More injection issues


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2014
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Ok so since I've started my bulking cycle I decided to drop primo from my stack because it's expensive plus I simply don't see the point when I can just take a hefty dose of test and just eat alot, so, I'm currently doing 500ng of test. 1cc of 250 twice a week. I have a possible serious problem and I need advice. I did a glute shot today around 5pm I'd say. Bad shot, nicked a vein and coughed a bit. This has happened so many times at this point. Whatever, go about my day, it's now 10pm and I feel like ****! total body aches like the flu and I even have a fever. Low grade (99.1) but my normal is 97.7 so I'm wondering if its one of these 3 things

1. My gear has lousy carrier oil causing an auto immune response (unlikely as I've been on this stuff for a year and never felt this way)

2. When I nicked the vein, a small amount of oil is sitting in my lungs and causing an acute lung infection which is causing a fast fever

3. Maybe I'm actually coming down with something and it's just a coincidence?

Anyway I'm home with the aches and chills shaking like Michael J Fox and I just took 2 Tylenol and about to hop in a hot shower to ease my terrible body aches. Anyone have any idea what's going on? This is literally like 4 hours post injection.
No idea what's going on, but it sounds like from all of your posts it's time to let the gear go and become au natural.

Furthermore I would like to state that I am in fact hyper aware of everything I do. Im sure lots of people feel weird side effects once in a while when using whatever medicine whether it be gear or antibiotics etc and most people will just shrug it off and think nothing of it. Well not me buckeroo! I ain't goin out like that! Anytime I feel weird I think of all kinds of scenarios that could be causing it and I like to act questions so I can learn more about what I'm doing. It's called being educated 💅
UPDATE! got a fever of 100-101 holding steady. Feeling like trash. I've never felt this bad from a shot. I'm starting to think I'm actually sick like coming down with something. Diet is out the window, currently eating a can of corn beef hash that my girl made me cuz it's nice and salty. Tastes like dogfood AND I LIKE IT 🤪. trying to get water down and I think I might start crapping myself. With all that being said, in starting to think I'm actually sick. Pray for me bros
Im like this with literally everything bro, not just gear. I'm literally bananas 🤪
Furthermore I would like to state that I am in fact hyper aware of everything I do. Im sure lots of people feel weird side effects once in a while when using whatever medicine whether it be gear or antibiotics etc and most people will just shrug it off and think nothing of it. Well not me buckeroo! I ain't goin out like that! Anytime I feel weird I think of all kinds of scenarios that could be causing it and I like to act questions so I can learn more about what I'm doing. It's called being educated 💅
I'm the same way, which is why I gave up on all that. I was making myself crazy.
It’s probably a virus…..if you nicked the vein at 5 and had a fever at 10 that would be pretty quick for some type of infection to cause a fever. More than likely a coincidence and you’re coming down with something. I would keep an eye on the injection site, maybe load up on some vitamin C, garlic, and Elderberry in case it is a virus.
Is your gear pharmaceutical? I have luck with test e amps (only olive oil as a carrier) literally zero pip and have never coughed, while I did nick a vein plenty of times.

That being said I am also the one who gets tons of sides. After all the drama it seems I have found what agrees with me (test var and epiandro) and therefore I do not intend to venture outside of that.
HOLY **** BATMAN! less than 24 hrs and I don't have a fever anymore just a little groggy with a headache. Dudes! I think it was from the test!!!! how in the hell am I getting test flu for a shot when I've been using that bottle for a month now!?!

and actually this happened before but never gave me a fever of god damn 101. I have another brand of test I'm gonna switch to and see if I feel better
Is your gear pharmaceutical? I have luck with test e amps (only olive oil as a carrier) literally zero pip and have never coughed, while I did nick a vein plenty of times.

That being said I am also the one who gets tons of sides. After all the drama it seems I have found what agrees with me (test var and epiandro) and therefore I do not intend to venture outside of that.

