4/8/22 - Hinge Based Session
Pre Supps = 2 Scoops of Olympus Labs Oracle
Intra Carbs - Country Time Lemonade 1 scoop, Dextrose Powder 30g - 67g total
Starmill - 6 minutes - pushed the steps down while holding myself down to create tension and wake up the lower body muscles for first 3 minutes them bumped up the intensity to 7 to really get blood flowing. I already had a leg pump by the end of this.
Abductors - 160x20 x 3 sets - I wanted to wake up the glutes more.
Banded Back Activation Work
Banded Curls - Blue Band x 50 x 2 sets
Conventional Deadlifts 135x10, 225x10, 275x8, 315x6, 365x8, back down set 315x6 - WHEW! These higher rep sets are like a crazy HIIT session! That 365x8 was hard! I would say it was about an RPE9, I knew I couldn't do another set like that, and wanted to save my lower back for the rest of the workout too.
Icaarian Super Squat (Facing In) - 4 plates x15, 6 plates x15, 8 plates, 10 plates x15, 12 plates x15 - The last set was very taxing! I could have pushed another set for 7 plates x 15 and probably gotten all reps but it would have ended the session so I moved on to something else. leave room for progressing gradually.
Roman Chair RDLs - 10, 8, 5 - I took each set to failure here.
Seated Leg Curls 70x15 x 4 sets - The last 2 sets here were very challenging. I had to pull very explosively to reach full ROM on the machine on the last 5 reps of each of them.
Cell Swelling Medial Delt
Side Raise Machine - 25x52 pause 10 seconds, 38x50 pause 10 seconds, 27x50 = 117 reps and pulses - I went until I couldn't stand the burn or get reasonable partials / pulses before stopping each set.
Rotary Torso Machine 50x25 per side x 3 sets - No rest just switching back and forth from side to side.
Total of 20 sets for Hinge and Hams not including Abs or Delt work.
Was a great session! I really enjoyed the high effort, and increasing my work capacity. I sweat quite a bit on this session as well.
4/7/23 - Morning Weight 212.6 - Not bad on a full day of eating and having milk with my last meal. We shall see how things shake out in the morning. Even if it doesn't drop much I know I am losing fat right now. So my body may be holding on to some water trying to keep me at my reset point.
I am not fasting today. I already have some minor DOMS in my glutes and wanted to get the protein started earlier today. Going to rock it Keto style today just to provide some building blocks. I already had some scrambled eggs and have 2 6 oz turkey patties with melted Pepperjack cheese on them for my other 2 meals at work. So i am prepared for the day.