Hyde’s Strength Odyssey



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BW 261.2

Band Facepulls, Tris, Lats, Mobility

DB Rotators
8 2x15

DB NG Rotating Strictpress

Logpress (clean once, press away)

alt w/ DB Rear Delt Flyes
35 3x12

DB Skullcrushers
35 2x20

Put my son down for his nap, then slipped into the garage for some light accessories to help bolster yesterday’s max effort work.

This has to be some of the first overhead pressing I’ve tried in nearly a year, after I had my elbow scoped in December of ‘22 - then realized there was still all kinds of flexion issues with trying to press overhead. My ART regiment the last half a year has been entirely responsible for getting me back to this point.

Not sure if I’ll be able to press a barbell from below eye level ever again, but the wide neutral grip of a log (and the way they sit further from you) went a lot better than a barbell or even Swissbar. I couldn’t rack it on my delts, but it was close(ish) - hoping with the men’s (12”) I may have a chance of eventually racking it. Either way, just happy I might have some kind of full range overhead option again!



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Glad you were able to do some overhead press work. Sounds like the log helped you get into your sweet spot to be able to press. Honestly that makes that 405 bench even more impressive, considering you haven’t been able to do any overhead pressing in a year. You did a great job working around it, and keep pushing.


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12/30/23 - Day 38
BW 273.2 pre-gym

Miniband Pullaparts, Presses, Flyes, Serratus Activation

360,380,405x1 PR

15 years. I had to train for 15 years straight & gain 110lbs to do it, but I finally benched 405 raw. There was a lot of emotion in this day for me. I nearly shed a tear as I looked at the bar loaded down with 4 plates per side before wrapping my wrists, thinking about everything it’s taken to realize this moment. The plan was only to take 380 today, but that press took less than 2 seconds to complete - I knew then that today was my day, what I was capable of.

I thought about sticking to the plan, coming back in a week or so to try it then, but then I thought about Rocket. How we’re never really guaranteed another day or chance. “How much time do you have left? When you start thinking about that, we don’t know.” is what I could hear Les Brown saying in my head.

This benchpress hung at two different points on the way up, taking every ounce of my strength to lock out, but there was never any doubt once I began. I knew in my heart I was already a 405 bencher, so it was just a matter of manifesting that truth.

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Got that motherf*cker!!!
Yes!!!!!!! Some days when it’s feeling good you just keep going up
You smoked that, take pride brother!


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Honestly that makes that 405 bench even more impressive, considering you haven’t been able to do any overhead pressing in a year. You did a great job working around it, and keep pushing.
Thank you. I haven’t been able to clean things, overhead press, incline or closegrip with full ROM. A lot of my tricep work has been very limited by it as well, and obviously no curling. I can barely touch my chest on a regular benchpress with pinkies on the rings without pain/dysfunction.

Sometimes you just have to find a way to make it work with what you have!

Yes!!!!!!! Some days when it’s feeling good you just keep going up
You smoked that, take pride brother!
I am really happy with it. I knew it was doable with enough effort.

Niiiiice!!!! I bet it felt good.
Yeah today was really encouraging!


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Also, today is day 1 of a Z Pack. I’ve had this bronchitis for about 10 weeks now, so it’s absolutely not going away on its own, nor is it viral - I got sick with some kind of virus flying back from California in mid October, and after that a week later is when this infection began.

I realized if I go and get tested/chest X-ray, the answer is still going to be antibiotics, so just going to start with this and I’ll go to the doctor if it doesn’t suffice.


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Also, today is day 1 of a Z Pack. I’ve had this bronchitis for about 10 weeks now, so it’s absolutely not going away on its own, nor is it viral - I got sick with some kind of virus flying back from California in mid October, and after that a week later is when this infection began.

I realized if I go and get tested/chest X-ray, the answer is still going to be antibiotics, so just going to start with this and I’ll go to the doctor if it doesn’t suffice.
Dang yeah that’s a long time to have that hanging around, hope the Z pack knocks it out.


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Also, today is day 1 of a Z Pack. I’ve had this bronchitis for about 10 weeks now, so it’s absolutely not going away on its own, nor is it viral - I got sick with some kind of virus flying back from California in mid October, and after that a week later is when this infection began.

