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Hello everyone. So, something not so great happened to me this past weekend. I was driving to a friends house. About 10 min into my drive I started getting pins and needles in my hands and feet. Eventually moments later it traveled to my extremities. A few minutes later, I started feeling extremely week. This is where I began to worry and pulled into a parking lot. I sat in my truck for a bit, slumped in my chair with hardly enough energy to lift a finger. Now, this is where things started getting serious, as if I wasn’t already scared… now my abs and forearms start cramping, and every muscle in my body tensed up, causing my fingers and toes to cramp together. I now couldn’t open my hands and the muscle tension I was experiencing was terrifying. I couldn’t even fucking roll my windows up and turn the AC on yet somehow I managed. The fucked up part here was the fact all I was thinking about was weather or not I wanted a $1000 ambulance bill. I waited it out and 5-10 min later I felt ok to drive. I rushed my stupid ass to dunkins and grabbed a couple donuts, inhaled them, and was back to normal 20-30 mins later. All I have to say is, wow, what an experience. It felt like a dream at one point I just couldn’t believe what was happening to me. I take no other drugs or prescription medications, supplements, etc. I’m very lean, in good health and there’s zero history of diabetes on either side of my family, same goes for heart disease. I eat extremely well in regards to energy balance and quality food sources besides an occasional treat here and there.
This is a warning to all. It does not matter how rare this side effect of the drug may be, it’s just not even worth it. I was taking 12.5 mg for 4-5 days and even stopped a day or two prior to this because I did not like the anxiety it was giving me. I’ve ran this for a couple months before without any issues at all. Nothing in my life has changed since my last run diet or training wise.
I want to be very clear to those who aren’t aware that if this was indeed a hypoglycemic reaction, it’s potentially LIFE THREATENING. What happened to me was not a joke and I cannot believe it happened still. The only thing I wish I would have done was gone to the ER. Then I would have been absolutely sure that’s what this was. This happened to my my first ever dose taking this drug however to a fraction of the extent, maybe some sweating and slight fatigue that lasted 5-10 min.
For those considering this drug I’d stay away. It’s entirely useless. It improved my cardio and I gained weight (water) however is that worth giving myself pharmaceutical diabetes? **** that. You’re insane if you are willing to take that risk, and I feel quite stupid for messing with a research drug. SARMs are one thing, but this **** is just straight foolish. I’m sure I’ll get those one or two guys who will pop in and share their positive experiences, however your experience isn’t an excuse to advocate for a drug that could potentially harm and even inadvertently kill someone, nor does it mean you aren’t putting yourself at some sort of risk later down the road.
Got blood drawn today. Had low T back in Dec slightly out of range so taking a look at that again, and checking my whole hormone profile to see wtf could potentially be going on insulin/igf wise. If my T is still low my doctor plans on putting me through a medically managed HPTA restart using clomid and a few HCG injections. I don’t have many symptoms besides a **** sex drive which comes and goes and fatigue more days than not, so he’s more than confident I’d come right back IF I need it. Anyways post away all thoughts and input here are welcome including letting me know I’m a dumbass.
This is a warning to all. It does not matter how rare this side effect of the drug may be, it’s just not even worth it. I was taking 12.5 mg for 4-5 days and even stopped a day or two prior to this because I did not like the anxiety it was giving me. I’ve ran this for a couple months before without any issues at all. Nothing in my life has changed since my last run diet or training wise.
I want to be very clear to those who aren’t aware that if this was indeed a hypoglycemic reaction, it’s potentially LIFE THREATENING. What happened to me was not a joke and I cannot believe it happened still. The only thing I wish I would have done was gone to the ER. Then I would have been absolutely sure that’s what this was. This happened to my my first ever dose taking this drug however to a fraction of the extent, maybe some sweating and slight fatigue that lasted 5-10 min.
For those considering this drug I’d stay away. It’s entirely useless. It improved my cardio and I gained weight (water) however is that worth giving myself pharmaceutical diabetes? **** that. You’re insane if you are willing to take that risk, and I feel quite stupid for messing with a research drug. SARMs are one thing, but this **** is just straight foolish. I’m sure I’ll get those one or two guys who will pop in and share their positive experiences, however your experience isn’t an excuse to advocate for a drug that could potentially harm and even inadvertently kill someone, nor does it mean you aren’t putting yourself at some sort of risk later down the road.
Got blood drawn today. Had low T back in Dec slightly out of range so taking a look at that again, and checking my whole hormone profile to see wtf could potentially be going on insulin/igf wise. If my T is still low my doctor plans on putting me through a medically managed HPTA restart using clomid and a few HCG injections. I don’t have many symptoms besides a **** sex drive which comes and goes and fatigue more days than not, so he’s more than confident I’d come right back IF I need it. Anyways post away all thoughts and input here are welcome including letting me know I’m a dumbass.