NEW Anabolic /designer steroid act...version 2014!! :(

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tony soprano

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No not all laws. Just those that are needed. The ones that work. The ones associated with doing harm to others.

Let me explain my self - I'm a Libertarian. I'd appreciate that legislation would start being fact-based rather than left or right-winged ideologies because nothing is ideal therefore ideologies remain theories that never work. Both sides are oppressive especially with meaningless laws such as this one. Yeah, lets just add another 20 compounds to the black market & hurt an industry in the process...bunch of control freaks.
I'm Libertarian leaning myself so I agree with much of what you've said. However, I'll disagree somewhat on your earlier statement that it is ignorant to think changing the law will change consumption behavior. I won't use AAS because they are controlled substances. The risk:reward proposition is just not worth it to me (career related). If in fact PHs/DSs become scheduled substances as well, in all likelihood I'll never use one again. I'm just one data point but I suspect there will be others.


I figured it was sarcasam, but you never know. Seriously, I see some crazy positions on the web
you must have not picked up on the tongue-in-cheek tone of my keystrokes

I'm Libertarian leaning myself so I agree with much of what you've said. However, I'll disagree somewhat on your earlier statement that it is ignorant to think changing the law will change consumption behavior. I won't use AAS because they are controlled substances. The risk:reward proposition is just not worth it to me (career related). If in fact PHs/DSs become scheduled substances as well, in all likelihood I'll never use one again. I'm just one data point but I suspect there will be others.
strange stance, this - coming from a guy with the screen name tony soprano


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So what's the deal with the DHEA isomers such as 1-DHEA, 4-DHEA, 5-DHEA, etc.? Are they on the chopping block as well if this bill passes?


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they are not specifically listed in the current version of the bill. this was discussed previously in the thread. although, i dont blame you for not wanting to read through all of this.
Thanks for clarifying. Yeah, I forgot to mention that I only made it through a few pages of the thread before skipping to the end of it. LOL


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What makes you think that?
I am willing to bet money that it will...any takers?
Politics don't always make sense on the outside looking in but I have to agree with mw1. They wouldn't be cutting off any political contributors and it would look good in the public's view.

Honestly so many kids abuse them and hurt themselves I'm not even against the bill. It should pass.


Thanks for clarifying. Yeah, I forgot to mention that I only made it through a few pages of the thread before skipping to the end of it. LOL
yeah reading is becoming such a lost art
spiced cider eh? is that anything like Dixon cider?


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FWIW, Govtrack gives this bill a 2% chance of passing. The last attempt (also created by or with input from Orrin Hatch - senator for Utah, the state whose largest industry is dietary supplements - hence the carve-outs in the law for herbal ingredients and plant extracts). Hopefully this bill will die in committee just like the last one.


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yeah reading is becoming such a lost art
spiced cider eh? is that anything like Dixon cider?
Damn you for making me Google that! LOL. I honestly just had the tasty winter/holiday drink in mind when I made the screenname. I think we had been coming off a fairly long winter when I registered here.


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Of course

They gonna take anything that works and make it illegal. Looks like it's real gear from here on.


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I'm Libertarian leaning myself so I agree with much of what you've said. However, I'll disagree somewhat on your earlier statement that it is ignorant to think changing the law will change consumption behavior. I won't use AAS because they are controlled substances. The risk:reward proposition is just not worth it to me (career related). If in fact PHs/DSs become scheduled substances as well, in all likelihood I'll never use one again. I'm just one data point but I suspect there will be others.
Well, this is why I specifically said it changes how you do things but not necessarily what you do. Case in point, they banned a number of these perfectly good options back in 1991 I think with the steroid act. Well, did that stop us from using anything? No it didn't. People and markets found a back door. Where there is a demand, there will be a supply - no law will change that demand or get rid of it. It only causes that demand to shift and change with its regulatory environment. Take note, because most people in the world dont know these things. They think the answer is to have everyone think, act and live like they do. That's just not freedom and it certainly isn't the best thing for mankind. We need diverse thinking. We need truth. We need people leading lives that are reflective of liberty.

