Kleen - Project 50: Under Construction

when I was training for fitness comps I called my training "dynamic" in that... come Saturday/Sunday I would target things that I felt were under served during the week. for example if we squatted every damn day, I'd obviously not be doing leg work on Saturday, it would become a "pop tarts" or "vanity" day (curls, tris, etc).

since watching you and exploring these new nutritional hacks, I can say my dietary approach has become quite dynamic in the same way and I love it!
Yes Sir, you eat (or not eat) for what your acute goal is, within an overall trend toward your broader goal. The body can respond to different dietary stimulus very quickly. Taking advantage of that is a very smart thing to do! It was such a freeing thing to find out I didn't have to be tied to any dogmatic way of eating to make progress. A downfall is it can be easy to allow yourself to slide into to relaxed eating without noticing since not always on a structured plan.
Did you start re-reading Fortitude Training? I feel like Dr. Scott always makes it sound so fun.
I did not, but I really do enjoy that one. The pace is challenging, and it is definitely effective. HMMMM Now you have got me thinking. I already have a Garage version written from the last time I did it. I have a slightly different set up now but I am sure it would work. :) He is more frequency based but the program limits the volume reasonably across the week too.

Could be fun for a blast!!!

I just finished 75 minutes walking in the parking garage. It's funny just from doing this multiple times the last couple weeks my calves and soleus are growing. Every floor is a city block long and about a 15 degree incline so it adds up. I am not walking fast, but with intent.
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Yeah, there are some stims that make me feel like I am rushing to the point I feel weak. It's as horrible feeling so hoping that isn't the case here.

I already had to adapt training plan. My right shoulder is still just a little bit inflamed from the close grips last and got a bit testy toward the end of bench and couldn't get comfortable with OH Pressing. Also with as long as it took me to warm up on bench it reminded me why I was splitting up my movement patterns. It just takes me entirely too long to warm up a movement to do a bunch of them. After fiddling with bench and testing shoulder press i was already an hour in and didn't want to spend 10-15 minutes warming up to squats. I think that I need to cut back to training the movements once a week, save on warm up time, allow more time for connective tissue repair and make adjusting volume a lot simpler. Most everything i see about older trainees says a once a week is better for us old guys if pushing strength so I might as well get on board.

Anyway on to the training.

3/29/23 - Bench and Pump Work
Walk 1 Mile with Chain doing various RC work, raises presses, triceps extensions and curls with the chain.
Band RC work

Flat BB Bench - Bar x 20x 2 - 95x6, 135x6, 165x6, 185x6, 205x6, 215x6, 225x6, 235x6
- Bench never did quite feel on and right shoulder was getting unstable toward the end of 235.

Military Press - Bar x 15, Bar x 15, 65x6, 95x2 - Overhead pressing just felt like continuing was unwise.

At this point I was a little over the hour mark, and decided I simply did not want to spend 10-15 minutes warming up to working sets of squats since my lower body had cooled down completely. So I opted for some upper body pump work I knew would not bother my shoulder to add a little volume to the session.

DB Side Raise - 15 x RPE8 x 4 sets

Supinating Curls - 15 x RPE8 x 4 sets
- Biceps tendon is still sore - just trying to get blood in the area
Rope Triceps Extension 80 x RPE8 x 4 sets - Its amazing how heavy this feels on the lever system.
Have you tried Spoto press? Ive found it preserves my bench press while alleviating shoulder stress.
Same with limited ROM overhead dumbbell work - can safely progress with this movement while mitigating shoulder inflammation.
Have you tried Spoto press? Ive found it preserves my bench press while alleviating shoulder stress.
Same with limited ROM overhead dumbbell work - can safely progress with this movement while mitigating shoulder inflammation.
I will look that one up. I am lucky I can do overheads especially Arnold Press, It keeps me away from the tear in my labrum.
4/1/23 - Morning Weight - 212.8 - Weight still heading in right direction! I expect a bump tomorrow after getting in a surplus today for leg day. However I think I should be even lower by Monday morning.

Leg Day
WU = 5 challenging minutes on Stair mill

Leg Press 315x20, 405x15, 495x15, 585x15, 635x15, 675x15
- he final set was very challenging and my legs were pumped to the gills. Had me doing a little Frankenstein style walking.

