Liger Log - Primeval Labs Super LGD


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Day 26 - August 6, 2015

5 more PRs baby!

Decided to prioritize pull ups at today's workout by starting with those instead of deadlifts. So my previous best pull up set was last session at BW+70x3, and today's set was BW+70x6. For some reason I thought I'd be able to hit like 10 reps but once I got a couple reps in I realized there was no way that was going to happen. Then dumbbell shoulder press I tried a pair of 75 pounders but couldn't even press 1 rep, so I dropped back to 70s and banged out 8 solid which is 1 more rep than last session. Everything else was good except deadlift, but I pretty much knew deadlift would suffer if I started with pull-ups so I honestly didn't even try that hard. Mostly just did a bunch of deadlift warmups and focused on form.

I'm really enjoying the wide grip lat pulldowns! I'm using the bar with the grips that let your palms face inward towards each other, which (broscience alert) I feel gives me a better contraction in my biceps. Then I pull down in front of my chest as low as I can, kind of doing a simultaneous crunch and I feel like I'm hitting my lats, core, serratus, and biceps really hard. Feels great.

Weighted Pull Ups::: Set 1 : 70.0x6*, Set 2 : 61.6x4
Dumbbell Arnold Press::: Set 1 : 70.0x8*, Set 2 : 60.0x9
T Bar Lying Row::: Set 1 : 150.0x5*, Set 2 : 135.0x6, Set 3 : 90x14
Barbell Deadlift::: Set 1 : 225.0x5, , Set 2 : 315x0, Set 3 : 275.0x2 (basically did a deload on deadlift since I started with pull ups. Anyway I couldn't even rip 315 off the floor for a single)
Close Grip Chin Up::: Set 1 : 70.0x4, Set 2 : 61.6x5
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown::: Set 1 : 170.0x5*, Set 2 : 150.0x7
Hammer Grip Pull Up::: Set 1 : BWx7
Cable Rope Face Pull::: Set 1 : 80.0x16*, Set 2 : 70.0x17

Also I think the lethargy is history now, I suppose thanks to the Dermacrine. So thanks to warrior737 and anyone else who recommended it!
I love dermicrine


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hey dude, the 1.3 DMAA you received was legit?
Only tried it for 1 workout and didn't feel anything. Used the microscoop to measure it though since I don't have a milligram scale, so it's possible I underdosed. Gonna try it again with my workout tonight.


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Only tried it for 1 workout and didn't feel anything. Used the microscoop to measure it though since I don't have a milligram scale, so it's possible I underdosed. Gonna try it again with my workout tonight.
Welp. Just realized the microscoop is only 10mg, so I only took 10 the first time. Then I only prepped 20 for today so we'll see if I feel anything at that dose.


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god damn bro great work man looking good no homo lol


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Day 30 - August 10, 2015

(As always, only work sets are listed and PRs are marked with asterisks)
Barbell Bench Press::: Set 1 : 215.0x5*, Set 2 : 190.0x8, Set 3 : 175x7 best set as of last week was 210x4 so hellzyeah!
Weighted Tricep Dips::: Set 1 : 100.0x5*, Set 2 : 90.0x6 ROAR!
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press::: Set 1 : 75.0x10*, Set 2 : 80.0x5 felt STRONG
Barbell Curl::: Set 1 : 90.0x4, Set 2 : 80.0x4 been trying to curl a 100lb bar forever... so frustrating
Machine Fly::: Set 1 : 202.5x4, Set 2 : 150.0x5, Set 3 : 120x7 felt totally gassed for these. everything after these felt awful.
Cable Triceps Pushdown::: Set 1 : 130.0x16, Set 2 : 115.0x15
EZ Bar Curl::: Set 1 : 65.0x15, Set 2 : 75.0x5
Barbell Reverse Curl::: Set 1 : 35.0x10, Set 2 : 45.0x7

So it's been 30 days at 10mg every day and overall it's been a great ride. I should have 30 more capsules in the bottle so that's another 15 days. But here's the big question and I welcome everyone's feedback: I leave Friday morning for a 10day vacation overseas with no gym access and my diet will probably suck. Do I keep taking the LGD at 10mg every day during this time? Do I start a PCT? Do I taper back in some way? Remember, I have a bottle or 2 of Str3ngth and Elim1nate, and I have the Dermacrine in case any of that is relevant. Suggestions????

Also I expect to go pretty radio silent for the next nearly 2 weeks, so in case this is my last post for a while... THANKS to everyone for the support!



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Have Fun !!


