Intra-workout... Do you need carbs?


I agree. Dorian said many a times that he can't train longer or more frequently than he does due to the intensity he uses
for the educated who knows what this word intensity means, I do not have to explain it
and then, there's fightnews.... :rolleyes:

It's definitely not to long especially if you are doing cardio or skill training and your intra workout nutrition is on point.
did you even stop to read what this thread is all about? :lol: no I'm sure you did not....

Guy I originally responded to said "most guys who are in the gym for say 2hrs or so, are in there wayyyy too long and have no business being in there even close to that amount of time.."
your asinine assumptions are really rather amusing (or irritating, depending on how long one has been reading your posts).....and then, you have the nerve to tell someone else not to make assumptions?
you are a piece of work, for sure

generically speaking - there are not many ppl who are in the gym training for 2 hrs, who NEED to be in there that long
the fact that you cannot decipher this nor understand what I am talking about, shows me you indeed are one of those ppl I refer to....

Some people just assume nobody knows anything but them, everyone's a beginner and idiot, and nobody should train above the level they do.
fascinating with the continued asinine assumptions.....holy wow
did I ever say no one should train above "x amount" of time? no
have i said no one should train longer than I do? no ... you're reading and basic comprehension skills are horrid

for the record, I train for about an hour max, and have for many yrs
there is no way I could train for 2x as long as I do now, at the same intensity level I train at and have trained at, for yrs....
and how has that been working out for me? ;)

I also been training for almost 30yrs - how much do you think I have seen thruout my time in gyms, watching how other ppl go about their business?
the idiots who do exactly what I speak of, perform a set, then spend 5-10min around "the guys" running their mouths about the football game, or the girl over there in the corner in tights...or just the simple function of NOT knowing how to perform proper loads for training (let alone proper execution of those exercises to begin with...)
I think I've seen enough to warrant that I have a pretty good grip on what I speak of, and the generalities I state are quite on point

perhaps when you grow up and become an adult, you will grasp what I mean
your childishness is incredibly old, your attempts to stir up drama and cause arguments just for the sake of arguing is quite pathetic, and everyone (yes now even the new guy here) who knows anything about your posts, conclude what a moron you really are

go take a break, and put things in perspective a little bit
you are tiresome


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I average 2 hours. No cardio or conditioning. I leave that to a separate session where I finish with forearms and grip accessories work. Just have to bang them out. I would like to split them into 2 a days but scheduling does not allow for this, so I just have to wake up and get to the gym shortly after they open every morning and get the whole thing out of the way first thing.

Needless to say, I rely on peri-workout nutrition because doing these morning sessions, I don't have the time or stomach for much solid food.
Good point, thats another thing that can easily add time at the gym without being "wayyy to much" Stretching and accessory work.


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and whatever did ppl do before this relatively new compound was available? :think:
ppl seem to forget WMS, or Karbolyn, or many other designer carb sources that are perfectly sufficient to use intra-training and have never had much feedback about "disturbing the gut" or "cramping", all because there's a shiny new toy out there on the playground now.... :rolleyes:

but I suppose I will expound on this thread a bit more
the answer to your question OP
is ...... there is no answer, on the generic question you pose
one needs to dig a little further, to see what best suits him/her and what other parameters might affect this answer

breezy comes closest to the mark in his post earlier, but i'll carry it a bit further..
whether or not you need carbs intra will depend on more than a few factors, in addition to what kind of "trainer" you are (ie - newb, intermediate, advanced etc) as well as individual goals (ie - training for general health/fitness, training for performance, training for gains, cutting, bulking, etc etc)

1) do you practice solid & fastidious preWO and postWO nutrition?
if so, then the importance or advantage of any intraWO nutrition is negligible (if not potentially even detrimental to goals such as weight loss/body comp etc)

2) what does the rest of your daily nutritional intake look like?

3) how long are you in the gym? actually, let's be very clear about this: most guys who are in the gym for say 2hrs or so, are in there wayyyy too long and have no business being in there even close to that amount of time....this would expose a deficit in knowledge of how to train/conduct your training session to begin with, as far as rest periods/intensity levels/etc etc
if you do train for a longer period of time, and that training is done correctly and not just intermittent sets every 10min or so (while you stand around talking the rest of the time), then yes intraWO carbs may indeed be suitable for you..

so again, summarization: length of training session, as well as intensity, overall workload, experience factor, peri-nutrition strategy and protocol, daily nutrition factors -- all will play a huge part in determining whether or not this practice is suitable for you

this sport is not a cookie-cutter endeavor - thus, there are very, VERY few generalizations that can be made with regard to protocols and all-encompassing standards of employing them
Oh well thank you so much for taking the time to grace up with your blessed opinion. Waxy maize starch is terrible, HBCD is the real deal and far superior.


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Lo fuking L, Tell that to any world class or olympic athlete and watch them laugh at you, ive stayed at the lake placid olympic training center, I've been in professional training camps, ive seen how true athletes train. if you think 2 measly hours is too much training have fun being mediocre at everything in life.
Must have differing views on what "most guys.." means.


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Lo fuking L, Tell that to any world class or olympic athlete and watch them laugh at you, ive stayed at the lake placid olympic training center, I've been in professional training camps, ive seen how true athletes train. if you think 2 measly hours is too much training have fun being mediocre at everything in life.
Snag's physique speaks volumes for his level of knowledge. Before you laugh at him, go check his log and see that had he started gear at a early age like many pros, I bet he would be there amongst them.


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You're the one that we should be LOLing at. So just because you've been to Lake Placid and been in professional training camps, we mere mortals should all train two hours plus or we will remain mediocre? You're theory is flawed. We can punch holes through this all day long.

