L-Carnitine Gel by XPG - L-Carnitine & Propionyl L-Carnitine (PLCAR) - Available Now!


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L-Carnitine Gel
100 mg. per ml/100 ml per bottle

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100 mg. per ml
100 ml per bottle
100 Servings

L-Carnitine Gel contains L-Carnitine and Propionyl L-Carnitine (PLCAR).

These ingredients are commonly used to support fat burning, promote energy production, and for cardiovascular and cognitive support.

They are also commonly used to help support improved athletic performance, enhanced stamina, delayed fatigue, and improved recovery.

L-Carnitine Gel can be used with Ab-Solved, Suppress-C, Alpha Gel, FL7 7-OXO Gel, or a wide variety of other Xtreme Performance Gels products.
Xtreme Performance Gels has had a lot of requests for this, so I'm excited to see it be available.

In the SNS Tell Us What You Want From Us thread, there have been a lot of requests and interest in PLCAR, so I'm happy to see that included in this as well. That's been a hard secret to keep, knowing it was going to have PLCAR in it when people have been asking us if we'd ever do one again :)
How does this potentially compare to l-carnitine injection?

Companies aren't supposed to compare anything directly to injectables.

This product in theory should be the closest thing to it though for people that don't want to inject.

I can't compare them personally bc the chances of me ever using injectable L-Carnitine are absolutely zero bc I hate needles.
Been waiting patiently for this.................................ordered 4!

Thank you so much. I look forward to hearing your feedback and how you like it.

This is one that I'm anxious to get started on myself.
Good idea for a product. Haven't used plcar for awhile but always like it. As for comparing to injection. Pretty sure I read plcar is real uncomfortable to inject so this may be best delivery. I'm a fan of regular l carnitine injection though but like mentioned many do not want to mess with needles. Can't wait to see some reviews on it.
Just starting this so nothing to report yet! But this is my first time using an XPG product and I have to say application wise it's easily the best topical I've used. 0 smell whatsoever!
Just starting this so nothing to report yet! But this is my first time using an XPG product and I have to say application wise it's easily the best topical I've used. 0 smell whatsoever!

Dang feedback already! Excited to hear how people like this as I know there was a ton of interest.

I’ll have to pick some up as I’ve used pretty much every Carnitine form out there (even those high doses GPLC products back in the day).
Out of curiously, what's the ratio of Carnitine to PLCAR? And which is the powerhouse of the two? Assuming PLCAR, but just don't know much about the different forms.

Think this could be a good seller for you though if word gets out! Might have to hop on this one for the summertime cut.
Out of curiously, what's the ratio of Carnitine to PLCAR? And which is the powerhouse of the two? Assuming PLCAR, but just don't know much about the different forms.

Think this could be a good seller for you though if word gets out! Might have to hop on this one for the summertime cut.

There isn't one 'powerhouse' of the two - both L-Carnitine and Propionyl L-Carnitine are great and have advantages for different things. That's part of the cool part of the product is delivering both of the ingredients in one product.
whelp, there goes my retirement account. I haven't used carnitine in a long time but had great results when I did.
Got mine in time for the gym tonight!

Put on 2ml about 45 min before the gym - one pump on the inside of each arm (one of my few places without hair lol). This is 200mg total of the carnitine combo.

I definitely had a good sweat going, and a good pump, doing lots of light sets of 12 on some leg stuff and lots of chin-ups. I did also feel like endurance was better - certainly better than my last lower day on Sunday. One of my chin-up sets might be a PR actually (15 reps weighing ~246lbs). Also, when doing some Cat Camel for warmup, my forearms got so pumped just holding my upper body in position over the floor I had to take a break before continuing on to Bird Dogs! I took no other pump agents. My preWO was a normal mild nootropic blend I often use, so L-Carn gel was the only new variable there. Another strange thing - I never put my earbuds in the entire time, and I was at the commercial gym! That just doesn’t happen for me, but I was in a decidedly good, relaxed mood with great focus on what I doing. I know I said I use that nootropic often, but I don’t get that effect to that degree normally. A very good session & I didn’t want to leave.

