Unanswered Mk 677...dog ate my full bottle while I was out



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Now I'm literally thinking about hanging him since he ate my full fucking bottle of MA labs but was wondering if anyone knows if this will just do the job for me?


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Lol maybe you need to feed your dog more. Stuff taste nasty so he had to be hungry to eat that. Also in for gains. Ha


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Now I'm literally thinking about hanging him since he ate my full fucking bottle of MA labs but was wondering if anyone knows if this will just do the job for me?
It's a great product. It will get whatever job done!


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Came in expecting some dude super concerned about his dog, left with a little less faith in humanity.
Agreed. OP seems like a real asshole. I hope the dog is ok.
Same thoughts went through my head..

These are the kind of people that have no business owning a pet. The answer to this thread is to identify someone in your life who respects and loves animals to help you find your dog a rightful home.
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If you're more concerned about replacing a bottle of an $80 supp than your dog, you probably should be saving your money rather than wasting it on supps, because it sounds like times are tough.


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If you're more concerned about replacing a bottle of an $80 supp than your dog, you probably should be saving your money rather than wasting it on supps, because it sounds like times are tough.
Mk677 won’t kill the damn dog. Do you know what the ld50 is? Go on I’ll wait. Welcome to the band wagon though. Guess it’s important to fit in on the internet. I’d be pissed if I lost $80.


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Mk677 won’t kill the damn dog. Do you know what the ld50 is? Go on I’ll wait. Welcome to the band wagon though. Guess it’s important to fit in on the internet. I’d be pissed if I lost $80.
Well you should be more concerned with your dog then a stupid a** supplement. If losing $80 is more important to you then your own animal then please put yours up for adoption.


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Well you should be more concerned with your dog then a stupid a** supplement. If losing $80 is more important to you then your own animal then please put yours up for adoption.
The dog should be fine mk isn’t poisonous. What’s there to worry about? Why should he worry about the dog if mk is harmless? I could understand if the damn dog got into something that would hurt it.


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First off...not my dog...was visiting my parents before heading back to college and second off this little asswhole only eats my **** when I'm over [normally socks,shoes,clothes] so yes I'm more pissed at the dog than anything


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First off...not my dog...was visiting my parents before heading back to college and second off this little asswhole only eats my **** when I'm over [normally socks,shoes,clothes] so yes I'm more pissed at the dog than anything
If the dog repetitively eats your shyt, you should be able to initiate a thought process in your brain that would correct your own careless behavior. (Hint) In this case, it would be to store your personal items in a place where the dog can’t get into them. Are you sure you got accepted into a college?


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First off...not my dog...was visiting my parents before heading back to college and second off this little asswhole only eats my **** when I'm over [normally socks,shoes,clothes] so yes I'm more pissed at the dog than anything
I don’t really care who’s dog it is, and I still think you’re a piece of ****.


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My brothers dog eats any and everything you leave out. He did it a few times before my brothers decided to maybe not leave **** out where Mav could reach it.... and I know this may blow your mind but he hasn’t gotten into anything in a long ass time. 🤯


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Praying you're just a troll and not truly a piece of **** human in real life.


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Curious, how do we know that MK is not poisoness to dogs? I mean by now it is probably obvious is nothing happened but just because something isn't harmful to humans does not mean it can't kill a dog. I can think of a few things that can...

Also what a mentality this guy has.
Next thread gonna be something like, "My stupid baby accidentally stabbed himself with one of my preloaded syringes and the needle broke off when he jerked away. I can't believe I lost that shot! Thinking about killing him but hoping an air bubble to the heart will do the job for me. What do you guys think?

Then to justify it... "Oh wait it wasn't my baby, plus that stupid baby just gets into everything that I irresponsibly leave out where he can get it and that's just BS!"

Watch for this guy on Dateline guys... we might end up knowing all three of his names... like the other serial killers...


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You can save the dog and regain your $80 by shooting test cyp into your own balls for a solid 6 months. If All else fails, at least you're not reproducing.


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First off...not my dog...was visiting my parents before heading back to college and second off this little asswhole only eats my **** when I'm over [normally socks,shoes,clothes] so yes I'm more pissed at the dog than anything
It doesn't matter if it is your dog or a stray dog from the neighborhood. You're in college, so maybe start acting like an adult and take responsibility.


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Ya better treat that dog good bro - cause he is gonna kick your ass.


Can we just ban him for animal abuse or is that not a thing. Haha.

Seriously though.

We have 7 dogs and ones a 15 week puppy.

We dont deserve doggos


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Curious, how do we know that MK is not poisoness to dogs? I mean by now it is probably obvious is nothing happened but just because something isn't harmful to humans does not mean it can't kill a dog. I can think of a few things that can...

Also what a mentality this guy has.
Next thread gonna be something like, "My stupid baby accidentally stabbed himself with one of my preloaded syringes and the needle broke off when he jerked away. I can't believe I lost that shot! Thinking about killing him but hoping an air bubble to the heart will do the job for me. What do you guys think?

Then to justify it... "Oh wait it wasn't my baby, plus that stupid baby just gets into everything that I irresponsibly leave out where he can get it and that's just BS!"

