PROMO: Your favorite Animal or Universal Supp...

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Fellas, I've been informed by U-rep that we need to wake this back up. This promo is still on-going and I'll be taking it over now. We'll pick 1 winner every few weeks so be sure to put your entries in now! If you don't get picked, you are welcome to re-submit your entry or make a new one for something else. It's up to you. Only restriction is that you can only make one entry at a time. Once a winner is picked, you can enter again.

Same rules as always apply:
-18 years old or over only
-US Residents only, no P.O. boxes

Tell us what product you like and why. You could win it!

Awesome, will post up an entry soon!!


It is going to be hard!


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I know I shouldn't do this but.. I worked out mid-morning for 2 1/2 hours really hard. Went home and ate, and ended up going back to the gym an hour later to work out with another buddy for 2 more hours. I felt tired when I went back for a second time, but thankfully I had a pack of Animal Pump in my gym bag. Took it real quick and got through my 2nd workout with ease. :cheers: Was so hungry after ended up eating 2 huge vegetarian burritos from Chipotle after...
Universal Rep

Universal Rep
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Fellas, I've been informed by U-rep that we need to wake this back up. This promo is still on-going and I'll be taking it over now. We'll pick 1 winner every few weeks so be sure to put your entries in now! If you don't get picked, you are welcome to re-submit your entry or make a new one for something else. It's up to you. Only restriction is that you can only make one entry at a time. Once a winner is picked, you can enter again.

Same rules as always apply:
-18 years old or over only
-US Residents only, no P.O. boxes

Tell us what product you like and why. You could win it!

My ears were burning...

Thanks brother for takin' this back up.


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Easy enough...favorite supp...Intra-Aid! Why? Check my post history for the many reason why!


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Are my staples....gotta say Amino-Tech


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Best ANIMAL or Universal Supp...hmmm...think think think..?! Oh yeah...CHERRY TORRENT!! Hands down, the Anabolic / Recovery nature of torrent puts it on a level unlike anything else. First, the smell. Yeah, I said it. I have turned people around when they walk by and they ask "WTF is that!" I tihnk it is heavenly (but my fav fruit is cherry lol so I am biased). Next, taste! Since I have been taking Torrent (started my first tub thanks to J-Dawg at last years Arnold), I have taken NOTHING after my workouts (minus whey). I make this my sweet treat of the day. I don't crave sweets or any shitty foods because this is so good. I am hooked and the results after taking torrent for a few days/weeks...Un-Matched! I have lost 4% bodyfat but gained 14 lbs of muscle since taking my latest tub of torrent 4 weeks ago. Nothing changed diet wise, still taking everything else as usual (my staples), so I relate my success and new PR's to torrent! This **** is unreal. I would love to get a tub of this to help myself out money wise since I am going to the Arnold next week and am going to stock back up on my pak, nitro, and flex as well as some gear and other goodies at t he Cage! Good luck to everyone who enters!


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Do we have to pick on favorite? I kind of like them all! All you important U and Animal people :think: about it... Or you can just ship me one of everything. :lmao:

I cant decide right now... I am partial to EAA Stack Juicy Watermelon though. I am excited to buy one of the new sizes. Now I wont feel like I'm really plowing through it. Very tastey and effective product.

Oh and why was I not aware of 20lb tubs of Hard Fast until a day ago or some nonsense like that? Going to get one of those for next fall...


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Do we have to pick on favorite? I kind of like them all! All you important U and Animal people :think: about it... Or you can just ship me one of everything. :lmao:

I cant decide right now... I am partial to EAA Stack Juicy Watermelon though. I am excited to buy one of the new sizes. Now I wont feel like I'm really plowing through it. Very tastey and effective product.

Oh and why was I not aware of 20lb tubs of Hard Fast until a day ago or some nonsense like that? Going to get one of those for next fall...
Have ya checked out the "LARGE" size Gain Fast 3100 tub yet? ;)


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Sweet Jeez!!! Where was this when i needed it years ago!! LOL
My thoughts exactly!


Oh Hg :You_Rock_Emoticon:
I guarantee that if you burn up one of them 30lb tubs you'll put on a few pounds. ;) Better be lifting big!


I'm not sure that thing is eligible for this promo though fellas as it is a bit excessive. Some discretion needs to be used when posting. Keep it reasonable so you can be selected as a winner.



