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  • RockStar
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Totally agree with a rebalance that would make it more diverse. Around me if you're mons aren't 2700+ they'll be at the bottom of any gym. Most gyms are 2800+ with about 40% being all 3k or more. It's crazy. I couldn't even use eggs, poli, or half the ones you like in gyms without being the bottom. I only really use those as disposable prestigers and battlers.

I have two machamps and neither one has even a single fighting move ha. So mad. I do have like 3 ursa with c/cc tho so they're my normal blissey counter.
Where do you play? Most of the gyms where I play (college campus) don't last long enough to really care what you put there, although I suppose if you placed your defender higher in the gym, you'd be able to do the same for the few gyms on campus and collect your daily coins before the gyms are taken down, but it's unlikely that they'll last beyond that day really. Maybe they'll last over the weekend, and maybe the summer will be different with less people on campus, we'll see. I find it boring using the same few "meta" mons all the time, so it's fun to use other Pokemon. I remember Lapras was a great defender before he got nerfed, but now I never see Lapras in gyms anymore. I think that they just need to be less reliant on CP. Some Pokemon with lower max CP still make better defenders than higher CP ones. Pokemon with dual weaknesses like Gyarados, Rhydon, and even Dragonite are often easier to take down than Pokemon with better typing and/or better defensive moves. On paper, Kingdra should be great, but his CP keeps people from using him as a defender. It's pretty much the same with Steelix, and they're both Pokemon that are relatively difficult to evolve, so they should be strong IMO. Maybe they should do gym placement based on the Pokemon's level, not their CP. Of course, a level 30 Tyranitar will still be stronger than a level 30 Pikachu, but CP isn't the be-all-end-all of a Pokemon's value IMO. Either way, the higher level players will still be able to place their Pokemon at the top of gyms, but it'd really increase the diversity of gyms, and allow people to put their favorite Pokemon in gyms instead of just one of the seven or so meta defenders.


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I also don't like how some moves are objectively worse than others. Or course, some moves are always going go be, and have to be, more useful than others, each one should have some benefit over others, either doing more damage, being faster, more bars/less energy, etc. It's things like Futuresight doing more damage AND being faster than Psychic, and needing the same full energy bar. It's the same thing with Overheat vs Fire Blast. At least with similar moves like Brave Bird and Hurricane, one does a bit more damage, and the other is a bit faster, or some moves need less energy but do less damage, etc. it adds diversity, different moves for different playing styles, not necessarily just a meta mon with meta moves.


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Where do you play? Most of the gyms where I play (college campus) don't last long enough to really care what you put there, although I suppose if you placed your defender higher in the gym, you'd be able to do the same for the few gyms on campus and collect your daily coins before the gyms are taken down, but it's unlikely that they'll last beyond that day really. Maybe they'll last over the weekend, and maybe the summer will be different with less people on campus, we'll see. I find it boring using the same few "meta" mons all the time, so it's fun to use other Pokemon. I remember Lapras was a great defender before he got nerfed, but now I never see Lapras in gyms anymore. I think that they just need to be less reliant on CP. Some Pokemon with lower max CP still make better defenders than higher CP ones. Pokemon with dual weaknesses like Gyarados, Rhydon, and even Dragonite are often easier to take down than Pokemon with better typing and/or better defensive moves. On paper, Kingdra should be great, but his CP keeps people from using him as a defender. It's pretty much the same with Steelix, and they're both Pokemon that are relatively difficult to evolve, so they should be strong IMO. Maybe they should do gym placement based on the Pokemon's level, not their CP. Of course, a level 30 Tyranitar will still be stronger than a level 30 Pikachu, but CP isn't the be-all-end-all of a Pokemon's value IMO. Either way, the higher level players will still be able to place their Pokemon at the top of gyms, but it'd really increase the diversity of gyms, and allow people to put their favorite Pokemon in gyms instead of just one of the seven or so meta defenders.
Mostly I play in the ATL north suburbs but I have mons in 4 states right now ha. The area I live is almost 100% mystic controlled and we have a group chat where we basically monitor and keep up all the gyms. Some of them have been stagnant for over a month. Would've been longer too but there was an organized "raid" on our area one night where both instinct and valor teamed up and took down about 13 gyms. We had them all back to lvl 10 in two days tho and that was the end of that ha.