Leg Adductors 130x20, 160x20, 180x15, 190x15
Leg Abductors 130x20, 160x20, 180x15, 190x15

Leg Extensions 100XRPE8, 130xRPE8, 160xRPE8, 180xFail plus pulses

Gym Closed before I could do hamstrings but all in all a great leg session. I will focus on Hamstrings more with my more posterior lower body session Thursday.
Nice-looking leg day!!! I know that Franken-walk lol
Yep. That is when you know you have done the trick for sure!
Jeez mate nice leg pressing there!
Thanks Benny! Leg press is one thing I feel pretty confident in pushing extremely hard on for hypertrophy. I would say even though I love my squats that most of my leg development has come from the leg press over the years. Even high bar or front I can not hit my quads the same way as I can in a heavier high volume leg press.

Speaking of, I was surprised yesterday when I had a touch of DOMS in my glutes and upper hamstrings even without directly hitting them. Quads have the lightest bit of DOMS now, and my back is still recovering from the last pull session. Feels really good though!

4/2/23 Morning Weight - 216 - I was 216 on the dot after big intentional surplus from leg day.

4/3/23 Morning Weight - 215 - I fasted until 6:30PM then had a couple margaritas at dinner with my cousin which ate up a lot of the deficit. Other than the margaritas the meal was low carb ( Oysters and Crawfish ). I capped the night off with a shake and some lunch meat about 8:30 and headed to bed to wind down for the night.

Today is a Burn Day, and I am going to fast all day. Take a few short walks on my breaks and a walk at lunch. Then will break my fast tomorrow morning to start fueling up for my session. Speaking of fuel for the session, I ordered some NOW Dextrose, and a large Country Time Lemonade power to mix for pre and intra-workout after talking with @Hyde about the most economical options for some peri-workout carbs. Can't wait to see some of the pumps between my higher volume sessions and the extra carbs. I got the Dextrose in yesterday and the lemonade should be at the house tonight.

I still haven't settled in on my split yet. The higher volume is feeling great right now. Considering looking up a Meadows program, giving Fortitude another run, or just coming up with something on my own, and concentrating on pushing up the main lifts, and pound volume on the rest and just have some fun working hard.
Just finished up an hour long walk on the hills by the bayou. Took the shirt off and got some Vit D while I was out there. I think I might be a little pink later today. :)

Also did 1 walk up the parking garage earlier during my break, and will do another one around 4:00. I could definitely feel the fatigue in my hams as I was walking up the ramps and the hills by the bayou.

I have been listening to The Renaissance Diet 2.0 on Audible while walking the last week. Refreshing some nutritional knowledge and getting ready to structure my diet a bit more. I wouldn't typically use an audiobook for this type of information but it has an accompanying 66 page PDF with all the tables and extra information needed to put things all together. I do wish Dr. Mike was reading it and adding in his color commentary that makes his videos more interesting but it is a good resource for sure.
Just finished up an hour long walk on the hills by the bayou. Took the shirt off and got some Vit D while I was out there. I think I might be a little pink later today. :)

Also did 1 walk up the parking garage earlier during my break, and will do another one around 4:00. I could definitely feel the fatigue in my hams as I was walking up the ramps and the hills by the bayou.

I have been listening to The Renaissance Diet 2.0 on Audible while walking the last week. Refreshing some nutritional knowledge and getting ready to structure my diet a bit more. I wouldn't typically use an audiobook for this type of information but it has an accompanying 66 page PDF with all the tables and extra information needed to put things all together. I do wish Dr. Mike was reading it and adding in his color commentary that makes his videos more interesting but it is a good resource for sure.
It’s amazing what they guy can do with podcasts and videos. He can keep you entertained and laughing then round house you with real information then go right into a porn joke.
I used to really hate the book on tape type stuff. The guys would give me a hard time for not listening to certain rock stations in Seattle cause in my opinion they stopped playing music and quite frankly I had no interest in listening to people talk at me for hours lol.

But lately the pod casts have been really a nice way for me to get some education during my super long commutes. I think Joe Rogan got me started on them during the 'rona era when he had various docs in all the time. I don't much listen to him anymore cause his pod casts are just TOO long for me, but I've listened to a lot more since then. Hubberman (you turned me on to him), Stronger by Science, Dave Tate, Layne, etc etc even a spanish one lol
It’s amazing what they guy can do with podcasts and videos. He can keep you entertained and laughing then round house you with real information then go right into a porn joke.
Yeah, he is pretty good with it. This guy is really funny and very educational as well. Invalid Link Removed
I used to really hate the book on tape type stuff. The guys would give me a hard time for not listening to certain rock stations in Seattle cause in my opinion they stopped playing music and quite frankly I had no interest in listening to people talk at me for hours lol.

