New Grunt Adventures in color and 2D!!!

Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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Don't cut yourself if you do this. I would not offer this as a suggestion as it will thin your blood significantly.

Where did you read this will help with weight loss?
agreed. also high doses of EPA and DHA have a well-documented ability to suppress the body’s immune response.

in addition, a calorie is still a calorie. at 9 calories/gram of fish oil 30-50g adds up on a cut diet.


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Don't cut yourself if you do this. I would not offer this as a suggestion as it will thin your blood significantly.

Where did you read this will help with weight loss?
agreed. also high doses of EPA and DHA have a well-documented ability to suppress the body’s immune response.

in addition, a calorie is still a calorie. at 9 calories/gram of fish oil 30-50g adds up on a cut diet.
Here you go. Dats post #758 - The reason high consumption of fish oil works on a diet
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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yes, it is well documented that EPA/DHA has great potential for improving cardiovascular health.

but in regards to reducing body fat, the effects are minor to nonexistent. studies have shown only minor fat loss effects in the obese and overweight population.

and human studies showing the effect of mega dose EPA/DHA are non-existent.
i'll stick with my original stance that more is not necessarily better in regards to a caloric supplement during a cut. not to mention the negative side effects already mentioned (reduced blood clotting, suppressed immune system).

some studies i've based these statements from....
Warner JG, et al. Combined effects of aerobic exercise and omega-3 fatty acids in hyperlipidemic persons. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1989;21:498–505.

Brilla LR, Landerholm TE. Effect of fish oil supplementation and exercise on serum lipids and aerobic fitness. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1990;30:173–80.

Krebs JD, et al. Additive benefits of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and weight-loss in the management of cardiovascular disease risk in overweight hyperinsulinaemic women. Int J Obes (Lond). 2006 Oct;30(10):1535-44.

Kunesova , et al. The influence of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and very low calorie diet during a short-term weight reducing regimen on weight loss and serum fatty acid composition in severely obese women. Physiol Res. 2006;55(1):63-72

Fontani G, Corradeschi F, Felici A, et al. Blood profiles, body fat and mood state in healthy subjects on different diets supplemented with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Eur J Clin Invest 2005;35:499–507.
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You girls need to quit crying. So a guy made fun of you, big whoop. Ignore him.


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yes, it is well documented that EPA/DHA has great potential for improving cardiovascular health.
Thats not what my post was about. It was about increasing cellular energy expenditure significantly in mass.

You didn't bother to read it let alone pull the study.

So instead you post a bunch of studies which I seriously doubt you even bothered to read which you say demonstrate that in "regards to reducing body fat, the effects are minor to nonexistent".

Take for instance the following study reference you posted:

The Influence of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Very Low Calorie Diet during a Short-term Weight Reducing Regimen on Weight Loss and Serum Fatty Acid Composition in Severely Obese Women, M. KUNEŠOVÁ, Physiol. Res. 55: 63-72, 2006

It was a three week study only involving obese women!

They only used 2.8 g/day of omega 3 oil!

Yet they found:

The addition of n-3 PUFA of fish origin to a very low calorie diet results in a greater BMI loss and hip circumference reduction in severely obese women during an inpatient short-term weight-reducing regimen...

...Significant correlation of BMI loss with change in phospholipid docosahexaenoic acid level suggests a causal relationship.​

So Hank I know you didn't bother to read my post and I doubt that you bothered to read the studies you referenced.
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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i reviewed your post. so high DHA content is associated increased metabolic activity. this might explain some of the immense cardiovascular and other health benefits of fish oil supplementation.
but what impact does this have on body composition? do you know?
an increase in cellular metabolism may or may not correlate with fat loss depending on a multitude of factors.

yes, that study was run on obese women.......results that i would not consider applicable to a normal healthy fit person.
in 3 weeks the supplemented group lost 1.5 kg bodyweight and 2.2 cm more off the waist more than the control group......results that are not super impressive for someone who is obese.

the few studies conducted on normal healthy populations show little to no change in body fat composition with fish oil supplementation. obviously the dose they were taking was not enough to significantly increasing cellular energy expenditure in mass.

show me some evidence that a high dose of fish oil is healthy.
i theorize that it is not, just like you theorize that it is.
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  • Established me some evidence that a high dose of fish oil is healthy.
i theorize that it is not, just like you theorize that it is.
No no no. I just posted some science.

In fact if you read a few posts below the one I posted you'll see that I don't have an interest in changing my cellular membrane to be made up of lipids that will speed up cellular metabolism.

No I am interested in aging, longevity, lifespan and how we age, etc. Increasing cellular metabolism will increase oxidative damage and possible increased DNA mutations.

This means p53 will induce cell cycle arrest and if repairs aren't made the cell will become senescent. As we age we accumulate more and more cells that are senescent... meaning they do nothing but contribute toxins to the body and obviously their ability to replicate is gone.

To the contrary Hank...I don't want to megadose fish oil because its not good for longevity.

Plus some of the negative things you pointed out as well. :)

No my friend I stand with you BUT I can point to how it contributes to fat loss at 40 grams plus a day.

Somethings are just kinda interesting even though I'm not an advocate I still like to know about them.

You're still a chuckle head though. :lol: I'm just playing. :)
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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I can point to how it contributes to fat loss at 40 grams plus a day.
i am interested in this if you can point me to the research. i have only seen broscience reports (which i do value to some extent) of high dose fish oil leading to fat loss.......but haven't seen anything clinical.

Somethings are just kinda interesting even though I'm not an advocate I still like to know about them.
i also find the longevity theories and work very interesting to follow.

