popped my test cherry who's in for the ride

live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Well could be a couple things going on here man

1) you crushed your E2 with the letro. Drop it of your still taking it. Start Nolva until your AI gets here if your nips are still tender. which im guessing your E2 was probably ok before the letro you just mind f*cked yourself into taking the letro. hormonal changes can cause sensitive nips. doesnt mean its gyno. Get bloods if you can in a couple days to see where your e2 is and go from there.

This is my guess^^

2) you've got test flu. No big deal it happens to some guys. Last a couple days and goes away. Your body's trying to fight off this re chemical in it.

3) your just sick-nothing you can do about this one.

As fat as being shut down. Your gonna e shutdown until after PCT man. If we're
talking about the same "shut down". Get some rest because rest is the most important thing besides food and lifting while your on.
Thanks brother u seem to be the only guy who posts on here so "for that ill be splittin my buried treasure with you once i find it that be" - Steve the pirate


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Thanks brother u seem to be the only guy who posts on here so "for that ill be splittin my buried treasure with you once i find it that be" - Steve the pirate
It's all good man. Just relax and enjoy the test lol your gonna miss it here in a few months


Hey bro I'm going to be doing a test cycle here soon hopefully, first time for me as well. How would you say your feeling so far and how does it compare to other aas or ph you have done if you have
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Hey bro I'm going to be doing a test cycle here soon hopefully, first time for me as well. How would you say your feeling so far and how does it compare to other aas or ph you have done if you have
Well i currently feel like a freight train has hit me very lethargic with flu like symptoms i still killed legs today and went up weight on everything but just feel kinda crummy i have ran sd before felt some lethargy but not like this. Hoping it goes away soon. Weight still steadily increasing eating a ton 4000+ on workout days feel like my waist is increasing but its bulking season and i need to eat to gain the most muscle possible over the next 12 weeks so im letting those abs say goodbye for now after all abs on a skinny guy are like big tits on a fat chick


Well-known member
Well could be a couple things going on here man

1) you crushed your E2 with the letro. Drop it of your still taking it. Start Nolva until your AI gets here if your nips are still tender. which im guessing your E2 was probably ok before the letro you just mind f*cked yourself into taking the letro. hormonal changes can cause sensitive nips. doesnt mean its gyno. Get bloods if you can in a couple days to see where your e2 is and go from there.

This is my guess^^

2) you've got test flu. No big deal it happens to some guys. Last a couple days and goes away. Your body's trying to fight off this re chemical in it.

3) your just sick-nothing you can do about this one.

As fat as being shut down. Your gonna e shutdown until after PCT man. If we're
talking about the same "shut down". Get some rest because rest is the most important thing besides food and lifting while your on.
Think hit the nail on the head there with guess #1!


Well-known member
Well i currently feel like a freight train has hit me very lethargic with flu like symptoms i still killed legs today and went up weight on everything but just feel kinda crummy i have ran sd before felt some lethargy but not like this. Hoping it goes away soon. Weight still steadily increasing eating a ton 4000+ on workout days feel like my waist is increasing but its bulking season and i need to eat to gain the most muscle possible over the next 12 weeks so im letting those abs say goodbye for now after all abs on a skinny guy are like big tits on a fat chick
Very interested on how this turns out bud ill be running my first test cycle as soon as the mrs gets knocked up! She has no problem with it but wants to get prego first, happy wife, happy life right?

I'm either gonna run test E with a dbol kicker or just test E solo. Haven't made my mind up yet. I can deal with the bloat but I'm worried about liver stress and the nausea I've read about. I'm just paranoid I guess. Lol

That last sentence cracked me up! Keep ur head up bud.
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Alright guys i need some insomnia help, is there anyone on here that has a hard time sleeping, i went to bed at 10 hoping to get some much needed sleep didnt actually fall asleep until about 12 or 1 and then woke up at 4 when my wife got out of bed to take the dog out here it is 5 in the morning i cant sleep im pizzed off i have tried every walmart pill for sleep also tried 3z by AI and REMPM by man sports neither of those worked either. I know one of the largest components to results is sleep and i just dont get any. I took 9g melatonin and sleepy time tea and guess whos still awake? This guy!