It would be fun if like all top level evolutions were able to hit pretty much the same max cp. this would make it so much more diverse and make typing much more important. Right now cp (and therefore IV) just rules all


  • RockStar
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Mostly I play in the ATL north suburbs but I have mons in 4 states right now ha. The area I live is almost 100% mystic controlled and we have a group chat where we basically monitor and keep up all the gyms. Some of them have been stagnant for over a month. Would've been longer too but there was an organized "raid" on our area one night where both instinct and valor teamed up and took down about 13 gyms. We had them all back to lvl 10 in two days tho and that was the end of that ha.

It would be fun if like all top level evolutions were able to hit pretty much the same max cp. this would make it so much more diverse and make typing much more important. Right now cp (and therefore IV) just rules all
That's pretty cool seeing teamwork like that.

CP is based on the stats (attack, defense, speed, etc), so Pokemon like Dragonite, Tyranitar, Gyarados, etc. are always going to have higher CP than other Pokemon, so I get that Dragonite's CP will always be higher than another 3rd stage evolution like Venusaur; his stats are just higher, but I'd like to see it where gym placement isn't so dependent on CP. I get that CP makes it approachable for people who don't understand or know much about different Pokemon and their stats/strengths, but it makes the meta boring. There's already "levels" from powering up Pokemon. Why not make gym placement based on the Pokemon's level instead of CP? Don't get rid of CP, just don't base gym placement on it. So a level 35 Steelix would be placed ahead of a level 30 Dragonite, even if it has lower CP. They'd just have to display levels as well as CP so people could see where their Pokemon would fit in the gyms and whatnot.


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Sounds like they may be changing the gym system to limit the number of same mons in gyms... that should force some diversity vs all dragon/gyarados/blissey/rhydon/Snorlax


  • RockStar
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Sounds like they may be changing the gym system to limit the number of same mons in gyms... that should force some diversity vs all dragon/gyarados/blissey/rhydon/Snorlax
That's not a bad idea. I still think I'd like gym placement by Pokémon level not CP, but that's still be an improvement over the current state of gyms.


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That's not a bad idea. I still think I'd like gym placement by Pokémon level not CP, but that's still be an improvement over the current state of gyms.
Frankly anything that shakes things up will make it more fun. Right now it's "max out dragons, garys, and lax; throw everything else away"


  • RockStar
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Frankly anything that shakes things up will make it more fun. Right now it's "max out dragons, garys, and lax; throw everything else away"
That's true. There needs to be more diversity among defenders for sure. There is decent diversity among attackers and prestigers, but its boring to see the same "Big 7" in every gym. I do like the following guys who may not be meta-CP as attackers/prestigers though:

-Exeggutor (great against Vaporeon and Rhydon, and even works against Blissey)
-Heracross/Machamp/Ursaring (good/fast Blissey and Snorlax counters)
-Poliwrath (also good normal counter and excellent Tyranitar counter too)
-Jolteon (great Gyarados counter)
-Venusaur (Vaporeon/Rhydon counter)
-Lapras/Cloyster/Jynx (Dragonite counters)
-Kingdra (actually counters fire and water, and even a Dragonite counter)
-Scizor (great Exeggutor counter)
-Lanturn (tanky water counter)
-Umbreon (good general prestiger and psychic counter)
-Golem (pretty versatile, also should be great against the legendary birds and already Charizard)
-Espeon (good generalist and pretty high CP)
-Ampharos (pretty tanky electric type)

It would definitely be cool to have some of these guys and other Pokémon in general to be viable defenders, especially some with good typing and moves but maybe not top-tier CP.


