i am for phil



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The amount of people who don't understand what is a free speech issue and what is not a free speech issue is mind boggling.

This NEVER had anything to do with freedom of speech people. Phil is free to say whatever the **** he wants. His freedom of speech doesn't get him out of the consequences of that speech. A&E reinstated him and it didn't have anything to do with "we didn't want to violate his freedom of speech."

Freedom of speech does not mean speech without consequence. This is basic junior high civics. I live in Kansas and I don't know how many facebook posts I saw of **** like "Obama doesn't understand the constitution and he is siding with A&E!"

Seriously gives me a headache. I don't even care what people feel on either side, but at least have a clue what the issue is before expressing an opinion on it. (In b4 keep government away from my medicare sign).


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Because we're not sheltered from progress any more, unless you're from the Deep South mindset
progress? 24 million working americans make $10 an hour or under....some progress!!!!


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The amount of people who don't understand what is a free speech issue and what is not a free speech issue is mind boggling.

This NEVER had anything to do with freedom of speech people. Phil is free to say whatever the **** he wants. His freedom of speech doesn't get him out of the consequences of that speech. A&E reinstated him and it didn't have anything to do with "we didn't want to violate his freedom of speech."

Freedom of speech does not mean speech without consequence. This is basic junior high civics. I live in Kansas and I don't know how many facebook posts I saw of **** like "Obama doesn't understand the constitution and he is siding with A&E!"

Seriously gives me a headache. I don't even care what people feel on either side, but at least have a clue what the issue is before expressing an opinion on it. (In b4 keep government away from my medicare sign).
why would something you don't even care about...give you a headache?


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The issue stemmed from a man, who was under contract, was believed to have gone against it. It is not an issue of freedom of speech or religion because he wasn't thrown in jail or had his assets seized because of opinions he decided to share. Someone can't say he was wronged by A&E because of his religion because what he did would be the same if he would have worn a yellow shirt if he agreed not to wear one. Everyone is entitled to hold their beliefs and express them until it infringes on another person. So if someone wants to believe that gay marriage is wrong than so be it. It is America and we accept and are proud of our melting pot of cultures . There is no need to truly worry about the people that possess backwards views because they will go the way of the people that thought that blacks were 3/5 of a person and women shouldn't be able to vote.


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Because we're not sheltered from progress any more, unless you're from the Deep South mindset
I think in America the liberals now like to call theyself progressives


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The issue stemmed from a man, who was under contract, was believed to have gone against it. It is not an issue of freedom of speech or religion because he wasn't thrown in jail or had his assets seized because of opinions he decided to share. Someone can't say he was wronged by A&E because of his religion because what he did would be the same if he would have worn a yellow shirt if he agreed not to wear one. Everyone is entitled to hold their beliefs and express them until it infringes on another person. So if someone wants to believe that gay marriage is wrong than so be it. It is America and we accept and are proud of our melting pot of cultures . There is no need to truly worry about the people that possess backwards views because they will go the way of the people that thought that blacks were 3/5 of a person and women shouldn't be able to vote.
lol...thanks for the laugh!!


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Because we're not sheltered from progress any more, unless you're from the Deep South mindset
40 years ago the people leading this country were the same men and women who fought and won ww2, the same people who many think of as the GREATEST generation of americans ever. their morals/principals/values made this country into a super power and greatness....and now we have obama, you call that progress?


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My lord. Much to do about nothing. The bored media got exactly what they wanted.

So many issues with this story.

First, you ask a 67 year old man from the bayou of Louisiana his views on homosexuality... WTF did you expect him to respond with? He had every right to say his peace when asked. From my viewing of the show and such I have never seen him disrespectful to anyone, ever. Why do I care what he thinks about gay people?

Next A&E had every right to suspend him for it. I may not agree with it because I think free speech trumps everything you yuppies believe in. :D Contract or not, he is a symbol of A&E and they have the right to display who they wish on their network.

Next the bible issue. From my catholic teachings we only have a handful of words passed down directly from God himself. Those are the 10 commandments. Wouldn't love they neighbor trump whatever Leviticus says? Considering the Bible is Hearsay and written by observers, I would expect people to live by the true words of God, and not what Matthew feels at the time.

But those are my own opinions.


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My lord. Much to do about nothing. The bored media got exactly what they wanted.

So many issues with this story.

First, you ask a 67 year old man from the bayou of Louisiana his views on homosexuality... WTF did you expect him to respond with? He had every right to say his peace when asked. From my viewing of the show and such I have never seen him disrespectful to anyone, ever. Why do I care what he thinks about gay people?

Next A&E had every right to suspend him for it. I may not agree with it because I think free speech trumps everything you yuppies believe in. :D Contract or not, he is a symbol of A&E and they have the right to display who they wish on their network.

