

Ok 3.5lbs(muscle) in three weeks. Say for arguments sake the cycle runs 6 weeks and you gain at the current rate that equals 7lbs(muscle.) Say you ran this 4 times a year that would be a gain of 28lbs of muscle in a year assuming you make no other gains. How you can feel this is not outstanding is beyond me. Get your expectations out of the clouds and enjoy your cycle. Also looking at diet and the fact that you said you are gaining an unacceptable level of BF then IMO you should decrease your carb intake and boost protein and fat. Anabolics increase the bodies use of protein so more should be consumed. Too much bodyfat IMO means too many carbs.


Well-known member
1-ANDROSTENOLONE pct question

If I do a 6 week cycle could I run formeron and d-pol as my pct? I ask because I have a bottle lying around the house. Or should I stick with LG's pct product?


Would it be okay if for the last two weeks of my 1-andro I add in 3G of DAA per day? As well run it through my PCT at 3G a day?


Going to be finishing up my 1-andro/4-ad cycle in a few days.....so here comes my Pct.

1 small problem is I will be flying across the country for work.
Can I take my form-XT with me? Or is it okay to skip the last 3 days of form-XT? And do I need I even need to run it 4 weeks? (being honest) I don't feel any different with test or estrogen levels.


New member
Going to be finishing up my 1-andro/4-ad cycle in a few days.....so here comes my Pct.

1 small problem is I will be flying across the country for work.
Can I take my form-XT with me? Or is it okay to skip the last 3 days of form-XT? And do I need I even need to run it 4 weeks? (being honest) I don't feel any different with test or estrogen levels.

how much were your gains?


  • RockStar
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Going to be finishing up my 1-andro/4-ad cycle in a few days.....so here comes my Pct.

1 small problem is I will be flying across the country for work.
Can I take my form-XT with me? Or is it okay to skip the last 3 days of form-XT? And do I need I even need to run it 4 weeks? (being honest) I don't feel any different with test or estrogen levels.
Missing 3 days at the end of PCT won't be a problem. What you could do is just work out your doses throughout the PCT to get an extra dose here or there so at the end, you've used all of it up. That's how I would do it.


  • RockStar
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with the addition of the AI to the new formulas there is alot less suppression involved compared to runs with out using AIs .. you feeling fine is one thing but dont just skip any PCT.. that being said you can totally end your Form XT a few days early... but always do your best to complete entire courses of PCT .. its just good habit to get into. the better u run your cycles the better the outcome will be eachtime.


with the addition of the AI to the new formulas there is alot less suppression involved compared to runs with out using AIs .. you feeling fine is one thing but dont just skip any PCT.. that being said you can totally end your Form XT a few days early... but always do your best to complete entire courses of PCT .. its just good habit to get into. the better u run your cycles the better the outcome will be eachtime.
I am getting worried about PCT...I've been told form-xt is all i need for this cycle, but won't I get a rebound from the form? Meaning once I stop form-xt won't my estrogen levels just shoot back up?
I understand my test levels will slowly start coming back down to normal, and once that happens my XT will be gone, and my estrogen levels will be zero?,,,if you understand what I'm trying to say.
I will be running DAA 3g a day throughout my PCT.


New member
don't be too concerned, 1-andro is VERY MILD. VERY.


New member
just an update,

Ive been on for this cycle for 4.5 weeks and doing well.
little bit about my situation ive been working out of town on a project since august of last year only home on the weekends if im lucky and travelling on the road, staying at hotels, trying to eat right and find a place to workout is hard to do especially in little towns. SO i managed to put on some weight in all the wrong places...LOL My belly!
so ive been home for the last 1.5 months and i wanted to get back to where I was before i hit the road.
I didnt want to do a hard cycle so jumped on this and started out at 172 but with fat covering up my once visible 6 pack and what i call my self as tight and defined.

My update,

ive managed to stay at 172 but gained a huge amount of strength and lost about 75% of what i gained in my mid section. SO i look hard and jacked!
do i eat clean? no hell no but im eating 100% better than i was on the road.
so for me this cycle has done what i wanted.

Im gonna do the rest of my second bottle of 1ad which should put me at 8 weeks so i should loose all of my mid section.

bad thing is during post I will be back out on the road...but will be staying at an embassy suite so I will have access to their little in house fitness area.


  • Established
just an update,

Ive been on for this cycle for 4.5 weeks and doing well.
little bit about my situation ive been working out of town on a project since august of last year only home on the weekends if im lucky and travelling on the road, staying at hotels, trying to eat right and find a place to workout is hard to do especially in little towns. SO i managed to put on some weight in all the wrong places...LOL My belly!
so ive been home for the last 1.5 months and i wanted to get back to where I was before i hit the road.
I didnt want to do a hard cycle so jumped on this and started out at 172 but with fat covering up my once visible 6 pack and what i call my self as tight and defined.