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This rock event is far and away the best yet... so many rarer mons and tons of larvitar (compared to normal ha)


  • RockStar
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This rock event is far and away the best yet... so many rarer mons and tons of larvitar (compared to normal ha)
Yep, you could say it... rocks. I've seen two Larvitar so far, which is two more than I'd seen in the wild previously (I've hatched one and also caught one Pupitar). Plus there's a new hat.


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Yep, you could say it... rocks. I've seen two Larvitar so far, which is two more than I'd seen in the wild previously (I've hatched one and also caught one Pupitar). Plus there's a new hat.
I'm pretty shocked at all the larv. I thought they'd never have a mass event for the strongest in the game (especially since there was never one that dratini was part of, and they actually spawned less during the water event ha).


  • RockStar
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I'm pretty shocked at all the larv. I thought they'd never have a mass event for the strongest in the game (especially since there was never one that dratini was part of, and they actually spawned less during the water event ha).
I think it makes some sense though, especially if the species limit for gyms is coming, as you want people to have a diverse selection of top-tier mons to place in gyms, and a lot of people don't have Tyranitar yet. Rhydon is more common (catching pre-evolutions), and so is Golem to an extent, and they may all find more placement in gyms with specialties limits, especially if we get type-gyms like someone suggested, where the 1st Pokémon in gym determines the type that everyone has to place. Omastar and even Kabutops also have decent CP and niches.

Anyway, I still don't have a shiny Magikarp/Gyarados, but did catch a perfect (100% IV) Magikarp with 10cp today!


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I think it makes some sense though, especially if the species limit for gyms is coming, as you want people to have a diverse selection of top-tier mons to place in gyms, and a lot of people don't have Tyranitar yet. Rhydon is more common (catching pre-evolutions), and so is Golem to an extent, and they may all find more placement in gyms with specialties limits, especially if we get type-gyms like someone suggested, where the 1st Pokémon in gym determines the type that everyone has to place. Omastar and even Kabutops also have decent CP and niches.

Anyway, I still don't have a shiny Magikarp/Gyarados, but did catch a perfect (100% IV) Magikarp with 10cp today!
Ouch. That's the worst feeling... perfect IV but so much dust it'll take 39958475 years to make useful


  • RockStar
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Ouch. That's the worst feeling... perfect IV but so much dust it'll take 39958475 years to make useful
Haha, pretty much. If nothing else, it should be very good trade bait if trading is ever introduced, since some people collect perfect IVs and/or have millions of stardust stocked up to power up a perfect mon like Gyarados that should sit high in gyms.


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Fire and ice event is live. Triple xp for good throws and all catches and hatches


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Some BIG updates coming to GO!

Changes to Gyms:
-6 Pokemon per gym (only one "species" per gym) and all slots open up at once I think

Raids (get to battle super-strong Pokemon with friends and get a chance to catch the Pokemon, powered down to normal levels I'd assume)
-I think you get the raid passes from spinning gyms, but I don't know if you have have a Pokemon in the gym to do that or not.
-You can also get a new stronger raspberry, rare candy (univsersal candy for any Pokemon), and TMS (fast and charge moves)

Regarding the TMS, it seems like they may teach a random move, but still, that's a YUGE improvement people have been begging for, since you can now try to get a better move on you maxed out, high IV mons with less than ideal moves.

I'm still hoping that they buff super effective and not very effective moves to be higher multipliers than STAB, so off-type moves can be better than just having a STAB on everything. Even 1.5x for SE vs 1.25x for STAB would make a nice difference for defenders, as there's really no reason not to just STAB everything for a defender, but it'd be nice to add more useful move combinations if SE>STAB.


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Some BIG updates coming to GO!

