popped my test cherry who's in for the ride



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Also research grade Adex it's probably a little weak. May want to up the dose a little if its not helping.
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Also research grade Adex it's probably a little weak. May want to up the dose a little if its not helping.
Thats what im using ill up it a little if that doesnt work ill try the nolva or aromisin
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Weight at 190 today beginning of cycle weight 156 so +34lbs as of today current best squat 360X3.
Current bench only 215X5:( hardest lift for me
Hit regular deads the other day 315X6 could go up weight i was just being lazy and tired
Best dumbbell presses 80lbX6
So far enjoying this cycle although i need to watch "so you think you can bench" and try to improve that i dont understand squats are so easy for me but bench is horrible.


live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Today was chest and arms. New pr on dumbbell incline press using 85lb dumbbells X 11 was best set. Guys in gym whispering about how ive grown overnight. Asked them what they were talkin about and a guy asked where i got my roids lol i shrugged and just said celltech lol heres a pic from todays session



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Post lots of pictures. Im working up to a test only cycle next year.


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Looking big bro! Nice work.

Like mentioned before I would do 40mg Nolva first day 20 for a few days then go to 10 for remainder of cycle. It won't wreck your gains. You don't want tits do you? :)


Well-known member
Today was chest and arms. New pr on dumbbell incline press using 85lb dumbbells X 11 was best set. Guys in gym whispering about how ive grown overnight. Asked them what they were talkin about and a guy asked where i got my roids lol i shrugged and just said celltech lol heres a pic from todays session

<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=72883"/>
Why do people lie about being on juice?

I'm not trying to be a jerk nor am I trying to be negative i'm just tired of people I know saying **** to me like "yeah man I gained ten pounds three Weeks into my contest diet, but i'm leaner and dryer, no i'm not on anything, it's all me"

On a positive note, you're looking beefy. Keep it up.

Edit: I apologize I started to rant. I didn't mean to be a Dick, sorry ltl and the other fellas
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Why do people lie about being on juice?

I'm not trying to be a jerk nor am I trying to be negative i'm just tired of people I know saying **** to me like "yeah man I gained ten pounds three Weeks into my contest diet, but i'm leaner and dryer, no i'm not on anything, it's all me"

On a positive note, you're looking beefy. Keep it up.

Edit: I apologize I started to rant. I didn't mean to be a Dick, sorry ltl and the other fellas
Well for me it would ruin my job if people knew i used gear so i lie about it. If my job didnt care i would tell people the truth because i dont think its fair to lie to them then when they try what u said ur on they get discouraged from not seeing the same results.
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Looking big bro! Nice work.

Like mentioned before I would do 40mg Nolva first day 20 for a few days then go to 10 for remainder of cycle. It won't wreck your gains. You don't want tits do you? :)
Thanks bro should have read this thread first ignore that question on the other thread lol oh still followin ur log btw pretty impressive shizt


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Yeah again I apologize about starting to rant there..
where do you work?


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Lets just say its not something they approve of
Yeah fair enough I guess there's no reason to advertise what you're doing either, especially if it effects your career. Didn't mean to flame ya ltl.

I mean think about pro bbs what they actually do behind the scenes is so hush. Otherwise they wouldn't get the Supp sponsorships etc


Well-known member
Well for me it would ruin my job if people knew i used gear so i lie about it. If my job didnt care i would tell people the truth because i dont think its fair to lie to them then when they try what u said ur on they get discouraged from not seeing the same results.
Lmao dude this was exactly what I meant. Let me get some of dat dere cell tech if I'll gain thirty lbs


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Atta boy bro. Props on the gains playa.

However, much MORE props for being humble enough to just keep it friggen real. I get so annoyed by all the posts "I bench 400 lbs"

Yeah, you and 3 of your buddies combined :p

Weight at 190 today beginning of cycle weight 156 so +34lbs as of today
Current bench only 215X5:( hardest lift for me
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Atta boy bro. Props on the gains playa.