But lately the pod casts have been really a nice way for me to get some education during my super long commutes. I think Joe Rogan got me started on them during the 'rona era when he had various docs in all the time. I don't much listen to him anymore cause his pod casts are just TOO long for me, but I've listened to a lot more since then. Hubberman (you turned me on to him), Stronger by Science, Dave Tate, Layne, etc etc even a spanish one lol
Yeah, I was the same for a while but now I like to use my walks for stuff like this. The reviews and the reference PDF were what sold me on it too.
Running a log on Olympus labs Oracle here Invalid Link Removed

I will still be posting in here and that will have my thoughts on the product and product related discussions.
4/4/23 - Morning Weight 211.8 - Had a good Burn day yesterday. Plenty of activity, and zero calories equals weight loss! I am about to break my fast at 10:00 AM which will be a 38 hour fast.

I brought in plenty of grub for today so I could eat multiple meals to get muscles nice and full of glycogen for todays session. I will be taking a walk during lunch again as well.
I was just thinking if we ever did an AM meetup we should have a meet and just run Wilkes scores instead of weight classes.
Got my breakfast, lunch and mid afternoon feedings in, and waiting for the wife now. She got stuck at work for a little bit. Hoping we can make it home by 6:30 so my preworkout has more time to wear off before bed. I have about 900 calories left which leaves me set for some good intra nutrition, and a post workout meal. I will be trying out the Country Time lemonade and Dextrose mix that @Hyde suggested.
I was just thinking if we ever did an AM meetup we should have a meet and just run Wilkes scores instead of weight classes.

All the cool kids are using Dots these days. I don’t understand how it differs, but it’s the current hot coefficient to help people cope with totaling less
All the cool kids are using Dots these days. I don’t understand how it differs, but it’s the current hot coefficient to help people cope with totaling less
I'm down, I'll take any advantage I can get knowing you'll squat 150-200 over me lol Invalid Link Removed
All the cool kids are using Dots these days. I don’t understand how it differs, but it’s the current hot coefficient to help people cope with totaling less
Oh then maybe I should have a look at it. ;)
I'm down, I'll take any advantage I can get knowing you'll squat 150-200 over me lol Invalid Link Removed
I wonder if the score changes if you say you weighed 192lbs and lifted 1100lbs instead of kilos. Either way you are much bigger than I thought at 192 kilos! ;)
4/4/23 - Push session and 75 minute walk on the hills by the bayou.

Pre = Oracle Pre-workout -1 scoop
Intra = Country Time Lemonade @ 1 scoop, Dextrose @ 32 grams total of 67g carbs

WU - 1 mile walking with 44lb chain doing all kinds of warm up lifts for arms shoulders and RC with the chain.
Band PAP = 3 sets of 20.

Wide Grip Flat Bench - 45x20, 95x15, 135x12, 155x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x8@RPE10 - WOW!
I was expecting a little more but the wide grip was such a different feel and stress on everything. The 185 felt very challenging from the first set. The 8th rep I really struggled to lock out and thought I might actually end up failing, lowering it and dumping the weight to the side but managed to fight through it just in time to rack it before failing.

IronTec Shoulder Press 100x15, 100x12, 100x9, 100x7 - I failed attempt at 8th rep, other sets were in the RPE9 range. Kept tempo slower on these and leaned forward pushing my chest through at the top like an overhead attempt.

Complex Set 4 rounds high effort - no rest.

Rope Triceps Extensions 70x12, 70x9, 70x7, 60x7
- Set 1 RPE9, all other sets RPE10
Strict DB Side Raises - 15x15, 15x13, 15x12, 15x11 - Set 1 RPE9, all other sets RPE10
DB Curls Alternating 1 supinating and one hammer - 15x15, 15x15, 15x15, 15x15 - Last set here was nice and hard.
Band Pull Aparts - 20, 20, 20, 20, 20

I was pretty shocked how much the RPE10 on the bench just took it out of me for the rest of the session. I expected to be able to go a bit heavier on Shoulder Press, and Rope Extensions but had to adjust and RPE9-10 came on so fast on those two it was ridiculous. Still dealing with pain in the biceps so was just trying to get some volume and additional blood flow.