Yeah dude I'm stumped. I think it's the test because I feel better now lmao. I got another brand of ugl gear but if I have to I'll order some pharma stuff. I got tired of paying $150 for a bottle of test when I can get it for $50 ugl. The thing is that I been using this same stuff for over a year now. So why sudden test flu?
I think it's just a coincidence bro and you're coming down with something. If it were something more serious, you most likely would have been in the e r or something by now. Not One hundred per cent of course none of us can know for sure. But you might be overthinking it. I do the same **** bro. Pay attention to it. Obviously, if it gets worse or doesn't get better in a few days, maybe look at another option.
I'm about 99.999999% sure it had absolutely zero to do with test. There's always a red cunt hair of a chance but I would bet my children on this one.
Yeah I really am insane you guys don't even know. One time I was eating yuca which at the time was newly discovered and I really liked it and I was googling about it while I was eating it and then I learned that if you cook it wrong you can actually give yourself arsenic poisoning and die. Well guess what, literally as I was eating yuca and reading that, I convinced myself that I cooked it wrong and only had a small window of time to get to the hospital before I die. I dashed out the front door like a bat out of hell and jumped in my car speeding down the road as I started feeling dizzy (there was nothing wrong but because I believed in it I felt fucked up) I started taking my shirt off while speeding down the road and finally I get to the ER. I park the car crooked and retarded and run to the ER no shirt on and run up to the desk out of breath. The lady at the desk is looking at me like I'm insane (which I am) and she's all like "do you need help" and right at that moment I realized how fucking crazy I was acting so I was like "uh, I'm not sure. Can I sit her for a second to think about it and I'll call you if I need you" and she was like sure. So I sat in the lobby for a out 10 minutes realizing I wasn't dying and just went home. So yeah, I'm fucking crazy. I definitely got sick last night tho and it was pretty abrupt
Yeah I really am insane you guys don't even know. One time I was eating yuca which at the time was newly discovered and I really liked it and I was googling about it while I was eating it and then I learned that if you cook it wrong you can actually give yourself arsenic poisoning and die. Well guess what, literally as I was eating yuca and reading that, I convinced myself that I cooked it wrong and only had a small window of time to get to the hospital before I die. I dashed out the front door like a bat out of hell and jumped in my car speeding down the road as I started feeling dizzy (there was nothing wrong but because I believed in it I felt fucked up) I started taking my shirt off while speeding down the road and finally I get to the ER. I park the car crooked and retarded and run to the ER no shirt on and run up to the desk out of breath. The lady at the desk is looking at me like I'm insane (which I am) and she's all like "do you need help" and right at that moment I realized how fucking crazy I was acting so I was like "uh, I'm not sure. Can I sit her for a second to think about it and I'll call you if I need you" and she was like sure. So I sat in the lobby for a out 10 minutes realizing I wasn't dying and just went home. So yeah, I'm fucking crazy. I definitely got sick last night tho and it was pretty abrupt

Your the text book definition of who shouldn't use steroids lol.

Just a heads up, sometimes we feel sick, it's a normal part of life. It's good to be in tune with our bodies but your mind has to also be in tune.

I do get it tho, it's not terribly uncommon to always assume the worst, but the blame is rarely what we think it is. You sir sound like a good candidate for beta-blockers or something that will let you turn the dial down a few knotches. I'm actually looking into similar things for myself lol

Your the text book definition of who shouldn't use steroids lol.

Just a heads up, sometimes we feel sick, it's a normal part of life. It's good to be in tune with our bodies but your mind has to also be in tune.

I do get it tho, it's not terribly uncommon to always assume the worst, but the blame is rarely what we think it is. You sir sound like a good candidate for beta-blockers or something that will let you turn the dial down a few knotches. I'm actually looking into similar things for myself lol

To be fair I don't really use "steroids" like the ones that make you nutty for example tren. I've pretty much always just been on test and messing with the dose and other than thats it's been EQ mast Primo. A little orals here and there but I try to avoid the ones that affect your mental health. Also, I'm well aware that I'm wakco which I think is a good thing. Imagine if I had no self awareness and thought everyone else was the issue lol
To be fair I don't really use "steroids" like the ones that make you nutty for example tren. I've pretty much always just been on test and messing with the dose and other than thats it's been EQ mast Primo. A little orals here and there but I try to avoid the ones that affect your mental health. Also, I'm well aware that I'm wakco which I think is a good thing. Imagine if I had no self awareness and thought everyone else was the issue lol
Every steroid is very capable of effecting you mentally, even testosterone.

But your not crazy, and neither am I because crazy people don't know there crazy. I can look in the mirror and name all the issues I have and I'm very aware. So you might be whacky or whatever, but if your aware of it, you ain't that crazy.

At least that's what I like to tell myself. But then I wonder if I'm crazy because if I tell myself that I'm actually talking to myself 🤔🤔🤔

Yep perfectly normal 👌
Agree to everything above. I know you meat heads and gym bros will laugh at me. But i'm a psychotherapist by trade so yeah I get it l o l. And no, it's not sitting the leather chair and say mhmm lol. It's helping dudes with the exact **** we just heard. But yeah op, Some of us have That brain chemical make up already That are prone to this over thinking and rumination stuff. Certain compounds definitely make it worse. Eq makes me a fucking basket case.

Your the text book definition of who shouldn't use steroids lol.

Just a heads up, sometimes we feel sick, it's a normal part of life. It's good to be in tune with our bodies but your mind has to also be in tune.

I do get it tho, it's not terribly uncommon to always assume the worst, but the blame is rarely what we think it is. You sir sound like a good candidate for beta-blockers or something that will let you turn the dial down a few knotches. I'm actually looking into similar things for myself lol
I don't think getting on more drugs would be an answer, hence what I said about pharmacy test.
If it gives you a piece of mind it's well worth it to pay some extra. For example running pharmacy test and hcg at normal doses you really shouldn't have any anxiety about the quality and "what if this and that" and that alone is worth it IMHO.
It certainly makes me feel way more comfortable. In fact I don't think I am ever going back to ugl, especially now when the only injectable I use is test.
Plus some var when I can source it and some legal td stuff.