If you *have* to drink alcohol on an oral PH cycle?


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Hi folks.
I say have as obviously no one HAS to drink alcohol but let me explain - it's my younger brother's wedding this Sunday and I am doing a speech so I'm already nervous as f*** about it... It is pretty inevitable I will need some beers or wedding wine to get through it. Other than this I have been alcohol -free through this cycle.

I am currently about 4.5 weeks into a 6 week cycle of 75mg Halodrol and 450mg Androtest

Halodrol is methylated... So I'm wondering for Sunday and having beers or wine should I:
1. change nothing, 1 day of alcohol will be alright
2. Don't take Halodrol on Sunday, just the Androtest (non-methylated) and back to taking both on Monday
3. Finish the cycle early like today... Which I would rather not do because it's been going fairly well so far.

Thanks for your thoughts


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Keep everything the same but stop drinking early in the night and hydrate as much as possible, you will be fine. If you do that every weekend you will run into issues
Makes sense, thanks Dblock


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Go live your life and make no special adjustments, dont drink yourself into the toilet bowl, stay somewhat coherent and when its over its over. The internet has made ppl believe that taking something methylated will make your liver fall out and If you drink on it go die 🤦‍♂️.

Do you know how many middle aged Women take Ibuprofen in tylenol daily and drink a bottle of wine nightly.

That dosent mean drinking on steroids is ok. But sometimes its ok. Just dont make a habit of it


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Go live your life and make no special adjustments, dont drink yourself into the toilet bowl, stay somewhat coherent and when its over its over. The internet has made ppl believe that taking something methylated will make your liver fall out and If you drink on it go die 🤦‍♂️.

Do you know how many middle aged Women take Ibuprofen in tylenol daily and drink a bottle of wine nightly.

That dosent mean drinking on steroids is ok. But sometimes its ok. Just dont make a habit of it
Cheers yea I do wonder how much worse they really are than alcohol or painkillers.. but I try to respect it as it's not like I havent also put a lot of alcohol through my liver over the years, and a motorbike crash in 2018 means I've had regular codeine/paracetamol since then too... Though as little of it as possible when I'm on ph.
I'm probably not a great friend to my liver but I try not to be it's worst enemy 😄


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Cheers yea I do wonder how much worse they really are than alcohol or painkillers.. but I try to respect it as it's not like I havent also put a lot of alcohol through my liver over the years, and a motorbike crash in 2018 means I've had regular codeine/paracetamol since then too... Though as little of it as possible when I'm on ph.
I'm probably not a great friend to my liver but I try not to be it's worst enemy 😄
There not worse, not even close. The liver bullshit with oral steroids is greatly exaggerated. If You ate an entire bottle of 60 dbol, Nothing serious would happen. If you took a bttl Of 60 tylenol you'd be dead, No question about it.


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Go live your life and make no special adjustments, dont drink yourself into the toilet bowl, stay somewhat coherent and when its over its over. The internet has made ppl believe that taking something methylated will make your liver fall out and If you drink on it go die 🤦‍♂️.

Do you know how many middle aged Women take Ibuprofen in tylenol daily and drink a bottle of wine nightly.

That dosent mean drinking on steroids is ok. But sometimes its ok. Just dont make a habit of it


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Are you running any liver support supplements? I'm assuming you are?

I personally would take NAC + Tudca a few hours before drinking and the following day after alcohol. (Don't take them during)

For me personally. I've used epistane (Which is methylated) before without tudca and noticed a big liver enzymes increase. I then ran it with Tudca and my liver enzymes were very low.

I think Tudca is the best liver support supplement you can take. Has many benefits.

Also. Go and live your life. This is probably a one time event. One day of alcohol will do nothing serious. Maybe just limit it and not get to the point your barely able to stand.

I recently went on holiday for 2 weeks and had alcohol every single day. I wouldn't restrict my life just to completely regret it as I get old and unable to do these sort of trips. Go and enjoy yourself. I came back from that holiday with insane bloat and muscle loss (I never trained also). A month later I looked better than before I went on holiday and my bloodwork was perfect. Just a temporary effect.