Changes to Gyms:
-6 Pokemon per gym (only one "species" per gym) and all slots open up at once I think

Raids (get to battle super-strong Pokemon with friends and get a chance to catch the Pokemon, powered down to normal levels I'd assume)
-I think you get the raid passes from spinning gyms, but I don't know if you have have a Pokemon in the gym to do that or not.
-You can also get a new stronger raspberry, rare candy (univsersal candy for any Pokemon), and TMS (fast and charge moves)

Regarding the TMS, it seems like they may teach a random move, but still, that's a YUGE improvement people have been begging for, since you can now try to get a better move on you maxed out, high IV mons with less than ideal moves.

I'm still hoping that they buff super effective and not very effective moves to be higher multipliers than STAB, so off-type moves can be better than just having a STAB on everything. Even 1.5x for SE vs 1.25x for STAB would make a nice difference for defenders, as there's really no reason not to just STAB everything for a defender, but it'd be nice to add more useful move combinations if SE>STAB.
Really excited to see all the changes in action. The gym system was ok, but painfully stale.

Raids sound fun and will remove stagnation for sure since they send all mons home. Plus you only collect coins when the mons get kicked out so there is some reason to let them lose their motivation.

The whole motivation system is interesting in that you can feed yours and your teams mons to keep them in a gym. Also cool that CP no longer determines placement, rather placement timing (first in battles first). The one thing that sucks is you can battle down a gym and you're still first to potentially get booted regardless of what you drop


  • RockStar
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Really excited to see all the changes in action. The gym system was ok, but painfully stale.

Raids sound fun and will remove stagnation for sure since they send all mons home. Plus you only collect coins when the mons get kicked out so there is some reason to let them lose their motivation.

The whole motivation system is interesting in that you can feed yours and your teams mons to keep them in a gym. Also cool that CP no longer determines placement, rather placement timing (first in battles first). The one thing that sucks is you can battle down a gym and you're still first to potentially get booted regardless of what you drop
Yeah, I think that having some diversity in gyms is going to be the biggest plus though, since there's a species limit and CP isn't the king of placement. I also read that higher CP Pokémon lose motivation faster, which may be a cool dynamic, as there can be some incentive to not always throw in your highest CP mon. I suppose you could feed a higher CP mon more berries to keep them motivated, but this could mean that a 2200 Slowbro may have a valid place in a gym, not just 3000+ mons. Of course, higher CP mons are generally harder to beat, but a 2200 Slowbro or something can still be a better/similar/more-interesting defender than a 3000 Gyarados. I also read you can feed them any berry, so Nanab berries have more of a use now.

Raids should be interesting though, and they may be the real reason to power up some good and diverse mons, since the better you do in a raid the better chance you have of catching it after it's defeated. For Tyranitar, Poliwrath is awesome, Lapras/Cloyster for Dragonite, Scizor for Exeggutor, and eventually some guys who could take out Mewtwo/Mew and the legendary birds, two of which have a double weakness to rock, with the other having a single weakness.


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Yeah, I think that having some diversity in gyms is going to be the biggest plus though, since there's a species limit and CP isn't the king of placement. I also read that higher CP Pokémon lose motivation faster, which may be a cool dynamic, as there can be some incentive to not always throw in your highest CP mon. I suppose you could feed a higher CP mon more berries to keep them motivated, but this could mean that a 2200 Slowbro may have a valid place in a gym, not just 3000+ mons. Of course, higher CP mons are generally harder to beat, but a 2200 Slowbro or something can still be a better/similar/more-interesting defender than a 3000 Gyarados. I also read you can feed them any berry, so Nanab berries have more of a use now.

Raids should be interesting though, and they may be the real reason to power up some good and diverse mons, since the better you do in a raid the better chance you have of catching it after it's defeated. For Tyranitar, Poliwrath is awesome, Lapras/Cloyster for Dragonite, Scizor for Exeggutor, and eventually some guys who could take out Mewtwo/Mew and the legendary birds, two of which have a double weakness to rock, with the other having a single weakness.
Spot on with my thoughts too. Im almost certain we will see a buff/nerf coming with the final update too. With all the typing events I feel like there will be a powerhouse or two from almost all the types now vs the "big 7" and nothing else.