Next the bible issue. From my catholic teachings we only have a handful of words passed down directly from God himself. Those are the 10 commandments. Wouldn't love they neighbor trump whatever Leviticus says? Considering the Bible is Hearsay and written by observers, I would expect people to live by the true words of God, and not what Matthew feels at the time.

But those are my own opinions.
lol...looks like making a buck trumps EVERYTHING else A@E believes in....phil is back!!!

phil and family were ready to walk away from the money to stick to their values, i guess A@E didn't feel the same way....A@E talked the talk, but weren't prepared to walk the walk!!!


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Funny enough DAdams....the 10 commandments are borrowed. Check the Egyptian Oath of Clearance.

Good to see you again my friend, you too Big T


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Funny enough DAdams....the 10 commandments are borrowed. Check the Egyptian Oath of Clearance.

Good to see you again my friend, you too Big T


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lol...looks like making a buck trumps EVERYTHING else A@E believes in....phil is back!!!

phil and family were ready to walk away from the money to stick to their values, i guess A@E didn't feel the same way....A@E talked the talk, but weren't prepared to walk the walk!!!
those whom really "stick to their values" & truly "walk the walk" as you say often hated then political correct person,,it is one thing to show love another quite to back away one principal in this for making you a popularity mr or mrs.
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40 years ago the people leading this country were the same men and women who fought and won ww2, the same people who many think of as the GREATEST generation of americans ever. their morals/principals/values made this country into a super power and greatness....and now we have obama, you call that progress?
We had more guns back then than everyone else. That made us "great." Their principles led to the Archie Bunker type of intolerance and rigidity that made women and blacks second class citizens when they were done fighting overseas.

And an educated Constitutional law professor from a mixed family who became President? Yes, I would call that progress.


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And an educated Constitutional law professor from a mixed family who became President? Yes, I would call that progress.
that depend the meaning of educated is is
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We had more guns back then than everyone else. That made us "great." Their principles led to the Archie Bunker type of intolerance and rigidity that made women and blacks second class citizens when they were done fighting overseas.

And an educated Constitutional law professor from a mixed family who became President? Yes, I would call that progress.
excuse me...you should know that blacks and women were participants in ww2 and are included in the GREATEST generation....you should also know that the archie bunker mentality was held up as a model of ridicule, as a matter of fact my priest used to include the wrongness of archies thinking in his sermons. did you even watch 'all in the family', archie was portrayed as a moron. i grew up poor in a mixed neighborhood, and no one i knew was or wanted to be like archie.

as to obama, lol....


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why would something you don't even care about...give you a headache?
I don't care what people viewed as right or wrong in regards to this. It's oil and water. People aren't going to get anywhere near agreeing. I do care that a huge amount of the American population doesn't understand basic issues involving the Constitution and thought this was a free speech issue.


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I don't care what people viewed as right or wrong in regards to this. It's oil and water. People aren't going to get anywhere near agreeing. I do care that a huge amount of the American population doesn't understand basic issues involving the Constitution and thought this was a free speech issue.
the way i see it A@E was trying to use money and power to coerce phil robertson into saying he was wrong. phil decided the money wasn't worth selling out his beliefs for. A@E decided the money WAS more important to them, and phil has been reinstated.

most people aren't in a situation where they cannot be persuaded by those with the power and money, that is why so many people rallied around phil...phil stood his ground and the people who get pushed around and bullied by the A@E"s of the world lived a victory vicariously through phil's actions.

this was a case of the little guy taking on the bigshots more than anything else, at least for me...although i do happen to agree with him, that is just an added bonus as far as i am concerned.


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some people thinking phil not educated may be because he not the same way on expression then some in the US but education of the heart it seem to me holding forth steadfast then education lawyer professor of flip flop etc


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the way i see it A@E was trying to use money and power to coerce phil robertson into saying he was wrong. phil decided the money wasn't worth selling out his beliefs for. A@E decided the money WAS more important to them, and phil has been reinstated.

most people aren't in a situation where they cannot be persuaded by those with the power and money, that is why so many people rallied around phil...phil stood his ground and the people who get pushed around and bullied by the A@E"s of the world lived a victory vicariously through phil's actions.

this was a case of the little guy taking on the bigshots more than anything else, at least for me...although i do happen to agree with him, that is just an added bonus as far as i am concerned.
I don't know how much someone who is worth as much as Phil is "the little guy," but that's another story. It's not a free speech case plain and simple. A&E had every right to do (and then undo) what they did and Phil had every right to do what he did. I was more annoyed at how so many people were claiming they violated his free speech. They did no such thing, that wasn't even at issue. If I go tell my boss right now that he's a ****ing ******* and I hope he dies and I get fired my free speech was NOT violated.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences related to your speech and the annoying part was watching people on both sides of this discussion constantly bring up something that had no bearing on anything.