Have alcohol. Have all the food you want and just relax. Your body will be back to baseline in a few days.


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Are you running any liver support supplements? I'm assuming you are?

I personally would take NAC + Tudca a few hours before drinking and the following day after alcohol. (Don't take them during)

For me personally. I've used epistane (Which is methylated) before without tudca and noticed a big liver enzymes increase. I then ran it with Tudca and my liver enzymes were very low.

I think Tudca is the best liver support supplement you can take. Has many benefits.

Also. Go and live your life. This is probably a one time event. One day of alcohol will do nothing serious. Maybe just limit it and not get to the point your barely able to stand.

I recently went on holiday for 2 weeks and had alcohol every single day. I wouldn't restrict my life just to completely regret it as I get old and unable to do these sort of trips. Go and enjoy yourself. I came back from that holiday with insane bloat and muscle loss (I never trained also). A month later I looked better than before I went on holiday and my bloodwork was perfect. Just a temporary effect.

Have alcohol. Have all the food you want and just relax. Your body will be back to baseline in a few days.
Thanks and yes I am taking Tudca and liv-52 so I will continue and have both morning and evening tomorrow, cheers


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Are you running any liver support supplements? I'm assuming you are?

I personally would take NAC + Tudca a few hours before drinking and the following day after alcohol. (Don't take them during)

For me personally. I've used epistane (Which is methylated) before without tudca and noticed a big liver enzymes increase. I then ran it with Tudca and my liver enzymes were very low.

I think Tudca is the best liver support supplement you can take. Has many benefits.

Also. Go and live your life. This is probably a one time event. One day of alcohol will do nothing serious. Maybe just limit it and not get to the point your barely able to stand.

I recently went on holiday for 2 weeks and had alcohol every single day. I wouldn't restrict my life just to completely regret it as I get old and unable to do these sort of trips. Go and enjoy yourself. I came back from that holiday with insane bloat and muscle loss (I never trained also). A month later I looked better than before I went on holiday and my bloodwork was perfect. Just a temporary effect.

Have alcohol. Have all the food you want and just relax. Your body will be back to baseline in a few days.
No do not do this, taking nac and tudca with alcohol actually makes the damage WORSE, not better. How much worse? Idk probably Negligible. But Theres no need to try to Take some kind of liver protection for a night of drinking
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Search google- taking nac with alcohol or taking tudca with alcohol if you need a Explanation as I'm not sure exactly why it causes problems. I just know that it does


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This question on drinking on cycle comes up all the time, which means ppl are drinking on cycle and there fine, anyone ever go to a fit expo or a big bodybuilding event? Theres big drug and alcohol fuled after parties at some of them That's literally all people abusing steroids and they live to do it at the next event. Ronnie coleman said he drank a few beers and shots on the weekends during his offseason.

And mind you i dont drink, i use to and i quit, alcohol is Poison, ethanol is poison, and i dont Believe there's a single health benifit in drinking Poison. But its still just a few drinks.

If having a few drinks on cycle is gonna hurt someone then the fda is right. Steroids are too dangerous and we need to be protected from ourselves 🤡


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Search google- taking nac with alcohol or taking tudca with alcohol if you need a Explanation as I'm not sure exactly why it causes problems. I just know that it does
Ya I've asked this question. Tudca is beneficial after drinking but may exacerbate damage if taken before.

Take nac daily and tudca after drinking if you choose to drink otherwise daily. Try not to drink often and you'll be g2g.

Examine.com has a decent write up on tudca


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Little side note @sns8778 has talked about quality of Amazon tudca among other supplements sold, ie the multiple now foods testing. Get quality stuff. A few bucks more is worth noting you're getting what you taking.


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Go live your life and make no special adjustments, dont drink yourself into the toilet bowl, stay somewhat coherent and when its over its over. The internet has made ppl believe that taking something methylated will make your liver fall out and If you drink on it go die 🤦‍♂️.

Do you know how many middle aged Women take Ibuprofen in tylenol daily and drink a bottle of wine nightly.

