ice hockey


Yari Ka Daw!
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Zetterberg and Datsyuk have been on the radar since they joined the league. Remember these are both relatively young guys. Zetterberg is 28. Datsyuk is 30 and has had over 80 points the last few seasons.

I still Hate Detroit. :D
Yeah sure but they're not household names yet. I personally have taken notice since the playoffs started at their performances.

I agree with Marcus, Roberts is taken a beating trying o keep up. He's sacrificing a lot of skill just to hit. He's one of the few pens who's even finishing the checks. At his age he's playing great. Watching the game now and the pens are damn good at home.
Bum Mahoney

Bum Mahoney

Yeah, it was fun. Not just the win, but that 7 minute stretch in the third period was as good as any hockey I can remember ever seeing. That one shift Orpik had was amazing. That hit on Crosby was something else too. Was that draper? The game just had everything. For the most part the officials let them play physically while keeping it in control.
At least the series will be more interesting now. Don't see them coming back, but at least they started to fight for it.


Yari Ka Daw!
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Great game. Crosby did earn some respect, he picked up his game and acted like a captain finally when it mattered. Pittsburgh definitely are strong at home. They were comfortable controlling the puck and not just shooting it away blindly. Although Detroit didn't play all that bad either. Zetterberg is just amazing, every shot he takes on net is an opportunity. Can't wait for the next game. I'd like to see Pittsburgh win again to make things even more interesting.

Do you guys watch the game via ESPN?
Marcus ATW

Marcus ATW

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Yeah, it was fun. Not just the win, but that 7 minute stretch in the third period was as good as any hockey I can remember ever seeing. That one shift Orpik had was amazing. That hit on Crosby was something else too. Was that draper? The game just had everything. For the most part the officials let them play physically while keeping it in control.
At least the series will be more interesting now. Don't see them coming back, but at least they started to fight for it.
Yes Draper hit the Captain. What impressed me was Sid's back checking 100% hustle he is scary when he is flying full tilt. He led his team to victory. Orpik was like a freight train during that shift he buried 3 wings on 1 shift. That was just a downright demonic shift. After that game ended it felt like I had been doing cardio for 10 min It was so exciting.
Bum Mahoney

Bum Mahoney

I like the cardio comparison. I felt the same.
ESPN? They lost the contract a couple years ago. Versus or NBC now. Up until the finals I could watch it on CBC, but now all I get are the US feeds.
Marcus ATW

Marcus ATW

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hey BUM espn wanted absolutely nothing to do with the NHL after the strike or lock out thing right?
Bum Mahoney

Bum Mahoney

Yeah, didn't want to spend even more money on a league that was losing viewers. Outdoor Life jumped on it. I guess the ratings for the playoffs have been way up this year, so that's good.
Thing that sucks about Versus is not everyone has it. I was up at the cabin this last weekend and I had to go to three bars before I found one that had that channel. Nice place, but they ran out of Summit. Had New Castle on tap so I guess it was a win/win.
Marcus ATW

Marcus ATW

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Yeah, didn't want to spend even more money on a league that was losing viewers. Outdoor Life jumped on it. I guess the ratings for the playoffs have been way up this year, so that's good.
Thing that sucks about Versus is not everyone has it. I was up at the cabin this last weekend and I had to go to three bars before I found one that had that channel. Nice place, but they ran out of Summit. Had New Castle on tap so I guess it was a win/win.
Isn't it amazing the better buzz you get from better beer.
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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What I have noticed this series (I dont watch pittsberg ever) is that Andre Fleury gives up SOOOOO many rebounds. Dont get me wrong, he's great at stopping the intial shot and moves dece but my goodness!!!!!

If detroit would crash the net a little more they'd have triple the second chance oppertunities and score atleast an additional goal per game.


Yari Ka Daw!
  • Established
What I have noticed this series (I dont watch pittsberg ever) is that Andre Fleury gives up SOOOOO many rebounds. Dont get me wrong, he's great at stopping the intial shot and moves dece but my goodness!!!!!

If detroit would crash the net a little more they'd have triple the second chance oppertunities and score atleast an additional goal per game.
Ya but crashing the net and getting a goal in the cup finals the refs will for sure find some way to call it back. Franzen is the only guy that I know of who can do that cleanly. Roberts does it well too.

