Non pump pre workout


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Looking for preworkout to take for mma type training. I really don't want the pump stuff especially when doing bjj. So more focus energy endurance.


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Just a quick fyi and don’t take this directed as a slight against yourself.

Tons of things that enhance “endurance” are going to be your standard “pump” ingredients. Things like nitrates, citrulline, tea extracts, etc. enhance blood flow which in turn should enhance nutrient delivery, clearance, time to exhaustion and more.

Now I fully understand too many of these can definitely interfere with performing certain athletic activities. In general this is exacerbated when individuals have a lesser overall aerobic (or delivery) orientation which will just lead to the increased blood flow "pooling" or not being pushed back out of the working areas.

Just something to keep in mind and may mean you still may want to dabble with 1-2 of these types of ingredients depending on personal tolerance to see what may still help.

There are definitely other things that are less likely to increase pumps though that may help, like Senactiv, various Mushrooms, Rhodiola (atp production), Creatine, Ornithine, Beta Alanine, Epicatechin, and more (plus appropriate hydration and fueling/carbs).

The new XPG Carnitine gel would be an interesting consideration, although I have only just received mine so I can't personally comment on use for athletic performance. I know Steve also has some really perfect products for this exact thing coming, but idk the specific time frames.

As far as nootropics and Stims it is hard to recommend a specific product as everyone seems to have a different preference for the amount of stimulation they want before these types of activities (I don't like much at all).

I personally do really like various Choline sources, Sabroxy, and Tyrosine for these particular situations so pairing some of that with the right amount of Caffeine for your personal preference and some of the above performance enhancers can be a good starting point if you don't mind building your own. If you want a fully pre-made that will be harder to recommend for this.
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Apollon makes a pwo specifically for combat fighting - Lionheart. Check it out. Their products are always dosed properly or even over the top if you're not familiar with them.


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Cordyceps increases VO2 Max and decreases inflammation so that is an ingredient I have always liked before something like BJJ.


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Apollon makes a pwo specifically for combat fighting - Lionheart. Check it out. Their products are always dosed properly or even over the top if you're not familiar with them.
Ya I like that one I always forget, too much caffeine for me personally at two scoops and I can’t believe I forgot to mention Taurine. 😭

Cordyceps increases VO2 Max and decreases inflammation so that is an ingredient I have always liked before something like BJJ.
Ya mushrooms are great I always enjoy PeakO2 when I use it to boost my training and recovery.


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@poison does a lot of BJJ, he'd be a good one to ask on what some of his favorites are pre-rolling.


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@poison does a lot of BJJ, he'd be a good one to ask on what some of his favorites are pre-rolling.
Heyyy son! :D I got my purple belt last month, and just rolled last night, so yeah for sure.

I understand what the OP is talking about: the best pump pre's interfere with grips and abs/core, etc. I prefer endurance-related stuff that's not pump specific:

Cordygen5/Cordygen V02
Anabolic XT
Vector (I haven't used Anabolic Effect in this way yet, similar ingredient list though)
Amentoflavone XT (AWESOME stuff)

I also take SNS Cardiovascular XT for general health, and olive leaf, pomegranate, and grape seed all have effects that could contribute to increased endurance.
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Heyyy son! :D I got my purple belt last month, and just rolled last night, so yeah for sure.

You still doing protection work? Or is all the training you still do just 'for fun' at this point?


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Looking for preworkout to take for mma type training. I really don't want the pump stuff especially when doing bjj. So more focus energy endurance.
I've trained in different martial arts and boxing since elementary school, so I can definitely relate to where you're coming from.

@Resolve10 made a great post earlier in this thread about how some ingredients that may enhance pumps when weight training may also be great for endurance and you wouldn't notice the bumps with different types of training.

@poison made a great post and a great point about how Cardiovascular Support XT is great for cardiovascular health and also doubles as a great endurance product. It can be very helpful for both cardiovascular and muscular endurance.

Anabolic XT would be my favorite product for this particular purpose because it helps with endurance, recovery, helps me feel dialed in, and most importantly for me - it gives me a bigtime motivation to train.

Recovery Fix is another great product for this purpose, and its the product that we hear the most feedback on from boxers and MMA athletes, and that we get the most inquiries on from coaches and gyms. It's interesting because it gets overlooked a lot on here, but in sports like boxing and MMA, recovery is the key to everything. Recovery Fix does help increase endurance, reduce inflammation, but most importantly improved recovery big time - during training and between sessions.

There are a lot of things I can think of that would be helpful for this type of training. Just a quick list that comes to mind:
  • Anabolic XT
  • Recovery Fix
  • Anabolic Effect
  • Epi-Plex
  • XPG L-Carnitine Gel
  • Sabroxy XT
  • Huperzine A XT
  • Choline Citrate
  • Taurine
@Hyde has talked about increasing endurance and the mental aspects of training a lot and has I know he likes Sabroxy XT, Choline Citrate, and Huperzine A XT. We were recently discussing how a lot of people overlook some of these because they're so inexpensive, but super effective. He's also been using the new L-Carnitine Gel and has noticed good endurance benefits from it.