Speaking of blood flow... I was pumped to the gills from this one. Lots of volume and high effort work alongside the Oracle, and intra carbs.

4/5/23 - Morning Weight 212.2 - I am only up .6lbs after a full day of eating. I will be fasting again today. I don't really want to be fasting on the weekend if I don't have to so weekdays are better.

I will get in another 60+ minute walk today. The weather is not going to hold up for me though so will either be in the parking garage or on a treadmill. I tend to prefer the garage since I can just change my shirt and take a walk, saving time for more walking rather than getting completely changed at the gym twice.
Wide Grip Flat Bench - 45x20, 95x15, 135x12, 155x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x8@RPE10 - WOW! I was expecting a little more but the wide grip was such a different feel and stress on everything. The 185 felt very challenging from the first set. The 8th rep I really struggled to lock out and thought I might actually end up failing, lowering it and dumping the weight to the side but managed to fight through it just in time to rack it before failing.

shoulders feel OK through that?
shoulders feel OK through that?
They felt odd and challenged but no pain. They took a lot of focus too! I was trying to follow some guidelines from JM Blakely regarding best bench grip which took a lot of concentration, and slow negatives. Also hoping the grip helps fill out my outer pecs to get that gorilla chest. I will say that my pecs were really feeling it though, and shoulders were just toasted afterwards.
They felt odd and challenged but no pain. They took a lot of focus too! I was trying to follow some guidelines from JM Blakely regarding best bench grip which took a lot of concentration, and slow negatives. Also hoping the grip helps fill out my outer pecs to get that gorilla chest. I will say that my pecs were really feeling it though, and shoulders were just toasted afterwards.

Remember that it has to be built up, so you doing Widegrip with those lighter rep ranges first is ideal. Louie was also big on high volume Widegrip work in the offseason when trying to hypertrophy. 6x6, 8x8, & 10x10 with wider than comp. And Louie was a tricep-bencher, but he still understood the value of all the pressing muscles getting more jacked. He said he got that from Larry Pacifico.

JM would say the same about the JM Press - you can’t go too heavy too fast on them because the tricep tendons need to be built up to handle the stress that way, despite your existing general tricep strength.
I did not, but I really do enjoy that one. The pace is challenging, and it is definitely effective. HMMMM Now you have got me thinking. I already have a Garage version written from the last time I did it. I have a slightly different set up now but I am sure it would work. :) He is more frequency based but the program limits the volume reasonably across the week too.

Could be fun for a blast!!!

I just finished 75 minutes walking in the parking garage. It's funny just from doing this multiple times the last couple weeks my calves and soleus are growing. Every floor is a city block long and about a 15 degree incline so it adds up. I am not walking fast, but with intent.
Those muscles and the tibialis anterior respond very well to high reps and that incline targets them perfectly. Also I've read studies were ppl with restless leg syndrome where they tap there foot all the time have muscles overdeveloped in that leg. There's also a study showing that repeated use of the tibialis anterior lowers fasted glucose and improves insulin sensitivity. It works so well that obese diabetic ppl can improve insulin sensitivity by just tapping there feet all day
Remember that it has to be built up, so you doing Widegrip with those lighter rep ranges first is ideal. Louie was also big on high volume Widegrip work in the offseason when trying to hypertrophy. 6x6, 8x8, & 10x10 with wider than comp. And Louie was a tricep-bencher, but he still understood the value of all the pressing muscles getting more jacked. He said he got that from Larry Pacifico.

JM would say the same about the JM Press - you can’t go too heavy too fast on them because the tricep tendons need to be built up to handle the stress that way, despite your existing general tricep strength.
WHEW! 10x10 sounds brutal with that. I would have to start at like 115-135

I just watched a video of JM discussing that very thing. I am going to give some very light JM Presses a shot since close grips are a bit too much. Hoping the shorter ROM, and punch action are a little kinder on my right shoulder.
Great training btw!