I realized if I go and get tested/chest X-ray, the answer is still going to be antibiotics, so just going to start with this and I’ll go to the doctor if it doesn’t suffice.
Man that is a long time…..my wife and one of my sons have had a cough for a few weeks now, but 10 weeks has got to be rough. There is something going around, that’s not Covid, that lingers around for awhile. Hopefully that Z Pack knocks it out.


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Dang yeah that’s a long time to have that hanging around, hope the Z pack knocks it out.
Man that is a long time…..my wife and one of my sons have had a cough for a few weeks now, but 10 weeks has got to be rough. There is something going around, that’s not Covid, that lingers around for awhile. Hopefully that Z Pack knocks it out.
I was hoping it would clear up a week or so into the Bigger By The Day, but when it didn’t after a couple weeks I was basically locked in - I couldn’t risk not being able to digest 5k+ calories daily or it would blow the whole training cycle. I had to be able to eat to grow or I wouldn’t keep making the lifts to come.

It could certainly be placebo, but I really believe I have hacked up less today. Normally the mornings have this bad routine once I get moving around/some coffee and everything starts coming loose in my sinuses and hacking up, but not really today. Barely spit up anything in training too, which is a big win.


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BW 260.8

Lat Pulldown warmup
BW One-leg Deadlifts
KB Suitcase Carries
BW Squat

alt w/ NG Chin-ups

SSB Squat
+80 chain
331 7x3 w/ ~90 sec rests

Sumo Deadlift, Tex dl bar
331 5x5

Beltsquat to box
230 2x15

Today kicked my ass, but I have to get back in shape to handle more lower body work and the time is now. Just had to suck it up & commit to doing the work.

First work set on sumo was garbage. Just legpressing it into a back extension like a conventional pull because it was light enough to get away with. So I turned my feet out slightly & pushed my knees out harder to wedge in better for the following sets - this let me focus on bringing my hips to the bar instead of pulling back. Final sets felt like I had really improved things - hoping if I strengthen my hip drive it will improve my conventional as well.


^Nailed it


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BW 260.8

Lat Pulldown warmup
BW One-leg Deadlifts
KB Suitcase Carries
BW Squat

alt w/ NG Chin-ups

SSB Squat
+80 chain
331 7x3 w/ ~90 sec rests

Sumo Deadlift, Tex dl bar
331 5x5

Beltsquat to box
230 2x15

Today kicked my ass, but I have to get back in shape to handle more lower body work and the time is now. Just had to suck it up & commit to doing the work.

First work set on sumo was garbage. Just legpressing it into a back extension like a conventional pull because it was light enough to get away with. So I turned my feet out slightly & pushed my knees out harder to wedge in better for the following sets - this let me focus on bringing my hips to the bar instead of pulling back. Final sets felt like I had really improved things - hoping if I strengthen my hip drive it will improve my conventional as well.

View attachment 239371

^Nailed it
Nice work! Looking solid as ever man!!


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BW 260.8

Lat Pulldown warmup
BW One-leg Deadlifts
KB Suitcase Carries
BW Squat

alt w/ NG Chin-ups

SSB Squat
+80 chain
331 7x3 w/ ~90 sec rests

Sumo Deadlift, Tex dl bar
331 5x5

Beltsquat to box
230 2x15

Today kicked my ass, but I have to get back in shape to handle more lower body work and the time is now. Just had to suck it up & commit to doing the work.

First work set on sumo was garbage. Just legpressing it into a back extension like a conventional pull because it was light enough to get away with. So I turned my feet out slightly & pushed my knees out harder to wedge in better for the following sets - this let me focus on bringing my hips to the bar instead of pulling back. Final sets felt like I had really improved things - hoping if I strengthen my hip drive it will improve my conventional as well.

View attachment 239371

^Nailed it


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Nice work lately, and looking beefy!!!


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BW 260.8

Lat Pulldown warmup
BW One-leg Deadlifts
KB Suitcase Carries
BW Squat

alt w/ NG Chin-ups

SSB Squat
+80 chain
331 7x3 w/ ~90 sec rests

Sumo Deadlift, Tex dl bar
331 5x5

Beltsquat to box
230 2x15

Today kicked my ass, but I have to get back in shape to handle more lower body work and the time is now. Just had to suck it up & commit to doing the work.