However, much MORE props for being humble enough to just keep it friggen real. I get so annoyed by all the posts "I bench 400 lbs"

Yeah, you and 3 of your buddies combined :p
Well there is no point on lying on here. If someone flames me for my bench im cool with it, its a tough lift for me. I often get told that i lie about my squats but god had to give me one good lift to make up for my cruddy bench lol imo squats are a more functional lift anyways so when someone asks "hey man what you bench" i just answer back " hey man whats ur squat" and they always shut up. Most of the time their like oh i dont do legs lol. It is what it is


Well there is no point on lying on here. If someone flames me for my bench im cool with it, its a tough lift for me. I often get told that i lie about my squats but god had to give me one good lift to make up for my cruddy bench lol imo squats are a more functional lift anyways so when someone asks "hey man what you bench" i just answer back " hey man whats ur squat" and they always shut up. Most of the time their like oh i dont do legs lol. It is what it is
Amen brother, bench is a tough lift for me as well. My response is how much you deadlift? Speaking of, need to update my numbers on my profile....


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Im much older than you some let me give you some sage advice

I bench, squat and curl much less than my buddies. I also look much better than them (they are bigger, but blocky/soft)

Bodybuilding is largely about aesthetics, and minimally about strength.

At the nd fo the day, your numbers will always be relative to you and only matter to you.

If your bench goes from 225 to 250. Big flipping deal. Who really cares.
If you go from 200 @ 15% to 200 @ 8%, that's money to me, all that matters.

Well there is no point on lying on here. If someone flames me for my bench im cool with it, its a tough lift for me. I often get told that i lie about my squats but god had to give me one good lift to make up for my cruddy bench lol imo squats are a more functional lift anyways so when someone asks "hey man what you bench" i just answer back " hey man whats ur squat" and they always shut up. Most of the time their like oh i dont do legs lol. It is what it is


New member
Im sure you can find it somewhere but its not as easy as it use to be to get after the ban took place lucky for me i stocked up:)
Superdrol was SOOOOO good... I stocked up before the ban went into effect too.


Well-known member
Im much older than you some let me give you some sage advice

I bench, squat and curl much less than my buddies. I also look much better than them (they are bigger, but blocky/soft)

Bodybuilding is largely about aesthetics, and minimally about strength.

At the nd fo the day, your numbers will always be relative to you and only matter to you.

If your bench goes from 225 to 250. Big flipping deal. Who really cares.
If you go from 200 @ 15% to 200 @ 8%, that's money to me, all that matters.
I agree but if your big lifts are getting stronger then you're getting bigger too


New member
Im much older than you some let me give you some sage advice

I bench, squat and curl much less than my buddies. I also look much better than them (they are bigger, but blocky/soft)

Bodybuilding is largely about aesthetics, and minimally about strength.

At the nd fo the day, your numbers will always be relative to you and only matter to you.

If your bench goes from 225 to 250. Big flipping deal. Who really cares.
If you go from 200 @ 15% to 200 @ 8%, that's money to me, all that matters.
Well said. That's what's up.
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Im much older than you some let me give you some sage advice

I bench, squat and curl much less than my buddies. I also look much better than them (they are bigger, but blocky/soft)

Bodybuilding is largely about aesthetics, and minimally about strength.

At the nd fo the day, your numbers will always be relative to you and only matter to you.

If your bench goes from 225 to 250. Big flipping deal. Who really cares.
If you go from 200 @ 15% to 200 @ 8%, that's money to me, all that matters.
Nice input brother very true
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Today was upper body power day. Tried to go up on bench today and increased weight but reps arent where i would like them to be
Bent over row 3 sets 210X5, 195X5, 195X5
Weighted pullups 25 lbsX6, 25lbs X 4 +2 assisted
Rack chins 3 sets 40lbsX9, 40lbsX8, 40lbsX6 +2 assisted
Bench press 215X5, 225X3, 225x2+1assisted
Weighted dips 55lbsX7, 55lbsX6
Seated dumbbell press 80lbsX6, 80lbsX5+1 assisted, 75lbsX6
Ez bar curl 100lbsX8, 100 lbsX6+2 cheats, 100lbs X 4+2 assisted
Skull crushers 90lbsX8, 100X6, 95lbs X8+1assisted


