You would think a company would have everything ready to go before you start taking everyone's money. Just common sense so as a consumer it's frustrating.
Apparently you've never pre ordered a video game in the past 3 years lol. Get our money, under deliver what's promised. At least we still get what was promised :)
Apparently you've never pre ordered a video game in the past 3 years lol. Get our money, under deliver what's promised. At least we still get what was promised :)

This happens everywhere. I work in the auto industry and launches get delayed for various reasons all the time and there are always people who preorder cars and then get super bummed when it gets delayed. We even tell them upfront that the expected delivery date may shift and they still get upset. Such is life

Sure I am excited to try this but if it comes a few days later than expected it isnt going to make or break me. To the few of you that continue to post constant negativity just pull your order and get something else if you are THIS upset over it. Wait for it to be fully stocked and reorder. You know OL will have this on their website soon enough and they run 50% off constantly so it will essentially be the same price
This happens everywhere. I work in the auto industry and launches get delayed for various reasons all the time and there are always people who preorder cars and then get super bummed when it gets delayed. We even tell them upfront that the expected delivery date may shift and they still get upset. Such is life

Sure I am excited to try this but if it comes a few days later than expected it isnt going to make or break me. To the few of you that continue to post constant negativity just pull your order and get something else if you are THIS upset over it. Wait for it to be fully stocked and reorder. You know OL will have this on their website soon enough and they run 50% off constantly so it will essentially be the same price

Yup.. I experience delays in my job all the time lol. Typically not my fault and more of the 'businesses' fault.. But yup, happens everywhere lol. I was supposed to go to Portugal over a year ago for a network deployment and it's just finally happening in August haha
This happens everywhere. I work in the auto industry and launches get delayed for various reasons all the time and there are always people who preorder cars and then get super bummed when it gets delayed. We even tell them upfront that the expected delivery date may shift and they still get upset. Such is life

Sure I am excited to try this but if it comes a few days later than expected it isnt going to make or break me. To the few of you that continue to post constant negativity just pull your order and get something else if you are THIS upset over it. Wait for it to be fully stocked and reorder. You know OL will have this on their website soon enough and they run 50% off constantly so it will essentially be the same price

Once they moved the date back the first time I stocked up on Conqu3r. Precautions must always be taken for a product launch.

Apparently you've never pre ordered a video game in the past 3 years lol. Get our money, under deliver what's promised. At least we still get what was promised :)

I actually just preordered Call of Duty yesterday!! And it will be installed on my PS4 Nov 3rd as it's advertised to be.
Why is everyone freaking out about the shipping? This has happened on almost every launch since last year. Or1gin, Super Shred, Super 7, Super 19, Bloodshr3d, and Assass1nate. It will ship when it ships. Nothing can be done about it now.
I can't agree more. It would have been abnormal if RE1GN had been available to ship at the prior expected dates. This should be anticipated now by the consumer and you really just have to order it and forget about it. We have seen this how many times now? When it finally arrives, it's just a nice little surprise!

It's not like there aren't any other PWOs out there that can be used in the meantime. CU for one has been available at bargain pricing forever now.
I don't think those products were given the hype as much as Re1gn. And people love their pre workouts unlike those other supps. Logically speaking, when you tempt the crowd so much with the product and then keep delaying the product, people are bound to get pissed.
I would say that ORG1N had more hype and anticipation than REIGN. Natural anabolics are few and far between, especially with the novelty of ORGIN's profile. While REIGN has a few new ingredients to offer, PWO's flood the industry and most of us are already using one anyway..
I really don't care but I'm not the one that set several target dates and missed every one... they did that themselves....I was just saying a responsible company gets in front of these things... they don't wait till the deadline passes and then say something.... it's the equivalent of turning in a paper in college late and saying your grandmother died and you were too upset to contact the professor and let them know you were going to be late with the assignment... I know this because I had like 12 grandmothers die when I was in college lol.... but now they're a real company and supposed to be professional and responsible.... its late.. **** happens... but don't duck and hide get out in front of it is all I'm saying. Sorry for the negativity.

I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmothers.
I bet if we contact suppz customer service enough asking them when it will ship, it will surely be in our hands faster

I've contacted them twice .. no response

Not even about shipping .. bc I know how products can be pushed back .. I deal with SNS so understandable

My problem with suppz is that my transaction says "on hold" and they took the $$ out .. while others say "accepted" that's all I want them to contact me back about .. apprently that's too much to ask.
I've contacted them twice .. no response

Not even about shipping .. bc I know how products can be pushed back .. I deal with SNS so understandable

My problem with suppz is that my transaction says "on hold" and they took the $$ out .. while others say "accepted" that's all I want them to contact me back about .. apprently that's too much to ask.

+1 main issue is they took money then nothing after..not good customer service. Not complained about delays just want to be notified from the seller "suppz" not OL labs the producer!
I've contacted them twice .. no response

Not even about shipping .. bc I know how products can be pushed back .. I deal with SNS so understandable

My problem with suppz is that my transaction says "on hold" and they took the $$ out .. while others say "accepted" that's all I want them to contact me back about .. apprently that's too much to ask.