My update,

ive managed to stay at 172 but gained a huge amount of strength and lost about 75% of what i gained in my mid section. SO i look hard and jacked!
do i eat clean? no hell no but im eating 100% better than i was on the road.
so for me this cycle has done what i wanted.

Im gonna do the rest of my second bottle of 1ad which should put me at 8 weeks so i should loose all of my mid section.

bad thing is during post I will be back out on the road...but will be staying at an embassy suite so I will have access to their little in house fitness area.
nice recomp/lean bulk...!


Slight problem.

My flight was bumped up two weeks.
Would it be okay to take form-XT on the airplane in my luggage? If not, I'll only be able to run it a little over two weeks.


New member
I dont see why you couldnt. Im sure they will ask what it is when they search you bag.

Just tell them what it is...a supplement. haha


New member
i took it on an international flight without a problem.

make sure you dont put on your carry on as they allow 3oz bottles only.


Can form-XT be taken on an empty stomach?...upon waking up.


New member
Hey, my brother gave me a full bottle of this stuff and want to know exactly what i'm getting into. I have a pct also. Any side effects? How intense is this compared to other PH's?


New member
I have a better queston..Can i use pro-andro with this? I have only one bottle which wont last a whole cycle. Would it be ok to supplement pro-andro17?


New member
Hey guys, first time poster here looking for some advice. I've never tried prohormones before but am looking to try to give them a shot. After looking at different effects and pricing of all the prohormones out there I've decided that I'm interested in wanting to try 1-Androstenolone. I have a few questions though I am looking at having answered before I order anything or start any kind of cycle. Any help would be appreciated.

How long should I cycle 1-Androstenolone? Is 4 weeks suffice or am I able to stay on for 8 weeks?

What would be a good PCT to follow up with once I am done? (Link to store would be ideal) If I cycle 4 weeks, do I PCT for 4 weeks? Does the same go if I cycle 8 weeks?

I've been working out regularly for the last 3 years. I started over weight (215lbs) and was down almost 50lbs from my original weight. I've been focusing on gaining strength slowly w/o putting on extra weight since that time. I'm now currently 35lbs under my starting weight. Here are my current stats if this helps answer any questions.

Age: 28
Height: 5'9
Weight: 180lbs


Hey guys, first time poster here looking for some advice. I've never tried prohormones before but am looking to try to give them a shot. After looking at different effects and pricing of all the prohormones out there I've decided that I'm interested in wanting to try 1-Androstenolone. I have a few questions though I am looking at having answered before I order anything or start any kind of cycle. Any help would be appreciated.How long should I cycle 1-Androstenolone? Is 4 weeks suffice or am I able to stay on for 8 weeks?What would be a good PCT to follow up with once I am done? (Link to store would be ideal) If I cycle 4 weeks, do I PCT for 4 weeks? Does the same go if I cycle 8 weeks?I've been working out regularly for the last 3 years. I started over weight (215lbs) and was down almost 50lbs from my original weight. I've been focusing on gaining strength slowly w/o putting on extra weight since that time. I'm now currently 35lbs under my starting weight. Here are my current stats if this helps answer any questions.Age: 28Height: 5'9Weight: 180lbs
I myself ran 1-andro and 4-ad for..I believe 4 or 6 weeks. I ran it at 6ml a day. My only PCT was DAA 3/3/3/3form xt 2/2/2/1/1I didn't run a SERM..not should I? I dont think so, as these andro series are not has intense as say designer steroids.I recovered good, and had a great cycle, my bench went up about 25lbs for 1 rep, and had a great feeling throughout the cycle.Sorry I'm not much help, but from my experience it was a good run.


I personally would run the 1-androstenolone for 6-8 weeks. Some, not all but some people get lethargy from running a 1-test ph by itself. If this happens adding in M1D or Epi-Andro will take care of it as well as add to the gains. PCT would be Form-X and DAA. 4 Weeks would be a solid PCT but if you would like it could be run for 6-8. You could also do the nolva or clomid route but I cannot suggest that for obvious reasons.


^ I second this advice.
I got super lethargic from Helladrol, but when I ran 1-andro WITH 4-AD I had no lethargy at all.


A lot of people have that issue when test and DHT levels drop. Not all do as some people feel fine no matter what they run. I was part of that group when I was younger, at 30 now I have far more sides than I did in my early twenties. I personally would plan on getting some M1D or the Epi-Andro, both are great products and depending on what you would like with the cycle will make the choice for you. If you want to gain additional weight the M1D is the best choice. If you would prefer strength with less weight gain then the Epi-Andro is the perfect choice.