Watch for this guy on Dateline guys... we might end up knowing all three of his names... like the other serial killers...
Come on man. You cannot bring logic into this thread like that! That would be like Tom Brady entering the special Olympics.

The only person in here saying "Don't worry, it cannot hurt dogs" has repeatedly shown a severe lack of pharmacological knowledge. Like here...find the LD50. Like death is the only point at which you have taken too much of a drug.

Beyond that, like in a clenbuterol thread where he was advising people that cardiac necrosis was a "myth" - he repeatedly uses the flawed logic that a lack of evidence is evidence of safety. Now, in this case because we have not killed a bunch of dogs to determine the LD50, there is no evidence, so it must not be possible to kill a dog with MK-677.

It is clear the OP is not responsible enough to own a dog nor MK-677. In this case, he probably harmed his someone else's dog and thinks it is OK.

I mean, this guy doesn't sound like he could be trusted with a bottle of Tylenol.

When he says "college" I wonder if it is a special needs college? Or maybe he is on the rowing team?

This attitude and lack of empathy is usually something you see in a sociopath, but sociopaths are typically better at hiding it. And I wish I was just being insulting.


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@Mike Arnold - what are your thoughts here?


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I would be more concerned with the huge dose of copper. Somatozine has more than mk in it. Poor dog should have massive runs due to magnesium content as well. **** you op.


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Update: dog is fine and I posted this 5 minutes after finding out while i was enraged..wasn't actually going to do anything to the dog and dont feel a need to go further into this.


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Although his comment was inexcusable, he is young, and can grow and mature.


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Come on man. You cannot bring logic into this thread like that! That would be like Tom Brady entering the special Olympics.

The only person in here saying "Don't worry, it cannot hurt dogs" has repeatedly shown a severe lack of pharmacological knowledge. Like here...find the LD50. Like death is the only point at which you have taken too much of a drug.

Beyond that, like in a clenbuterol thread where he was advising people that cardiac necrosis was a "myth" - he repeatedly uses the flawed logic that a lack of evidence is evidence of safety. Now, in this case because we have not killed a bunch of dogs to determine the LD50, there is no evidence, so it must not be possible to kill a dog with MK-677.

It is clear the OP is not responsible enough to own a dog nor MK-677. In this case, he probably harmed his someone else's dog and thinks it is OK.

I mean, this guy doesn't sound like he could be trusted with a bottle of Tylenol.

When he says "college" I wonder if it is a special needs college? Or maybe he is on the rowing team?

This attitude and lack of empathy is usually something you see in a sociopath, but sociopaths are typically better at hiding it. And I wish I was just being insulting.


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Now I'm literally thinking about hanging him since he ate my full fucking bottle of MA labs but was wondering if anyone knows if this will just do the job for me?
Dude take your dog to the vet... in mean wtf... who cares about your damn supplements... if that was my pup I’d be freaking out... that’s why I kept everything where she can’t get to it...


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Dude take your dog to the vet... in mean wtf... who cares about your damn supplements... if that was my pup I’d be freaking out... that’s why I kept everything where she can’t get to it...
How about read all the comments before you respond.


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How about read all the comments before you respond.
Or be concerned about the right thing in the first place... before I could even get mad I would be at the animal hospital with the bottle in hand so the vet knows what my dog ate... wouldn’t take 5 minutes nor would I post on here before going to vet immediately...


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I know this is a old thread but for anyone else in the same situation in the future. Capromorelin is also a growth hormone secretagogue very similar to mk677 but it's much more potent than mk. Capromorelin was given to dogs to stimulate appetite for dogs with appetite problems. So if a dog accidently ate mk677 it should just have increased appetite and probably get tired. It shouldn't be deadly but it's never a bad idea to bring the dog to a vet


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I know this is a old thread but for anyone else in the same situation in the future. Capromorelin is also a growth hormone secretagogue very similar to mk677 but it's much more potent than mk. Capromorelin was given to dogs to stimulate appetite for dogs with appetite problems. So if a dog accidently ate mk677 it should just have increased appetite and probably get tired. It shouldn't be deadly but it's never a bad idea to bring the dog to a vet
While I can respect the message, a vet let alone an average doctor wouldn’t know what the hell mk677 is lol. They would literally just be googling which is fine but you know…you can do that for free.


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While I can respect the message, a vet let alone an average doctor wouldn’t know what the hell mk677 is lol. They would literally just be googling which is fine but you know…you can do that for free.
If a dog ever ingests anything that may be harmful to them, its important to take them to a vet immediately.

In a case like this, it wouldn't matter if the vet knew what MK was or not, what they would be doing is administering medication to make the dog throw up the contents in its stomach - the treatment would be the same for MK, a bottle of multi-vitamins, chocolate, etc.

It's always better to be safe than sorry in cases like this imo.

Just wanted to explain why it wouldn't matter if the vet knew what MK was or not.


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While I can respect the message, a vet let alone an average doctor wouldn’t know what the hell mk677 is lol. They would literally just be googling which is fine but you know…you can do that for free.
The vet would be familiar with GHSs in the form of Capromorelin.

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