Pittsburgh played an incredible game last night. They Dominated the first period, then got dominated from periods 3 and 1st of over time then manage to get a goal in the last over time. Just awesome. Malkin is really struggling. The no look passes are coughing up a lot of opportunities for Detroit. He needs to get use to playing on the outsides. I'm not a big fan of Fleury but boy did he ever pick up his game in the moment of truth. I was hoping Pittsburgh would win to push a game 6.


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That was a hell of a game last night. I somehow knew that Pittsburgh would tie it up in the 3rd, but I had no clue how OT was going to go down. This is one of the many reasons why there is nothing like playoff hockey.
Bum Mahoney

Bum Mahoney

I was pacing the room for hours. I felt the same way about tying it up, but everytime the Wings had the puck I thought it was about to end. How about Malone staying in the game? Gonchar coming back....Fleuery...yeah, he does give up rebounds, but how he moves that fast....
Getting respect for Zetterberg. Seems like he can weave through anything. What a game. Bummer it ended on a penalty (ok, I don't mind), but at least it was a real penalty. The other three in overtime were weak.
Anyone else sick of the guy between the benches breaking in with the same comments over and over?
Just glad I didn't meet some friends at Old Chicago to watch. I'd be dragging worse than I am.
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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Yea the wings D just tosses around Malkin and Crosby like they're rag dolls. I am really surprised by that (in a way) I figure those two would have a lot more impact but it's the others that are really stepping it up.

About crashing the net, it seems that most the pens critical goals are off crummy rebounds that the Detroit guys just seem to stand around and watch.

Im just a big fan of crashing the net hard on every play :D


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Detroit has been able to smother off the opposition for years now between the left-wing lock and the new system that Babcock put in after they fired Lewis.
Marcus ATW

Marcus ATW

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I was pacing the room for hours. I felt the same way about tying it up, but everytime the Wings had the puck I thought it was about to end. How about Malone staying in the game? Gonchar coming back....Fleuery...yeah, he does give up rebounds, but how he moves that fast....
Getting respect for Zetterberg. Seems like he can weave through anything. What a game. Bummer it ended on a penalty (ok, I don't mind), but at least it was a real penalty. The other three in overtime were weak.
Anyone else sick of the guy between the benches breaking in with the same comments over and over?
Just glad I didn't meet some friends at Old Chicago to watch. I'd be dragging worse than I am.
I dont mind the dude in the middle of the glass. What I cant stand are the during the game interviews with the players and coaches wtf is that?


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Yea and it's about time they started winning in the post season to :lol: Im tired of all these president trophies and not beeing able to get out of the 1st round garbage
As an Avs fan, I am legally and morally obligated to hate the Wings, Stars, and the entire NW division.
Marcus ATW

Marcus ATW

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Got to hand it to the Pens. They came through for the NHL big time last night.


Pittsburgh played an incredible game last night.
I know most of you are Pitts fans, and I would like to see them win. But what game were you watching last night. Other then the first period, where it was relatively even, Pitts just happened to score. Detroit dominated them. Pitts looked horrible out there. Very sloppy play not hitting passes, giving away the puck, not chasing dump ins. They should have been Slaughtered.


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I know most of you are Pitts fans, and I would like to see them win. But what game were you watching last night. Other then the first period, where it was relatively even, Pitts just happened to score. Detroit dominated them. Pitts looked horrible out there. Very sloppy play not hitting passes, giving away the puck, not chasing dump ins. They should have been Slaughtered.
Correction-Fleury had an incredible game last night. He stole that game.
Bum Mahoney

Bum Mahoney

I know most of you are Pitts fans, and I would like to see them win. But what game were you watching last night. Other then the first period, where it was relatively even, Pitts just happened to score. Detroit dominated them. Pitts looked horrible out there. Very sloppy play not hitting passes, giving away the puck, not chasing dump ins. They should have been Slaughtered.
I read alex's post differently. He pointed out that they got dominated much of the game. But...despite that, they sucked it up when they needed to and ended up winning. Incredible game.
Anyway, Detroit took it to them after the first period and for much of overtime, but couldn't put it away. Looking forward to tomorrow.