  • Established
I guarantee that if you burn up one of them 30lb tubs you'll put on a few pounds. ;) Better be lifting big!


I'm not sure that thing is eligible for this promo though fellas as it is a bit excessive. Some discretion needs to be used when posting. Keep it reasonable so you can be selected as a winner.

Reasonable... What is that?

I have one in for this week. I just don't know if the Big size EAA stack is ready to be shipped... That is if I were to be selected.

As for the Big Boy sized Gain Fast 3100... That will happen next fall. There is business to take care of before then.


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Reasonable... What is that?

I have one in for this week. I just don't know if the Big size EAA stack is ready to be shipped... That is if I were to be selected.

As for the Big Boy sized Gain Fast 3100... That will happen next fall. There is business to take care of before then.
The stuff is crazy smooth and creamy Broc. I have tasted no shake anywhere that can rival it's consistency and texture. It makes a crazy icecream milk shake btw...

It's also insanely high in cals. A very serious gainer shake. If you use the recommended dosage, it adds 3100 cals to your daily diet. Thus the name.



  • Established
The stuff is crazy smooth and creamy Broc. I have tasted no shake anywhere that can rival it's consistency and texture. It makes a crazy icecream milk shake btw...

It's also insanely high in cals. A very serious gainer shake. If you use the recommended dosage, it adds 3100 cals to your daily diet. Thus the name.

I was checking it out and like what I read. Plus I have read your view on it a few times at other places. It is something that will be in the mix at some point.

I am pretty simple at this point. If the U makes it, I will trust it works becasue they are yet to let me down with a supp.


isn't this comp over, thats what i thought? well if its not animal omega gets my vote. Its a continual staple and even if I dont win anything thanks animal for a quality product that fits the needs of people like me trying to see a little improvement everyday.


animal cuts. The first time i ever got abs and sharp delt lines..


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Animal cuts is next on my list of Animal Supps to try!


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I guarantee that if you burn up one of them 30lb tubs you'll put on a few pounds. ;) Better be lifting big!


I'm not sure that thing is eligible for this promo though fellas as it is a bit excessive. Some discretion needs to be used when posting. Keep it reasonable so you can be selected as a winner.

I wouldn't pick it now that I'm older...the pounds pack on a bit easier so I can get by on just alot of food. LOL

My pick is still Amino Tech...very under rated but I don't leave home without it.


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uhm do we re-post what we posted in the earlier pages for the promo...or we're in teh drawing so long as we have some fav product in this thread...


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another great animal promo resurfaces!!!


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Ultimately if i were to take EAA stack throughout the day. Technically it would benefit me just as well as intra-aid if i took it on a regular regemin correct.
Intra-Aid being typically just for intra purposes and EAA stack being for an all day supp.
I'm looking for something like this EAA stack and I do enjoy my real gains i recently purchased. You guys are great. need a rep down in south texas? HOLLA


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We ever get a winner in here for last week? :rippedhand::rant::dunno:

Its ok Hg... We all know your busy just had free time to :type: random things.


New member
We ever get a winner in here for last week? :rippedhand::rant::dunno:

Its ok Hg... We all know your busy just had free time to :type: random things.
x2 :p

I am excited!


New member
We ever get a winner in here for last week? :rippedhand::rant::dunno:

Its ok Hg... We all know your busy just had free time to :type: random things.
Busy hell...he's just driving us nuts making us wait....control issues... LOL


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We ever get a winner in here for last week? :rippedhand::rant::dunno:

Its ok Hg... We all know your busy just had free time to :type: random things.
ha ha! Yea I said every several weeks bro. Wasn't planning on picking one just yet. Especially not with the Arnold going on. Waiting for more entries fellas. Put um in!



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and my intra aid tub will go right next to the animal pak. Good luck to the guys who entered!


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still a poor college student and havn't tried much but love animal pak and uni-liver tabs


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pistolgripump, are you by chance a rage against the machine fan?


Your Favorite Animal Supp​

My Favorite Animal Supplement:
Animal Flex​

Short Answer:
It allowed me to squat, deadlift, and sleep again.​

Long Answer:
I first began lifting in the summer of 2005. About the enter 10th grade, I was given a weight set for my 15th birthday. I was ecstatic that my parents decided to buy me this gift, for I had grown up idolizing Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not for his theatrical skills or big screen presence, but rather, for his physique. As a child, I wished eagerly to grow up and look like Arnold - to be muscular, to be lean, to be athletic.. and to scare the sh*t out of anyone who wanted to mess with me.

