Prohormones, Teens and Permenant Low Test



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I just skimmed through this, but have you ever actually had a test done while on NOTHING to prove that you have low test levels?

"feeling like you do" doesn't mean ****. If you have not I would suggest you scratching any test you're having done or have done while on SD or any supplement for that matter. You should never try to skew a test at our age... especially if you think you have low levels.

Get an accurate assessment done before you screw yourself up even more.

I had an experience that was just the opposite, I felt normal and had a test run about 1-2 years back and turned out to be low all around. Feeling doesn't mean jack, and "thinking" you have low test because you've run alot of cycles doesn't always work.

I have friends who have run around 6-8 cycles, and their natural levels are above normal, even though they may feel like crap.


yea i see all of your points, i stopped the sd and will run a natty test booster stack (methyl arimatest, novedex xt, test drive, hghup). after this is over how long do u think i will have to wait being supplement free to get an accurate reading on my true test levels?


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yea i see all of your points, i stopped the sd and will run a natty test booster stack (methyl arimatest, novedex xt, test drive, hghup). after this is over how long do u think i will have to wait being supplement free to get an accurate reading on my true test levels?
wait like 1-2 months after ANY supplement, pro-hormone, or steroid then go get blood tested.


hey i just got a question im also a teen and have kinda wanted to do like a 50/50/50/50 week of hdrol and was on the edge but now i will for sure not, but wht made you want to do them so much? like youve run some of the strongest and harshest ones... i wouldnt dare touch those but im interested why wou felt the need to use them...


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Alright Guys just my results and both free and total test were flagged high, Testosterone Serum was 156 ng/dl, and Free Test was 5.0 pg/ml. I thought normal ranges for test were 300-900??? My doc said my levels were way above normal. But to add two points of information, i just finished a 2 week cycle of Propadrol ep 1 week before my test (daa and methoxyflavoe) and i was 3 days on Superdrol when i took the test. I figured the SD would cause some suppression of the HPTA thus making me have slightly lower test levels but it turned out to be opposite. Any help would be appreciated!
you totally ****ed up, you shouldnt have taken the sd


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yea i see all of your points, i stopped the sd and will run a natty test booster stack (methyl arimatest, novedex xt, test drive, hghup). after this is over how long do u think i will have to wait being supplement free to get an accurate reading on my true test levels?

Without being a "meatball" the point is this... a doctor is not going to just look at one blood test and decide to put a 20yo on shots of test. Most likely they will **** around with months of testing, then refer you to an endo for more tests, then maybe prescribe your some **** androgel that will have your test levels at like 500

And chances are over these months of testing you will get anxious and jump on some kind of oral and send up red flags all over the place with your cholesterol and liver values.

It's possible that you messed your hormones up somewhat... but it's prob more likely you have just become used to the quick gains, libido, effects of being on cycle... and now through your abuse, your having trouble adjusting back to normal levels of androgens.

You truly have no idea how much the SD suppressed you, could have cut it in half or a 1/3.... SD is pretty harsh on the HPTA depending on dose


hey i just got a question im also a teen and have kinda wanted to do like a 50/50/50/50 week of hdrol and was on the edge but now i will for sure not


Good for you bro extremely wise and mature decision...

Teenage years are the years for natural compound lifting and eating everything and anything you can for free thanks to your parents.

Plus I dont know about you gents but my teenage years were filled with partying, late nights, boning sloootzz, and plenty of drug fueled adventures, which ALL dont mix with AAS/PH/DS. (except for boning slootzz lol)

So live it up a little, do whatever you want while you can, grow naturally, and learn about AAS/PH/DS...

Your day to use will come my friends, just not today


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i wasnt aware people were this dumb and ignorant....

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