Is there a consensus on best thermogenic/weight loss/cutting supp?


So looking for the best out there to help me. Of course I understand that diet is king, mine is dialed in sometimes, sometimes not.

I have been trying vital alchemy naturally shredded. It’s been ok.

is there a latest and greatest?



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So looking for the best out there to help me. Of course I understand that diet is king, mine is dialed in sometimes, sometimes not.

I have been trying vital alchemy naturally shredded. It’s been ok.

is there a latest and greatest?

I'm the same way - my diet is better sometimes than it is at others, but the best we can do is the best we can do. I try to find a balance between dieting the best I can and maintaining my sanity haha. Plus, my daughter has high functioning Autism and loves to bake and for me, her happiness when I try the things she makes on the weekends is worth me not being perfect on my diet personally.

When it comes to fat loss products, the latest and greatest isn't always the best.

For example, for stimulant free, Thermo Scorch and LipoVantage are newer than Lean Edge, but I don't think they're better. They're great, and they make for a great stack with Lean Edge, but Lean Edge is my overall favorite because it targets fat loss from so many different angles.

For example, if you respond great to MitoBurn, you may get better results off Thermo Scorch or LipoVantage than Lean Edge. If you have super high cortisol or are a hyper responder to Reduce XT like some people are, you may get better results from Reduce XT than Lean Edge. BUT, without knowing those things, then Lean Edge targets fat loss from more angles than any other fat loss product that I know of.

When you say best, not sure if you're familiar with Stack3d, the industry news site, but Lean Edge has been the #1 ranked fat burner on Stack3d for over 2 years.

(Lean Edge is actually OOS almost everywhere at the moment, but should be back in stock in about a week).

For stimulant based fat loss products, we just launched the new version of Thermagize XT and we had had some people try it before launch. You can read about the product and their feedback in this thread:



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I ran a stack of Inhibit-P, Inhibit-E, and Reduce XT. While not really a fatloss stack per se, it worked amazingly well for me and had me feeling great. Great libido and was able to keep my strength while doing heavy cardio. I lost a solid 30 pounds and hardened up nicely. I am very much looking forward to running that again. I've not yet tried Lean Edge and the other SNS/CEL/MA fat loss products, (I certainly will and am looking forward to it) I did try LipoVantage and it worked very well for me as well while not even doing any cardio. I lost a solid 5 pounds. I imagine if I would have done cardio and whatnot I could have potentially doubled that amount. It really kept cravings at bay and kept me feeling full. I found that for me it worked best taking all 3 pills at once during whatever time of day you struggle with self control.


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Train consistently, eat clean and add in some glucovantage/Dihydroberberine , 7 OXO and Supress C Id think that should help you. It’s helping me. Adding in the Glucovantage has been the biggest change for me it really is some amazing stuff


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Train consistently, eat clean and add in some glucovantage/Dihydroberberine , 7 OXO and Supress C Id think that should help you. It’s helping me. Adding in the Glucovantage has been the biggest change for me it really is some amazing stuff
I'm glad that you like GlucoVantage XT.

Suppress-C is an excellent product.

For 7-OXO, you're using XPG FL7, correct? That's what I was thinking, but I wanted to be sure. I like td 7-OXO much better than oral.


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Train consistently, eat clean and add in some glucovantage/Dihydroberberine , 7 OXO and Supress C Id think that should help you. It’s helping me. Adding in the Glucovantage has been the biggest change for me it really is some amazing stuff
Glucovantage-xt has been a huge game changer for me as well. Absolutely amazing product. It's one of my core supplements now. 👍


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I'm glad that you like GlucoVantage XT.

Suppress-C is an excellent product.

For 7-OXO, you're using XPG FL7, correct? That's what I was thinking, but I wanted to be sure. I like td 7-OXO much better than oral.
In terms of fat loss which is better….Gylcophase or GlucoVantage?


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In terms of fat loss which is better….Gylcophase or GlucoVantage?
GlucoVantage XT is Dihydroberberine, Cinnamon Bark Extract, and Bioperine and is great for fat loss, helping control blood sugar, and has a lot of healthy aging and longevity properties.

GlycoPhase is a GDA that can be used for helping to lose fat, build muscle, nutrient partitioning, etc.

I take 2 capsules of GlucoVantage XT per day every day for blood sugar control and healthy aging and longevity properties.

When I'm not on low carb, and I rarely am bc I don't feel good on low carbs, I use GlycoPhase with it bc it helps with muscle and fat loss and with nutrient partitioning.

In a hypothetical scenario for fat loss where I was forced to choose one or the other, I would say it depends on the individuals diet.