Fact is, most of us are only using these PH's because the good (and safer) stuff is illegal. We use H-drol instead of Tbol, we use M1A and M1,4 ADD instead of Dbol and we use Alpha ph's in place of testosterone. We even have Tren and Winny alternatives too! The point I am making is that laws dont get rid of demand. They are external forces that fit into Porter's Five forces, but they dont do jack in changing the behavior. Bottom line, we still have PED's in our life. If it can't be AAS, it's gotta be PH's and peptides. When PH's are banned, new ones will come and other bio techonology will come that we've never seen before. Peptide markets will grow. Those will be banned too and it just keeps going on and on. Oh, the moron's on captial hill!

Marketing on the other hand (not banning something) is the answer to changing the behavior of the people. We see this successfully done in the tobacco industry. Tobacco (particularly smoking) is on a serious decline thanks to multiple marketing outlets that have preached a negative message about it over the past 15-20 years. It worked. And this is precisely why these laws AREN'T working - because the law doesn't line up with facts. The benefits CLEARLY outweigh the risks with PH's, AAS, etc if you are smart and watch your health in a professional manner. This is why we do it! Smoking, on the other hand, was marketed well as something that "isnt worth it" due to the overwhelming positive correlation of lung cancer and smoking. Nuff said. We see the truth lines up with the marketing. Not the case with banning AAS. The sickening amount of folks that have died from Aspirin and Tylenol clearly shows that our friends in Congress have wrong priorities.

So when I say "it doesn't change behavior"...I'm referring to the core demand. It just doesn't change your wants/demands in life. Regulations and laws only change how you meet those demands. See what I am saying?


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Did you have anything in your current line or coming up soon as you stated that could be targeted?
Formeron is formestane which is on the list currently. We are selling out of stock rapidly.


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There are 200 formeron listed on our site. Get em while they are still available because the Pres should be signing the ban any day now,


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Just easier to go with the real stuff... prohormones have more side's anyway


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Just easier to go with the real stuff... prohormones have more side's anyway
I agree and disagree at the same time. If you mean DS orals vs old school injects yes then they do. Matched against old school orals of equal potency the sides are similar in my opinion. People throw anavar around like it is candy and if you have ever seen blood work on var it sucks just as bad as say epi.


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They all can work just as well as the next if the diet and training is at a professional level or at least a motivated level.

What I don't particularly like about IM steroids is that they are easy to continue to take and this IMO and research is where the health problems start.

SD never compelled me to abuse it. In fact, it was a get in and get out mentality with SD, Tren-X, Hdrol, Phera etc. I never enjoyed more than 4 weeks on any of it.

Test, EQ, Mast, Tren and now Trest, Desoxy and Dienolone are easy to perpetually cycle, never really giving the body a chance to rest and recover. This is a bit more dangerous in the long run...


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They all can work just as well as the next if the diet and training is at a professional level or at least a motivated level.

What I don't particularly like about IM steroids is that they are easy to continue to take and this IMO and research is where the health problems start.

SD never compelled me to abuse it. In fact, it was a get in and get out mentality with SD, Tren-X, Hdrol, Phera etc. I never enjoyed more than 4 weeks on any of it.

Test, EQ, Mast, Tren and now Trest, Desoxy and Dienolone are easy to perpetually cycle, never really giving the body a chance to rest and recover. This is a bit more dangerous in the long run...
Well of course you don't want to stay on the PH's when you're miserable. I'm not familiar with Trest, Desoxy and Dienolone but why are they like those other real steroids? The PH'S I've used are DHEA variations and easy on the body.


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I agree and disagree at the same time. If you mean DS orals vs old school injects yes then they do. Matched against old school orals of equal potency the sides are similar in my opinion. People throw anavar around like it is candy and if you have ever seen blood work on var it sucks just as bad as say epi.
Well I only use injectable stuff nowdays as I'm not bodybuilding for competition. Any methylated orals are gonna give you more issues real or PH's. ONLY Test, EQ, MAST and Primobolan nowdays. In therapeutic doses. I don't ever combined total out over 200mg a week. Usually more like 100.