That dosent mean drinking on steroids is ok. But sometimes its ok. Just dont make a habit of it
I agree with this. It's 98 degrees out and if was camping or at a cookout I'm definatley having a couple. Even on something toxic like superdrol I wouldn't worry about it.


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Little side note @sns8778 has talked about quality of Amazon tudca among other supplements sold, ie the multiple now foods testing. Get quality stuff. A few bucks more is worth noting you're getting what you taking.
There is definitely a lot of issues with TUDCA quality. There are quite a few brands that claim to sell TUDCA on Amazon for prices that are impossible. Like if you take the sale price minus the percent that Amazon gets, the amount left would be less than legit TUDCA even costs to make.

TUDCA is a great example of where sometimes trying to save 5.00 can really mean wasting 25.00 to start with and jeopardizing you health in the process.

I hope he doesn't mind me tagging him, but @Hyde posted in the past about how his liver values improved pretty dramatically from switching from another band of TUDCA to CEL TUDCA.


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There is definitely a lot of issues with TUDCA quality. There are quite a few brands that claim to sell TUDCA on Amazon for prices that are impossible. Like if you take the sale price minus the percent that Amazon gets, the amount left would be less than legit TUDCA even costs to make.

TUDCA is a great example of where sometimes trying to save 5.00 can really mean wasting 25.00 to start with and jeopardizing you health in the process.

I hope he doesn't mind me tagging him, but @Hyde posted in the past about how his liver values improved pretty dramatically from switching from another band of TUDCA to CEL TUDCA.
I've passed on a lot of TUDCA products purely based on how cheap they were. Even Olympus Labs was recently selling them for something ridiculously cheap, like $14.99 a bottle or something. If I knew they were legit I would have loaded up on them, however just based on the price, I didn't buy it because it was just too cheap. I am not knocking OL, as they very well could have been legit TUDCA products, but when companies advertise prices that low it does raise suspicions.


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I don't recommend drinking on any cycle. Having said that, I feel like everybody in the fitness industry overly attacks alcohol. Of course alcohol is not good, but everyone demonizes the use of it equally which is just ridiculous. There is a massive difference between small, rare, or spontaneous alcohol consumption versus severe, abusive, excessive alcohol consumption.

I've drank alcohol on several cycles that I ran orals on. Keep in mind, when I say drink, I am referring to 1 or 2 drinks every other day. So maybe 3 - 5 drinks spread throughout the week. And yes, I even drank on superdrol. I believe it made no difference in my health or my results.

We swallow and inject all different kinds of chemicals from God knows where, bench press 400+, squat 500+, but we're scared to death of a couple of beers at a wedding.


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I've passed on a lot of TUDCA products purely based on how cheap they were. Even Olympus Labs was recently selling them for something ridiculously cheap, like $14.99 a bottle or something. If I knew they were legit I would have loaded up on them, however just based on the price, I didn't buy it because it was just too cheap. I am not knocking OL, as they very well could have been legit TUDCA products, but when companies advertise prices that low it does raise suspicions.
I'd say that was a very wise decision.

This is one of those subjects where facts are facts. It's nothing against any particular brands, but legitimate raw materials cost what they cost.

It costs more than 14.99 per bottle to make a legitimate 250 mg./60 capsule TUDCA product and I'm talking just the manufacturing cost and that's before factoring in any finished product quality testing fees, shipping fees, overhead, markup, etc.

You can find CEL TUDCA for around 29.99 and sometimes as low as 79.98 for 3 bottles, but that's direct from an online retailer. I see it on Amazon sometimes for around 33.99 or so, which isn't bad when you figure that Amazon hits sellers with pretty high fees.


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I'd say that was a very wise decision.

This is one of those subjects where facts are facts. It's nothing against any particular brands, but legitimate raw materials cost what they cost.

It costs more than 14.99 per bottle to make a legitimate 250 mg./60 capsule TUDCA product and I'm talking just the manufacturing cost and that's before factoring in any finished product quality testing fees, shipping fees, overhead, markup, etc.