Well-known member
Today was upper body power day. Tried to go up on bench today and increased weight but reps arent where i would like them to be
Bent over row 3 sets 210X5, 195X5, 195X5
Weighted pullups 25 lbsX6, 25lbs X 4 +2 assisted
Rack chins 3 sets 40lbsX9, 40lbsX8, 40lbsX6 +2 assisted
Bench press 215X5, 225X3, 225x2+1assisted
Weighted dips 55lbsX7, 55lbsX6
Seated dumbbell press 80lbsX6, 80lbsX5+1 assisted, 75lbsX6
Ez bar curl 100lbsX8, 100 lbsX6+2 cheats, 100lbs X 4+2 assisted
Skull crushers 90lbsX8, 100X6, 95lbs X8+1assisted
Solid numbers there bro!
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Lower body power day today hit some good lifts
Squat 365X3, 365X3, 350X3
Leg press 14platesX10, 16 platesX10
Leg extension 260X10, 260X10
Deadlift 335X6, 350X6, 365X3
Lying leg curl 170X8, 170X6
Standing calf raise 365X10, 385X8, 385X8
Seated calf raise 160X10, 160X10
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Looking big bro! Nice work.

Like mentioned before I would do 40mg Nolva first day 20 for a few days then go to 10 for remainder of cycle. It won't wreck your gains. You don't want tits do you? :)
Hey took your advice on the nolva dosing, first day 40mg and i just finished my third day of dosing 20mg, at what point will i know if this too is bunk and need to get something different. Nips are still sore and ball doesnt seem to be getting smaller. Do i dose 10mg ED for another week or two and see if it clears up or should i rush and get something other than shizty (not so pure solutions)


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Hey took your advice on the nolva dosing, first day 40mg and i just finished my third day of dosing 20mg, at what point will i know if this too is bunk and need to get something different. Nips are still sore and ball doesnt seem to be getting smaller. Do i dose 10mg ED for another week or two and see if it clears up or should i rush and get something other than shizty (not so pure solutions)
By the third day I was noticing a difference. Try going an extra day of 20. You are dosing your AI daily as well right?
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
By the third day I was noticing a difference. Try going an extra day of 20. You are dosing your AI daily as well right?
Well i was running at .5mg ED but it didnt help at all and figured it was bunk so i was going to see if this nolva would clear it up before i ordered from somewhere else plus its hard to find a source and im not asking for one but i figured who i ordered from would be g2g because they run ads here i bought letro arimadex and nolva and so far have gotten hosed


New member
Well i was running at .5mg ED but it didnt help at all and figured it was bunk so i was going to see if this nolva would clear it up before i ordered from somewhere else plus its hard to find a source and im not asking for one but i figured who i ordered from would be g2g because they run ads here i bought letro arimadex and nolva and so far have gotten hosed
damn man, that sucks. I know it's against the rules to ask for sources, but is it against the rules to say who a ****ty source is, if they run ads here? I'd like to know who NOT to order from...


Well-known member
Well i was running at .5mg ED but it didnt help at all and figured it was bunk so i was going to see if this nolva would clear it up before i ordered from somewhere else plus its hard to find a source and im not asking for one but i figured who i ordered from would be g2g because they run ads here i bought letro arimadex and nolva and so far have gotten hosed
Clear PMs bro

live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Post workout meal consists of 1lb 2oz lowfat turkey 2 cups of cottage cheese and two packets of birdseye microwave brown rice all mixed up with picante sauce. this meal although u cant tell from the pic is just shy of 5 lbs



New member
Was going to wait a couple weeks but i am ready to rock and roll did my first injection of Test E at 250 was soo nervous and heart is still pounding. I begin my SD at 20mg tomorrow. I will be running test @ 500mg for 12 weeks and SD at 20/20/30/30 getting pumped up time to KILL THIS SH**!!!!
Hey bro I'm about to start test prop with my arimdex here next month and I wanna know how you stated on your diet. I'm going for a clean bulk as well and did you start out on maintenance levels for macros and calories and just Add from there? Also for your non lift days do you cut carbs a lot and for what reason?
live to lift

live to lift

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Someone please help these lumps under my nips are getting huge