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I'm baaaAAAACK! (and I'm done)

Hi all it's been a while. Vacation was great. I squeezed a workout in at a local gym but it kinda sucked so I won't even report about it. I probably shouldn't have even bothered but the novelty of finding a gym on an island with a 3rd world feel was just too tempting to pass up. I ate and drank pretty much whatever I wanted for nearly 2 weeks, so I wasn't feeling too great about myself when I got back. All that being said, I'm pretty sure the rest did me lots of good. Yesterday's workout (3rd since I got back) was AWESOME. I felt so strong. I must have skipped a few days of LGD while on vacation because I had a few extra left in the bottle so my cycle ended up being a few days longer than planned.

Day 45 - August 25, 2015

Workout. PRs marked with asterisks
Hack Squat::: Set 1 : 450.0x12, Set 2 : 540.0x10*
Decline Bench Weighted Twist::: Set 1 : 25.0x20, Set 2 : 25.0x10
Leg Extensions::: Set 1 : 230.0x8*, Set 2 : 210.0x10 [holy crap I felt strong on these]
Lying Leg Curls::: Set 1 : 145.0x5, Set 2 : 130.0x6
Weight Plate Side Bend::: Set 1 : 120.0x10, Set 2 : 110.0x10
Standing Calf Raises::: Set 1 : 360.0x12, Set 2 : 360.0x10


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Day 47 - August 27, 2015

Workout. PRs marked with asterisks
Barbell Standing Military Press::: Set 1 : 135.0x7*, Set 2 : 120.0x8
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown::: Set 1 : 170.0x8*, Set 2 : 150.0x9 [felt strong. love doing more than my bodyweight]
Dumbbell Arnold Press::: Set 1 : 60.0x8, Set 2 : 55.0x9
T Bar Lying Row::: Set 1 : 150.0x5*, Set 2 : 135.0x6
Weighted Pull Ups::: Set 1 : 70.0x2, Set 2 : 60.0x3, Set 3 : 35x3, Set 4 : 25x4, Set 5 : 0x6 [just kept trying to get it to feel right]


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Day 49 - August 29, 2015 LAST DAY

Barbell Curl::: Set 1 : 100.0x3*, Set 2 : 90.0x5
Barbell Bench Press::: Set 1 : 225.0x5*, Set 2 : 200.0x6
Cable Triceps Pushdown::: Set 1 : 150.0x12*, Set 2 : 135.0x13
Barbell Reverse Curl::: Set 1 : 55.0x12*, Set 2 : 45.0x13
Weighted Tricep Dips::: Set 1 : 110.0x3*, Set 2 : 100.0x3, Set 3 : 90x2
Machine Fly::: Set 1 : 210.0x4 , Set 2 : 190.0x6
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press::: Set 1 : 75.0x4, Set 2 : 65.0x7

5 PRs! 1 for each of my first 5 exercises, and I just felt amazing! Usually I lift after work and fully fasted with my last food being 16-18 hours previously, but this was early afternoon and maybe that made part of the difference. Most exciting was that I had it in my mind to curl 100 and bench 225 after my vacation, and I f*cking nailed it. The 225 didn't even feel all that heavy. My previous best was 215x5.

So I've taken the last of my LGD for the cycle. I'll get around to posting a wrap-up of sorts with some summarized before/after stats and pics, but for the time being I'd say it's a worthwhile journey certainly from a strength-gains perspective.

Thanks again to PrimalVP and everyone here on the forum!



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Where did you go ?


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49 Day LGD Cycle Lifting Stats

Starting body weight 146 lbs.
Current body weight 153 lbs.

Lifting stats below. As previously posted August 5 on this thread, all the 1RMs are figured using Jim Wendler's formula 1RM = (WEIGHT x REPS x 0.033) + WEIGHT. I don't put a lot of stock in the accuracy or validity of the theoretical 1RM, but it gives you a single number to compare for progress tracking so that's why I'm using it.

Screenshot_2 (Custom).jpg


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Now that my LGD cycle is done, would you recommend starting Str3ngth? Any experience with that stuff?


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Looking great man, LGD should give good results. Sub'd.

Save OL Str3ngth for PCT, SERM if you can for 3-4 weeks. The risk of gyno is really minimal with Ligandrol IMO, but you could include some BLR Letrone on cycle for example. It would not hurt.

BTW, if you go back to your StrongLifts after the cycle, you will be able to move up. If not 5X5, then 3X5 weights will go up for sure. I just love full body workouts.
Now that my LGD cycle is done, would you recommend starting Str3ngth? Any experience with that stuff?


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That should be great for your PCT right from the start. Personally, I liked transdermal version of laxogenin much better, but maybe it's just me. Now, capped Epicatechin is really good and so is transdermal. I think I just respond to --epi better, but laxogenin is a solid natural product that can only help you recover faster. 50mg every day should do the trick. Great log BTW, I really enjoyed reading it!

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