First work set on sumo was garbage. Just legpressing it into a back extension like a conventional pull because it was light enough to get away with. So I turned my feet out slightly & pushed my knees out harder to wedge in better for the following sets - this let me focus on bringing my hips to the bar instead of pulling back. Final sets felt like I had really improved things - hoping if I strengthen my hip drive it will improve my conventional as well.

View attachment 239371

^Nailed it
As always impressive work, I’m always impressed with how many chin-ups and pull-ups you do at your body weight……watch out when you start feeling better, PR city.💪


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BW 260.0 yesterday

Band Pullaparts, Tris, Lats

Serratus Activations

Dynamic Swissbar Bench
220 5x5 ~90 sec rests


90 5x15

Seated DB Rear Delt Flyes
25 4x15

ss w/ Cable V-bar Pressdowns

Felt really nice to have speed day - to just come in and do some technical & muscle work at a faster clip, without having to mentally prepare for a long, slow pummeling.

Haven’t done dips in a long time because they aren’t back-supported, so I probably need to film and see if I am compensating with my trap a lot still or if they are going to be effective on my left side. Both tris felts like they were getting a good stimulus.


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BW 260.0 yesterday

Band Pullaparts, Tris, Lats

Serratus Activations

Dynamic Swissbar Bench
220 5x5 ~90 sec rests


90 5x15

Seated DB Rear Delt Flyes
25 4x15

ss w/ Cable V-bar Pressdowns

Felt really nice to have speed day - to just come in and do some technical & muscle work at a faster clip, without having to mentally prepare for a long, slow pummeling.

Haven’t done dips in a long time because they aren’t back-supported, so I probably need to film and see if I am compensating with my trap a lot still or if they are going to be effective on my left side. Both tris felts like they were getting a good stimulus.
I have to really focus on scapular depression on my dips too. That right trap wants to take over for the subscap to create the tightness and stability. So I have to focus hard on keeping that scap depressed and chest high. Same for bench for me as well.


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I have to really focus on scapular depression on my dips too. That right trap wants to take over for the subscap to create the tightness and stability. So I have to focus hard on keeping that scap depressed and chest high. Same for bench for me as well.
Any back-supported pressing for me is good because it plants my traps and I have to regulate bar travel with my elbow flexion, but when I am not against something if my elbow doesn’t want to bend (or my brain wants to avoid closing the angle because it associates that with pain), things like pushups, dips, and OHP my body can just roll my left shoulder back to move my body forward or the bar down without evenly bending my elbow.

My ART guy thinks my pushups have been looking better and better as an analysis, provided I keep my grip wide or avoid full depth, so he wants me to begin some unsupported movement in partial ranges & various grip widths to see if we can retrain the bad patterns.


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Any back-supported pressing for me is good because it plants my traps and I have to regulate bar travel with my elbow flexion, but when I am not against something if my elbow doesn’t want to bend (or my brain wants to avoid closing the angle because it associates that with pain), things like pushups, dips, and OHP my body can just roll my left shoulder back to move my body forward or the bar down without evenly bending my elbow.

My ART guy thinks my pushups have been looking better and better as an analysis, provided I keep my grip wide or avoid full depth, so he wants me to begin some unsupported movement in partial ranges & various grip widths to see if we can retrain the bad patterns.
Sounds like your ART guy has a damn good plan. Mine does great body work but doesn't really give me as much feedback on what to change to improve going forward. He explains the how and why of how the injury expresses itself, and gives basic ideas on avoidance but for some reason thinks a lot of the activation stuff is not as important to have me do. Stuff like just keep the scap depressed when pressing, or when I asked him to help me with my gait he told me to start walking with my right foot straight instead of out. No suggestions of exercises to wake the hip up or work on internal rotation and the like. When I asked him about strengthening certain areas of my back he was like "Chris, look at your back. Does it look weak to you? No, it isn't weak, just keep yourself in the right position and it will work the way it should." Of course I am thinking to myself, do you think I am not trying to do those things already?


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would the slingshot assisted pushups help to maintain full rom while removing pressure on elbow? Given, you said wide grip and the SS isn't going to help with going wide...

I really thought the ss was a great overloading tool for bench, and that people who used it for pushups and dips were just not able to do them anyways, but since I played with it, I actually liked it for pushups, I might give it a try for dips and just see what the stimulus is like.


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would the slingshot assisted pushups help to maintain full rom while removing pressure on elbow? Given, you said wide grip and the SS isn't going to help with going wide...

