Products Bloodwork


Active member
After too many rep battles inside too many AM forum topics when a member asked what product to take, this topic should help us all decide what products to give the chance to try and loosen our wallets.

This topic should be mainly for AM members to post pre and post bloodwork while taking a product or stack of products.

For discussion about product or bloodwork maybe best that members or reps to open new forum topic then link to a post containing bloodwork here.

This way we'd avoid fighting/pimping of reps inside this forum topic.
Admin can make this topic sticky and/or throw in some rules if he'll add a reply or edit this first post with adding rules.

Let's hope this topic will be a great addition to this AM community and also help random visitors coming for the 1st time here to get valuable info about product's bloodwork not received on any other public forum online.
Subbed for the truth
Top notch idea here. I like it.
A little background first: I dropped TRT just over a year ago. I dropped it because I am trying to get the wife pregnant. I ran a good PCT, but its been an obvious struggle. I have continued with a PCT type Clomid restart since. My T levels are still not good. The first bloods I was on
1.Clomid + low dose Formeron (EOD)+ Test boosters
2. Clomid + Test boosters (no AI ran out of Formeron)
3. Clomid + Letrone (1 cap ED) + Test booster

Here are my past 3 Bloodworks:

Bloodwork 1
Free T- 10
E2- 11
FSH- 0.2

Bloodwork 2
Free T-12
LH- 1.1

Bloodwork 3
TT- 397
Free T- 15
E2- 14
LH- 2.4
FSH -2.0
Interested in seeing how many products/people actually end up in this thread.
Nice! 11 points is almost 50% drop in E2.

Ive contacted JackedJack to post his labs as well. Hes got Letrone and Exotherm labs ;)
Both very solid. Unfortunately hes in the hospital currently so it may be a bit before he can post. I get so many PMs I deleted the PMs with the lab numbers I think but I can try to find in old emails or something.
Here are my past 3 Bloodworks too

Bloodwork 1


Free T- 40

E2- 11


FSH- 0.2

Bloodwork 2


Free T-450


LH- 1.1


Bloodwork 3

TT- 1,000

Free T- 500

E2- 0

LH- 10

FSH -5

Crazy bro!

Just Kidding,
We can all post numbers. Pictures!
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Here are my past 3 Bloodworks too

Bloodwork 1


Free T- 40

E2- 11


FSH- 0.2

Bloodwork 2


Free T-45


LH- 1.1


Bloodwork 3

TT- 1,000

Free T- 50

E2- 0

LH- 10

FSH -5

Crazy bro!

Just Kidding,
We can all post numbers. Pictures!
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Damn! You must have been on the muscletech/celltech stack with those test levels!
Jackedjacks LETRONE numbers. From an old email.
Hell chime in when he gets out of the hospital and post hard copies.
This was one of the stronger labs we got during testing. I can dig up more.

testosterone 108 - 597
Estro 59 -20
LH .4 -5

He also has Exotherm labs ;) I forget the exact numbers so I wont post estimations.
so do I post my Pre and Post bloods showing DAA has zero results on T levels in this thread or wait for the sub thread to be created ?
so do I post my Pre and Post bloods showing DAA has zero results on T levels in this thread or wait for the sub thread to be created ?

You could post it here, I'd be interested in seeing it. Were you using it in PCT, or just at base line?
so do I post my Pre and Post bloods showing DAA has zero results on T levels in this thread or wait for the sub thread to be created ?

I have similar labs. From DAA and NMDA. Since this thread is product bloodwork and not AI specific I dont see why you would need to wait.
If you have labs indicating a product performed well or failed= Post it.
It's weird everyone says it does nothing to e2 but u get the effects of lower e when taking it solo or with something natty.. Diuretic maybe?
It's weird everyone says it does nothing to e2 but u get the effects of lower e when taking it solo or with something natty.. Diuretic maybe?

Inflammatory and diuretic compounds mimic AIs side effects but do not give any of the positive effects. You might look drier and joints might hurt but this wont improve performance or muscle growth or test levels or reduce estrogen. Dandelion will seem like an AI at first but will leave you only dehydrated in the end.
It's weird everyone says it does nothing to e2 but u get the effects of lower e when taking it solo or with something natty.. Diuretic maybe?

Yeah, it felt like it was working. I leaned out and joints were killing me, but no movement in my estrogen numbers.
Yep!! And that's no good when u need a real e blocker on something that aromatize...
Gotcha. But the doubters aren't really commenting on how the bloodwork shows that the product works....

I haven't seen any copies of blood work posted, only talk about results.

That's probably why. Thread is a great idea, but no one has a phone or computer that can take pictures.
So it's no different than what already goes on, bunch of peeps talking about what it does/can do.
I haven't seen any copies of blood work posted, only talk about results.

That's probably why. Thread is a great idea, but no one has a phone or computer that can take pictures.
So it's no different than what already goes on, bunch of peeps talking about what it does/can do.

This is a great thread and I would definitely like to see other products results.
Gotcha. But the doubters aren't really commenting on how the bloodwork shows that the product works....

All I've seen is written numbers , James is so far the only person to post a (example) photo of test results . I could easily say this was my blood work pre and post daa







see what I'm saying ....

Now I'm not saying I'm doubting but I'm also not saying I'm agreeing . Post a photo to show legitimacy because anyone can put something in writing ...
Yeah I agree as well - scanned pic of bloodwork is more legitimate (OK somebody could also have it edited or photoshop-ed to show any number desired), while just posting numbers easier to doubt if numbers are real or just made up.

At the end is all about trust in member's posting his/her results and credibility of a member to post real results and not edited or made up.

But I'm glad topic got a lift off in posting results.