The RE1GN labelling will be quite similar just with the text for the flavour changed. Below is the label for Krusherz
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But if you want a tease check out the artwork for ENDUR3...
Invalid Link Removed BamBam0319

Naturally and Artifically Flavoured, is it just me or the that wording is like to opposites? :) I though you guys will send a pic of the ingredients on the label, each pic you uploaded seems to only show the front and side, even fb pics.. is this strategic?

Just some non shipping questions :)
They ship to Australia.

I ordered Crimson from them 2 weeks back. My cheap UPS option doesn't give me sufficient tracking info. It's still stuck at "Shipment info received by UPS" since 2 weeks back. Was that your experience with them as well?
I ordered Crimson from them 2 weeks back. My cheap UPS option doesn't give me sufficient tracking info. It's still stuck at "Shipment info received by UPS" since 2 weeks back. Was that your experience with them as well?
Mate, put the tracking number in Auspost.

I can't remember, but half the time once it arrives in the country the updates stop and Auspost take it up.
Naturally and Artifically Flavoured, is it just me or the that wording is like to opposites? :) I though you guys will send a pic of the ingredients on the label, each pic you uploaded seems to only show the front and side, even fb pics.. is this strategic?

Just some non shipping questions :)

No, the graphic labels are more sexxxy

Here you go
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The RE1GN labelling will be quite similar just with the text for the flavour changed. Below is the label for Krusherz
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But if you want a tease check out the artwork for ENDUR3...
Invalid Link Removed BamBam0319

Aw man. I was hoping for a variety in graphic art. Would have been cool to see some Aliens and UFOs for area 51!

Thanks for sneak peek into endur3 :)
I'll never get the fancy artwork and labels. Just send it to me in a sandwich bag for all I care

Then how you know its legit in a sandwich bag? These guys are trying sell to public, not just the anabolic fan club
Then how you know its legit in a sandwich bag? These guys are trying sell to public, not just the anabolic fan club

I think he is just trying to make the point that he could care less about the packaging. I agree with him, really could care less about the design of the label as long as the fact panel is there lol. But I get the fact that in a retail setting you have to make your product stand out
I'll never get the fancy artwork and labels. Just send it to me in a sandwich bag for all I care

yeah man ... honestly if the only real thing holding this up is the labeling then send it to be in a conquer container or something... i really think there is more to this then labeling but whatever
yeah man ... honestly if the only real thing holding this up is the labeling then send it to be in a conquer container or something... i really think there is more to this then labeling but whatever
There is regulations you need to meet to sell a supplement afaik. I don't think selling stuff without labels is kosher as far as FDA is concerned.
yeah man ... honestly if the only real thing holding this up is the labeling then send it to be in a conquer container or something... i really think there is more to this then labeling but whatever

Some suspecious white powder, maybe a mixup and could get factory workers co*aine stash, we dont want this scenario to happen.. lo0lz
So constantly complaining, emailing OL, emailing Suppz, and essential spamming the **** out of this thread has accomplished what exactly? OL has expressed that the labels feel behind schedule and they were trying everything to get these out ASAP. I dont blame OL for NOT giving a new date, hell I wouldn't. Something else comes up and miss another promise date and some people in here going to lose their minds even further.
No it makes much more sense for grown men to constantly complain and throw temper tantrums...good call. Last 9 pages of this thread have been just that

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Yeah I think you guys need to take your time with the labels. I'm thinking MAYBE a 21st of August ship date is more realistic
Guys, I know you expected to have this in your hands at the beginning of the month and we missed that deadline and then the revised deadline was missed. You are upset and have every right to be.

While we are sincerely apologetic for the numerous delays, realistically we can not accurately give you a date or time without a high probability of you being disappointed. We are pressuring our contractor but are unfortunately reliant on them to get this out ASAP. Requests for daily updates are not expediting the release, just slowing other projects down.
There will be an EU version but if you order from the US you'll get their version.

I'm just waiting till it becomes available on OL or NV.

I don't like the eu versions, there always missing the best stuff. What's not in the version bro?
I misspelled and typed in s u pzz

Good times
Dude you are too much!! Did you join AM just for this topic?

Careful dude, he'll attack your weak PRs that you haven't updated in two years and then invite you to come fight him.
Careful dude, he'll attack your weak PRs that you haven't updated in two years and then invite you to come fight him.

Actually yes.... is that a problem?

Actually those weak PRs are current! Lol.

It's a free world man just seems like you have nothing better to do than complain and argue. I really think if it's bothering you so much that Re1gn is late you should see if you can cancel your order and get your money back.
Is this the thread where we pick up lit torches and pitchforks? Admin told me it was. Villagers unite!!!
Runs screaming towards castle gate*
A free present that u paid for ... at this rate we're getting screwed on the time value of money. Lol..jk I don't need 12 bros to come at me for that.

You are right I did pay for it but that was a month ago so it feels like i didn't have to pay for it. Just how i look at it
1st everyone was complaining about the mystery ingredient. Now it's the shipping date. I thought this was a Q&A forum. Maybe GNO should make a complaint/suggestion forum to keep this clear for actual productive questions and debates.
1st everyone was complaining about the mystery ingredient. Now it's the shipping date. I thought this was a Q&A forum. Maybe GNO should make a complaint/suggestion forum to keep this clear for actual productive questions and debates.

My thoughts exactly.

Let's drop the shipping inquires (complaints) please. Send those directly to OL via email where you can complain 1 on 1 all you want. This also helps as documentation in the event that you want to file for a refund or want your bank to take care of refunds, if no response to your inquires.
Fine you're right..: GNO are the pumps really that mind blowing and this will be my first run with alpha yohimbine but anymore than 1.25mg of hcl and I get nauseous and the spit.... any insight in how much more tolerable it is... I see a lot of info that doesnt match up on the interweb
The pumps are better than you'd expect.

No alpha yohimbine in RE1GN

I'm 32yo I don't fight anymore.... but I was doing your PR's while I was still going through puberty
Puberty was the last time I gave a damn about my PR's, so congratulations boss.
And you challenged me to come through where you live just so I can say something to your face, or some other petty high school crap like that.
And in all honesty everyone needs to relax, myself included.... they're is probably more complaining and bitching and shaming on here on the people asking where the product they already paid for then there are people asking for the updates..... so the way I see it... pot/kettle. But if I remember correctly you're the one that started the shaming and negativity...

B-b-but he started it!!
I said something because it's a very common thing for people to badger OL for updates and shipping confirmations even though it's well established they rarely meet deadlines, and people ask nonstop even if they ARE on schedule.
But you wouldn't know that, because you created your account three weeks ago and have done nothing but stir up negativity since then.
I just totally forgot the fact that I paid $130 (including shipping) to get my 5 tubs to India. Not my first order from suppz. They have always delivered. But this is out of suppz control.
I asked for an update and you talked **** you peasant... and I stirred up the negativity... I clearly was burying the hatched and you have to keep it up. You're right I joined the forum to check on the q&a and status of a product that got delayed 3 or 4 or however many times... I usually don't spend my time on forums but to **** on you I will.

No you won't or you will be out of here. Cut the bull****.