Sadly, I was never any of those things. Rather, I was extremely overweight. So much so that in 9th grade I weighed in at 200 lb's at 5'10". My bodyfat easily exceeded 30%. I was the fat kid to be picked on in gym class, the one who got good grades but wished desperately to have even a single good friend, the one who never spoke up, and the one who snacked frequently on chocolate bars but couldn't figure out why he was overweight.

By the time my parents got me the weight set, however, I had already begun my slow transformation. I had been eating better for a few months, and it showed. I had dropped down to 184lb's -- still fat, but starting to get better. I cut my shoulder-length hair, and joined the high school basketball team. I started speaking up in class, and even began talking to some of my classmates. However, I still had a ways to go.

When I got my weight set, I was determined to change. I was about to enter a new school, and I wanted to become everything that I never could before. Every day that summer I found myself in my basement, doing endless repetitions of some simple exercises my father has shown to me. By the time winter rolled around, I had hit a growth spurt, and together with a calorie-restricted diet, I managed to drop down to 145lb's. At 6 feet.

Enter I had been cutting calories for what seemed like eons, and at 145lb's I was teetering on the brink of anorexia (I think.. I was never diagnosed or actually had any health issues, but I have some pictures of me at that weight and they're awful). When I found the wonderful resource of articles that provided, I was compelled to absorb every bit of knowledge on that site. Remembering my childhood aspirations, I decided to undergo my first bulk. I made myself a diet, got a proper exercise routine, and started tracking my progress. This was my first venture into the bodybuilding world.. and I have been on that journey ever since.

I managed to bulk up to 180lb's by summer 2006. I was focusing on the big lifts -- the squat, deadlift, and benchpress, and it had paid off. I remember one late night I took a thick black sharpie and wrote on the wall of my basement in huge block letters:

Live Hardcore, Lift Hardcore. SQUAT. BENCH. DEADLIFT

I had become an exercise junkie. I loved the feel of the weights, the constant progress towards heavier lifts, and the chance to continuously improve myself. I was sitting on top of the world.. except, some problems began to creep up.

Since I was working out alone in my basement, I never had anybody to spot me or to check my form. I was deadlifting well, but I was unintentionally doing something I now call "good-morning squats." Squats where I'd go down about 1/3rd of the way with good form, and then do the remaining 2/3rds of the squat by bending forward and doing something like a good-morning. I didn't know that my form was bad, but it began to show in a few months. By December 2006 I had constant pain in my neck, mid-back, and lower-back. Almost any simple movement would cause discomfort in my spine, to the extent that I had to sleep with towels wrapped around my back to keep the natural curvature of my spine. Eventually, the pain got so bad that I went to see a chiropractor.. in early 2007.

Chiropractor gave me the bad news: I had aggravated my spine and had multiple subluxations; however, because I came in when I was young he was confident he could fix it.. at a cost. I wouldn't be allowed to squat or deadlift for the next 6 months.

Sure enough, after getting set up on a proper recovery program, my chiropractor was able to substantially mitigate my back problems. 6 months had passed, and I was able to walk and function without any discomfort.. however, I still slept with towels around my back to protect the curvature. After 6 months I began squats and deads again... only to re-aggravate all my problems. Even though I was doing much lighter weight, it appeared that my spine couldn't handle any sorts of the pressure associated with these movements.

So, I dropped deads and squats permanently. By the time school started up in September 2007, I was around 180lb's (14%-16%BF) -- a bout of mono earlier in the year caused me to lose some of the muscle I gained, and I didn't focus much on weights as college applications were coming up. By January 2008, however, I started proper weight training again -- minus squats and deads.

Fast forward to today. I'm sitting in my college dorm, stronger, bigger, and leaner than I have ever been before - and able to squat and deadlift big numbers. What caused the change? Animal Flex.

Over winter break, I began looking into solutions for my back issues. I was still seeing a chiropractor, but I was frustrated about not being able to do the big lifts. Looking into different supplements, I came upon Animal Flex as a recommendation to help with joint issues. Figuring I didn't have much to lose, I used some of my Christmas money to buy a canister. And hot damn, did I notice the effects.