Mine says the same thing, not too worried I am sure it will get sorted out once they arrive on site.
I have ignite, assas1nate and reign all coming in next week... how would u dose and space these 3 supps
A full dose of Ignite is 3 caps in the AM and 2 more mid to late afternoon. You may want to start with 2 and 1 at first if you need to assess the stim tolerance. Assassinate is 2 caps twice daily before your largest carb meals. I would be very careful with taking Reign with Ignite due to the huge amount of stims. Start with partial doses of each and slowly ramp up to find what works for you. And I would not suggest taking Ignite and Reign at the same time of day.
I thought I read on this forum to also take down the dose of assasinste if you're taking ignite?
Just dose them away from each other and you should be fine. It's just about not having too much ampk activation all at once. But you shouldn't be dosing at the same time anyway, given Assass1nate should be prior to meals to best utilize it's GDA properties, and Ignit3 should be away from meals so yohimbine isn't being effected by insulin.
i like how they tried to tell me it went to spam. um. no. no it didn't because nothing was ever sent.
i'm sure suppz was hoping this would boost store sales. if the comments in here reflect the majority of reign purchasers, it's backfired badly.
Why are we blaming suppz? They don't even have the product yet... let's give them the benefit of the doubt at this point... OL carries the burden of blame at this point
As a company OL has accepted blame for the delays that have occurred.

But, I am going to ask you nicely ...Please stop trying to promote negativity in this thread. Only going to ask you once
I've contacted them twice .. no response

Not even about shipping .. bc I know how products can be pushed back .. I deal with SNS so understandable

My problem with suppz is that my transaction says "on hold" and they took the $$ out .. while others say "accepted" that's all I want them to contact me back about .. apprently that's too much to ask.

I've also attempted to contact them as I didn't receive a confirmation email but no response. Not great service at all
Why are we blaming suppz? They don't even have the product yet... let's give them the benefit of the doubt at this point... OL carries the burden of blame at this point

Well I guess for your scenario's

Suppz to blame when they don't contact back their customers .. they can simply say what you are saying

It's no big deal it's only $35 but just hate this kind of service , let alone no1 will recommend that site to any1 .. wish they were AM sponser I'm sure that will never happen
Out of curiosity, who benefits from this deal? OL labs or Suppz? Whats the story, easier to ship to suppz large volume and let them deal with sales get fat pay cheque, then send individual orders from OL official site..
Out of curiosity, who benefits from this deal? OL labs or Suppz? Whats the story, easier to ship to suppz large volume and let them deal with sales get fat pay cheque, then send individual orders from OL official site..

Both parties should .. im sure communication/getting hold of suppz part suxs.
I think you're doing a good job GNO. Keep us updated
I think you're doing a good job GNO. Keep us updated

I'll second this. I ordered a product that I knew wasn't going to be here right away. I get that it's running later than expected, but in the big scheme of things, it's a pre-workout. I have other pre's that I can use. Getting all bent out of shape at the people who are probably more upset than you are at the situation isn't going to help. Past experiences with OL has shown me that they'll take care of it. Maybe GNO can throw a partially eaten donut in with each order?

Anybody involved in retail sales of anything knows that Amazon has changed the way people view online purchases. If I can't have my order in two days, something's wrong. Right?
I'll second this. I ordered a product that I knew wasn't going to be here right away. I get that it's running later than expected, but in the big scheme of things, it's a pre-workout. I have other pre's that I can use. Getting all bent out of shape at the people who are probably more upset than you are at the situation isn't going to help. Past experiences with OL has shown me that they'll take care of it. Maybe GNO can throw a partially eaten donut in with each order?

Anybody involved in retail sales of anything knows that Amazon has changed the way people view online purchases. If I can't have my order in two days, something's wrong. Right?
Woahhhh now...that's a big request. I'll see what i can do ;)

But seriously, from Ray on down we always try the best for you guys :)
The estimated ship date is 7/21 on the Suppz website and today is only 7/23. I would only start considering this a substantial delay at the end of next month...
This thread is a q&a not a complaint thread.. my question.
Have the art labels for the other flavors been disclosed? If not, will you share those so we can get even more excited? :)
This thread is a q&a not a complaint thread.. my question.
Have the art labels for the other flavors been disclosed? If not, will you share those so we can get even more excited? :)

The RE1GN labelling will be quite similar just with the text for the flavour changed. Below is the label for Krusherz
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But if you want a tease check out the artwork for ENDUR3...
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The RE1GN labelling will be quite similar just with the text for the flavour changed. Below is the label for Krusherz
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But if you want a tease check out the artwork for ENDUR3...
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Sure just reply to this with where you guys accepted blame for missing Friday's deadline....I saw where you guys blamed the printer, but didn't see anything where you guys accepted blame or apologized... and that was only after I called you guys out for not getting in front of it like a good business/rep should... Also, you're okay with suppz your partner in this launch getting **** on and people "promoting negativity" on them when they haven't even received product from you yet? All i said is basically don't shoot suppz.com yet, they haven't even gotten the product yet.... you took that personally enough to give me a "warning" and tell me that you're "only going to ask me once".... very intimidating.... grow up Peter Pan. Do your job and let the people know what's going on with the product instead of trying to intimidate me on a forum.

How about you stop beating a dead horse, clearly not going to get it into your hands any quicker.

Everyone, the OL guys will update this thread as soon as info comes through, realistically bombing suppz with emails about orders etc isnt going to achieve anything. I know its not wanna you wanna hear but thats the joys of manufacturing.

Inb4 stavvvvrosssssss unleashing a wall of text on me now. Stay safe all
I know the wait sucks but if you keep in mind it was a pre order it's almost expected lol. I'm just ready to get some stims and sick a$$ pumps back in my life :)

Oh get off their dick dude

Lol that was more in reference to you losing your mind and attacking me excessively and personally because I made an observation about repeated questions about updates
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Edit: damn do I love me some OL though