How did the carbs feel?
Thanks!!! The carbs were great! I did get a little bit of a sloshy feeling in my gut after I slammed the last part of it at the end of my workout but I drank more fluids than usual due to it tasting pretty good and it being hotter and 78% humidity. So I am attributing it to that for right now. Either way it was not a deterrent for me as far as not wanting to use them.
Those muscles and the tibialis anterior respond very well to high reps and that incline targets them perfectly. Also I've read studies were ppl with restless leg syndrome where they tap there foot all the time have muscles overdeveloped in that leg. There's also a study showing that repeated use of the tibialis anterior lowers fasted glucose and improves insulin sensitivity. It works so well that obese diabetic ppl can improve insulin sensitivity by just tapping there feet all day
My tibialis are pretty well developed, not sure why, but they have always been. I do have restless legs, can't say I have ever been diagnosed but I am always bouncing or tapping my feet. I also wake my poor wife up in the middle of the night kicking my leg like a dog scratching for fleas. It wakes me up sometimes too. I was not aware of the tie in with lowering Blood Glucose though. Maybe that is why my blood sugar tends to stay pretty low 65-80 when tested fasting.
Also I've read studies were ppl with restless leg syndrome where they tap there foot all the time have muscles overdeveloped in that leg.

reminds me of high school around age 16 when you're really discovering the gym, going twice a day and you'd be sitting in class and your pecks just start going berserk for no reason flexing and twitching lol
I remember those days after really thrashing them, getting the phantom contractions or almost rippling style tightening just shy of a cramp.
4/6/22 - Morning Weight - 211.6 - I am a little surprised not to see a bigger drop but one day last week the same thing happened and the following day my weight dropped after a full day of eating. I can see my waist tightening up though and just need to keep doing what I am doing now to make some good progress.

Today is a lower body day with more of a posterior chain focus. Going to do some Deadlifts, maybe the true Squat machine facing in, or foot high on the platform leg press, RDLs and some sort of leg curls. Just depends on what is available at the gym.

I am about to break my fast with some lowfat tuna casserole Jo made for dinner last night. We make it with a lot of extra tuna, lowfat cream of celery soup, and no yolk egg noodles. IT IS GOOD STUFF! Like I don't want to wait until later today to eat it good stuff! :)
4/6/22 - Morning Weight - 211.6 - I am a little surprised not to see a bigger drop but one day last week the same thing happened and the following day my weight dropped after a full day of eating. I can see my waist tightening up though and just need to keep doing what I am doing now to make some good progress.

When you guys first introduced me to fasting I was losing more weight than seemed reasonable in 24-36hrs but the last couple months it's been more like a half lb, maybe a lb tops. I think some of that is because I've been much better about hydrating while fasting... Maybe you are the same?
When you guys first introduced me to fasting I was losing more weight than seemed reasonable in 24-36hrs but the last couple months it's been more like a half lb, maybe a lb tops. I think some of that is because I've been much better about hydrating while fasting... Maybe you are the same?
Could be, I did buy some lite salt, and have been using that twice a day and then a gram or so of regular iodized salt a 2-3 times a day, adding that to my water intake to keep it in my body. I also think as the body gets more efficient at fat burning we don't use up as much of the stored glycogen on fasting days which means more water in the muscle too.
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I also think as the body gets more efficient at fat burning we don't use up as much of the stored glycogen on fasting days which means more water in the muscle too.

I think this is the main reason.

But I agree, staying hydrated and healthy will also prevent unnecessary swings.
4/8/22 - Hinge Based Session

Pre Supps = 2 Scoops of Olympus Labs Oracle
Intra Carbs - Country Time Lemonade 1 scoop, Dextrose Powder 30g - 67g total

Starmill - 6 minutes
- pushed the steps down while holding myself down to create tension and wake up the lower body muscles for first 3 minutes them bumped up the intensity to 7 to really get blood flowing. I already had a leg pump by the end of this.

Abductors - 160x20 x 3 sets - I wanted to wake up the glutes more.

Banded Back Activation Work
Banded Curls - Blue Band x 50 x 2 sets

Conventional Deadlifts 135x10, 225x10, 275x8, 315x6, 365x8, back down set 315x6 - WHEW!
These higher rep sets are like a crazy HIIT session! That 365x8 was hard! I would say it was about an RPE9, I knew I couldn't do another set like that, and wanted to save my lower back for the rest of the workout too.

Icaarian Super Squat (Facing In) - 4 plates x15, 6 plates x15, 8 plates, 10 plates x15, 12 plates x15 - The last set was very taxing! I could have pushed another set for 7 plates x 15 and probably gotten all reps but it would have ended the session so I moved on to something else. leave room for progressing gradually.

Roman Chair RDLs - 10, 8, 5 - I took each set to failure here.

Seated Leg Curls 70x15 x 4 sets - The last 2 sets here were very challenging. I had to pull very explosively to reach full ROM on the machine on the last 5 reps of each of them.

