Mdrol cycle, minimal SERMs on hand


New member
I'm planning on running a 30/30/30/40 cycle of mdrol. I have 10 capsules of 10mg Nolva on hand, and about 14 pills of Annabolic Innovations Post Cycle Support, would these pills be sufficient for a PCT?


New member

You should try and get more nolva mate, want at least 20mgs a day for 10 days pct. Especially at 30/30/30/40.
Just my 2 cents worth.

Cheers good luck with it.:nutkick:


New member
I'd spread the dosage out more, and bridge it with the post cycle support.


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i think not, but heres the thing, everyones different. how do you respond to Mdrol and Nolva? have you used both before. and most importantly, if it is not enough, are you willing to face the consequences? besides that's a lot of nolva.


New member
It is? I thought it wasn't much. This would be my first mdrol cycle, I've done Epistane on a huge dose with no bad side effects, apart from dry joints. I only used post cycle support for my pct and was fine.

How often would I take the nolva, and should I do the Post Cycle Support after nolva, or with it?


New member
I was planning on taking 1 nolva per day for PCT, and then when that's finished just taking 2 of the PCT pills a day until they're finished. It would be a short PCT, about 2 weeks. I don't care about my libido or any of that, I just don't want gyno.


Bro search "superdrol for dumies"..
you'll find all the info you need.. and you need more info..

IMO your doses at 176lbs are WAY to high.. INSANE..
Mdrol isn't Epi.. the sides are WAY more harsh.. you run Mdrol how you think your gonna run it and your gonna be hurting in more ways than one..
With Mdrol your dealing with some nasty stuff.. more isn't better.. the trick is to start with a low dose and bump up to the smallest dose your making gains at and NOT having bad sides.. you want to get your gains and get out of the cycle without paying a hard price with your liver and BP.. most guys will run a 4 week cycle on Mdrol max, some only 3 weeks..
IMO you'd be better served going 10/20/20/20 for the cycle..
maybe bump it to 30 the last week if are bound and detrerimed too..
Your gonna need more Nolva for sure.. your PCT should have a SERM, AI if you so choose, a cortisol blocker, and a natty test booster..
I bet if you read the superdrol for dummies thread and search some logs, that you will be enlightened..


i think not, but heres the thing, everyones different. how do you respond to Mdrol and Nolva? have you used both before. and most importantly, if it is not enough, are you willing to face the consequences? besides that's a lot of nolva.
I'm betting he meant to say... "besides that's a lot of Mdrol"
Papa T

Papa T

New member
Bro search "superdrol for dumies"..
you'll find all the info you need.. and you need more info..

IMO your doses at 176lbs are WAY to high.. INSANE..
Mdrol isn't Epi.. the sides are WAY more harsh.. you run Mdrol how you think your gonna run it and your gonna be hurting in more ways than one..
With Mdrol your dealing with some nasty stuff.. more isn't better.. the trick is to start with a low dose and bump up to the smallest dose your making gains at and NOT having bad sides.. you want to get your gains and get out of the cycle without paying a hard price with your liver and BP.. most guys will run a 4 week cycle on Mdrol max, some only 3 weeks..
IMO you'd be better served going 10/20/20/20 for the cycle..
maybe bump it to 30 the last week if are bound and detrerimed too..
Your gonna need more Nolva for sure.. your PCT should have a SERM, AI if you so choose, a cortisol blocker, and a natty test booster..
I bet if you read the superdrol for dummies thread and search some logs, that you will be enlightened..
I agree completely.

Has anyone taken epidrol/epistane or havoc for two weeks and then switched to another methylated pro-hormone, such as m-drol for the other two weeks? I am about to start this cycle unless someone has had very negative effects with something similar.

Papa T

Papa T

New member
At 176 lbs. I would go 10/10/10-20/20. M drol shut me down much much worse than epidrol in the past. Therefore, it requires a stricter PCT IMO.


At 176 lbs. I would go 10/10/10-20/20. M drol shut me down much much worse than epidrol in the past. Therefore, it requires a stricter PCT IMO.
I agree, but some peeps don't buy that you can gain on that low of a dose.. they feel they are blowing their cycle by underdosing.. I'm about the same size as the OP and I can't see me doing or needing 30mgs at anypoint during a cycle of Mdrol.
But some peeps are hellbent...


New member
Thanks for the warnings on the dosage, I've researched a **** load on superdrol and know what I'm facing, I choose that risk on my own. I'm really low in body fat, and not exactly tall so my weight isn't that bad. So, back on topic, how would I dose the nolva with the Post Cycle Support?


