Peg-anti-gdf-8 [myostatin inhibitor]and CJC-1295


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What dosage of the anitbody you consum ? is ist the myo 29 antibody or an other anti body ?

How often you take your injcection of the antibody ? Daily or weekly ?

Greets form Germany !


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What dosage of the anitbody you consum ? is ist the myo 29 antibody or an other anti body ?

How often you take your injcection of the antibody ? Daily or weekly ?

Greets form Germany !
he already states 200mcg/day and its polyclonal gdf-8 antibody if you bother to read the thread.


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he already states 200mcg/day and its polyclonal gdf-8 antibody if you bother to read the thread.

Come on pumbertot, im sure if English is his 2nd language then reading can be tough. Lets be friendly around here.



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alright people another log tonight
excellent leg workout today great pump strength was up the painful joint issue continue to bother me maybe the dosage is to high we will have to evaluate that later for know 200 mic is what im sticking with.
My appetite has once again increase to a point thats rediculous i cant stop eating.know to clarify something it seems as though it was a stability issue with the peg-anti-gdf-8 causing a lack of effectiveness according to my supplier
just want to get that out in the open.
As i was saying my appetite has increase and my body weight is at 225 pounds up from 223 pounds last monday and once again my endurance is begining to drop which besides the constant sore joints is the only side effect that im noticing
If anybody have any questions feel free to ask and bye the way this is the polyclonal anti-gdf-8 200 mics a day split into 2 dosage thank you peace!


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Thanks, my english writing isn't so good.

But is this the antibody you use ? GDF8 / Myostatin antibody (ab996) datasheet | Abcam

Is it right that 50 µg means 50 mic or do i a mistake ?

Because the Price it's so high :jaw:

Do you inject intra muskular or subcultan like insulin ?
yes BB is right and I didnt account for your English so I apologise.

yes thats right with the mics and he is taking 200mcg/day split into 2 dosages(I assume morning/night).

he injects it subcutaneously, not intramuscularly.

well he gets 2mg(2000mcg=ten day supply) for $650 so he obviously can afford that. ;)


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thats right pum but my supplier is actually cutting me alot of slack this anti-body at this dosage along with cjc gives a pump feeling all day long im loving this its actually feel quite differ than the peg version feels more strength seems to be increasing my appetite is out of control things that goes along with myostatin blocking this has really been a eye opening experiment for me im just glad that you all take the time to listen peace!


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i cant believe how expensive that **** is. as a lowly med student and soon to be underpaid resident that is too damn expensive. I may stick to the ghrp6 and peg mgf/igf-1. I am interested to see if this becomes the next big thing. Black have you run ghrp 6 and if so how does it compare to cjc. i want to run cjc but ghrp 6 seems to be more cost effective. thanks for the updates. cya



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i cant believe how expensive that **** is. as a lowly med student and soon to be underpaid resident that is too damn expensive. I may stick to the ghrp6 and peg mgf/igf-1. I am interested to see if this becomes the next big thing. Black have you run ghrp 6 and if so how does it compare to cjc. i want to run cjc but ghrp 6 seems to be more cost effective. thanks for the updates. cya

Some info that may help:


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look right know this stuff really is to expensive personally i think that this anti-body should cost about the same as cjc around 8-10 dollars a mg but i dont see that happening at least not right know ''luda i hope bob answered your question about ghrp-6 he's usually pretty acurate.You know what i think might be a better option in the future is follistatin a guy i know told me it only needs to be injected once every couple weeks of course im mr. know it all did not believe him until and article i read in MD that said rats giving a single dose of follistatin gain size throughout the entire body for 60 days and continue to gain strength for 560 days. i guess that warrants some investigation of course it did not state the dose either . Anyway i thought it made for good reading lol peace!


