5/11/23 - Upper Pull - Everything done with a 4 second eccentric
Warm Up = 4 sets of light but gradually increasing intensity pulldowns, super set with 4 sets of Jefferson Curls.
Wide Grip Dead Hang Pull Ups (Chest to bar) 4, 4, 4, 4 - Holy Crap these were hard! I did them with a 2-3 second dead hang at the bottom of each rep, then a 10 second hang after the last rep on each set. Getting the mid-chest up to the bar was new for me and so much harder than just getting my chin up there, and the dead hangs were getting brutal.
Assisted Pulls Ups - I did the RP's as a mechanical drop set by going from Wide pronated grip to slightly closer Neutral Grip, to Close Neutral Grip to Chin Up Grip with each set RP set.
BW-85 x13 RP. RP, RP
BW-85 x11 RP. RP, RP
BW-85 x9 RP. RP, RP
BW-85 x8 RP. RP, RP - Damn this was a touch one, but fun and challenging. Unfortunately I don't remember any of the reps on the RP sets, these were all Dead hang stretches as well.
Neutral Grip Lat Pull Downs -
140x12, RP8, RP6, RP4, RP3 - Ouch! Nice Burn, these are also done with a 2-3 second stretch at the top of each rep, 4 second negative and a solid pause at the bottom.
RP Style Bent Over Barbell Row -
45xAMRAP - These were supposed to be in the 10-15 range but I couldn't get there after blasting the rest of my back... The method is brutal and isolates the mid-back a lot more than usual. No momentum used. Pauses at top, and dead hangs at the bottom for the stretch under tension. They were so damn hard!!! When I do these from now on I will start a little lower like 75 then work my way up from there.
Machine Pull Overs - 3 Myo Rep/RP sets - 2-3 seconds in the stretched position, 1 second hold at bottom, 4 second negative
110x15-20, RP, RP, RP, RP
110x15-20, RP, RP, RP, RP
110X12-15, RP, RP, RP, RP - These were brutal. the stretch was ridiculous with these. I can't rmemeber the RP's I was too in the zone on these too.
Biceps -
RP Style Cable EZ Bar Handle Cable Curls - Arms out in front of body squeezing the elbow in and raising them further at the top with a 1-2 second squeeze at the top, and a 1-2 second stretch by flexing the triceps at the bottom.
50xRPE9, RP, RP, RP, RP
50XRPE9, RP, RP, RP, RP -Holy Mackerel BatMan! They just blew up his biceps! My biceps were toasty at the end of this. Also my chest was pumped like I had been doing high rep cable crossovers from the constant TUT of being flexed through the entire sets from trying to push my elbow together. Just intense!!!!
Biceps Brachialis and Rear Delts - 4-2-2-2 tempo - same method here, f;ex biceps at top and stretch biceps at bottom by flexing triceps for a second or two to hyper extend the elbow.
DB Drag Hammer Curls - 10x3 sets of AMRAP 20-30 reps - Jeebus! This was intense! The burn, and pump in both my arms, and my rear delts was off the chain. My rear delts looked like they were going to jump off of my shoulders.
Daily Macros -
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I was very happy with how I was looking all pumped and jacked. My back, shoulders and arms were so pumped and lots of new vascularity showing in the front of my shoulder, my arms and my calves was awesome to see! Extremities are definitely really showing the fat loss. The dent in the middle of my abs now goes all the way down to my belly button, and you can see the separation of each row of abs starting to show from the side more. Everything's coming together nicely.
5/12/23 - Morning Weight - 203 on the dot! _ @Smont you can call me Sir again!
Going to do a push session today, and eat all day today again. Since push muscles I will probably keep calories around the 2750-3000 range. No need for a lot more since the musculature trained today is the least amount of muscle mass involved outside of an arm and shoulder day.