  • RockStar
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Spot on with my thoughts too. Im almost certain we will see a buff/nerf coming with the final update too. With all the typing events I feel like there will be a powerhouse or two from almost all the types now vs the "big 7" and nothing else.
I'm not sure about a buff/nerf coming with the update, at least not in the terms of another CP recalculation or move changes/updates. I think just changing Super and Not very effective relative to STAB would shake things up plenty. Also, with the impending TMs to change moves, we'll already see all-new move-sets; think of a Pokemon with a legacy move (either quick or charge), and re-rolling the other one, resulting in one legacy move-set and one newer move (I don't think re-rolls will let you get legacy moves). That also potentially means even more "dual-legacy" type move-sets if they ever change move-sets again, which could make things really interesting long-term as far as unique move-sets are concerned.

I do think that there will be a few "meta" or "powerhouses" of each type.

For water, there's the obvious Vaporeon, as well as Gyarados, Lapras, and Feraligatr also having decent CP and potential uses.

For fire there's Flareon and Arcanine who are pretty decent, especially with the newer fire moves, and Charizard and Typhlosion aren't bad either.

For grass, Exeggutor and Venusaur seem to be the only really viable grass-type mons, unless things really change somehow.

For rock/ground there's Tyranitar, Rhydon, Golem, Omastar, and Donphan.

Psychic has Espeon, Alakazam, and Exeggutor, as well as Slowbro and Slowking.

Normal has Snorlax and Blissey of course.

Bug has Heracross, Scizor, and Pinsir.

Electric has Jolteon and Ampharos.

Fighting has Machamp, Heracross, and Poliwrath.

Dragon has Dragonite and potentially Kingdra, especially if they change CP up.

Dark has Tyranitar, Houndoom, and Umbreon, especially if they change CP up again.

Steel has Scizor and Steelix.

I think all of the above guys could have their uses/roles.


  • RockStar
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I'd imagine we all have some prime candidates for TMs:

Guaranteed a fire charge move:
Hopefully fire blast, but Wild charge is ok too:
Guaranteed a rock charge move:
Switch bite to dragon tail:
Any charge move besides earthquake:
Not sure, but this combo makes no sense:
Switch water gun to confusion for defense:


  • RockStar
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It's happening!

"The GAME_MASTER was updated and our wishes seem to have come true! STAB and type effectiveness has changed.

STAB reduced from 1.25 to 1.2"

Super Effective increased from 1.25 to 1.4

Resistance changed from .8 to .714

Immunity changed from .8 to .51"


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It's happening!

"The GAME_MASTER was updated and our wishes seem to have come true! STAB and type effectiveness has changed.

STAB reduced from 1.25 to 1.2"

Super Effective increased from 1.25 to 1.4

Resistance changed from .8 to .714

Immunity changed from .8 to .51"
Ha I literally just came to post this! Wishes do come true


  • RockStar
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Ha I literally just came to post this! Wishes do come true
Now there's incentive to use type strategy for movesets, not just STAB! Not it looks like, assuming both mon have STAB, SE vs NVE will do 1.96x the damage it takes, and double SE with single resistance does 2.75x the damage it takes. Double double will do around 3.8x the damage it takes.

It looks lik Poliwrath with dual fighting moves is an elite TTar attacker, doing 2x SE, having STAB, and resisting all TTars moves. He's also a good Lapras counter, doing SE and resisting water and ice moves.

Ursaring with dual fighting may move up relative to Machamp and Heracros as a Blissey counter, as he doesn't have STAB, but he isn't weak to the psychic moves Snorlax and Blissey have. Also, Pokémon like Exeggutor should be even better against psychic type move Blisseys with the added resistance and damage.