You're still a chuckle head though. :lol:
glad i could entertain. good discussion though. :cheers:


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Which is why, I post this as a RECORD. A LOG.

What this means is: here is what I look like, this is what I do, this is the result. Not "Look at me I am so hot". Nothing like that. It is a simple record of what one person does and the results. Does that mean that someone else needs to do the same thing to get the same results? If someone believes that, they are in the wrong sport. Maybe they should take up playing chess instead.

Still, hopefully, this helps people who are in a SERIOUS process of finding out ideas of what is going on out there, what, how and why some bodybuilders do what they do, then this can help. Another thing, russianstar. You are looking at my log with your 22-year-old eyes. I was 23 when I started lifting. So ... You think your point of view is valid on my adventure? It most certainly is NOT. You started at 7 in athletics, and I started at an age you are yet to attain.

You comment "steroids are not magic pills you know, I think some great changes need to be made", getting on a high horse when you know nothing of the situation...

1. You have no idea what I look like in person. You wouldn't say "You make little progress". You would say "You are a monster".
2. What is a lot of steroids? Your uncle needs low doses? Good for him. Some guys take 350mg test and they get night sweats. I take 700mg tren and I sleep like a baby. There is no judging someone else's cycles. One's parameters are his own.
3. I have reached my genetic limit NATURALLY yet you insist on lecturing me about my steroid use. Which just shows that you are very judgemental but lack discernment.
4. You state that "clearly all you want is bulk" when I was leaning out in my last bout of my log. You can not read? You cannot see the pictures? You do not understand bulking then cutting?

Clearly your lack of understanding is having you post things that make you look foolish and uninformed. Maybe you are a good athlete but maybe also you do not understand many things about bodybuilding.
Point taken, and i did not mean to poke fun, or try and belittle you, i saw you were trying to cut, but in general your goal is to get bigger, and thats what i was commenting on, once again i apolagise, and my last comments were not to try to make you feel angry or aggressive towards me, i know i have much to learn, and certainlyt dont want to elevate myself above others.


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No bro thats not why you commented. You posted solely to elevate yourself and diminish someone else.

There was no poor command of the English language. You chose your words to belittle or make fun of Grunt.

We both know it.

When I think of all the setbacks Grunt has had and when I remember where he started out with his physique I can not help but be proud of him. And when I see him attacked by a "barely wet behind the ears" "know it all" kid I feel protective of him.

Russianstar please don't be offended by what I am about to say but you don't know sh1t about sh1t.

...and yet you think you know it all. you need some MCT oil & spot injects & fascia stretching in a lot of places on your body in order to achieve balance & aesthetics.

OTC herbal sugar pills ain't going to get it done.

I am not offended bro, but honestly you think i attacked grunt? I made a comment that has been taken the wrong way, im sure i could have worded my thoughts better, and i know that grunt commands a lot of respect here, and you are right to be protective of your friends, its true i havent seen him in real life, and thats the only way a proper verdict could be passed by an onlooker wich is what i am, You guys can call me foolish, and tell me i know nothing, thats your view, thats why we are having this disscusion because i revealed my views.
And thanks so much for that fine counsel and advice, i will stop spending my pocket money on herbs like trib, and save it for something to make me look like a monster, every models dream.
Best regards Russian


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And thanks so much for that fine counsel and advice, i will stop spending my pocket money on herbs like trib, and save it for something to make me look like a monster, every models dream.
:lol: You are very good with the sarcasm and you are thick skinned so that says a lot of good things about you.


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:lol: You are very good with the sarcasm and you are thick skinned so that says a lot of good things about you.
Well i hope it says something nice, i am sorry to you also, i respect your views, and opinions, and think of you very highly.

I wish i had just said, that grunt you are using a lot of gear, but i understand now that he doesnt respond to small amounts, so i was the one without the insight, So to everyone to whom i got under the collar of, im sorry, Russian.

And by the way grunt, i have very much enjoyed this log, and you are very dedicated, wich is very inspirational for somone like me. Thankyou,


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Hey grunt hows the progress coming? I just got done reading all through this log. You're big as a house, but definitely have some shitty luck lol. Still prepping for another contest?


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Thanks for tuning in peeps. I fell off the bandwagon for 5 months, I'm back at it though. I guess I'll just keep updating this thread here.


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Good to have you back bro.


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OK so obviously I am done with my bulk. To recap, I finished my cut at 195lbs really flat, and I rebounded to about 205 equally ripped but with good fullness a couple weeks later.

I now weigh 240, a 35lb gain in my short 8-week bulk. Yes, it was pretty all-out.

I didn't have access to EQ at the time so it was simple test + NPP + Dbol and a superdrol finisher, which I *LOVED*. I now officially hate dbol. Wrecks my appetite AND energy levels. Why and how some people report feeling great while on it, I don't know. I'll stick to superdrol and anavar, thanks.

Anyway, here are the pics of a fully bulked-up Grunt76:
I didn't read the whole thread, but did nobody comment, in the first picture after your bulk, DAMN! Shave the head and you look like Bruce Willis! But way huger!


New member
Welcome back Grunt...I just got finished reading the whole thread. Since your back where are you sittin at now as far as size goes? Are you thinking of trying the cjc/ghrp-6or going with gh? How did you like the NPP (my fav)? Any shows coming up? These and many more questions are in my head..Just passing through and thought it has been along time since I posted. Nice to see you back...looking forward to hearing my stuff.


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man, i bet that IGF at 75mcg every 3rd day and a few 100 mg of tren on 1000mg of test and you would be one shredded mofo.

any updates?

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