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Game was crazy, but thanks to the nearly 5hr long game I got about 2 hrs of sleep. I got tickets to tomorrows game though. :woohoo:
Marcus ATW

Marcus ATW

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Game was crazy, but thanks to the nearly 5hr long game I got about 2 hrs of sleep. I got tickets to tomorrows game though. :woohoo:
you have what ????????????????????? that is awesome!!!


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you have what ????????????????????? that is awesome!!!
Yeah, it was actually dumb luck. Ended up getting them from a vendor. I'm glad they made it this far, the press all gave it to Detroit 4-0 and they're tough as hell. But regardless of the outcome the Pens team's so amazingly young so we should have a soild team for years to come.
Bum Mahoney

Bum Mahoney

Agreed. Wow....Enjoy the game. Give that vendor some extra business!
Where you from?


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Agreed. Wow....Enjoy the game. Give that vendor some extra business!
Where you from?
I hear ya, Pittsburgh. Just moved back from San Fran recently, big difference. But I grew up here & it's home.
Bum Mahoney

Bum Mahoney

I grew up in Blackhawk.....been in Minnesota since 87, but get back now and then.
Marcus ATW

Marcus ATW

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I do not think the pens will have enough money to keep their top 5 players for the next few years. Can they stick together for at least 3-5 years?


Yari Ka Daw!
  • Established
Exactly, for the pens to be dominated the way they were and still win? They were out shot something like 54-24. It was exhausting just to stay up and watch the 3 OTs because I always have to get up early but it was worth it. I like crashing the net goals as well but it would have sucked if Detroit would have won the cup that way.

I wonder what the pens salary cap is. Reminds me of the Ottawa team a few years ago when they had an all-star team. They don't last very long though. I say maybe 2 more years.
Bum Mahoney

Bum Mahoney

There are a lot of free agents. Are we allowed to post links? I have an article that breaks it all down nicely. If not, I can pm it.
Marcus ATW

Marcus ATW

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Bum what do you think personally? And congrats again :)
Bum Mahoney

Bum Mahoney

About the free agents? They have a long term issue. Malkin, Fleuery, and Stall are signed for next year, but need to be signed to long term deals like Crosby and Gonchar are. So they need to iron that out. July 1st is the start of free agency. Malone, Orpik, and Hossa will be pretty hot, so if they want to sign any of them, they need to get on it before July 1st, which means they need to work on the long term deals in order to know the cap room. Crosby took less in order to sign long term and stay. The other three have said they like playing together, so maybe they will follow suit, though I heard recently that Malkin wants to wait and see. Can't really fault that.
I imagine they will hold onto those three for years to come. The other three will probably move on, unfortunately. Would like to keep at least one of those three if not more.
In other words, I guess I have no clue what will happen, lol.

Regardless, their core will be awesome for a long time and they should just get better...
Marcus ATW

Marcus ATW

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Great article Bum. I get the feeling Malkin wants to be the man on a team. I think he would like to switch conferences. Stall is awesome and a must keep. Whitney being locked up was a huge signing.


New member
Crosby = diver, pussy, whiner. I hate the Pens, i want Crosby to break his f'ing neck tomorrow. After that Rangers series, I had a new found hatred for Pittsburgh.

Malkin = dirty prick. He slew footed Mara (rangers defenseman) TWICE in one game. Dirty fella.

Fleury=French Canadian piece of sh!t.

However, they came through last night with 30 seconds, and ya you gotta hand it to them
Marcus ATW

Marcus ATW

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dam you must be from Philly New York or New Jersey
Bum Mahoney

Bum Mahoney

Crosby = diver, pussy, whiner. I hate the Pens, i want Crosby to break his f'ing neck tomorrow. After that Rangers series, I had a new found hatred for Pittsburgh.

Malkin = dirty prick. He slew footed Mara (rangers defenseman) TWICE in one game. Dirty fella.

Fleury=French Canadian piece of sh!t.