If low carb, I would probably go with GlucoVantage XT. I
f moderate to high carb, I would go with GlycoPhase.
If going for straight fat loss, I'd probably go with GlucoVantage XT.
If going for building muscle and losing fat, I'd probably go with GlycoPhase.

I think that there is definite benefit to taking them both together. For baseline health purposes, people could use 1 or 2 GlucoVantage XT per day.


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I'm glad that you like GlucoVantage XT.

Suppress-C is an excellent product.

For 7-OXO, you're using XPG FL7, correct? That's what I was thinking, but I wanted to be sure. I like td 7-OXO much better than oral.
Yes I’m using the XPG version FL7 I like it a lot I really like topicals man. My wife is using the XPG carnitine and suppress c. She been working it again and eating clean and it 100% is helping her as well. The FL7 stuff is legit man


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GlucoVantage XT is Dihydroberberine, Cinnamon Bark Extract, and Bioperine and is great for fat loss, helping control blood sugar, and has a lot of healthy aging and longevity properties.

GlycoPhase is a GDA that can be used for helping to lose fat, build muscle, nutrient partitioning, etc.

I take 2 capsules of GlucoVantage XT per day every day for blood sugar control and healthy aging and longevity properties.

When I'm not on low carb, and I rarely am bc I don't feel good on low carbs, I use GlycoPhase with it bc it helps with muscle and fat loss and with nutrient partitioning.

In a hypothetical scenario for fat loss where I was forced to choose one or the other, I would say it depends on the individuals diet.

If low carb, I would probably go with GlucoVantage XT. I
f moderate to high carb, I would go with GlycoPhase.
If going for straight fat loss, I'd probably go with GlucoVantage XT.
If going for building muscle and losing fat, I'd probably go with GlycoPhase.

I think that there is definite benefit to taking them both together. For baseline health purposes, people could use 1 or 2 GlucoVantage XT per day.
So is Glycophase considered a pre workout? When is the best ideal time to take it ?


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Glucovantage-xt has been a huge game changer for me as well. Absolutely amazing product. It's one of my core supplements now. 👍
Yes I have decided I am going to stay on it fairly normally man. I actually just grabbed my wife a bottle. I heard a lot about it bro and never gave it a chance til recently , I was scarfing down carbs a little too much and my Blood sugars went up alot , so my Dr recommended cutting back on carbs. I indeed did so en found out about Glucovantage. Was like fk it let’s give it a go it’s a few weeks now and I’m leaning out nicely keeping strength. This stuff is a very nice supplement. I’d actually say it’s as legit as creatine. Not many supps I take that I can immediately realize they work This sht works man


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So is Glycophase considered a pre workout? When is the best ideal time to take it ?
I don't really think of it as a pre-workout, but it can be taken pre-workout if you have a high carb meal pre-workout.

When a lot of people think of pre-workouts, they think of pumps and GlycoPhase definitely delivers great pumps and all day muscle fullness. Most people that use it feel like their muscles are much fuller throughout the day whether its a workout day or not, so that's a cool benefit of it.

It really shines when it comes to nutrient partitioning and its what a GDA really should be in the sense that it helps make your carbs work for you and not against you.

Most people do 2 capsules twice per day with their highest carb meals. Some people that do lower or more moderate carbs consistently - like 30 grams 4x per day will do 1 with each meal. I normally do 2 and 2 myself, but have done 1,1, and 2 when I was being super strict with my diet.


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All the above are good but for me it would be the ingredient- Ursolic Acid. XPG's - Ursa Gel and Apex Alchemy's Ursa Major are both excellent products. Nothing and I mean nothing has transformed my body like Ursolic Acid. It's a little pricey but well worth it as I try to stay away from stimulants the older I get.


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Some good alpha yo works wonders in a fasted state : both helps with fatloss and energy for hours.
Can be stacked with other stimulants.
Important you find the right dosage that works for you.... it's counterproductive if you skyrocket your BP and need cut your workout /cardio session in half.

I have no side effect compared to normal Yohimbine... Alpha Yo actually lower slightly my blood pressure at the right dose and best sideffect makes my bedroom session more intense.

3 mg of Gorilla Mind Rauwolscine works best for me.
Even as mainstrean as f..... Nutrex Lipo 6 hardcore works wonders for me . ( i just hate they put 300 mg caffeine in a single pill.... but quality of the alpha yo is great ) .

Right now i'm also trying products containing L-Baiba / Mitoburn... though my verdict is still pending.
Not huge fan of GBB ... i already sweat on my own a lot in summer and it cuts my endurance.

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