Gengar also only takes 0.364x damage from fighting moves, and dark types only take 0.5x damage against psychic moves.

Arcanine with wild charge could be a nasty surprise against water attackers, but that strategy could backfire against a ground type attacker like Golem or Rhydon.

Dazzling Gleam Alakazam is similar, with it being SE against dark types that would want to attack it. Houndoom does only take neutral damage from it due to his Fire typing, so he is a good "safe" counter.

Kingdra could also be a useful generalist now, dual dragon moves (largely unresisted), and dual resistance to fire and water makes him an interesting mon.

There should be lots of Pokémon with niches/uses now, not just a "Big 7."


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Apparently the new update will also let you search your Pokémon by things like type, species, CP and HP (including ranges), nickname (you have to search for what the name starts with), etc, which should really help with finding the right Pokémon for gyms and raids. I also read something about the code mentioning teams, I think it may be letting you make pre-selected teams for battles/raids, which would be awesome and save a lot of time. Think like a pre-selected "Dragonite" team of 6 Lapras, Cloyster, etc that you could just pick, saving you from having to find them all and then do it all over if you don't beat the raid boss in your first go.

Also, I've been looking through my mons to see what good defenders I have, particularly ones that have movesets that would throw off typical counters and almost troll people a bit if nothing else, since a team of 6 attackers should still be able to beat 6 defenders. At least I can give some diversity and do a bit more damage than normal:

This dual typing should really cover a lot of his weaknesses and throw some people for a loop when they go to attack:
Lapras should be a good defender again, with fighting being one of the only good counters, and only Poliwrath both doing SE and resisting the moves. A mixed moveset here may actually be beneficial, as throwing a fire type (neutral damage dealing and resisting ice moves) wouldn't work with the water move thrown in there:
Blizzard should throw off a lot of grass attackers who don't dodge:
This whole moveset is just unexpected, and solar beam would destroy water/ground/rock defenders who it hits, along with a largely unresisted quick attack:
Slowbro should once again be a respectable defender with a strong quick move and a good move like ice beam for type coverage:
Same goes for Poliwrath, with ice punch countering a lot of his weaknesses:
Another interesting moveset for defense:
A big wildcard that can cover weaknesses:
Dragon tail should be better on defense than steel moves for a lot of mon that'd attack him:
And despite a weak quick move for defense, this dual-typing may make him a decent defender:

It's nice to see so many more Pokémon with useful new movesets! There should be a good deal more strategy involved in attacking/defending now.


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I stop playing PO-GO it's getting boring. Normal RPG Pokemon series from 3DS or old Gameboy is better than this on Playstore/Appstore.


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I stop playing PO-GO it's getting boring. Normal RPG Pokemon series from 3DS or old Gameboy is better than this on Playstore/Appstore.
why would you even bother posting this? Nobody cares.


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why would you even bother posting this? Nobody cares.
Haha. I think GO is actually going to get a lot more interesting soon. They addressed a lot of issues people had. The events have kept things interesting, the new damage balancing should help a lot with strategy, raids are a whole new dynamic, CP isn't the be-all-end-all of gym placement, there'll be more gym diversity, TMs to change moves, rare candy to level up mons that are rare so you don't have to walk miles with them, etc. then PvP and trading eventually.


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Haha. I think GO is actually going to get a lot more interesting soon. They addressed a lot of issues people had. The events have kept things interesting, the new damage balancing should help a lot with strategy, raids are a whole new dynamic, CP isn't the be-all-end-all of gym placement, there'll be more gym diversity, TMs to change moves, rare candy to level up mons that are rare so you don't have to walk miles with them, etc. then PvP and trading eventually.
i doubt we will see pvp or trading anytime this year... just too much has/is changing to have that in the works soon... Legendaries tho I expect sooner/as part of raids or anniversary


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I quit playing because there are no stops near me and it is a PITA to get any pokeballs.

