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The Follidrone hype is real! Oddly enough because I was so excited about Follidrone I was looking at Natadrol too, but the sides of Natadrol (or the possibilities of them) scare me too much.


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The Follidrone hype is real! Oddly enough because I was so excited about Follidrone I was looking at Natadrol too, but the sides of Natadrol (or the possibilities of them) scare me too much.
I was also looking into natadrol but I was told I would need two bottles and six pills a day. That kinda turned me off a little bit, but will likely give it a chance down the road.


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I was also looking into natadrol but I was told I would need two bottles and six pills a day. That kinda turned me off a little bit, but will likely give it a chance down the road.
I'm guessing people are still dosing more than what the label says to do? Although I don't want to talk about this too much here because this isn't a Natadrol thread.


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Guys are just FKn with you. Dont trip bro ;)
Even I forget IM on the internet sometimes.
Actually I'm making fun of him for saying he CANNOT take your new product that you are trying to promote in this thread, Follidrone, because he is cutting and doesn't want to gain weight. Which is silly in the first place because cutting is a function of diet not supps. I just did a sweet recomp full keto with npp/phera (using BTW Formeron as my only AI and have promoted that product for you because it worked like a charm) .
Brundel on Follidrone:
The only guy I know who was eating alot gained 10 lbs. He said this is 5lbs above his highest ever weight. Im not sure you can gain weight from a placebo so Guys who were steady seemed to mostly just gain strength.

I would take full advantage if it were me and eat a bit more.
There are studies indicating it increases fat burning so....should be interesting.

Its non suppressive so it can be used during PCT.
It appears to enhance on cycle strength and fat burning in addition to evidence that it will increase muscle mass. Blood work indicated protein synthesis markers were all elevated.
There is research suggesting it will significantly increase lipolysis so it will help on a cut.

Its very versatile and can be used pretty much under any circumstance.
(edit this is the main quote i was originally looking for)
Yes one of our testers has to stay under 190 for MMA so hes always on sort of a cut.
His weight went up 3 lbs but he lost a good deal of BF% was really a larger muscle gain. He looked totally different after 14 days.
I'm not being a dick just to be a dick. I'm trying tough love and maybe he'll buy your product. If not more for me I guess.


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Presale is still through NP?


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Cool. How do I become a logger?
Loggers were chosen about 3 weeks ago. We attempted to run a public trial.
Primarily so that when we said it does this and it does that people would have already logged results to support our statements.
Unfortunately we couldnt find enough volunteers. The volunteers we did find are now loggers.

At any rate the guys have already been chosen and logs will start in a few days.


Lol around the exact same time you created this thread elite fitness created a thread called "myostatin inhibitors are useless." I swear they got ppl over here snooping around all the time..


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Yea buddy! I got mine today! Will start my log on Monday. Can't wait. Stay tuned


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Interested to see the 'kick in' time for effects to be noticed


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Lol around the exact same time you created this thread elite fitness created a thread called "myostatin inhibitors are useless." I swear they got ppl over here snooping around all the time..
Well...first lets just start with its Elite fitness. We could stop there. There is ALOT I could say just about that but lll keep it clean.
If myostatin inhibitors were useless tons of big pharma companies would not be researching them for muscle wasting diseases.
(-)-epicatechin is currently being studied by several big pharma companies and a few university backed studies.
Ive talked personally to the guys at UC Davis studying its effects on muscle and strength for use in muscular distrophy.
There are some interesting things going on. Im not 100% certain if its the myostatin- or follistatin+ or some other MOA but (-)-epicatechin is working.

Here are some quotes from studies regarding myostatin inhibitors for use in muscle wasting diseases such as cancer.

"Various induced or natural conditions leading to myostatin deficiency result in increased muscle mass and strength in normal animals."
This means that taking something to create a myostatin deficiency resulted in increased mass and strength in NORMAL animals. Not sick old ones, not ones with too much myostatin or any other argument. Normal animals.

"Two recent studies, performed in mouse models of cancer cachexia, have examined the effects of myostatin inhibitors on physical performance and muscle function, building on previous data that showed positive effects on muscle mass.Mice with Lewis Lung carcinoma treated with ActRIIB-Fc (Fig. 1), a soluble myostatin receptor that binds myostatin, activin and other ligands, showed increases in body weight and muscle weights with grip strength significantly increased and resting time significantly decreased by treatment [32[filled square]]. A myostatin antibody in the same model was able to completely abrogate the tumor-induced reduction in total muscle force in various limb and diaphragm muscles [33[filled square]]. The results of these recent studies are encouraging as the value of myostatin inhibitors to cancer patients exhibiting muscle wasting is ultimately to affect functional performance through increased muscle function.