Well-known member
I'm not sure if it's prescription or not over there but I use hypnerdorm (not sure if thats how u spell it ) for between night shifts. Works wonders with little to no hangover !
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
I'm not sure if it's prescription or not over there but I use hypnerdorm (not sure if thats how u spell it ) for between night shifts. Works wonders with little to no hangover !
Yea u cant get anything without a prescription over here. Thank you government for making me pay $500 if i genuinely need a solution to a major problem! But thanks to obama if i would have not worked i would be taken care of. Oh the world we live in is a sad one.


Well-known member
Yea u cant get anything without a prescription over here. Thank you government for making me pay $500 if i genuinely need a solution to a major problem! But thanks to obama if i would have not worked i would be taken care of. Oh the world we live in is a sad one.
Haha man it's not right! Mrs Gillard ( our prime minister ) makes it's very hard for us to get ahead in life. The more you earn the more they f*ck you over but if you bludge off the system every things taken care of for you. Plus I'm
Sure if you had a spare $500 it'd go on more test.... ;)


Well-known member
Yea u cant get anything without a prescription over here. Thank you government for making me pay $500 if i genuinely need a solution to a major problem! But thanks to obama if i would have not worked i would be taken care of. Oh the world we live in is a sad one.
Seriously what a great country we live in.
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Haha man it's not right! Mrs Gillard ( our prime minister ) makes it's very hard for us to get ahead in life. The more you earn the more they f*ck you over but if you bludge off the system every things taken care of for you. Plus I'm
Sure if you had a spare $500 it'd go on more test.... ;)
Dang right
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Didnt go to work today trying to lay in bed and get some rest. Last night about 5 AM i finally got some sleep by taking what i didnt want to due to enough things going through my liver but ended up taking some theraflu tea along with benadril and within 30 min. I was out. Just gonna lay around today and try to keep food up thankfully its an off day today


Alright guys i need some insomnia help, is there anyone on here that has a hard time sleeping, i went to bed at 10 hoping to get some much needed sleep didnt actually fall asleep until about 12 or 1 and then woke up at 4 when my wife got out of bed to take the dog out here it is 5 in the morning i cant sleep im pizzed off i have tried every walmart pill for sleep also tried 3z by AI and REMPM by man sports neither of those worked either. I know one of the largest components to results is sleep and i just dont get any. I took 9g melatonin and sleepy time tea and guess whos still awake? This guy!

Call the doctor
Ask for a prescription for Remeron


Call the doctor
Ask for a prescription called Periactin

Both put you to sleep... but both ALSO have an AWESOME side effect: drastically increased hunger
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Call the doctor
Ask for a prescription for Remeron


Call the doctor
Ask for a prescription called Periactin

Both put you to sleep... but both ALSO have an AWESOME side effect: drastically increased hunger
I wish it were that easy i have to make an appt. And unless i want some new guy who wont right a script for shzt i have to wait months to see someone


I wish it were that easy i have to make an appt. And unless i want some new guy who wont right a script for shzt i have to wait months to see someone
No, it really is that easy. One is a common antidepressant, and one is a common antihistamine. Any doctor will prescribe either on the spot without hesitation. I don't think you need to even go in, you can do it on the phone.