Still is a cool game though.


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I quit playing because there are no stops near me and it is a PITA to get any pokeballs.

Still is a cool game though.
I understand. I try to stock up on balls when I'm on campus, where there are plenty of stops. Downtown areas are also often full of them too, and there's a few other places that have a few to several stops within a few miles of me. There's two in basically the same shopping center as my gym, and then 3-4 more basically across the street, and then 2-3 in the shopping center where I buy food. None are really within walking distance of my house, but luckily there's a good amount I can get throughout my daily travels. It's always nice to go to a restaurant where you can spin a stop several times, haha, or having a class or job within range of a stop.


  • RockStar
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I understand. I try to stock up on balls when I'm on campus, where there are plenty of stops. Downtown areas are also often full of them too, and there's a few other places that have a few to several stops within a few miles of me. There's two in basically the same shopping center as my gym, and then 3-4 more basically across the street, and then 2-3 in the shopping center where I buy food. None are really within walking distance of my house, but luckily there's a good amount I can get throughout my daily travels. It's always nice to go to a restaurant where you can spin a stop several times, haha, or having a class or job within range of a stop.
My campus has 0 and my gym is in my home, so I'm not so lucky. Downtown Houston has a ton, but I'm never out there so...


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My campus has 0 and my gym is in my home, so I'm not so lucky. Downtown Houston has a ton, but I'm never out there so...
i run into this a ton in my travels... the town im in right now has about 2 stop within 20min any direction... impossible to actually play much in that scenario. ive been places where its like stop heaven and you spend half your time throwing things out and then desolate places where you can spin 1-2 a day at best.


  • RockStar
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i run into this a ton in my travels... the town im in right now has about 2 stop within 20min any direction... impossible to actually play much in that scenario. ive been places where its like stop heaven and you spend half your time throwing things out and then desolate places where you can spin 1-2 a day at best.
Yeah, it's a bunch of crap. When I transfer schools I'll be downtown more, but until then I can't even try to play.

Hell, by now most people's mons are so strong it might not even be worth trying to get back into it.


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Yeah, it's a bunch of crap. When I transfer schools I'll be downtown more, but until then I can't even try to play.

Hell, by now most people's mons are so strong it might not even be worth trying to get back into it.
The new gym system and type-damage values should make it much more approachable for lower level players IMO. Gym placement isn't all about CP, and with type matchups being more important now, you can punch higher above your weight by using some strategy. Raids also encourage cooperation and could net you some good Pokémon.


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Gyms are up, but not full at my University yet. Still seeing old "Big 7" mon, but also guys like Alakazam, Slowking, and Arcanine for added diversity:


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Been hearing it drops insanely fast. I haven't had a chance to put in anywhere yet


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Been hearing it drops insanely fast. I haven't had a chance to put in anywhere yet
I have my Muk with an off-type moveset in a gym, we'll see how it goes:
I also fed some berries to other mon in the gyms, and got like 20 Stardust per nanab berry I fed, plus some progress on the bar for the gym badge.


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Took down a Blue gym with 6 full motivation mon. I think it was like a 3k Dragonite, 2.7k Snorlax, 2.4k Rhydon, 2.4k Gyarados, 1.6k Espeon, and something else, give or take probably 100-200 CP. It took probably ~15-20 minutes, maybe a little less, to defeat all of them, and towards the end one 3k Dragonite attacker could probably solo the 4-5 remaining mon at their lowest CP.

Apparently you can get candy from feeding berries to Pokémon, yours or your teams. Say you feed a Snorlax, you may get Snorlax candy from it. That's incentive!