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i cant believe how expensive that **** is. as a lowly med student and soon to be underpaid resident that is too damn expensive. I may stick to the ghrp6 and peg mgf/igf-1. I am interested to see if this becomes the next big thing. Black have you run ghrp 6 and if so how does it compare to cjc. i want to run cjc but ghrp 6 seems to be more cost effective. thanks for the updates. cya

yes but once you get to registrar you will have no problem buying all peptides there are. ;)


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alright people sorry about missing posting uphere but going threw a little ordeal with my better half lol anyway last week was a pretty good week im actually up 5 pound from the start of this 200 mic and peg mgf trial my strength is also up i was able to hit my personal best on bench last week 415 pounds add that to the fact that my back seems to be adding thickness all around so it seems to me that this combo works
i was not able to go all out on legs as far as the amount lift because i did not have a spotter but i wa able to hit legs twice last week and my recovery time is amazing know so i give credit to the anti-gdf-8 im also looking into trying follistatin like peptide which could prove to be a cheaper alternative than pure follistatin i ordered 200 mic just to try it out hey what can i say im a black lab rat lol holla at me peeps peace!


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alright fellows another log sorry about the lateness anyway great workout today chest and triceps great pump starting to see the veins in my chest so im loving that on the side note the pain you get in your joints from this high dosage is terrible im into my last 2 weeks of this stuff so im going all out
next while im still waiting on the vaccine i plan on running fstl1-peptide problem with this will be the proimflammatory effects expecially in the hands so it will basiclly be a low dose thing to see what happens anyway enough of my mouth peace!


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good going BLACK, again you are a credit to this forum. wish it was me getting to try this sh*t first so im a little jealous too.


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holy SH*T BLACK, I think you are insane dude! I'm reading your log and it scares the absolute SH*T out of me man. Trying some new lab created protein via injection. I can't imagine, I really can't. I'm trying to muster enough nutsack to get on IGF-1lr3!!! HA HA HA.

I hope you do well though. Best of luck to you. Incredible log.....simply insane really. Please be safe and thanks for all your log data!


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hey man thanks its been and experience truth be told i think i am nuts lol look it was another incredible workout legs did a couple sets of 10 with 550 on squats great pump joint pain continue to be and issue its more apparrent doing benching but my joints do bother me doing squats as well im 90 percent sure its coming from the anti-body because on the off days i dont feel its as bad for those considering doing this which im not suggesting this could be and issue. anyway enough of my madness i will holla at you all later peace!


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hey man thanks its been and experience truth be told i think i am nuts lol look it was another incredible workout legs did a couple sets of 10 with 550 on squats great pump joint pain continue to be and issue its more apparrent doing benching but my joints do bother me doing squats as well im 90 percent sure its coming from the anti-body because on the off days i dont feel its as bad for those considering doing this which im not suggesting this could be and issue. anyway enough of my madness i will holla at you all later peace!
I would say you are more lucky than nuts though thats because im a loony too. good going bro, I knew that at these dosages sh*t would happen.


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alright people sorry about the missing post but last week was a pretty good workout week strength is up my weight is back at 231 pounds shoulders are growing at a incredible rate along with my back showing great seperation and thickness you could say 200 mic a day is a good dose for this anti-body know as i said before the joint pain is obvious but it does alleviate alot on the 2 days that you are off this stuff o im gonna do this for 1 more week then im gonna take a short break before i get it cranked up again i will post a couple more times before i give my summary of the whole experience which has been nothing short of extraordinary well enough of my mouth i will holla at you all later peace!


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hello people once agin its your man black back again listen its really been a real good experience logging this stuff for you all you know back before i started this whole cycle i never thought it would run this long right at 6 months i been doing this i have seen great growth in my back and shoulder area not as much in my chest as i would like but i remain strong in that area also my leg strength which has always been strong
has remain a plus for me .know the bad point with this stuff has been the joint pain issue which really have only gotten bad when i went up to 200 mics a day which leaves me to believe that atleast this stuff is still working for me although i can do without the pain issue its real apparent when im doing bench exercise or over head shoulder work it is also somewhat of and issue on squats but the pain do subside on the off days.Like isaid before its has been a real experience and i appreciate everyone for keeping up with the whole event if there is any questions anyone want to ask me feel free to ask or to drop me a pm peace!


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Thank you BLACK for this crazy log! I hope that join pain subsides. When are you done w/this compound?

Also, what have you noticed with gains/loses so far? Strength?