"Other animal models of muscle wasting have been used to determine if inhibition of myostatin has therapeutic potential in treating a range of muscle wasting conditions. Positive results have been reported in models of chronic kidney disease, disuse atrophy and age and hypogonadism-induced muscle loss."
This means that potentially the employment of (-)-epicatechin/Follidrone during or shortly after PCT may help mitigate loss of gains associated with low testosterone levels during PCT.

I could go on and on and on but I dont have all day to do so.
The point is inhibiting myostatin DOES have significant potential to increase muscle mass and strength even in perfectly normal humans.


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Interested to see the 'kick in' time for effects to be noticed
Seems to be varied. Id give it a solid week before expecting anything.
One tester saw improvements pretty quick but some of this may have been placebo effect.

Pretty much everyone saw significant increases by 14 days.

Also remember, this isnt an AAS. You dont get that alpha feeling or libido increase or really mood increases or anything.
Just performance increase and, if you eat, muscle gain.

Gave some to my training partner. He didnt notice anything for a week.


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Brundel, what you think about the statements made on follidrone by the Prohormone Podcast? I read what both of you were said but, still a little confused because of opposing answers and facts. I am just looking for more info about product. Black Lion has never let me down with Formeron for sure. And I know only time will tell.


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Brundel, what you think about the statements made on follidrone by the Prohormone Podcast? I read what both of you were said but, still a little confused because of opposing answers and facts. I am just looking for more info about product. Black Lion has never let me down with Formeron for sure. And I know only time will tell.
I intended to go back and continue the conversation I just havnt had time.
First he said that decreasing myostatin doesnt do anything which is false. If you look two posts up youll see some research I just posted.
Then he said, with absolutely no evidence for it that the capsules were underdosed. This is just retarded because there is nothing to support the statement.
He says we use a prop blend in order to hide having almost no active ingredient. Again false with no basis for the statement.

In fact if you look at 100% of our products up until this point they are all missing 2 things.
Prop blends
Unlike pretty much every company we dont use fillers. I believe in putting ingredients in the capsules. you think:

A. we all of a sudden decided to burn people and use a prop blend to hide a bad/underdosed ingredient profile
B. We are using the prop blend for the purpose its intended for which is to prevent competitors from exactly copying our blend.

I went back and forth about the prop blend idea but In this specific case I believe its important competitors dont know exactly how much is in there.
This way when everyone sees how well it works and all those companies out there who follow trends try to recreate Follidrone they will fall short.
The reason is it costs so much to put the amount we use into the caps we make almost no money. Most companies wont do this. So youll see a bunch of cheap imitations that wont work because the (-)-epi dose is too low.

I just got pictures back from tester 1.
Some of them are hard to believe.

Im not even gonna post em. Ill let the logs do the talking.

Ill tell you his legs look like 2 different people in some of the pictures. Weird.


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I responded to him. He moderates the posts so..there is no way to know if hell let it post.


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Also the fact that 100% of our products have pretty much only good reviews should carry some weight.
We dont make crap products. Im not gonna start now.....


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Also the fact that 100% of our products have pretty much only good reviews should carry some weight. We dont make crap products. Im not gonna start now.....
Can you elaborate on Tongkat-Boron? Give some input on it unless I missed it.


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Can you elaborate on Tongkat-Boron? Give some input on it unless I missed it.

Of course.
Over the course of the last couple years I have been testing ingredients to use in products.
Research, feed to testers, compare stats, run bloodwork.
Pretty much all of them failed and Ive spent tens of thousands of dollars. Pretty much wasted.
Many of these are common supp ingredients and Ive listed quite a few in other threads.

Among those that did work were Eurycoma longifolia and also Boron.
EC/tongkat ali when extracted properly has a host of beneficial properties. Libido, mood and energy are primary.
We use a proprietary extract. This is not used by anyone but us. Its very fact its the best there is available.
When I first said this several people questioned it so I sent samples to 6 people on this forum. 100% said its the best tongkat they have encountered.

Boron in blood tests on myself increased free testosterone to 608ng/dl from less than 100. So 600ish.
The test reference range only goes to 150 so 608 is very high. high enough to act like a decent dose of testosterone. Total Test went up a bit but free test is the one that matters anyways.