New member
I am only going to cycle for 4 weeks and do two doses a day since this is my first cycle. Will I still see some results with it being my first cycle and doing lower doses? I don't want to overdo it on my first one since I am ultimately experimenting with PH for the first time.

Week 1 - 4: 1-Androstenolone, 3ml 2x a day (Morning/Evening)
Week 5- 8: Form XT, 2ml 2x a day (Morning/Evening)

I will also be using L-Carnitine on my workout days of this cycle as well. (4-5x a week.)


That would be fine. I would not rule out running it longer. I would suggest planning on the four weeks but keeping an open mind about extending it once you see how you respond. Evaluate around week three and if you want you can extend it or simply wrap it up after four weeks.


New member
Good idea, thanks. Would I be able to safely up the dose during that too if I decide to extend the cycle? Say add 2ml during the afternoon? Or even add M1D?


I would add the M1D and follow the recommended dosing on the 1-androstenolone. IMO this will add more to the cycle than simple adding in an extra dose of 1AD.


I had absolutely no issues like back pumps on my cycle. Only solid clean gains. Enjoy bro!


New member
Bump. Anyone have experience with this? Ordered 2 bottles to stack with 17. Any info is appreciated


I can help you with any questions you have bro! Your basically doing our Cutting Andro kit, just subbing Epi for a double of 1-Andro. I've been getting a lot of great feedback on the Cutting kit.


New member
I can help you with any questions you have bro! Your basically doing our Cutting Andro kit, just subbing Epi for a double of 1-Andro. I've been getting a lot of great feedback on the Cutting kit.
First question, is can you run this while running TEST? Seems like it would be redundant, but thought I'd ask. Also, what is the conversion rate on the 1 Andro? Does it convert to TEST on a mg/ml for mg/ml basis? Or is some lost before conversion? If so, roughly how much? Also, do you expect this product to be yanked anytime soon?
Thanks again


First question, is can you run this while running TEST? Seems like it would be redundant, but thought I'd ask. Also, what is the conversion rate on the 1 Andro? Does it convert to TEST on a mg/ml for mg/ml basis? Or is some lost before conversion? If so, roughly how much? Also, do you expect this product to be yanked anytime soon?
Thanks again
Yes, you can def run 1-Andro with TEST. As, they are different hormones and stack real well together. This hormone converts to 1-testostrone not TEST, two different compounds. The conversion seems to be between 20-30%. Lastly, this product is here to stay into the forseeable future. We made sure all our products where legal under the guidelines and the new proposed guidlines. Also, they are all 100% non-liver toxic.
* Dry Prohormone
* You will see unthinkable strength gains in the gym
* 100% Safe and Legal
* Non-Liver Toxic


New member
Yes, you can def run 1-Andro with TEST. As, they are different hormones and stack real well together. This hormone converts to 1-testostrone not TEST, two different compounds. The conversion seems to be between 20-30%. Lastly, this product is here to stay into the forseeable future. We made sure all our products where legal under the guidelines and the new proposed guidlines. Also, they are all 100% non-liver toxic.
* Dry Prohormone
* You will see unthinkable strength gains in the gym
* 100% Safe and Legal
* Non-Liver Toxic
View attachment 100248
That's good to know. I was wondering if I needed to stock up on it lol. I know you can't recommend a dose, but if a user is trying to go for an additional 200 mgs of 1 Test per week, what would that equate dosage wise? In other words, how far above the recommended dose would one need to go to yield 200 mgs of 1 Test per week. Not saying I will do this, or considering that your advice. I'm just mathematically challenged and asking hypothetically. lol


It's Monday, my Math isn't very spot on either, lol. I'm sure we can get some help with this!


New member
Hello. First-time ph'r seeking advice from u guys. I seem to reach a "ceiling" when working out. I'm 43, 6', 190 & eat well. My buddy bought himself & brought me 1-andro, cycle assist & rev black pct to help this "ceiling" thing. I've read a bit here, but want to know what u guys think I should add/delete/etc. Goal=lean mass, no bloat, no sides. Any help is appreciated, as I don't wanna go at it w out experienced help. Thx n advance.