Injectable L-Carn from a preWO standpoint, 200mg is your entry level and people routinely go up to 500mg. Personally, I see a noticeable difference as a preWO with 3-400mg over 200, but 500 doesn’t really do anything more for me. The more L-carn you inject, the more acute benefit you will have for fat mobilization/transport (and more sweating) - but this is only relevant if you are in a scenario where you will be actively liberating fats. You must be working hard & in a deficit to actually burn that fat you mobilize into circulation, or it will just go back into storage.

You will hear of some bodybuilders deep in prep or CrossFit athletes injecting even a gram at a time sometimes, but for a lifter not in a deficit most of the global benefits of L-carn use will be realized by 200mg/day. Others like the androgen receptor scrubbing (making your test/hormone levels get more bang for buck because they can rebind elsewhere sooner) will be realized under even something like 70mg injected. So a little bit used routinely can be a cost effective, healthy way to help skew things positively in your favor, natural or enhanced. It’s not dramatic, but it is a worthwhile supplement.

We don’t know how much this gel absorption will compare to injectable, but I can say from one session I did actually appear to get some performance benefits from only 2ml. Which surprised me given the total dosage applied, but that’s certainly a positive surprise. Looking forward to more experiments with it!
I’m guessing this has a primarily ‘systemic’ delivery carrier so would be able to stack with other supps that liberate fat from the stubborn areas eg Alpha Yohimbine, Yohimbine HCL and Caffiene for synergistic effect?
What did you notice from it?

Hyde summed it up pretty well below:

The more L-carn you inject, the more acute benefit you will have for fat mobilization/transport (and more sweating) - but this is only relevant if you are in a scenario where you will be actively liberating fats. You must be working hard & in a deficit to actually burn that fat you mobilize into circulation, or it will just go back into storage.

the main difference (@AknowledgeMe ) is that I took oral carn, a much higher dose. But I used to stack it while on a cut and I felt like it helped accentuate the progress a lot. Hyde's review above is stellar though, I'll be picking some of this up for sure.
I’m guessing this has a primarily ‘systemic’ delivery carrier so would be able to stack with other supps that liberate fat from the stubborn areas eg Alpha Yohimbine, Yohimbine HCL and Caffiene for synergistic effect?

Yes, it is systemic.

It will go very well with a variety of other fat burners such as Lean Edge, the new upcoming Thermagize XT, Thermo Scorch, etc. and also XPG Ab-Solved, FL7 7-OXO Gel, and the upcoming Lipoderm Xtreme and Napalm Xtreme.
Had another training session on this yesterday morning, and it was another great experience.

Between 2ml of the XPG carnitine gel, a cap of Sabroxy XT, a gram of SNS Choline Citrate & a cup of coffee I was amazingly locked in.

I wanted to draw attention to the mild nootropic component to this. It really fit right in with the sabroxy, choline & caffeine before training to help me be in a good mood & be very focused. Those ingredients were the bigger players, but carnitine is a really quite a multi tool - and this gel seems to be no exception. Enough that at even 2ml I’m going to continue to make the effort to get it on preWO specifically on training days.
Had another training session on this yesterday morning, and it was another great experience.

Between 2ml of the XPG carnitine gel, a cap of Sabroxy XT, a gram of SNS Choline Citrate & a cup of coffee I was amazingly locked in.

I wanted to draw attention to the mild nootropic component to this. It really fit right in with the sabroxy, choline & caffeine before training to help me be in a good mood & be very focused. Those ingredients were the bigger players, but carnitine is a really quite a multi tool - and this gel seems to be no exception. Enough that at even 2ml I’m going to continue to make the effort to get it on preWO specifically on training days.

I'm glad that you are liking it.

Your feedback is great because you're so regimented with your training anyway and especially bc you're experienced with injectable L-Carnitine.

That is a great stack - I do that too, the Choline Citrate and Sabroxy XT. I'm going to be starting on the L-Carnitine Gel myself and I'm excited about how they can work together. Workout results are important to me, but the main thing I'm hoping for from the L-Carnitine Gel is an improved energy level and just feeling better during the day.
I'm glad that you are liking it.

Your feedback is great because you're so regimented with your training anyway and especially bc you're experienced with injectable L-Carnitine.

