Advice Please - Sustanon 250 and Trenbolone Enanthate cycle


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Any advice would be appreciated.

I have previous experience having run a few cycles around 10 years back in my early 20's. Most of my knowledge on injectables/tablets, dosages and cycles is long forgotten.

Now into my 30's Im ready to dabble again.

I have 2 x Sustanon 250 1 x trenbolone Enanthate, clenbuterol tabs and oxamed 10 (the oxamed was gifted to me it was not part of my order)

I was advised when I brought it to take:

1ml sus + 1ml tren mixed together on a monday
1ml sus on a Friday.

The clen I should take 1 tab daily for a week then 2nd week 2 tabs daily. Stop for a week and start again.
How does this all sounds and is there any place for the oxamed?

I have regularly worked out throughout my life, generally healthy and strong. I am not in my best shape at the moment but have picked up the workouts an improved the diet. my goals are not to enter a completion but to feel better and stronger in myself.

I also have some PCT, clomed 50mg, tamoxmed 20mg and human chorionic gonadotropin 5000 (whatever that is)

Thanks in advance


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I would do some research and searches to get better acquainted with your options and supplies.

People are going to want to know your current stats and goals. Based on what you have, I assume cutting/recomp is the goal.

My comment is, despite me doing Tren my first time at almost 50 and my first real cycle in decades, I personally opted for the acetate "just in case".

It appears you will be doing 500 mg/wk sust, 250 mg(?)/wk tren e. That's a big first dabble. You could probably start off at half that.

Some may recommend dosing 3x/wk injections over the 2x you were recommended. Yes, sust is a combo of esters and the tren e is a long ester, but the shortest of the sust will drop off before your 2nd shot.

Personally, I would save the clen for the end or by itself. Personal preference.

Research PCT too. Some opt to use HCG on-cycle, some opt after. Some recommend nolva only and not combined with clomid.


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dude you have been out of the game for a bit if this is your first cycle ina while maybe start with just test. then test/deca or test/eq most say do severla cycles berfore tren. I havre not even tried it yet but might and i have been running gear for 5 years. started trt then test only. then test and eq then started differingt things.

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