I don't agree with his comments (I find them quite repulsive, my brother is gay and a much better Christian and church attender than most any out there) but that isn't what annoyed me about the debate.

As for Phil being in the majority I don't really think he is. Gay marriage public opinion polls have been over 50% for a while now and they are only going to swing upwards. It won't be too long until it's approved in all 50 states (probably within the next 15 years)


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some people thinking phil not educated may be because he not the same way on expression then some in the US but education of the heart it seem to me holding forth steadfast then education lawyer professor of flip flop etc
phil robertson has a masters in education....do some research on this guy, he has led an amazing life. when at louisiana tech he started as quarterback ahead of terry bradshaw, paul harvey recruited phil to play for the washington redskins but phil declined...it interfered with hunting.

this is a man of strong convictions, agree with him or not...you have to admire a man who has principles and sticks to them, very rare in todays world, imo.


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Its not worth it Geoforce


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I don't know how much someone who is worth as much as Phil is "the little guy," but that's another story.
his wife is cooking squirrel on the griddle think he worried about money prestige etc. i do no think so, he lose the dough real before the dough and after rare my friend


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his wife is cooking squirrel on the griddle think he worried about money prestige etc. i do no think so, he lose the dough real before the dough rare my friend
He is a multi-millionaire. Bill Gates can cook squirrel it isn't going to make him poor.


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I don't know how much someone who is worth as much as Phil is "the little guy," but that's another story. It's not a free speech case plain and simple. A&E had every right to do (and then undo) what they did and Phil had every right to do what he did. I was more annoyed at how so many people were claiming they violated his free speech. They did no such thing, that wasn't even at issue. If I go tell my boss right now that he's a ****ing ******* and I hope he dies and I get fired my free speech was NOT violated.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences related to your speech and the annoying part was watching people on both sides of this discussion constantly bring up something that had no bearing on anything.

I don't agree with his comments (I find them quite repulsive, my brother is gay and a much better Christian and church attender than most any out there) but that isn't what annoyed me.
don't you get it, phil had the balls to tell his employer to go to hell, i am not working on thanksgiving day....how many walmart employees do you think wanted to say that? phil was the rallying call for many who are tired of being pushed around by employers...to me this is why phil got so much support, jobs are so scarce employers always have the upper hand this was a chance for many to say f'ck you.


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don't you get it, phil had the balls to tell his employer to go to hell, i am not working on thanksgiving day....how many walmart employees do you think wanted to say that? phil was the rallying call for many who are tired of being pushed around by employers...to me this is why phil got so much support, jobs are so scarce employers always have the upper hand this was a chance for many to say f'ck you.
I think that's making the man a little bigger than he is. Most who are pushed around by their employers can't afford to do what Phil did. Comparing a minimum wage Wal Mart worker forced to work on Thanksgiving to a multi-millionare who made some regretful comments is pretty left field man.

Those people who had to work the holidays have nothing in common with Phil. Phil doesn't need to work another day in his life and his "work" we are talking about is being on a reality TV show in this instance. Comparing that to the woman trying to feed her kids working at Wal-Mart is laughable.


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I didn't really want to get dragged into it, but these type of discussions never are.
I made similar arguments to the ones you made but rationality and logic suddenly becomes invalid since I am a heathen yuppie who doesnt hunt and will obviously burn in hell for defending the rights of the abominations that are homosexuals.


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I think that's making the man a little bigger than he is. Most who are pushed around by their employers can't afford to do what Phil did. Comparing a minimum wage Wal Mart worker forced to work on Thanksgiving to a multi-millionare who made some regretful comments is pretty left field man.
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much."

May be you underestimating what how who greed and the allure tests


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I think that's making the man a little bigger than he is. Most who are pushed around by their employers can't afford to do what Phil did. Comparing a minimum wage Wal Mart worker forced to work on Thanksgiving to a multi-millionare who made some regretful comments is pretty left field man.

Those people who had to work the holidays have nothing in common with Phil. Phil doesn't need to work another day in his life and his "work" we are talking about is being on a reality TV show in this instance. Comparing that to the woman trying to feed her kids working at Wal-Mart is laughable.
geez man....that is the point. phil did what they couldn't do....they get a vicarious victory.

you seem reasonably inteligent, i don't know why you don't get this????


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geez man....that is the point. phil did what they couldn't do....they get a vicarious victory.

you seem reasonably inteligent, i don't know why you don't get this????
Because I'm not going to "get" thinking Phil making those comments is standing up for the working class individual of America. This was a fight between really rich people neither of whom really needed the other person and both of whom reconciled so they can continue to make a lot of money.

I find Phil's comments disgusting, but making him a martyr for the working man in this scenario doesn't make ANY sense at all regardless of my opinion of those comments.