Let's see:

1) We ARE mediocre. If we weren't, we would be at these said Olympic and professional training camps you've been too. We'd be competing at the Olympic and professional level. So just because a superhuman athlete trains two hours doesn't mean I should. Case in point, Dean Karnazes. You've probably never heard of him, but you can google him. He ran 50 marathons in 50 straight days. Scientists and doctors were amazed to learn that his body was able to learn to repair faster after each marathon. The kicker, he's like one of the only people in the world that has the genetic capability to do this. So why would anyone attempt to train and race like him when they clearly don't have that genetic potential.

2) World class Olympic/professional athletes live in a completely different world. Coaches, personal chefs or dining halls, free supplements, and sometimes PEDs too. Also, they have schedules that include rest and naps. They don't slave away for THE MAN from 9-5. They don't have to mow lawns and fix pipes that burst in the middle of the night. So they can in fact afford to train for two hours plus because they can afford to rest a lot too. I once interviewed Sarah Haskins, US Olympic Triathlete, for a magazine article. She slept 8 hours a night, trained in the morning, ate breakfast, took it easy for an hour, trained again, ate, took a nap, trained again, ate, and then went to bed. Let me get to the point, her whole day revolved around training, eating and resting. How many people on here can afford to do that? Probably not as many as you think. I know my boss would kill me if I left for lunch to train, came back to my desk and ate lunch and then checked out for an hour nap. Not gonna happen.

So snagency is right. And you are wrong. We mere mortals can't expect or attempt to train like world class athletes. If we do, we will remain mediocre at best.
A lot more athletes than you think use PEDs. Lance Armstrong never popped a drug test because he and his team were smart. Just because someone doesn't pop doesnt mean they dont use ;)

I agree with the rest though :D


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for the educated who knows what this word intensity means, I do not have to explain it
and then, there's fightnews.... :rolleyes:

did you even stop to read what this thread is all about? :lol: no I'm sure you did not....

your asinine assumptions are really rather amusing (or irritating, depending on how long one has been reading your posts).....and then, you have the nerve to tell someone else not to make assumptions?
you are a piece of work, for sure

generically speaking - there are not many ppl who are in the gym training for 2 hrs, who NEED to be in there that long
the fact that you cannot decipher this nor understand what I am talking about, shows me you indeed are one of those ppl I refer to....

fascinating with the continued asinine assumptions.....holy wow
did I ever say no one should train above "x amount" of time? no
have i said no one should train longer than I do? no ... you're reading and basic comprehension skills are horrid

for the record, I train for about an hour max, and have for many yrs
there is no way I could train for 2x as long as I do now, at the same intensity level I train at and have trained at, for yrs....
and how has that been working out for me? ;)

I also been training for almost 30yrs - how much do you think I have seen thruout my time in gyms, watching how other ppl go about their business?
the idiots who do exactly what I speak of, perform a set, then spend 5-10min around "the guys" running their mouths about the football game, or the girl over there in the corner in tights...or just the simple function of NOT knowing how to perform proper loads for training (let alone proper execution of those exercises to begin with...)
I think I've seen enough to warrant that I have a pretty good grip on what I speak of, and the generalities I state are quite on point

perhaps when you grow up and become an adult, you will grasp what I mean
your childishness is incredibly old, your attempts to stir up drama and cause arguments just for the sake of arguing is quite pathetic, and everyone (yes now even the new guy here) who knows anything about your posts, conclude what a moron you really are

go take a break, and put things in perspective a little bit
you are tiresome
Absolutely this.

I sued to be one of those guys who would spend 2 hours in the gym, despite the intensity (relative) dropping considerably. All my exercises in the latter half of my workout were done half-heartedly because I literally had zero left in the tank after busting my balls for the first half.

I now drop my overall volume, increase frequency and intensity and the gains have been far better than they ever were with long training sessions at less intensity.


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The "sometimes" was a poor attempt at sarcasm on my part. In my past life, I sold PEDs to NCAA athletes, so I am well aware of the gaping loopholes in competition testing. I'll work on adding more sarcasm next time tho!
Text sarcasm never comes across well lol.


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You're absolutely right! I'm gonna chalk this up to being a newbie!
Adding in an :eyeroll: and using ' ' around the word(s) or phrase you aren't really meaning are 2 good indicators of sarcasm, just a PSA :)


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Absolutely this.

I sued to be one of those guys who would spend 2 hours in the gym, despite the intensity (relative) dropping considerably. All my exercises in the latter half of my workout were done half-heartedly because I literally had zero left in the tank after busting my balls for the first half.

I now drop my overall volume, increase frequency and intensity and the gains have been far better than they ever were with long training sessions at less intensity.
i wouldn't suggest lifting weights for 2 hours but there's more to do in the gym besides just lifting, for example my gym has a boxing gym in it, a basketball court, people do cardio, stretching, mobility work ect ect
LG Sciences

LG Sciences

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If the answer is "yes" you should only be using dextrose intra workout.


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kiss got me hooked even when i run out i use a 20oz gatorade intra lolol its like a must now.


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Man, it is incredible how much this whole intra workout intake baloney is blowing up now. Weird that anyone made gains until now by not taking it.


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Man, it is incredible how much this whole intra workout intake baloney is blowing up now. Weird that anyone made gains until now by not taking it.
People have been drinking sports drinks for a long long long time intra workout (aka, sugar water). At minimum, it provides an energy source that is quickly taken up and utilized.


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I didn't call the concept baloney, I called the new hype surrounding it baloney. Even though I do believe the concept to be baloney.


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Man, it is incredible how much this whole intra workout intake baloney is blowing up now. Weird that anyone made gains until now by not taking it.


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I didn't call the concept baloney, I called the new hype surrounding it baloney. Even though I do believe the concept to be baloney.
lols! Reps for the delivery of this comment. No beating around the bush here.

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