I also splurged and used up all my Stardust on some cool new/useful mon:


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Battling gyms down is def wayyyyy easier. The whole cp dropping makes it way faster. Turnov r is gonna be insanely quick which sucks cuz you'll never be able to hold andvollect coins without constantly taking more and more gyms. Kinda sucks from that standpoint. I refuse to spend real money


  • RockStar
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Battling gyms down is def wayyyyy easier. The whole cp dropping makes it way faster. Turnov r is gonna be insanely quick which sucks cuz you'll never be able to hold andvollect coins without constantly taking more and more gyms. Kinda sucks from that standpoint. I refuse to spend real money
Yeah, it can still be as time consuming it seems, but towards the end it's much easier fighting low CP defenders. I think this helps let you use your lower CP mon too if you want towards the end of the battle.

The coin system is 1 coin per hour per Pokémon in the gym, with a max of 100 coins per day. So you can get up to 24 coins per Pokémon I suppose, but you could also get 0 if it's kicked out before an hour. My Tentacruel at my Taco Bell got kicked out after a little over an hour last night, but my Muk at my university is still standing after 14+ hours. If he makes it through today, it's possible he lasts the weekend, but we'll see.

Perhaps taking gyms late at night or very early in the morning will be the new thing to ensure a handful of coins?


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Apparently defenders 3000 CP and up decay MUCH faster than sub-3k defenders, even when they drop below 3k. It looks like they don't have it like tax brackets, where it's a higher % on above 3k, then less after, but the 3k rate the entire time. I'd imagine they'll fix this, but until then, you're better off keeping your defenders below 3k.


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Apparently defenders 3000 CP and up decay MUCH faster than sub-3k defenders, even when they drop below 3k. It looks like they don't have it like tax brackets, where it's a higher % on above 3k, then less after, but the 3k rate the entire time. I'd imagine they'll fix this, but until then, you're better off keeping your defenders below 3k.
yeah i noticed that the 2909 blissey I dropped was decaying WWAAAYYYY slower


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yeah i noticed that the 2909 blissey I dropped was decaying WWAAAYYYY slower
It looks like you get more items from spinning gyms when you have badges for them (better and/or more items), with gold>silver>bronze, and one additional item if your team currently controls the gym.

Raids are also open for level 31 and up players! I got a raid pass from spinning a gym.

Update: 19+ hours for Muk, and people have been feeding him berries consistently today. We'll see how the weekend goes if he lasts that long, since I'd imagine the campus will not be too busy during summer on a weekend. I'd think he wouldn't drop CP enough to boot him over the weekend if no one actually battles the gym down.


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It looks like you get more items from spinning gyms when you have badges for them (better and/or more items), with gold>silver>bronze, and one additional item if your team currently controls the gym.

Raids are also open for level 31 and up players! I got a raid pass from spinning a gym.

Update: 19+ hours for Muk, and people have been feeding him berries consistently today. We'll see how the weekend goes if he lasts that long, since I'd imagine the campus will not be too busy during summer on a weekend. I'd think he wouldn't drop CP enough to boot him over the weekend if no one actually battles the gym down.
Looks like they tweaked the coin reward so that it's 1 coin/10min now. Wooo


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Looks like they tweaked the coin reward so that it's 1 coin/10min now. Wooo
Wow! Still a max of 100/day I'd assume? That means you can get 6/hour, or the 100 coins in 16-17 hours. My Muk already has 19+ hours. Will I get the 100 coins every day, or some crazy amount if he's kicked out in a week?

Update: Max of 50 coins per day, or a total of 8 hours & 20 minutes in gym(s).


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Wow! Still a max of 100/day I'd assume? That means you can get 6/hour, or the 100 coins in 16-17 hours. My Muk already has 19+ hours. Will I get the 100 coins every day, or some crazy amount if he's kicked out in a week?

Update: Max of 50 coins per day, or a total of 8 hours & 20 minutes in gym(s).
Seems like the max still applies


  • RockStar
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Seems like the max still applies
I mean if one Pokémon stays in a gym for a week, will I get 50 coins per day while he's still in the gym, or will I only get coins once he's kicked out, which would only be 50 coins max?

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