevant.

and to be honest, i have given an alcoholic homeless guy a few bottles of beer before. he was actually quite happy. some may judge this to be wrong, but in that moment it was better for him than nothing. me not giving him the beer wouldn't get him off the street anyways.
Do what u do.
I dont agree with that man. He'll might just rob u next to get his next hit/high.
Don't encourage irresponsible behavior.


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why won't you help junkies or drunks? do you think they are worth less? if you differentiate between who you support and who you do not, then your motive is entirely ego-motivated and you are only doing it for your own satisfaction.
true empathy is not only helping people that you love but also helping people that you hate.
I'll never give them money. I will give them food or something to drink (non-alcoholic).

Back to the original premise of the thread...Reading through this thread has made me realize that I'm not being as good of a human being as I should be. Therefore, I am going to make it a point to do at least one R.A.K. per month. Hopefully more, but at least one.


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Good idea.

Do what u do.
I dont agree with that man. He'll might just rob u next to get his next hit/high.
Don't encourage irresponsible behavior.
there may be a cultural difference here. i am from germany, and here homeless people don't rob people on the street. also most homeless people are not junkies. i don't know about the usa so...

it may be because the social security system in germany is so advanced that it is very difficult to actually become homeless. you do not end up homeless just because you are lazy or take drugs. i think most people this happens to are people who experience something so terrible in their lives that they didn't have the strength anymore to even ask for government help (like losing loved ones or mental illness).
hardly the kind of people who will rob or assault someone.
we do not have a lot of crack or meth junkies on the streets here. then again, i don't know about the us, i am just assuming that must be the case from what i have read.

(and also my city is different from others....blabla, so i can see how opinions differ based on the environment)


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I live for little acts of kindness. These kind of things make me a faithful person and help me through the day knowing I helped a complete stranger or a best friend without them knowing.

I was working a football camp once and after or workout we had about an hour until the actual camp started in highschool. Every morning I would pass the social service center and see the underprivileged sitting waiting for food. I was always far from underprivileged, and I always wanted to do something to help them out. I passed by one morning and saw a bunch of people, I went to the local donut shop, which is famous around where I'm from, bought $40 worth of donuts (about 5 dozen) pulled up to the center with chocolate and glazed donuts, popped my trunk and dropped them off and simply just left. I got many thank you's, but it isn't about that. I have other stories like this. Random acts make me feel like I have a greater purpose.


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This is a pretty cool thread. I find that even just being polite to people can go a long way to make someones day. Holding a door open or flashing a truly huge smile at them.

I've worked as an EMT and firefighter for going on 7 years now and being apart of saving peoples lives and helping them on literally they're worst days you kinda become addicted to it.

We had a car Fire with a woman unconscious a few months back and her baby in the backseat crying. We pulled them both out and she gave us all hugs sobbing. That feeling my friends is an addiction that I'll never feel bad about.

That's an extreme example but people don't realize that you literally with one smiling gesture or nod can change a day for someone in a matter of seconds.

Cheers everyone and keep making a difference one person at a time : )


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So, true to my word I passed on a random act of kindness as Bruce asked me to do (instead of paying him back).

I thought about what I could do and realised that anything planned wasn't random, I needed something spontaneous.

A friend of mine and his wife were having a baby daugher who unfortunately didn't make it through labour due to complications. I went to her funeral after not seeing him for years and understandably they were so upset that it was hard to know what to say to them. I have only seen him once since over the last few months but he is a great guy and needs a break.

His wife put on Facebook that they have been raising money to build a bench in memory of her daughter and needed £500 ($782) to pay for the bench they wanted. They had already raised some money for it and said they had £163 ($255) left before they reached their target.

When I saw this I immediately realised what I had to do. I pride myself on someone who puts other people first and although the amount needed is not a small amount of money for me there was no reason that I needed the money more than my friend who was in need. I rang him that night and asked if he wanted to go for a quick drink just to catch up with each other. After about 30 minutes of talking to him about how things had been since his daughter's death I told him that I wanted to make a donation and pay the remainder of the total needed to try and help him through this traumatic time.

Him and his wife were very grateful for it and can now order the bench in his daughter's memory.

Thank you to Bruce for starting this train of thought in my head. Without him I may not have been on the lookout to help others as much as I have been.


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that was a really good thing you did. im sure it makes them feel much less alone in this situation. the hardest when going through such a terrible thing must be realizing that nobody seems to care at all and people are just carrying on with all kinds of meaningless stuff.

prepare to be the godfather for their next child :D


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that was a really good thing you did. im sure it makes them feel much less alone in this situation. the hardest when going through such a terrible thing must be realizing that nobody seems to care at all and people are just carrying on with all kinds of meaningless stuff.

prepare to be the godfather for their next child :D
Thank you.

The thing for me was that I have been through hard times and know that when you are low the people you think will be there for you often aren't whilst you get support from the unlikeliest of places. This is when I decided that I wanted to be the type of person who made an extra effort for those in need.

As me and him don't see each other very often I realised that I had not been great support. Although I hadn't been intentionally ignoring him I just hadn't spoken to him as much as I should have. This seemed like a way to tell him I was there for him and help him however I could.


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You guys are awesome. This is an epic train of thought. The world would be infinitely better if everyone could just do 1 small random act like this a day.


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Glad to see this thread still going. I've had a hard time with this as of late. As people we should always try to let our light shine though.

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