And I will leave it at that.
Piston Honda

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I made similar arguments to the ones you made but rationality and logic suddenly becomes invalid since I am a heathen yuppie who doesnt hunt and will obviously burn in hell for defending the rights of the abominations that are homosexuals.
Yes, abominations like my brother and his partner who proposed to each other in my house this Christmas. But we condone that because of course we're yuppies too; godless liberals that we are.

Those that focus on the "good" that religious people do must also accept the evils of their faith.

"Name me any evil done in the name of atheism that could not also have been done in the name of religion. Now name me the evils done ONLY because of religion, and you see where the true evil lies." -- a paraphrase of Christopher Hitchens
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I quoted the corollary to this:
"You have to name a moral action taken, or a moral statement uttered by a person of faith that could not be taken or uttered by a non-believer."


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"Name me any evil done in the name of atheism that could not also have been done in the name of religion. Now name me the evils done ONLY because of religion, and you see where the true evil lies." -- a paraphrase of Christopher Hitchens
Hitchens, Dawkins, Krauss, Sagan, Shermer, etc. Their books are my gospels ;)


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Because I'm not going to "get" thinking Phil making those comments is standing up for the working class individual of America. This was a fight between really rich people neither of whom really needed the other person and both of whom reconciled so they can continue to make a lot of money.

I find Phil's comments disgusting, but making him a martyr for the working man in this scenario doesn't make ANY sense at all regardless of my opinion of those comments.

And I will leave it at that.
who do you think the target audience is for duck dynasty...working class people that's who. rather he has money or not, he is an employee who is standing up to his employer.

remember the old song 'take this job and shove it'....phil is representing many who feel this way, but cannot act on it, imo.
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Hitchens, Dawkins, Krauss, Sagan, Shermer, etc. Their books are my gospels ;)
Don't forget Harris, Dennett, Stenger, Loftus...

Amherst, NY is home of Prometheus Publishing as well as a Center for Inquiry. Very "blessed" to have these in my backyard!


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Don't forget Harris, Dennett, Stenger, Loftus...

Amherst, NY is home of Prometheus Publishing as well as a Center for Inquiry. Very "blessed" to have these in my backyard!
Nice! Glad to see there is still people capable of rationale logic on this board.

I will be in NY sometime this summer at the Hayden Planetarium with my son. Ever been?
Piston Honda

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No, but it sounds interesting! That's the beauty of science: KNOWING why things are instead of "God's plan" being the answer of the ignorant.


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It is the planetarium that Neil DeGrasse Tyson runs and rumor has it Bill Nye is often seen there roaming the halls. I grew up watching Bill Nye and am halfway going in hopes of seeing him (or NdT) there.
Piston Honda

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It is the planetarium that Neil DeGrasse Tyson runs and rumor has it Bill Nye is often seen there roaming the halls. I grew up watching Bill Nye and am halfway going in hopes of seeing him (or NdT) there.
Shh, don't tell everyone where the rational people congregate! Don't put all the ranking officers in one boat.


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No, but it sounds interesting! That's the beauty of science: KNOWING why things are instead of "God's plan" being the answer of the ignorant.
so, it is ok for you to call those who believe in GOD ignorant...but you get upset when someone says homosexuality is wrong?

geez, how elitist is that!!!!


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Amherst, NY is home of Prometheus Publishing as well as a Center for Inquiry. Very "blessed" to have these in my backyard!
do you see this just the point my friend there is no "my backyard" for "very blessed" finding true knowledge and wisdom, joy/nor place you and josh excited to traveling--
a man leave home on search for happiness an errant mission has commenced


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I never understood how the term elite got morphed into a derogatory term.

I will openly admit, I strive to be elite in all of my ventures. If you are content in being mediocre then so be it


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Because I'm not going to "get" thinking Phil making those comments is standing up for the working class individual of America. This was a fight between really rich people neither of whom really needed the other person and both of whom reconciled so they can continue to make a lot of money.

I find Phil's comments disgusting, but making him a martyr for the working man in this scenario doesn't make ANY sense at all regardless of my opinion of those comments.

And I will leave it at that.
Could not agree more with everything you have been posting.


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I never understood how the term elite got morphed into a derogatory term.

I will openly admit, I strive to be elite in all of my ventures. If you are content in being mediocre then so be it
too bad you don't strive for a little humility


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Now you take issue with someone wanting to be their very best and commenting on it. Strange what you find okay to talk about.

On a site called Anabolic Minds no less.


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how take issue he made comment


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funny one thing everyone on about phil rich care about money no way compare for walmart associate etc. forgetting that walmart assoc. living 10 times the king then starving third world country noone like to look the relativity in the eye nor put theyself in a perspective to see with others eye.
it seem for me phil was much money they offer from Redskin in nfl and he pass up to hunting,,persons priorities some here making other then what actuality is