You can find CEL TUDCA for around 29.99 and sometimes as low as 79.98 for 3 bottles, but that's direct from an online retailer. I see it on Amazon sometimes for around 33.99 or so, which isn't bad when you figure that Amazon hits sellers with pretty high fees.
Years ago i use to see products that were uduca and tuduca, what happened to uduca? I dont see it used anymore?


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I don't recommend drinking on any cycle. Having said that, I feel like everybody in the fitness industry overly attacks alcohol. Of course alcohol is not good, but everyone demonizes the use of it equally which is just ridiculous. There is a massive difference between small, rare, or spontaneous alcohol consumption versus severe, abusive, excessive alcohol consumption.

I've drank alcohol on several cycles that I ran orals on. Keep in mind, when I say drink, I am referring to 1 or 2 drinks every other day. So maybe 3 - 5 drinks spread throughout the week. And yes, I even drank on superdrol. I believe it made no difference in my health or my results.

We swallow and inject all different kinds of chemicals from God knows where, bench press 400+, squat 500+, but we're scared to death of a couple of beers at a wedding.
Have you seen how hard people get worked up over things with even the slightest hint of negative effects around here sometimes? If people treated alcohol the same way they’d never be caught in the same country as an alcoholic beverage. 😂


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Years ago i use to see products that were uduca and tuduca, what happened to uduca? I dont see it used anymore?
UDCA is a prescription drug. It was never supposed to be sold in any supplements to begin with.


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Have you seen how hard people get worked up over things with even the slightest hint of negative effects around here sometimes? If people treated alcohol the same way they’d never be caught in the same country as an alcoholic beverage. 😂
It’s that government “stamp of approval” that sways the thought process of the masses. Tobacco is legal, alcohol as well. I’m pretty sure the use of both tally higher death count that cannabis. And the good ol’ Hill Billy Heroin, aka OxyContin. Look at what the government endorsed and allowed in that realm until sons and daughters of elected officials got hooked.


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It’s that government “stamp of approval” that sways the thought process of the masses. Tobacco is legal, alcohol as well. I’m pretty sure the use of both tally higher death count that cannabis. And the good ol’ Hill Billy Heroin, aka OxyContin. Look at what the government endorsed and allowed in that realm until sons and daughters of elected officials got hooked.
Alcohol and tobacca which are both legal kill more people Then every single illegal drug combined. And i'm not saying alcohol in tobacco together. Pick either one, They both kill millions of people every year in one way or another. Take all the Illegal drugs, weed, steroids And any other substance you can think of and combine them. And they still kill less people than the stuff That's legal.....

Because our government loves us


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Alcohol and tobacca which are both legal kill more people Then every single illegal drug combined. And i'm not saying alcohol in tobacco together. Pick either one, They both kill millions of people every year in one way or another. Take all the Illegal drugs, weed, steroids And any other substance you can think of and combine them. And they still kill less people than the stuff That's legal.....

Because our government loves us
Totally random, but I swear the way I read this made me think of a Chuck Norris kills more people meme lol.


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We all die, we all have vices. We make conscious decisions to do what we do and must live with the consequences. Otoh nothing wrong with trying to minimize damage if we are not willing to give up said vices.

Nac and tudca in this case would be the best option to minimize alcohol consumption damage if not willing to abstain from it.


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Go live your life and make no special adjustments, dont drink yourself into the toilet bowl, stay somewhat coherent and when its over its over. The internet has made ppl believe that taking something methylated will make your liver fall out and If you drink on it go die 🤦‍♂️.

Do you know how many middle aged Women take Ibuprofen in tylenol daily and drink a bottle of wine nightly.

That dosent mean drinking on steroids is ok. But sometimes its ok. Just dont make a habit of it
Nearly every WWE wrestler from my childhood would be dead. :p


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I drink alcohol every weekend on almost every methylated oral cycle I've ever taken. The key is moderation. Don't drink more than 4 or 5 beers or drinks and you wont have a problem.That's atleast what I've done myself

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