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well im done with this stuff friday as far as strength goes my main lifts has gone up roughly 50 pounds with the exception of squats which has been slow and and steady im squating 650 pounds for 1 rep max so im 35 pounds there as far as muscle growth the biggest area ive noticed is my back and shoulders more bumps in the back and shoulder muscle that sits up higher than my bicep lol


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well im done with this stuff friday as far as strength goes my main lifts has gone up roughly 50 pounds with the exception of squats which has been slow and and steady im squating 650 pounds for 1 rep max so im 35 pounds there as far as muscle growth the biggest area ive noticed is my back and shoulders more bumps in the back and shoulder muscle that sits up higher than my bicep lol
lol, I thought you lifted a lot of weight.....guess not :lol: j/p are nuts. When the HECK are you gonna post some photos?!!


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soon my friend im gonna try and fine tune things first
LOL awww come on "pretty boy" need for you to get dolled up for us. lol, j/p bro. Do what ya gotta do! :dance:


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well people its your man black back with my last post in this forum its been a great experience dealing with this anti-body along with cjc and of course peg mgf .when i first started this time using this anti-body i never imagined it would last for 6 months its been a learning ordeal that i can take with me for my next plan attack against my enemy gdf-8 .my strength has increased not as much as i hope but it has increased alot
i have gained good size in my shoulders,traps and back expecially my appetite right know is at a all time high and my bodyweight right know is 235 pounds the heaviest that i have been ever .just to give a little history in 97 when i eas out of the marine corp i was 135 pounds soaking wet so i have over the years been able to add alot of size not semetry but size to my frame .I believe that anti-gdf-8 will change the sport of bbing one day when we become more aware of its potential and downsides so far the only downside that i have gone threw is endurance and joint pain which goes away on the days that i dont take this stuff who is to say what will happen next week but that is the only side effects so far
Alright enough of that i been trying to figure out my next log and i think its going to be myostatin siRNA [H] and its going to be real soon so stay tune and again if there are any question feel free to ask


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Awesome, thank you BLACK! BTW, you still owe us photos! Don't think you can hide on us :cheers:

Can't wait for your next log!


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the next log will be week after next
myostatin siRNA[H] just in case anyone is interested


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the next log will be week after next
myostatin siRNA[H] just in case anyone is interested
Hey Big BLACK, mind letting us know WTH that myostatin siRNA[H] is and/or what it does??? Sounds like something Steven Hawking would have trouble understanding :rofl:


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Hey basically its used to knockdown the gdf-8 gene expression in human cells very potent its alot more to this stuff but i dont feel like writing it and its has been said that this gene silencer blocks 95 percent of myostatin .


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Hey basically its used to knockdown the gdf-8 gene expression in human cells very potent its alot more to this stuff but i dont feel like writing it and its has been said that this gene silencer blocks 95 percent of myostatin .
ok how much and gimme mine!!!!


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Well its not that expensive truth be told i probably should have went this route instead of the anti-bodies but hey in my fight against my mortal enemy gdf-8 i will try almost anything lol


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Well its not that expensive truth be told i probably should have went this route instead of the anti-bodies but hey in my fight against my mortal enemy gdf-8 i will try almost anything lol
when you are willing to let me try some please let me know. I want this myostatin crap gone from my body too. ;)


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Cant wait for the new thread, this time ill be in fromthe start.


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you will see this is the fight mere mortals will be talking about for ages the day the black scientist known by the name black747 defeated his arch enemy gdf-8 it want be a fight for the faint of heart since i was a kid gdf-8 has plagued my life causing pain know its time for me to send gdf-8 back to the stone age where it belongs stay tuned.[it want be pretty]


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you will see this is the fight mere mortals will be talking about for ages the day the black scientist known by the name black747 defeated his arch enemy gdf-8 it want be a fight for the faint of heart since i was a kid gdf-8 has plagued my life causing pain know its time for me to send gdf-8 back to the stone age where it belongs stay tuned.[it want be pretty]
LOL dood yer funny. what you're saying is that you won't want any of PEG-GDF-8 if I can rush order it for you? :rofl:

I seriously have to research this GDF-8 term. All I know is that you really hate the piss out of it. I'm looking forward to your next log of insanity BLACK! :D


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well fellows and ladies the gene silencer is a couple weeks away it seems there was a misstep in the sequencing but it is coming!


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LOL dood yer funny. what you're saying is that you won't want any of PEG-GDF-8 if I can rush order it for you? :rofl:

I seriously have to research this GDF-8 term. All I know is that you really hate the piss out of it. I'm looking forward to your next log of insanity BLACK! :D
yep myostatin is our number 1 enemy. we must kill kill kill it!
as soon as I can get my hands on it, I will be on the vaccine as we must stop this evil substance in its tracks. :p


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I have looked into GDF-8.