You can see some of the feedback on the XPG L-Carnitine Gel in this thread:

Later this year, we will be coming out with several products that are specific to endurance. There will be:
  • Senactiv XT - high dosed Senactiv.
  • An SNS Endurance product.
  • A CEL Endurance/Fat Loss product that is designed to be the closest thing that is natural, safe, & legal to Cardarine
  • A very unique ATP focused formula for endurance (and nothing in it for extra pumps)
I hope this info helps.


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You still doing protection work? Or is all the training you still do just 'for fun' at this point?
Still doing protection! I've been with this client for 7 years now, it's been amazing. Hit me up on fb messenger!


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Heyyy son! :D I got my purple belt last month, and just rolled last night, so yeah for sure.

I understand what the OP is talking about: the best pump pre's interfere with grips and abs/core, etc. I prefer endurance-related stuff that's not pump specific:

Cordygen5/Cordygen V02
Anabolic XT
Vector (I haven't used Anabolic Effect in this way yet, similar ingredient list though)
Amentoflavone XT (AWESOME stuff)

I also take SNS Cardiovascular XT for general health, and olive leaf, pomegranate, and grape seed all have effects that could contribute to increased endurance.
Amento is another great option.

I find with these kinds of benefits things taken daily can have a large pay off. Something like Blood Pressure XT and Cadiovascular XT with Epi-plex and/or Anabolic XT would cover improving some of these things so much and not even necessarily need to be taken directly pre-workout.

I would be interested in feedback if you ever try Senactiv XT down the road (once released), I bet it would be great for your kind of training. I've gotten up to some decently high dosages through stacking some stuff, but would really love to try a pretty high dose with a single ingredient product down the road.


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Amento is another great option.

I find with these kinds of benefits things taken daily can have a large pay off. Something like Blood Pressure XT and Cadiovascular XT with Epi-plex and/or Anabolic XT would cover improving some of these things so much and not even necessarily need to be taken directly pre-workout.

I would be interested in feedback if you ever try Senactiv XT down the road (once released), I bet it would be great for your kind of training. I've gotten up to some decently high dosages through stacking some stuff, but would really love to try a pretty high dose with a single ingredient product down the road.
So I'm taking 1 cap on non-workout days, and 2 preworkout on kettlebell/bjj days. I'm also taking it because apparently it's got skin benefits and I had a precancerous thing recently, trying to avoid that progression.

I definitely want to try the Senactive product when Steve comes out with it!


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I've trained in different martial arts and boxing since elementary school, so I can definitely relate to where you're coming from.

@Resolve10 made a great post earlier in this thread about how some ingredients that may enhance pumps when weight training may also be great for endurance and you wouldn't notice the bumps with different types of training.

@poison made a great post and a great point about how Cardiovascular Support XT is great for cardiovascular health and also doubles as a great endurance product. It can be very helpful for both cardiovascular and muscular endurance.

Anabolic XT would be my favorite product for this particular purpose because it helps with endurance, recovery, helps me feel dialed in, and most importantly for me - it gives me a bigtime motivation to train.

Recovery Fix is another great product for this purpose, and its the product that we hear the most feedback on from boxers and MMA athletes, and that we get the most inquiries on from coaches and gyms. It's interesting because it gets overlooked a lot on here, but in sports like boxing and MMA, recovery is the key to everything. Recovery Fix does help increase endurance, reduce inflammation, but most importantly improved recovery big time - during training and between sessions.

There are a lot of things I can think of that would be helpful for this type of training. Just a quick list that comes to mind:
  • Anabolic XT
  • Recovery Fix
  • Anabolic Effect
  • Epi-Plex
  • XPG L-Carnitine Gel
  • Sabroxy XT
  • Huperzine A XT
  • Choline Citrate
  • Taurine
@Hyde has talked about increasing endurance and the mental aspects of training a lot and has I know he likes Sabroxy XT, Choline Citrate, and Huperzine A XT. We were recently discussing how a lot of people overlook some of these because they're so inexpensive, but super effective. He's also been using the new L-Carnitine Gel and has noticed good endurance benefits from it.

You can see some of the feedback on the XPG L-Carnitine Gel in this thread:

Later this year, we will be coming out with several products that are specific to endurance. There will be:
  • Senactiv XT - high dosed Senactiv.
  • An SNS Endurance product.
  • A CEL Endurance/Fat Loss product that is designed to be the closest thing that is natural, safe, & legal to Cardarine
  • A very unique ATP focused formula for endurance (and nothing in it for extra pumps)
I hope this info helps.
Can't beat this list here!

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