Well i currently feel like a freight train has hit me very lethargic with flu like symptoms i still killed legs today and went up weight on everything but just feel kinda crummy i have ran sd before felt some lethargy but not like this. Hoping it goes away soon. Weight still steadily increasing eating a ton 4000+ on workout days feel like my waist is increasing but its bulking season and i need to eat to gain the most muscle possible over the next 12 weeks so im letting those abs say goodbye for now after all abs on a skinny guy are like big tits on a fat chick
I hear you bro get swole. It must be the letro you were taking because I thought you shouldn't feel lethargic on test


All i have is letro on hand. Ive read .5 mg eod is good but it seems that everyone is in favor of adex will letro suffice at. 5 mg eod or no
Letro is the strongest at combatting stubborn estrogen and gyno! IMO I think it'd be best taken ED instead of EOD

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Well-known member
Letro is the strongest at combatting stubborn estrogen and gyno! IMO I think it'd be best taken ED instead of EOD

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner
Letro is good at crushing estrogen. Remember you need estrogen in the right ratios to make gains, lubricate joints, libido etc etc etc. There are far better options out there to maintain healthy levels.
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
This flu is kicking my azz i have managed to still eat over 3k calories today and may need to taylor diet down a bit i feel im putting way to much fat on but i want to eat enough to make gains do i just put up with a little fat and keep doing what im doing or drop my calories a bit


Letro is the strongest at combatting stubborn estrogen and gyno! IMO I think it'd be best taken ED instead of EOD

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner
It might be the letro my estrogen was at 62 took letro Ed at 2.5 mg in 3 week my estrogen was undetected started taking eod it's at <15 try to go half a tab eod
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Eating back to normal still not 100% from being sick but i killed chest and arms today massive pump felt really alpha this is wrapping up the end of my second week weight up about 15 lbs but have put on some fat and water but im just eating my face off its time to get big todays post workout meal 1lb bbq chicken 2 serving quinoa and 4 large sweet potatos



New member
Test flu sucks. Glad to see you're ok bro! How is the mass going?
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Test flu sucks. Glad to see you're ok bro! How is the mass going?
Well im puttin on more bodyfat then i wanted but oh well im just eating bro eat eat eat lift sleep repeat i just have fat fear but im not going to limit my gains by eating less so im just keeping it as clean as possible and shovelin


New member
Oh well, maybe eat a bit cleaner? No carbs before bed might help aswell. Keep us posted man. A lil bit of fat doesnt matter!


Oh well, maybe eat a bit cleaner? No carbs before bed might help aswell. Keep us posted man. A lil bit of fat doesnt matter!
Yeah keep eating but maybe swap out some of the simple carbs in rice/wheat foods for some more veggies?
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Well i havent quite decided whether or not its water and or fat. If it was fat i would taylor my carbs down a little because i know when i was using LG i ate 400 carbs workout days and i have kept that pretty consistant with 6 meals a day shooting for only 450 g carbs. The main thing i really upped was my protein im at 350g dailey on workout days and 400 on off days. Fat i have increased a tad from my LG days i consume 88g fat workout days and like 150g on off days. I just didnt know if my body is confused because i have made alot of drastic changes going back to 6 meals a day injecting test kickstarting sd i think my body is one confused sum b**ch so its just saying F U im storin water cuz ur a crazy mother lol. Or if i just need to drop calories i have read somewhere while not 100% how reliable of a source it truely is. One should shoot for 2000 additional clean calories while "on". I havent went to quite that extreme but i have upped from 3100 calories on workout days to 4000 and 2600ish to 3500 on off days and pretty much kept the same ratios that has worked well for me from LG i figured if i put on a little extra flab ill know better for next time around im going to make many mistakes with bodybuilding as we all do but i have a lifetime to experiment


New member
If its water you should eat less salt (nitrate i think?) eat more veggies! See how that goes. Especially after your illness getting those vitamines in is very important.

-cut down salt
-switch a lil bit of simple carbs for complex carbs
-get those vitamines in!

What can go wrong?