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Someone please help these lumps under my nips are getting huge
You have letro right? Nows the time to use it if your not already. Your gonna have to pretty much crush your estro. Get legit Nolva. Nolva will stop breast tissue growth. Get bloods ASAP keep dosing your letro and go back in a week or two and get bloods again and take it from there dude. If the lumps are already there you've got gyno. You can reduce the size but they'll always be there unless you get surgery to remove them.


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You have letro right? Nows the time to use it if your not already. Your gonna have to pretty much crush your estro. Get legit Nolva. Nolva will stop breast tissue growth. Get bloods ASAP keep dosing your letro and go back in a week or two and get bloods again and take it from there dude. If the lumps are already there you've got gyno. You can reduce the size but they'll always be there unless you get surgery to remove them.
Also I wouldn't imagine it would be prolactin related but it could be. Which would be why your adex isn't working you may have to get caber


AB is late lol


Well-known member
You have letro right? Nows the time to use it if your not already. Your gonna have to pretty much crush your estro. Get legit Nolva. Nolva will stop breast tissue growth. Get bloods ASAP keep dosing your letro and go back in a week or two and get bloods again and take it from there dude. If the lumps are already there you've got gyno. You can reduce the size but they'll always be there unless you get surgery to remove them.
Also I wouldn't imagine it would be prolactin related but it could be. Which would be why your adex isn't working you may have to get caber
^^^ this man. If the Nolva you have isn't doing the trick it might be bunk. Research chems right! Taper up a letro dose to ad high as you need. It will be sore (joints), loss of libido and you will stop gaining but you don't want tits right? As soon as the lump has reduced in size taper back down your letro and discontinue. Good luck man.
live to lift

live to lift

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Since the lumps are already fairly large what would u reccomend for dosing of letro. 5mg EOD or ED?


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2.5 mgs everyday until its under control man
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
2.5 mgs everyday until its under control man
Thanks brother once lumps have gone away taper down then discontinue letro and continue adex throughout cycle then hit nolva pct and finish out?
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Alright u guys enough scary shizt i have some adex and nolva coming from another source. Im gonna stay positive because the stress is starting to get to me and im not eating enough or paying attention to food so im gonna get back to brass tax kill this shizt set some prs make some motha fuggin gains and shop for a training bra for my A cup tits later. I made this log to get psyched up not freaked out so here it is back to business tomorrow is chest and arms im gonna tear shizt up and the last thing on my mind is gyno there is nothing i can do right now but wait and see what happens when my products get in. Tommorrow im going to throw up 90's on incline bench and kick some azz
live to lift

live to lift

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Alright bros here i am weighing in at 190 up 33 lbs shoulders traps arms legs all have grown nicely would still like to bring out my chest more



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33lbs in 6 weeks; that's unreal.

Can't wait for my test cycle in March. May seriously see 200lbs if do everything right.
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
33lbs in 6 weeks; that's unreal.

Can't wait for my test cycle in March. May seriously see 200lbs if do everything right.
Well if u look at my before pics i have put on some flab too but definately pleased with the cycle thus far
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Alright u guys enough scary shizt i have some adex and nolva coming from another source. Im gonna stay positive because the stress is starting to get to me and im not eating enough or paying attention to food so im gonna get back to brass tax kill this shizt set some prs make some motha fuggin gains and shop for a training bra for my A cup tits later. I made this log to get psyched up not freaked out so here it is back to business tomorrow is chest and arms im gonna tear shizt up and the last thing on my mind is gyno there is nothing i can do right now but wait and see what happens when my products get in. Tommorrow im going to throw up 90's on incline bench and kick some azz
Best lifts were my incline dumbbell presses today 90X9, 90X6, 85X8

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