Scientific Study: Mutations in myostatin (GDF8) in Double-Muscled Belgian Blue and Piedmontese Cattle
Mutations in myostatin (GDF8) in Double-Muscled Belgian Blue*and Piedmontese*Cattle -- Kambadur et al. 7 (9): 910 -- Genome Research

Potential clinical significance
Further research into myostatin and the myostatin gene may lead to therapies for muscular dystrophy.[18] The idea is to introduce substances that block myostatin. In 2002, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania showed that monoclonal antibody specific to myostatin improves the condition of mice with muscular dystrophy, presumably by blocking myostatin's action.

In 2005, Lee showed that a two-week treatment of normal mice with soluble activin type IIB receptor, a molecule that is normally attached to cells and binds to myostatin, leads to a significantly increased muscle mass (up to 60%).[19] It is thought that binding of myostatin to the soluble activin receptor prevents it from interacting with the cell-bound receptors.

It remains unclear whether long term treatment of muscular dystropy with myostatin inhibitors is beneficial: the depletion of muscle stem cells could worsen the disease later on.

As of 2005, no myostatin inhibiting drugs for humans are on the market, but an antibody genetically engineered to neutralize myostatin was developed by New Jersey pharmaceutical company Wyeth.[20] The inhibitor is called MYO-029 and recently underwent testing however the results have not yet been made public.[21][22][23] Some athletes, eager to get their hands on such drugs, turn to the internet, where fake "myostatin blockers" are being sold.

Johns Hopkins University has developed a technique for detecting mutations in myostatin variants. [24]
source: Myostatin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Myostatin (formerly known as Growth differentiation factor 8) is a growth factor that limits muscle tissue growth, i.e. higher concentrations of myostatin in the body may cause the individual to have less developed muscles. The myostatin protein is produced primarily in skeletal muscle cells, circulates in the blood and lymph and acts on muscle tissue, apparently by slowing down the development of muscle stem cells. The precise mechanism remains unknown. Its functions in non-mammalian vertebrates appear to be somewhat conserved as muscle-specific actions have been demonstrated in birds. However, it is produced in many different fish tissues, suggesting that it may regulate more than just muscle mass in these vertebrates."

I remember watching a Youtube video (and seeing it on Discovery channel I think) of these "Belgian Blues" ...massive bulls that are bred somehow to minimze myostatin. Have you guys seen that? Holy CRAP, they are solid mountains of ripped muscle. I mean, these things have bulges hanging off of them...truly fricking insane!



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great find yes gdf-8 is a protein that limits skeletal muscle growth it found prodominately throughout the human skelaton
its alot of research that has been done in this area to lead scientist to believe that gdf-8 is not the only growth factor involved in skeletal muscle hypertrophy but also gdf-11 and gdf-5 beleive it or not but gdf-11 is 90 percent identical to myostatin leading scientist to believe that gdf-11 is also involved in muscle inhibition which is why follistatin is beleived to be so powerful because it not only block gdf-8 but also 11 and 5 so there is alot of imfo still not discovered but im on the job peace!


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View attachment Whippet.bmp

Big Black talking to his Dog:

"Dammit Bruiser! Did you get into my stash of Anti GDF-8 or my Myostatin Propeptide. Or was it the Follistatin, ACVR2B, or my Myostatin DNA Vaccine?!?!
Well, which one was it this time!?!?"

"Aww its alright bro, lets just go play some fetch.." **throwing an 80LB Dumbell**


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View attachment 21667

Big Black talking to his Dog:

"Dammit Bruiser! Did you get into my stash of Anti GDF-8 or my Myostatin Propeptide. Or was it the Follistatin, ACVR2B, or my Myostatin DNA Vaccine?!?!
Well, which one was it this time!?!?"

"Aww its alright bro, lets just go play some fetch.." **throwing an 80LB Dumbell**
LMFAO! Is that dog FOR REAL? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


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just to keep the thread alive until my upcoming log on the gene silencer i top my recent best on bench and squat
435 for bench and 675 for squats all raw so my strength is still increasing lo


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Nice. Keep up the awesome work.

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