  • Established
Thanks for the warnings on the dosage, I've researched a **** load on superdrol and know what I'm facing, I choose that risk on my own. I'm really low in body fat, and not exactly tall so my weight isn't that bad. So, back on topic, how would I dose the nolva with the Post Cycle Support?
Not to sound mean, but just because your not particularly tall and have a low body fat % doesn't make you less prone to the sides. You are going to have a hard time finding someone that is going to tell you how to get by on such a weak PCT. (If you can even call that a PCT)

Simply put, if you are afraid of gyno - then you shouldn't be skimping your PCT. Especially with Mdrol. Especially at that dose. Even a 10/20/20 requires a full PCT.

Run a full PCT and be safe. There is no need to take such a risk as a poor PCT when nolvadex is available and relatively cheap. Plus, you should at least have more on hand in case more is needed or you get delayed gyno after your PCT. But if you have it on hand, you might as well just do a proper PCT.

Either way, good luck to you. I'd be interested in how the Mdrol goes for you at that dosing protocol.


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I'm betting he meant to say... "besides that's a lot of Mdrol"
he's right, meant to say mdrol. personally 10/20/20 is good for a first run of mdrol. people say that within the 4th week the gains stop and the lethargy becomes a bit much, i am one of those people. DHEA has helped with the lethargy along with taurine for the back pumps, if you have any of those symptoms.


I'm a first time mdrol user and running 10/20/20 with torem, reversitol, and 6-oxo. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I've had gyno surgery on both nips from stupidity of running anadrol/deca with no PCT. Young and dumb at the time and the Internet wasn't available then like it is now with all the resources available. I'd be smart man and listen to experienced users.


New member
HOLY **** bro! Mdrol for 4 weeks- dude thast last week will be a B with side effects I just ran mine at 30-30-30 and the third week wasnt too bad but it bugged me


New member
Finished it, only side effects were abdominal pains for the first few days, dry joints (specifically ankles) and a bit of rage. I reckon the side effects are over exaggerated. The last week weeks of mdrol I stacked with 150mg EOD of prop, and am continuing that on now.


  • Established
Finished it, only side effects were abdominal pains for the first few days, dry joints (specifically ankles) and a bit of rage. I reckon the side effects are over exaggerated. The last week weeks of mdrol I stacked with 150mg EOD of prop, and am continuing that on now.
And now we wait for some titties to grow...


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LMAO are you still not gonna run a proper PCT?


NutraPlanet Rep
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I'm a first time mdrol user and running 10/20/20 with torem, reversitol, and 6-oxo. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I've had gyno surgery on both nips from stupidity of running anadrol/deca with no PCT. Young and dumb at the time and the Internet wasn't available then like it is now with all the resources available. I'd be smart man and listen to experienced users.
Torem instead or Nolva is a better SERM for PCT. Nolva doesnt work for everything. +reps for SEmperfi


  • Established
God I would hate to be your insides after running this cycle. Did you get bloodwork? At your weight you shouldn't have gone over 10mg for 3 weeks... Ick.


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Everyone is in such a rush... you could have waited another month and had the money to correctly take care of your body with PCT and some kind of cycle support. But instead you decided to play with fire and take your chances and now that you dont want to take care of your body correctly you are facing some potentially shxtty possibilities later in life.

While you probably could have make solid gains and kept them with correct diet and training over 6 months you opted to do a cycle you werent prepared for... probably taking more than 6 months off your lifespan.

Good luck, hope it doesnt catch up with ya... As a forum we're here to help and there are plenty of seasoned veterens who will give you honest no bullshxt advice. Next time just take it slow buddy...


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Curious, how would it take 6 months of my lifespan?
You dont think using steroids without proper post cycle therapy or on cycle therapy would be detrimental to your health?

Have you read articles on oral steroids at all?


New member
You dont think using steroids without proper post cycle therapy or on cycle therapy would be detrimental to your health?

Have you read articles on oral steroids at all?
Yep, I've read up quite a lot. I just want to know with supportive evidence on how it would have shortened my life span by 6 months.


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6 months was just a figure of speech, all im trying to tell you is that without properly taking care of your liver you could very well be affecting your quality of life.


Get your blood work done and pay particular attention to your lipid profile, ie cholesterol. I bet your HDL is bottomed out and your LDL is raised. What that means is that you are storing cholesterol in your arteries as atherlosclerosis. Google it, it's not good(I tried inserting the Wiki article, but don't have the posts).

Trust me, inside, good things are not happening.


New member
6 months was just a figure of speech, all im trying to tell you is that without properly taking care of your liver you could very well be affecting your quality of life.
That's a better response, I already knew that, thanks though.

Get your blood work done and pay particular attention to your lipid profile, ie cholesterol. I bet your HDL is bottomed out and your LDL is raised. What that means is that you are storing cholesterol in your arteries as atherlosclerosis. Google it, it's not good(I tried inserting the Wiki article, but don't have the posts).

Trust me, inside, good things are not happening.
I'm planning on going some time this week.

Oh and as for my results I went from 80kg (176 pounds), peaked at 89 (196) and now I'm at 86 (187).

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