I really thought the ss was a great overloading tool for bench, and that people who used it for pushups and dips were just not able to do them anyways, but since I played with it, I actually liked it for pushups, I might give it a try for dips and just see what the stimulus is like.
That ain't a bad idea, just depends on if you are doing weighted dips and using to help build lockout strength. Otherwise, I wouldn't really bother with it too much if growth is the goal. It makes the most hypertrophic portion of the lift lighter. So just depends on why you want to use it on a dip. For hypertrophy the studies are showing the meat of the benefits are in the stretched position where the slingshot is providing the most assistance. I would say its best utilization is to help with lockout strength, and also probably great for doing dips, or other pressing while rehabbing from an injury.


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My ART guy had me do diamond pushups for him today to assess - because they have the elbows so flared with my fingers touching to make a diamond, it actually keeps my upper back totally even. They felt heavy comparatively, but he felt this could be great for a tricep accessory option (which are normally quite limited for me).

would the slingshot assisted pushups help to maintain full rom while removing pressure on elbow? Given, you said wide grip and the SS isn't going to help with going wide...

I really thought the ss was a great overloading tool for bench, and that people who used it for pushups and dips were just not able to do them anyways, but since I played with it, I actually liked it for pushups, I might give it a try for dips and just see what the stimulus is like.
It is good for people who need some stress taken off the bottom but would like to do dips, say for shoulder reasons.

In my case though, no unfortunately - I cannot physically bend my elbow that acutely, so when my ROM stops it’s over or I have to compensate by rolling my shoulder open and/or shrugging my trap back/up.

Like today when I benched with the NG handles, because that puts my arms closer to my body, I would get some pain trying to touch. I had to be mindful to keep my chest as high as absolutely possible, otherwise for that last inch of ROM my body can do compensatory things like flare my elbow out at the bottom, loosen my grip to let the bar slide, drift the left side of the bar further down/towards my stomach to touch. These are all things I have to fight against when I bench, to lift correctly.


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Day 4 of Z pack. Absolutely seeing progress, hacking up very little now.

I am getting some heartburn now, which was previously resolved, and had some extra movements yesterday so gut biome is definitely getting ripped apart, but this is what it takes (and why I didn’t do it during the run to 405).
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Day 4 of Z pack. Absolutely seeing progress, hacking up very little now.

I am getting some heartburn now, which was previously resolved, and had some extra movements yesterday so gut biome is definitely getting ripped apart, but this is what it takes (and why I didn’t do it during the run to 405).
Are you doing any probiotics with your antibiotics?


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Some Greek yogurt once or twice daily, which is both pre- and probiotic. It absolutely helps.
I am not a fan of the toll antibiotics takes on your gut. I had an upper respiratory infection 8 yrs ago, went into Urgent Care as it was 1/8mile from my house. I got prescribed the highest dose of antibiotics I had ever taken. I had to go on the BRAT diet. I had no idea but work I.D. pictures were taken the day I came back from being out. I had the sunken in “diet face” and had shaved my beard off. I looked terminally ill. The pic ended up on my employee profile for over 5 yrs. Too funny. Looked like a short, Polish, Skelator!


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Some Greek yogurt once or twice daily, which is both pre- and probiotic. It absolutely helps.
I am not a fan of the toll antibiotics takes on your gut.
10 or so years ago I supposedly had noro so bad that if I burped and left the room I could come back in 10 minutes and it still smelled like a sewer line exploded in there. after a week+ of that nonsense I started throwing in greek yogurt and almost immediately saw positive results.


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10 or so years ago I supposedly had noro so bad that if I burped and left the room I could come back in 10 minutes and it still smelled like a sewer line exploded in there. after a week+ of that nonsense I started throwing in greek yogurt and almost immediately saw positive results.
I don't know what that is but it sounds horrendous. I hate there being any chance I am the stinky guy anywhere. Although at 300g of protein if I have gas it might bite. :)


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BW 260.8

Lat Pulldown warmup
BW One-leg Deadlifts
KB Suitcase Carries
BW Squat

alt w/ NG Chin-ups

SSB Squat
+80 chain
331 7x3 w/ ~90 sec rests

Sumo Deadlift, Tex dl bar
331 5x5

Beltsquat to box
230 2x15

Today kicked my ass, but I have to get back in shape to handle more lower body work and the time is now. Just had to suck it up & commit to doing the work.