Within 2 weeks all complications with my back cleared up. I went to see my chiropractor after a 1-month hiatus, when he gave me theT news that he had nothing to adjust. (side note: when you get chiropractic treatment you reach a certain point where the adjustments can only be used as a maintenance tool.. meaning that more adjustments won't help more per say, rather just serve to prevent further issues from developing. I didn't have back pain anymore, but still slept with towels and couldn't squat or deadlift, as that would re-aggravate the injuries) Meaning that my back was somehow in perfect condition. He was amazed.. I was surprised.. he mentioned how this was the first time in his profession he had somebody heal completely. He asked me what I was doing differently.. I couldn't think of anything at first, then I realized that I had been taking Animal Flex for 2 weeks.

This was 2 months ago. Since then I've been an Animal Flex maniac. I've never missed a dose, and as a result I was able to start deadlifting and squating again. With no problems. I still go to the chiropractor for periodic checkups, and other than the fluke adjustments, I have no problems. I can now, for the first time in THREE years, sleep without any towels around my back. I can squat without discomfort. My elbows don't crack, my wrists are stronger, and I feel completely renewed. All thanks to Animal Flex.

I just bought 4 new canisters for myself, and am bringing some home for my brother as well. He's 16 and a fantastic basketball player, but has had some inflammation in his ankles. I figure Animal Flex can only help him. I recommend it to all my friends, and this is truly the one supplement I will never go without. Even a staple such a whey is now in 2nd place for me, as I can always increase protein intake through more food.. but nothing can take place of Animal Flex. And I'm not taking any chances with any other joint supplements -- there's a reason Animal Flex is the joint supplement of the year, and there's a reason why so many people recommend it: the stuff works magic.​

Bonus Pictures:

3 Brand New Cans + 1 Newly Opened One:

"SH*T! My Animal Flex Fell!"

..thank god it comes in little packs so I can put it all back.. :D

A Closer Look At the Contents



  • Established
Can I just say, I never realized just how much I love my Torrent until I no longer have any. I am having no Torrent headaches, and it isn't fun. Did get it ordered, but had to send it to the house, so I know its there, just cant get to it fast enough.


Been using Stak and Pak for the past year or so, happy with everything about them.


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Some good entries everyone. Keep them coming. I'll pick a winner soon.


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Ok...not gonna be fancy because I'm not computer suave....just gonna say...Amino-Tech.....and Torrent. Both of these have become staples in my supps dept. Both help me in off season and dieting down for a show....keeps amino's pumping through me all day and all night and Torrent for a quick jumpstart on recovery after a kick ass training session....putting on 15 pounds this off season...thank yo when it comes to show prep...keeping that 15pounds of muscle..thank you Amino-Tech


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Ive only tried the intra aid. And LOOOOOVEE it!! Taste soooo good! Its one of the first things I think about when I wake up. "I WANT INTRA AID BABEH!" Its a nice blend of ba, carbs, eaa's. I get so excited just at the though of having my next serving! Ive turned my dad onto and a friend of mine. Will def be buying another tub when the money is there.

Also, a suggestion: Make a bigger tub or put more servings into a big bag! I would love to buy this in bulk!


New member
I'd definitely like to try torrent(if you have a sample pack that would be awesome) with the amount of positive reviews I've seen. But if I don't get picked for that I'd freakin' love to win one of those yellow iconic shirts with "Animal" in black writing i seen in avatars on the forum all the time(ill take a picture with it on for my avatar). they look sweeeet!


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I loved animal pack stacked with animal cuts!! I had tons of energy and felt like I was really burning calories all day! Universal Rocks!!!!!!!!! If only I had a shirt to wear around the gym to promote them. Owell....


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I'd definitely like to try torrent(if you have a sample pack that would be awesome) with the amount of positive reviews I've seen. But if I don't get picked for that I'd freakin' love to win one of those yellow iconic shirts with "Animal" in black writing i seen in avatars on the forum all the time(ill take a picture with it on for my avatar). they look sweeeet!
I loved animal pack stacked with animal cuts!! I had tons of energy and felt like I was really burning calories all day! Universal Rocks!!!!!!!!! If only I had a shirt to wear around the gym to promote them. Owell....
Animal shirts:

Universal Shirts:
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