Hello. First-time ph'r seeking advice from u guys. I seem to reach a "ceiling" when working out. I'm 43, 6', 190 & eat well. My buddy bought himself & brought me 1-ad, cycle assist & rev black pct to help this "ceiling" thing. I've read a bit here, but want to know what u guys think I should add/delete/etc. Goal=lean mass, no bloat, no sides. Any help is appreciated, as I don't wanna go at it w out experienced help. Thx n advance.
Just FYI, but none of those are our products. So, I cannot really speak about them directly myself. Yet, I will say that you would needed the Cycle Assist with this stack. What I would look into and I can give you more information if you PM me, is our Trifecta stack or NEW Battle Hardener kit. With the Trifecta, you would see decent lean muscle and great strength gains (coming from the dry PH 1-Androstenolone in the kit). With the Battle Hardener kit, you will see great lean muscle gains, some strength gains and a nice hardening cut look from the 17-Proandro. Best is the kits have everything you would need for a great cycle!

Battle Hardener: https://www.lgsciences.com/product/battle_hardener/

Trifecta: http://www.lgsciences.com/product/trifectandro/



New member
Oh, i thought the 1-andro was lg science. Ill have to look again. My apologies. But thx for quick response


New member
I mistakenly put 1ad & edited. Sorry. It is 1-andro by LGS. Guess I'll check links out & figure something out. Thx again


I mistakenly put 1ad & edited. Sorry. It is 1-andro by LGS. Guess I'll check links out & figure something out. Thx again
If your looking to put on Lean Mass without bloat, and with minimal sides. I would run M1D Andro, one bottle. It's a wet PH, but has an AI in it so there is relatively no bloat and will all our products they are 100% legal and safe with no liver toxicity. 1-Andro is a dry PH that converts to DHT. The real strength to this product is the strength gains, they are killer.You can run the cycle assist with these products, although its technically not needed. It would help with any conversion to estrogen, that may give you the water weight/bloat. Certainly take the PCT after cycle, although our products are non-liver toxic. It will help you get your hormones in balance after the cycle ensuring your gains are preserved.


New member
U have been a great help! I do appreciate the timely responses & knowledge. I apologize for confusion I caused. I'll b adding m1d to the 1-andro & following your advice! Healthy lifting & living to u!


New member
Update & questions to previous post: now almost 3 wks n & strength gains have been fantastic! Being my first time w ph's, I'm amazed at the total body transformation I'm undergoing. As u can imagine, I don't want cycle to end! To my question... I've had the gains w no sides I desired & want to run next round w LGS products. What changes/different products, if any, should I incorporate once pct is complete? Thx so much for the knowledge & the body/feeling I only dreamed possible!


Update & questions to previous post: now almost 3 wks n & strength gains have been fantastic! Being my first time w ph's, I'm amazed at the total body transformation I'm undergoing. As u can imagine, I don't want cycle to end! To my question... I've had the gains w no sides I desired & want to run next round w LGS products. What changes/different products, if any, should I incorporate once pct is complete? Thx so much for the knowledge & the body/feeling I only dreamed possible!
Love hearing the great feedback. What and how much of each are you taking right now? This way we can all help you choose the next run of LG Sciences products. Look forward to hearing from you soon brother!


New member
yeah right....i stacked 1 Andro with 17 Pro - bunk. File it under the JAS category for me.....Just Another Supplement. They give you a medicine dropper so you feel like you're on something. LOL Seriously, I'm not being negative....I bought it and used it. It's pretty much like stacking water with air pills.


yeah right....i stacked 1 Andro with 17 Pro - bunk. File it under the JAS category for me.....Just Another Supplement. They give you a medicine dropper so you feel like you're on something. LOL Seriously, I'm not being negative....I bought it and used it. It's pretty much like stacking water with air pills.
We take customer opinions and concerns very seriously. That's why we have a team of in house biochemists researching & reformulating our line. Also, we offer a money back guarantee. Yet, as always there there's no magic pill that trumps being hardcore in the gym and spot on with a solid diet.If you can give us a picture of your routine, and dosing schedule you ran during cycle. I'm sure we can help get to the bottom of this. As, both products you ran are some of our top sellers & most talked about. So, I can say for certain that this isn't everyone's opinion. Hopefully, I can help redeem LG Sciences for you and get you set up with a solid cycle.


New member
I am 33 years old....5'10 185 lbs 11% BF

Bench 360
Squat 365 (never really max because of a left knee injury & I train without a spotter)
Leg Press 900

I train MT TH F
15 mins of HIIT in the am
20mins low intensity cardio post workout

Diet ~ 2000 calories

Lean Meats (Chicken Breast, steak, tuna, salmon)
Protein Powder: Six Star Whey Isolate
Complex Carbs: Sweet potato, mushrooms, broccoli etc

Hit a plateua and bought your products looking to break through. Literally got nothing from the 1 Andro and 17 pro....I'm not a teenager who doesn't know how to lift and eat either....just saw no real results from what you'd expect from a true pro-hormone. Spent like $160 buying through mindandmuscle on 2 bottles of andro and 1 of 17 pro.

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