Cell Swelling Medial Delt
Side Raise Machine - 25x52 pause 10 seconds, 38x50 pause 10 seconds, 27x50 = 117 reps and pulses
- I went until I couldn't stand the burn or get reasonable partials / pulses before stopping each set.

Rotary Torso Machine 50x25 per side x 3 sets - No rest just switching back and forth from side to side.

Total of 20 sets for Hinge and Hams not including Abs or Delt work.

Was a great session! I really enjoyed the high effort, and increasing my work capacity. I sweat quite a bit on this session as well.


4/7/23 - Morning Weight 212.6 - Not bad on a full day of eating and having milk with my last meal. We shall see how things shake out in the morning. Even if it doesn't drop much I know I am losing fat right now. So my body may be holding on to some water trying to keep me at my reset point.

I am not fasting today. I already have some minor DOMS in my glutes and wanted to get the protein started earlier today. Going to rock it Keto style today just to provide some building blocks. I already had some scrambled eggs and have 2 6 oz turkey patties with melted Pepperjack cheese on them for my other 2 meals at work. So i am prepared for the day.
Those deadlifts! Nice workout! It’s strange on the fasting sometimes I notice the day after might change.5-1lb then the next day I can be down 4lbs then the next day I level out 2lbs from previous weight.
4/8/22 - Hinge Based Session

Pre Supps = 2 Scoops of Olympus Labs Oracle
Intra Carbs - Country Time Lemonade 1 scoop, Dextrose Powder 30g - 67g total

Starmill - 6 minutes
- pushed the steps down while holding myself down to create tension and wake up the lower body muscles for first 3 minutes them bumped up the intensity to 7 to really get blood flowing. I already had a leg pump by the end of this.

Abductors - 160x20 x 3 sets - I wanted to wake up the glutes more.

Banded Back Activation Work
Banded Curls - Blue Band x 50 x 2 sets

Conventional Deadlifts 135x10, 225x10, 275x8, 315x6, 365x8, back down set 315x6 - WHEW!
These higher rep sets are like a crazy HIIT session! That 365x8 was hard! I would say it was about an RPE9, I knew I couldn't do another set like that, and wanted to save my lower back for the rest of the workout too.

Icaarian Super Squat (Facing In) - 4 plates x15, 6 plates x15, 8 plates, 10 plates x15, 12 plates x15 - The last set was very taxing! I could have pushed another set for 7 plates x 15 and probably gotten all reps but it would have ended the session so I moved on to something else. leave room for progressing gradually.

Roman Chair RDLs - 10, 8, 5 - I took each set to failure here.

Seated Leg Curls 70x15 x 4 sets - The last 2 sets here were very challenging. I had to pull very explosively to reach full ROM on the machine on the last 5 reps of each of them.

Cell Swelling Medial Delt
Side Raise Machine - 25x52 pause 10 seconds, 38x50 pause 10 seconds, 27x50 = 117 reps and pulses
- I went until I couldn't stand the burn or get reasonable partials / pulses before stopping each set.

Rotary Torso Machine 50x25 per side x 3 sets - No rest just switching back and forth from side to side.

Total of 20 sets for Hinge and Hams not including Abs or Delt work.

Was a great session! I really enjoyed the high effort, and increasing my work capacity. I sweat quite a bit on this session as well.


4/7/23 - Morning Weight 212.6 - Not bad on a full day of eating and having milk with my last meal. We shall see how things shake out in the morning. Even if it doesn't drop much I know I am losing fat right now. So my body may be holding on to some water trying to keep me at my reset point.

I am not fasting today. I already have some minor DOMS in my glutes and wanted to get the protein started earlier today. Going to rock it Keto style today just to provide some building blocks. I already had some scrambled eggs and have 2 6 oz turkey patties with melted Pepperjack cheese on them for my other 2 meals at work. So i am prepared for the day.
Jeez mate, that is a pretty brutal looking leg session! Nice work!!!!
Those deadlifts! Nice workout! It’s strange on the fasting sometimes I notice the day after might change.5-1lb then the next day I can be down 4lbs then the next day I level out 2lbs from previous weight.
Thanks! Yeah, that is normally due to varying water retention levels and glycogen depletion. The body does some amazing things, doesn't it?
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4/8/22 - Hinge Based Session

Pre Supps = 2 Scoops of Olympus Labs Oracle
Intra Carbs - Country Time Lemonade 1 scoop, Dextrose Powder 30g - 67g total

Starmill - 6 minutes
- pushed the steps down while holding myself down to create tension and wake up the lower body muscles for first 3 minutes them bumped up the intensity to 7 to really get blood flowing. I already had a leg pump by the end of this.