However, they came through last night with 30 seconds, and ya you gotta hand it to them


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Blackhawk, no ****? I live in Monroeville. I honestly don't think the Pens have a lot of 'big stars', they're just balanced well IMO. I think Crosby's good and at 20 he'll get much better by his mid 20's. But I think he's overrated, big time. Unless it's just a local thing around here, they hype him up like he'll be the next Gretzy or Lemieux but there's no way. He'll be great no doubt, but not like the media promises.
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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Blackhawk, no ****? I live in Monroeville. I honestly don't think the Pens have a lot of 'big stars', they're just balanced well IMO. I think Crosby's good and at 20 he'll get much better by his mid 20's. But I think he's overrated, big time. Unless it's just a local thing around here, they hype him up like he'll be the next Gretzy or Lemieux but there's no way. He'll be great no doubt, but not like the media promises.
Yea Im with you there. Gretzky was sooo far ahead of everyone else in his day. His numbers are silly good. He's hundres of goals and points and what not ahead of the number 2 guys. He literally could score when he wanted to like a basketball player does now......Obviously its much harder in hockey when 4-5 goals are scored between the 2 team in a game vs. over 200 points in basketball.


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Yea Im with you there. Gretzky was sooo far ahead of everyone else in his day. His numbers are silly good. He's hundres of goals and points and what not ahead of the number 2 guys. He literally could score when he wanted to like a basketball player does now......Obviously its much harder in hockey when 4-5 goals are scored between the 2 team in a game vs. over 200 points in basketball.
Don't forget the era that he played in and all of the HoF players around him. Kurri, Messier, Coffey, and Glenn Anderson (should be in the HoF)


Recovering AXoholic
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Old School Oilers were the ****.

The Islanders were a dynasty for a while back in the 70's. Now look at 'em. :eek:
Bum Mahoney

Bum Mahoney

Yeah, those early 80's Islander teams and the Oilers teams were something. No one will score 2 points a game for a career like Mario did his first time around.

Yeah, grew up in Blackhawk and came here for college in 87 and ended up staying....used to skate at Monroeville Mall. There are some guys at our Steeler bar from Monroeville......


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Old School Oilers were the ****.

The Islanders were a dynasty for a while back in the 70's. Now look at 'em. :eek:
Early 80's:thumbsup:

Such a different era, 50 goal scorers where a dime a dozen, but now it's a huge accomplishment.
Red Dog

Red Dog

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Crosby = diver, pussy, whiner. I hate the Pens, i want Crosby to break his f'ing neck tomorrow. After that Rangers series, I had a new found hatred for Pittsburgh.

Malkin = dirty prick. He slew footed Mara (rangers defenseman) TWICE in one game. Dirty fella.

Fleury=French Canadian piece of sh!t.

However, they came through last night with 30 seconds, and ya you gotta hand it to them
Based on these childish, inaccurate, biased, hateful, unreasonable, irrational, and generally ridiculous statements, it seems you must fall between the ages of 8-14 and seriously lack any legitimate education as well a functioning concept of modesty or integrity.

Take a look at this thread -- we don't act like little kids and talk **** in here. Nobody needs that. We discuss hockey like "grown-ups" instead of trying to piss on each other regardless of what teams we like. Actually, get 1 respected person of this board to support the behavior in your post and I'll never post in this thread again.


New member
Based on these childish, inaccurate, biased, hateful, unreasonable, irrational, and generally ridiculous statements, it seems you must fall between the ages of 8-14 and seriously lack any legitimate education as well a functioning concept of modesty or integrity.

Take a look at this thread -- we don't act like little kids and talk **** in here. Nobody needs that. We discuss hockey like "grown-ups" instead of trying to piss on each other regardless of what teams we like. Actually, get 1 respected person of this board to support the behavior in your post and I'll never post in this thread again.
alright guy, dont get your panties in a bunch...I was just venting and you dont vent? And yes, i am 9 years old using a bodybuilding forum, getting advice on how to use gear.:D

Anyway, i see you guys are talking about isle's.."duh duh duh duhdah duh duh duh dudah duh duh duh dudah duh.duh.duh." POTVIN SUCKS!! ahaha its hard to spell out.
Marcus ATW

Marcus ATW

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Gretzky, Lemieux, Messier and Yzerman played in an era where it was legal to grab, hold and obstruct. Players today have it easy as far as offense goes in the NEW RULES NHL. The Great One is and always will be the GREATEST 1.92 points per game.

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