if you have a z28 who needs a pheromone?
Perhaps your mullet isn't long enough?
I think sex panther is the way to go, mathematically speaking
The ones that work for me are Pherone V-5 and D-17x.
The V-5 makes women more relaxed and they accept me more. Sometimes I can be intimidating and when I wear V-5 women are more attracted than intimidated.
D-17X is an alpha male phero, so it's good for women who are ovulating and are out to find an alpha to have sex with. It's also good for business, but if you wear too much of it other alphas tend to get argumentative and want to pick a fight!
You can get them at pherone.com or on amazon btw.
WHen I wear any androstenone products, people shat themselves...
Wagg makes things easier on me, couplins also make women more relaxed around me.
Yes, WAGG is another one I like... from love-scent.com.
Lately I find that just a TOUCH of androstenone, like the d-17x, is good especially for bars or clubs on a weekend. It only works on ovulating women, but those are the ones who come out to hook up with a guy. So it works on what you want it to work on (if that's what you want).
I just got some Renegade since NP had it back in stock, ill be conducting a little test on it here shortly. Ill posts my results once i reach a conclusion.
i personally love renegade.
Do me a favor and keep note not on just how well the pheremone effect is, but how great of a moisturizer it is.
I get dry skin around my nose very easily, and this is the ONLY product that takes care of it without causing me to rely on it or drying out my skin even more.
You know i get the same dry skin, but this stuff smells too strong for me to put it directly under my nose. The smell is something of an old musty book with a leather binding.
However, i have been using it, and while im performing the real test tomorrow, i have noticed a few funny things.
I work at walmart electronics, and i have to explain **** to hordes of idiots on a daily basis. Well, the first day i applied the renegade, i had to explain some cell phone **** to this mo-thug girl who had to be half retarded. Normally i dont draw attraction from those sorts of girls, or at least i try not too, but she was definitely feeling me pretty hard. While i was trying to brush her off to go about my day, I thought to myself "oh ****, maybe its the pheremone stuff?" as i had practically forgotten that i was wearing it.
Could be coincidental, but maybe the renegade did play some intricate role in the whole thing? Either way, that situation was extremely annoying.
You know i get the same dry skin, but this stuff smells too strong for me to put it directly under my nose. The smell is something of an old musty book with a leather binding.
However, i have been using it, and while im performing the real test tomorrow, i have noticed a few funny things.
I work at walmart electronics, and i have to explain **** to hordes of idiots on a daily basis. Well, the first day i applied the renegade, i had to explain some cell phone **** to this mo-thug girl who had to be half retarded. Normally i dont draw attraction from those sorts of girls, or at least i try not too, but she was definitely feeling me pretty hard. While i was trying to brush her off to go about my day, I thought to myself "oh ****, maybe its the pheremone stuff?" as i had practically forgotten that i was wearing it.
Could be coincidental, but maybe the renegade did play some intricate role in the whole thing? Either way, that situation was extremely annoying.
Renegade assumes no liability for psycho stalker bitches, sexual assaults by women against the wearer, any urinating on legs of customers, drive-by whistling, or sexually transmitted diseases from indulging in the skanks.
The "backing them up" part is all about the proof being in the pudding, Gamma. When it comes down to a product of this nature, it is often one that works on an individualized level. That is why the feedback that we've received about the product lends credo to those label claims.Axcite LP7 looks to me like a fake product. They make a lot of claims without backing them up.
The simplest is that they claim to have the highest concentration of pheromones, but then they don't actually state what quantity of pheromones are in the product.
Well, guess he wasn't interested. Bone was thrown, can't help if the ol' dog doesn't want to retrieve it for a free cookie. Atleast now he has no right to talk smack. Oh, well...
Can I cash in on his bone that was thrown that he didn't condone? I'll give an honest opinion in thread form, honest.
I've used Dials pheromone infused body wash but with no luck...could Axcite LP7 be the real deal?
I'm always up for hooking up a fellow TOOL fan. Bottle of Renegade if you want one.
Oops, I missed that.
The reason I said it looked fake was:
- They claim to have the 'highest concentration' yet don't state how many mg of pheromones they are actually giving you. There's no excuse for quantity being a secret.