Abductors - 160x20 x 3 sets - I wanted to wake up the glutes more.

Banded Back Activation Work
Banded Curls - Blue Band x 50 x 2 sets

Conventional Deadlifts 135x10, 225x10, 275x8, 315x6, 365x8, back down set 315x6 - WHEW!
These higher rep sets are like a crazy HIIT session! That 365x8 was hard! I would say it was about an RPE9, I knew I couldn't do another set like that, and wanted to save my lower back for the rest of the workout too.

Icaarian Super Squat (Facing In) - 4 plates x15, 6 plates x15, 8 plates, 10 plates x15, 12 plates x15 - The last set was very taxing! I could have pushed another set for 7 plates x 15 and probably gotten all reps but it would have ended the session so I moved on to something else. leave room for progressing gradually.

Roman Chair RDLs - 10, 8, 5 - I took each set to failure here.

Seated Leg Curls 70x15 x 4 sets - The last 2 sets here were very challenging. I had to pull very explosively to reach full ROM on the machine on the last 5 reps of each of them.

Cell Swelling Medial Delt
Side Raise Machine - 25x52 pause 10 seconds, 38x50 pause 10 seconds, 27x50 = 117 reps and pulses
- I went until I couldn't stand the burn or get reasonable partials / pulses before stopping each set.

Rotary Torso Machine 50x25 per side x 3 sets - No rest just switching back and forth from side to side.

Total of 20 sets for Hinge and Hams not including Abs or Delt work.

Was a great session! I really enjoyed the high effort, and increasing my work capacity. I sweat quite a bit on this session as well.


4/7/23 - Morning Weight 212.6 - Not bad on a full day of eating and having milk with my last meal. We shall see how things shake out in the morning. Even if it doesn't drop much I know I am losing fat right now. So my body may be holding on to some water trying to keep me at my reset point.

I am not fasting today. I already have some minor DOMS in my glutes and wanted to get the protein started earlier today. Going to rock it Keto style today just to provide some building blocks. I already had some scrambled eggs and have 2 6 oz turkey patties with melted Pepperjack cheese on them for my other 2 meals at work. So i am prepared for the day.
Putting in some nice work…. I bet those legs were blasted, and you definitely worked up a good sweat.💪
Putting in some nice work…. I bet those legs were blasted, and you definitely worked up a good sweat.
Thanks! It was a great workout, and whooped my legs ass!
Enjoy your Easter, and time with your family !!
4/8/23 - Morning Weight - 212.3

Pre -Workout = 2 scoops Olympus Labs Oracle -
Had this just before we left for the gym was about 30 minutes before we got there.

Upper Body - Went full Upper body with my cousin.

Warm Up 10 minutes Elliptical

HS Dorian Rows - 2 warm ups, 4 work sets @ RPE9-10

Chest Press - 2 warm ups, 4 work sets @ RPE9-10

Assisted Pull Ups - 4 work sets @ RPE9-10

Shoulder Press - 4 work sets @ RPE9-10

Super Set - 3 work sets @ RPE9-10
Side Raise Machine
Preacher Curl
Seated Triceps Ext

Reverse Fly Machine - 2 sets to failure and pulses for cell swelling effect

Workout summary -
My cousin and I started feeding off of one another and taking sets nice and deep. I used most of the same weights as him and just repped them out. Most of my starting work sets were in 15 rep range give or take a rep or two, and dropped each set into the 12-8 rep range. It was just a really fun and intense workout and I was massively pumped!

After we lifted we went to his neighbors crawfish boil, and we had a few drinks, Ranch Water - It's Tequila, Lime juice and Topo Chico, good and probably as low calorie a drink I could find beside strait liquor. I kept my eating and calories pretty decent for the day.

It started out overcast and then when we went back to his house we sat on the balcony and just looked over the bay as it started to clear up. Such a beautiful and peaceful view. Next time I go I will have to remember to take a picture to share with you all.
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4/8/23 - Morning Weight - 212.3

Pre -Workout = 2 scoops Olympus Labs Oracle -
Had this just before we left for the gym was about 30 minutes before we got there.

