New member
I'm chronologically old and new to these forums so I'm hoping this is the right place to ask this question.
My total test is 658 , albumin normal and SHBG off the charts at 93. This calculates my free test at just over 6. Obviously, with a SHBG that high my estrogen is low as well. Estriol<25.
Recently started LGD 4033 with GW501516 at 5mg and 10mg respectively.
I'd think that a PCT would be somewhat futile if I run this for 6 weeks given those lab values. Especially considering I'm using a natural test booster throughout and afterwards. However, I'm fairly ignorant of PCT philosophies and am in process as to the ins and outs of peptides/SARMS.
Any truly knowledgeable input welcome.....both in terms of my question with PCT as well as this weird state of having such high SHBG. (Currently using boron and thinking of stinging nettle root extract to lower that) but I'm also perplexed at why I have such a high SHBG in the first place. I've never dabbled in anything not natural or not OTC before.
My total test is 658 , albumin normal and SHBG off the charts at 93. This calculates my free test at just over 6. Obviously, with a SHBG that high my estrogen is low as well. Estriol<25.
Recently started LGD 4033 with GW501516 at 5mg and 10mg respectively.
I'd think that a PCT would be somewhat futile if I run this for 6 weeks given those lab values. Especially considering I'm using a natural test booster throughout and afterwards. However, I'm fairly ignorant of PCT philosophies and am in process as to the ins and outs of peptides/SARMS.
Any truly knowledgeable input welcome.....both in terms of my question with PCT as well as this weird state of having such high SHBG. (Currently using boron and thinking of stinging nettle root extract to lower that) but I'm also perplexed at why I have such a high SHBG in the first place. I've never dabbled in anything not natural or not OTC before.