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I garentee you it's mostly water. For every gram of carbs you eat it's like 3 grams of water or something like that


Well-known member
Serious bro! It's impossible to gain that amount of fat in such a short period of time, at least it is with clean foods your eating. I put water weight on so easy myself and I always think its fat. This will be a mental game for u. Accept the water weight, cut down on carbs later in the day and keep killing it bro. Get huge :)
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Serious bro! It's impossible to gain that amount of fat in such a short period of time, at least it is with clean foods your eating. I put water weight on so easy myself and I always think its fat. This will be a mental game for u. Accept the water weight, cut down on carbs later in the day and keep killing it bro. Get huge :)
Thanks bro
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Serious bro! It's impossible to gain that amount of fat in such a short period of time, at least it is with clean foods your eating. I put water weight on so easy myself and I always think its fat. This will be a mental game for u. Accept the water weight, cut down on carbs later in the day and keep killing it bro. Get huge :)
At night is when i have most of my carbs because i workout in the evenings. But thats how i have done it the past 7 months and i got shredded doing so so i dont quite buy into the no carbs after 7 or whatever it is since i have evening workouts thoughts suggestions?


Well-known member
At night is when i have most of my carbs because i workout in the evenings. But thats how i have done it the past 7 months and i got shredded doing so so i dont quite buy into the no carbs after 7 or whatever it is since i have evening workouts thoughts suggestions?
Haha I'm just stuck in my own world as I lift at 4am so disregard my last statement. I DO however notice a difference with MY schedule but that doesn't apply to u so never mind. My only advice would be to enjoy the ride but don't stress and over analyze. Make small tweaks based on what has worked in the past.


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Looking good man. Def still lean as fuk


You are paranoid about the fat gain, aren't you... All that worry and you are leaner than a lot of guys after a "cut"...


New member
Soooooo why were you worried exactly? Stop worrying and start enjoying!
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Soooooo why were you worried exactly? Stop worrying and start enjoying!
Fine sir i took ur advice and here is an amazing post workout meal i pulled from a book its called GLOP for get lots of protein it has 2 bags birdseye steamer bag brown rice, 2 servings fat free cottage cheese, 1lb of the leanest ground turkey u can find, and half a jar of picante hot sauce mmmm good macros are 126 prot,152 carb, 35 fat depending on turkey u use.



New member
Awwww yeah!!! Good going bro! How's the training and stuff going?
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Awwww yeah!!! Good going bro! How's the training and stuff going?
Man its awesome when i started i was flat dumbell pressing the 80's im now using the 95's started squatting 250 now at 275 overhead dumbell press is up bent over rows up im having a blast with the weights i just have a complex about putting on water and fat but fock it gettin huge i can cut later tis the season to get big. Monday began my 3rd week i upped my sd to 30mg and plan on running that all of week 3 and 4 then the test will be kickin in lol im set brother
live to lift

live to lift

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Holy sh*t geeting swole for sure up 27 lbs veigns in places i didnt know was possible


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Holy sh*t geeting swole for sure up 27 lbs veigns in places i didnt know was possible
Proves what a lot of people say "you will see better results if you are lean".

Congrats man. You getting accused of being on gear yet?
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
Quick update yesterday and todays diet is safe to say the worst i have ate in probably a year but our family celebrated christmas this weekend and our christmas dinner was what? PIZZA HUT! Did i mention i use to be fat as a kid, i wonder why. Anyways get home to the parents house and walked right into freshly made fudge candy chocolates pizza etc. Got up today and was going to find a gym to hit chest and arms and no gym was open this weekend FAURK!!! Go back to my moms pizzed off and started going through the garage and found an old weight set i had when i was 13 only had 100 lbs but i made do. Also found an old shizty bench so hit incline and flat bench lol grabbed 2 logs and did incline and flat flys rambo style. Then proceeded to do straight barbell curls which was great because i had enough weight. Then wanted to do concentration curls lol get this i took a 2 5lb plates and 2 2.5lb plates along with a stick and made my dumbbell for my concentration curls lol. Then did overhead barbell extensions skull crushers then used the logs again for log kickbacks lol. I didnt take not having a gym as an option and the thing is i got a pretty good workout lol

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