Upper Body - Went full Upper body with my cousin.

Warm Up 10 minutes Elliptical

HS Dorian Rows - 2 warm ups, 4 work sets @ RPE9-10

Chest Press - 2 warm ups, 4 work sets @ RPE9-10

Assisted Pull Ups - 4 work sets @ RPE9-10

Shoulder Press - 4 work sets @ RPE9-10

Super Set - 3 work sets @ RPE9-10
Side Raise Machine
Preacher Curl
Seated Triceps Ext

Reverse Fly Machine - 2 sets to failure and pulses for cell swelling effect

Workout summary -
My cousin and I started feeding off of one another and taking sets nice and deep. I used most of the same weights as him and just repped them out. Most of my starting work sets were in 15 rep range give or take a rep or two, and dropped each set into the 12-8 rep range. It was just a really fun and intense workout and I was massively pumped!

After we lifted we went to his neighbors crawfish boil, and we had a few drinks, Ranch Water - It's Tequila, Lime juice and Tope Chico, good and probably as low calorie a drink I could find beside strait liquor. I kept my eating and calories pretty decent for the day.

It started out overcast and then when we went back to his house we sat on the balcony and just looked over the bay as it started to clear up. Such a beautiful and peaceful view. Next time I go I will have to remember to take a picture to share with you all.
A good workout and relaxing afterwards, that's a great day !!
A good workout and relaxing afterwards, that's a great day !!
Thank you Sir!

4/9/23 - Morning Weight 213.4 - I forgot to add this to yesterdays entry.

4/10/23 - 213 on the dot. I expected a bigger drop than this from yesterday. I only had one meal yesterday and that was 11.5 oz 93/7 ground sirloin and 1 serving of tater tots which only has 14g of carbs. I may also be retaining a little more water with the increased testosterone, or even increased glycogen storage.

I am fasting today so I expect a bigger drop tomorrow fasting after a low carb day should very likely deplete me a bit. Just to make sure water intake is on point I will be adding salt to 4 bottles of water and making a point to finish them throughout the day on top of any Topo Chico I drink. I have been limiting myself to one of my Yeti's of coffee a day to increase water intake as well.

I intend to take my walk outside today since it is supposed to be a nice temp and some winds. Take the shirt off and get a little natural Vit D production. Like many others here I am still a little uncomfortable when I get looked at with my shirt off right now. I can't wait until I feel like they are looking at me because I look impressive. Right now I feel like it is more like why is that guy trying to show off when he ain't in that great of shape. However screw them if that is the case. I put my sun therapy and natural vitamin D as a priority over their opinions. Plus I don't look like a slob just not up to my aesthetic standards. More like a Gorilla who has been fed a little to well.
Thank you Sir!

4/9/23 - Morning Weight 213.4 - I forgot to add this to yesterdays entry.

4/10/23 - 213 on the dot. I expected a bigger drop than this from yesterday. I only had one meal yesterday and that was 11.5 oz 93/7 ground sirloin and 1 serving of tater tots which only has 14g of carbs. I may also be retaining a little more water with the increased testosterone, or even increased glycogen storage.

I am fasting today so I expect a bigger drop tomorrow fasting after a low carb day should very likely deplete me a bit. Just to make sure water intake is on point I will be adding salt to 4 bottles of water and making a point to finish them throughout the day on top of any Topo Chico I drink. I have been limiting myself to one of my Yeti's of coffee a day to increase water intake as well.

I intend to take my walk outside today since it is supposed to be a nice temp and some winds. Take the shirt off and get a little natural Vit D production. Like many others here I am still a little uncomfortable when I get looked at with my shirt off right now. I can't wait until I feel like they are looking at me because I look impressive. Right now I feel like it is more like why is that guy trying to show off when he ain't in that great of shape. However screw them if that is the case. I put my sun therapy and natural vitamin D as a priority over their opinions. Plus I don't look like a slob just not up to my aesthetic standards. More like a Gorilla who has been fed a little to well.
I am too self conscious to go out in public without a shirt !
Where is your cousin located?

I used to worry about what people thought, but I just decided their opinions weren’t as important as my happiness and health. I don’t need to let insecurities stop me from living well. If I feel better getting the sun and the tan, that’s most important.

It’s also not like anyone has ever told me they were offended even once; for all I know some old gal looking out her window may be enjoying the show! You could be making the world a better place, same as yoga pants