So the tongkat boron product is a great addition to PCT, On cycle or off cycle.
Flightposite just ran it during his PCT and says he liked it.

The combo of the tongkat boron, Formeron, and follidrone would be an effective stack with significant results and little or no side effects normally seen with anabolic steroids. All can be run on, off or during PCT. All at the same time 2 at a time or solo.

I cant take the ramps me up too much but I do take the boron in cycles and there is a marked difference when I take it. Takes about 3 weeks-4 to really notice but I start to get stronger and gain weight. Not bad for Boron :)

The bottles are already shipped and will be ready for sale as soon as I can get a name and labels made.


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Thanx for the knowledge. Your line is def becoming a fav of mine. Your a top notch dude who takes your company/reputation seriously.

I can't wait to run them and really where it takes me. Looking forward to my run.

Pct seems to be down packed now. People might run more cycle because of this lol


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The other thing about that Blog post is one of SNS's reps is quoted in it so....its an attempt to slander us by SNS.
probably would have worked better if they didnt quote his name.

Also the blog only has 20 followers so....good luck.


The other thing about that Blog post is one of SNS's reps is quoted in it so....its an attempt to slander us by SNS. probably would have worked better if they didnt quote his name. SMH Also the blog only has 20 followers so....good luck.
How much tongkat is in the preparation? Is this a type of tongkat you can't find in stores?


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is there an insider email subscription type deal i can sign up for? i dont use facebook and your current sig isnt helping anything but me giving NP hits 10 times a day. lol. wheres the t-booster getting released at and is it going to be after the follidrone? ive read all 15 pages but its been spread out so sorry if repost.

also i see theres not a huge markup on a lot of your stuff, but is there going to be decent deals for those who get in on the intro sales for these products? i have a supp hoarding issue, but if its worth my time i will rationally convince myself i need both. lol


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How much tongkat is in the preparation? Is this a type of tongkat you can't find in stores?
250mg per cap.
You cannot find this tongkat extract anywhere except through us.
Our supplier imports the whole plant and uses a specific extract process. The result is a very strong product.
Ive taken several tongkat extracts....ours is stronger than anything Ive taken.

Many tongkat products are fake.
Most if not all are not the 100:1 or 200:1 claimed. Im almost 100% certain there is no 200:1 meaning 200kg to get 1 kg. Its just not economical.
There is no standard for measuring this though so manufacturers can say anything they want and nobody can really check.
MOst are really 10:1 meaning they use 10Kg to extract 1kg finished product. Its not cheap...this is why people charge so much for real tongkat.

We are gonna do our best to keep the price competitive. It also contains the Boron which is sort of expensive but we only use 10mg per cap so...relatively low dosing.


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is there an insider email subscription type deal i can sign up for? i dont use facebook and your current sig isnt helping anything but me giving NP hits 10 times a day. lol. wheres the t-booster getting released at and is it going to be after the follidrone? ive read all 15 pages but its been spread out so sorry if repost.

also i see theres not a huge markup on a lot of your stuff, but is there going to be decent deals for those who get in on the intro sales for these products? i have a supp hoarding issue, but if its worth my time i will rationally convince myself i need both. lol
You can PM me your email as I plan to try to get an email blast out to our current email list. su

There is very little markup on the products that you would expect the markup on.
The Follidrone will be about 4999 but there will be a serious discount for the first 2 weeks at Nutraplanet.

The tongkat/boron product will be released as soon as I can get to making labels.
It will be released through another retailer. TGBsupplements.

There isnt really a way to couple the discounts as its at different sites, however, both products will be on sale separately.


New member
You can PM me your email as I plan to try to get an email blast out to our current email list. su

There is very little markup on the products that you would expect the markup on.
The Follidrone will be about 4999 but there will be a serious discount for the first 2 weeks at Nutraplanet.

The tongkat/boron product will be released as soon as I can get to making labels.
It will be released through another retailer. TGBsupplements.

There isnt really a way to couple the discounts as its at different sites, however, both products will be on sale separately.
Awesome! I'm very excited about this!!


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NP, refresh, refresh, refresh lol. got any names picked out for the tongkat/boron mix?


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Pretty sure he said to expect it April 8th....


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I just got pictures back from tester 1.
Some of them are hard to believe.

Im not even gonna post em. Ill let the logs do the talking.

Ill tell you his legs look like 2 different people in some of the pictures. Weird.
Post the pics!!


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It here!!!!!!!


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I'm planning on four, but need money for that tongkat boron. Dilemmas...dilemma.
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