That is a great stack - I do that too, the Choline Citrate and Sabroxy XT. I'm going to be starting on the L-Carnitine Gel myself and I'm excited about how they can work together. Workout results are important to me, but the main thing I'm hoping for from the L-Carnitine Gel is an improved energy level and just feeling better during the day.

I took 4ml preWO this morning then trained in my hot garage. So I don’t know if I was dripping sweat from just the 80* or also the 400mg, but it was a good one

Had a great morning, mood, and energy all into the afternoon afterwards doing family stuff, a little hiking and some swimming. Did not consume any caffeine/stimulants after the training or into the afternoon.
I'm looking forward to hearing how you like it.

That's a great combination.

Thankfully DPS ships nice and fast, I should have it tomorrow! Will be able to test it out for the gym, plus I've got an all day softball tournament Saturday, so any endurance boost will be appreciated :LOL:
Thankfully DPS ships nice and fast, I should have it tomorrow! Will be able to test it out for the gym, plus I've got an all day softball tournament Saturday, so any endurance boost will be appreciated :LOL:

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

We've had some feedback so far on people being able to see an endurance increase from day 1, so that's been really cool.
Mine arrived yesterday. Deload next week but may start it up anyways.

Obviously the preWO benefits, if perceived, are acute, but the global benefits are more of a low & slow, very mild background driver. You look back months later and will be more likely to see some positive composition change. And overall it promotes metabolic health - so we’re talking about something that is basically all upside, beyond the effort to acquire and administer.

What I’m trying to say is, I’d just start it
Between 2ml of the XPG carnitine gel, a cap of Sabroxy XT, a gram of SNS Choline Citrate & a cup of coffee I was amazingly locked in.
That is a great stack - I do that too, the Choline Citrate and Sabroxy XT. I'm going to be starting on the L-Carnitine Gel myself and I'm excited about how they can work together. Workout results are important to me, but the main thing I'm hoping for from the L-Carnitine Gel is an improved energy level and just feeling better during the day.

I'm almost out of my sabroxy but I have a question. do you guys feel you notice it on the first dose/first day, or is it something that takes a few days? I have had other nootropics that I know I shared with you before that I liked, but it was usually around day 3-4 that I noticed the crazy mental clarity.

wondering what your experiences are on sabroxy
I'm almost out of my sabroxy but I have a question. do you guys feel you notice it on the first dose/first day, or is it something that takes a few days? I have had other nootropics that I know I shared with you before that I liked, but it was usually around day 3-4 that I noticed the crazy mental clarity.

wondering what your experiences are on sabroxy

Yes, I can tell a difference acutely and only have used it that way. I have not taken it daily longer than a couple days in a row. I never feel it coming on in any way - I just take it and end up feeling more in the zone, able to focus, mentally alert (but not stimulated by it).
Yes, I can tell a difference acutely and only have used it that way. I have not taken it daily longer than a couple days in a row. I never feel it coming on in any way - I just take it and end up feeling more in the zone, able to focus, mentally alert (but not stimulated by it).

That's a great way of putting it and I agree - I don't really feel it kick in, I just take it and wind up feeling more zoned in, able to focus, and less distracted.

I am using it daily now but for a different reason. I started the daily use bc of the memory issues related to post concussion and long Covid, and its really helped me a lot. It took a couple months of daily use to really tell a dramatic difference for that, but that makes sense with anything BDNF related for that aspect.

Something interesting that I've noted is that I don't feel like it works any less at all from continued use. I still get the same feel effects from it, so that's been cool.
Obviously the preWO benefits, if perceived, are acute, but the global benefits are more of a low & slow, very mild background driver. You look back months later and will be more likely to see some positive composition change. And overall it promotes metabolic health - so we’re talking about something that is basically all upside, beyond the effort to acquire and administer.

What I’m trying to say is, I’d just start it

More so just that I tend to like to line things up with when I start a new training block, especially when it aligns with the start of a new month otherwise I will inevitably end up getting all mixed up on when to order more (if I have several things all running out at various times it’s more annoying than if they all are aligned).

Stupid problem though and I probably will next week anyways.