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Well of course you don't want to stay on the PH's when you're miserable. I'm not familiar with Trest, Desoxy and Dienolone but why are they like those other real steroids? The PH'S I've used are DHEA variations and easy on the body.
They r real and they r IM. Also still legal.
The Dynamic 1

The Dynamic 1

Dynamic Formulas
I wouldn't say it's a necessity. But I do agree that there are way too many companies popping up selling garbage. A lot of people are going to lose a lot of money. The companies that last are the ones that planned for this. It's not really a surprise. This has been talked about for years. We all knew it was coming.


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So the bill was passed and signed by the President?


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So the bill was passed and signed by the President?
I have not seen anywhere that it confirms him signing the bill. My guess is it might be a little bit before we know what bills he all signed. This isn't the only bill on his desk.


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Wow this all changes things for so many reason and for so many people.

I myself don't use PH but this might effect other harmless supplements.

Or at least I hope they don't get douchy and ban EVERYTHING down to creatine just cause it helps build muscle.


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I wouldn't say it's a necessity. But I do agree that there are way too many companies popping up selling garbage. A lot of people are going to lose a lot of money. The companies that last are the ones that planned for this. It's not really a surprise. This has been talked about for years. We all knew it was coming.
THIS THIS THIS. I have been reading ironmaglabs forum on here and if you go back a few pages you will see this exact same thing happening a few times over the past five years. Each time they say this is the end of ends. It was kinda funny in a way.


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Kinda related... has anyone ordered from Prohormone Warehouse?
Made a big order with them last night... this morning, website *PHW is closed, new store soon*.
Im guessing it has something to do with the name of their store. FUARK


THIS THIS THIS. I have been reading ironmaglabs forum on here and if you go back a few pages you will see this exact same thing happening a few times over the past five years. Each time they say this is the end of ends. It was kinda funny in a way.
Supplement companies will just find something new. As humans we will always be looking for that edge ;)


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Supplement companies will just find something new. As humans we will always be looking for that edge ;)
Necessity is the mother of invention...


Hoping someday they (congress) realize the pharma-grade is safer for consumers than half of the bunk underground **** out there. The only reason they ban it is because they don't want baseball players using it or any athlete for that matter. More people die from vitamins a year than any type of anabolic. It's a joke. Just like guns....ban them all you want, people will always find a way to get them


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Hoping someday they (congress) realize the pharma-grade is safer for consumers than half of the bunk underground **** out there. The only reason they ban it is because they don't want baseball players using it or any athlete for that matter. More people die from vitamins a year than any type of anabolic. It's a joke. Just like guns....ban them all you want, people will always find a way to get them
Hey! HEY! You leave my guns alone son. :rocketwhore:


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Let's not get too upset just yet.

We still have our GHS peptides, insulin and TRT clinics that will abuse the system, not to mention underground AAS for those that go that route.

If anything, I'm about to get alot bigger of the next several months lol.


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Kinda related... has anyone ordered from Prohormone Warehouse? Made a big order with them last night... this morning, website *PHW is closed, new store soon*. Im guessing it has something to do with the name of their store. FUARK
They sent an email out stating that they were still open, they just had to edit the site for regulations. They said all orders should ship in 1-2 days


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Holy shnikes. Anyone in possession of even a bottle is subject to possession charges bacuse no grace period was given? WTF?
Dude I ****ing promos you they are not going after you over a bottle of M Sten. If any cop saw a bottle of MSten thats in a supplement bottle do you really think they know what the **** that is?? The ones who do know are probably just as pissed about the ban as you are. All they care about is that stores stop selling these products. That's all they care about. They aren't going after comsumers who purchased anything before the ban I promise. They would have to arrest hundreds of thousands of people. It's not happening. For the record ppl are still selling Superdrol on Amazon and they aren't getting arrested. Not to mention they can't arrest you for a substance unless they test it. Do you know how long this process would take? It's not feasible not logical and it's not happening


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Lmao at the paranoid buyers.


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You think this is bad? Just wait and see where the United States is going in the next 10 to 15 years. It's Definitely going to be bad.


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If it's unregulated you're going to have shady stuff... leaving the door open for the government to step in and do something stupid. There's only a few PH'S I feel are worth using anyways... just too much sides.
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