- They don't state which pheromones they use, yet claim to have 7 of them. I don't think there are 7 pheromones which have been studied and show to work.
- They claim to be the best selling pheromones in the world, yet I never heard of them til now. Also, how can they know other companies' sales figures?
So we have a bunch of claims which are not backed up, therefore it looks fake.
OTOH I didn't expect some rep from that company to show up, and I don't want this thread to turn into a way for some company to promote themselves. Is that even allowed here?
By the way, that video of the guy walking on is a nightmare. I was at work and this voice started blaring from my PC. Who does that? Not cool.
I'm always up for hooking up a fellow TOOL fan. Bottle of Renegade if you want one.
One up me, will ya? Oh I think not, ya ol' poot!! One for Manback to compare if he's game. I'm all about smellin' pretty!![]()
PM me addy if still interested. :cheers:
Yes, sir...hit me with your addy.I'm glad you got the reference. Many people don't and infact think it's my real name. If you are serious about the offer, shall I p.m. you my address?
Thanks guys.
I am surely interested. I suppose a fair and honest review and comparison of the two could be beneficial. I have no ties, loyalty or discrepencies with any supplement company, so my review would be just that, fair and honest.
PM sent.
Thanks guys.
Whaaa?Yes, sir...hit me with your addy.
and confidence. but keep in mind there's a big difference between confidence and ****iness and it is a fine line to be sure. most women like and are attracted to confidence. there's a few rules that i like to go by and these define how i treat the woman I'm with.
1. treat them like a woman. pull their chair out, open the door (both car and entrance), just basically have some manners for Christ sakes. watch most any movie from the 20's to the 50's and watch how men treat they're women (for the most part)
2. do your best to be honest. i know it will not happen all the time but make an effort, they know when we're lying anyway.
3. i shouldn't even have to mention this, but don't cheat on your GF, wife or whatever. here's how i look at cheating, if i want to sleep with someone else and am seriosly considering it, then the relationship is all ready over between us.
now, there's a few things i would like to explain about what i just wrote. if at any point you being a nice guy means that she thinks she can walk all over you then at that point you need to make it clear that just because you do nice things for her, all that can be undone in a minute if it's not appreciated or if being nice is confused with being weak. and the things i outlined above, i will be the first to admit that i don't do them all perfectly sometimes and will still fail in the future. I've done something recently that I'm not to proud of (there's a thread about it here) but i made a small mistake and am not going to do it again. a hard part about being a nice guy is doing it for the long haul and not just when the relationship is new. some women like nice guys and some don't so choose wisely who you treat well, some women are just not worth it. and do yourself a favor, don't listen to small minded people who say things like "dude your whipped" or similar crap like that, just because they are a douche and jump from one woman to the next doesn't mean you have to. now keep in mind I'm 33 not 23 so my out look on life and relationships has changed over the last 10 years, if you're young or if you're old and still want to run around then go for it, theres nothing wrong with that but you can have a little respect for them while you're doing that. if you think all woman are whores and you treat them that way then two things are certain, you will die alone or with someone who could not do better and you will never attract a woman who is stable and happy with her self and willing to treat you well......
just my rambling......
What pheromones will make women more likely approach you?
Androstenol and androsterone, maybe also androstadione. You don't want to use too much androstenol since at first it will make you to appear as "friend" but it also later will convert to androstenone, and too much androstenone will make women nervous to the point of as if you were going to rape them.
I naturally produce androstenone at a high rate, almost on a daily basis I see women literally run the opposite direction, only sexually experienced women are comfortable around me. I would do well with pornstars...
Try androsterone, stuff makes you appear as a man yet people in general will like you.
Thank You. any brand in particular you would reccomend?
carpee said:i love Renegade by RPN solely for 2 reasons:
1) its one of the best moisturizers I've ever used...and smells great.
2) I'm always in a better mood, and more "confident" when I use it. I always get compliments on how I smell. Take it with a grain of salt, there's no magic potion. Renegade is by far worth 6 bucks. I just bought 3 more bottles.
Where do I get renegade , that's not from some foreign country
dsade said:Tell Nutraplanet to order more and I will send them a batch.