I'm almost out of my sabroxy but I have a question. do you guys feel you notice it on the first dose/first day, or is it something that takes a few days? I have had other nootropics that I know I shared with you before that I liked, but it was usually around day 3-4 that I noticed the crazy mental clarity.

wondering what your experiences are on sabroxy

I feel it immediately in terms of motivation, energy, and stimulation. I notice long term benefits in the sense of decreased brain fog and long term learning.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

We've had some feedback so far on people being able to see an endurance increase from day 1, so that's been really cool.
Just to confirm, the preferred dosing is pre-workout?

I'll need to think about how to adjust my schedule a little bit when I start this up, since I workout at the crack of dawn.
Just to confirm, the preferred dosing is pre-workout?

I'll need to think about how to adjust my schedule a little bit when I start this up, since I workout at the crack of dawn.

I think that's going to depend on the person.

For me, I train at night and I'll probably be doing 2 ml in morning and 2 ml about an hour before training - but I'm going to be using it for the daily energy and feel better aspects as much as for the training benefits.

I think you'll see some people doing 4 ml pre-workout and then others doing 2 ml twice per day, depending on what results they are using it for.
XPG Pregnenolone Gel - Launch Thread

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Xtreme Performance Gels - Memorial Day Sale Thread:

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Okay so I skipped my push day last night, didn't wanna do shoulder stuff the night before I have back to back day long softball tournaments haha.

Put on 2 pumps this morning about ~an hour before I left for the fields. Has a bit of a minty smell, but nowhere near as strong as the Mitoburn Gel was. Went away as soon as it dried/no one said anything to me at the fields about smelling like menthol so no 'after scent' through the day.

Probably too soon to really tell, but I feel like I did get a little bit of a boost with physical endurance today. Mentally a bit drained after a day running around in the sun, but physically I feel less run down than I usually would after a day like today.

Back to the fields tomorrow morning, will do the same thing I did today.
Okay so I skipped my push day last night, didn't wanna do shoulder stuff the night before I have back to back day long softball tournaments haha.

Put on 2 pumps this morning about ~an hour before I left for the fields. Has a bit of a minty smell, but nowhere near as strong as the Mitoburn Gel was. Went away as soon as it dried/no one said anything to me at the fields about smelling like menthol so no 'after scent' through the day.

Probably too soon to really tell, but I feel like I did get a little bit of a boost with physical endurance today. Mentally a bit drained after a day running around in the sun, but physically I feel less run down than I usually would after a day like today.

Back to the fields tomorrow morning, will do the same thing I did today.

I hope that you'll enjoy it and have a great day tomorrow.

Being out in the sun all day is definitely draining.
Day 2 of use for softball... today was an 8 team double elimination co-ed tournament.

2 pumps applied around ~7am, first game at 8am. Then 11am. Then we sat around for ~4 hours until 3:30ish and played back to back games. Had me running around in the outfield all day, which isn't my normal spot I'll fight for the extra hitter position :LOL: and only made 2 outs all day, 3 triples thrown in. So basically, a lot of fucking running today haha. Physical endurance felt really good, I wasn't really dragging much towards the end of the day, and usually I would be after this. Gonna have to give some credit to the Carnitine Gel for that.
2ml went on super easy. One of the slightly thicker gels (comparable to Curcu-gel) and spread and dried super easy. 2ml to inner arms even though it’s at mostly lower today.

If 2ml goes well this week I’ll prob try 3-4ml pre next week.
2ml went on super easy. One of the slightly thicker gels (comparable to Curcu-gel) and spread and dried super easy. 2ml to inner arms even though it’s at mostly lower today.

If 2ml goes well this week I’ll prob try 3-4ml pre next week.

Carnitine is very much a systemic thing, so never sweat your application site.

I have been liking 4ml spread over my feet tops and shins when I have used that much. That’s my favorite spot for most TDs. I did have to keep the gym owner’s dog from licking my shins though
Carnitine is very much a systemic thing, so never sweat your application site.

I have been liking 4ml spread over my feet tops and shins when I have used that much. That’s my favorite spot for most TDs. I did have to keep the gym owner’s dog from licking my shins though

ahhh the love is in the air.