First work set on sumo was garbage. Just legpressing it into a back extension like a conventional pull because it was light enough to get away with. So I turned my feet out slightly & pushed my knees out harder to wedge in better for the following sets - this let me focus on bringing my hips to the bar instead of pulling back. Final sets felt like I had really improved things - hoping if I strengthen my hip drive it will improve my conventional as well.

View attachment 239371

^Nailed it
A Fukking HUGE dude for sure!

The sickness has been going around everywhere, if I dont get sick it will be a miracle.
Wife is on week 3 with RSV virus, my oldest now has it (on day 3) and her fiance who lives w/ us was sick for 2 weeks prior.
Just me and my youngest haven't gotten anything yet, and Im a bit surprised...


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I am not a fan of the toll antibiotics takes on your gut.
They absolutely should be used sparingly, because they destroy everything & then you need to regrow the garden from ground zero. I haven’t needed them for a bacterial infection in some years, but I had a course 2.5 years ago when I got snipped, then again December of ‘22 when my elbow was ‘scoped. Every time they cut on you it’s going to mean using them.

I put off taking any for 10-11 weeks, but I think I got COVID or some similar virus flying back from California in October and then got a bacterial infection in my bronchial tubes or lungs after that, and it just wouldn’t kick. My voice has gotten really destroyed; I have barely been able to read to my son at night & definitely haven’t been able to sing to him.

That was kind of my line in the sand, not being able to speak properly in meetings & having to miss things with my son for weeks on end.


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BW 260.2

Hip Stretches
One-leg Deadlifts
Split Squats

SSB 12” Boxsquat, deadlift stance
425,475,515,540x1 PR

Paused Frontsquats

Leg Extensions
100 3x15

ss w/ Lying Leg Curls

Previous best on the lowbox SSB squat in deadlift stance was something like 445-465 well over a year ago, so this was a 75-95lb PR. My best free SSB Squat is 565 done last summer, and I think I could have matched that on this tougher variant tonight.

Didn’t get any more done than last week because I ended up talking way too much with some of the other lifters, but it was a great time & I definitely felt in better shape to handle more. I did progress weight on accessories at least.


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Starting 2024 out right….already hit a second PR, and that’s some deep box squats.
14” box gets me to quality competition depth, so 2” deeper and very close stance makes it a long trip!

It looks so dissimilar to a deadlift on paper, but when you get about halfway up the SSB is trying to push you forward so it’s really very much like the top half of a conventional deadlift, where you are trying to drive your neck back and hips through to completion.

Those numbers are nuts man. I need to work front squat back into my rotation.
I really hate doing fronts; they are easy for me to bother my knee or aggravate my discs, and they are generally just a “hard” movement. But I think they have a huge ROI for strength, the way they build the quads and strengthen the abs & upper back. Doing them paused helps it be easier on my knee and more intentional with flexing my legs on the ascent.

They just work.


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BW 260.2

Hip Stretches
One-leg Deadlifts
Split Squats

SSB 12” Boxsquat, deadlift stance
425,475,515,540x1 PR

Paused Frontsquats

Leg Extensions
100 3x15

ss w/ Lying Leg Curls

Previous best on the lowbox SSB squat in deadlift stance was something like 445-465 well over a year ago, so this was a 75-95lb PR. My best free SSB Squat is 565 done last summer, and I think I could have matched that on this tougher variant tonight.

Didn’t get any more done than last week because I ended up talking way too much with some of the other lifters, but it was a great time & I definitely felt in better shape to handle more. I did progress weight on accessories at least.
Man congrats on that PR!


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Band Facepulls, Tris, Flyes, Presses, Lats

Axle Deadstop Bench from Pins 2” off chest
375x2 PR

Axle Seated OHP from Pins at nose level

Diamond Pushups, paused

ss w / NG Wide Lat Pulldown
170 2x10

Vbar Cable Tri Pressdown
60,70,80x15 back-to-back

Final day of Trest - took 55mg to finish the last vial from Rocket for a heavy bench day. Seemed very fitting. I was definitely extra warm at this dose and felt strong today. Got 4 plates onto the light axle I was doing bottoms-up benching with, & no wrist wraps either since I had the pins to protect me from a drop. Forearms & elbows are feeling pretty worked.

My son turns 3 today, so looking forward to a fun weekend with family! Back to cruise tomorrow.


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Great session, and Happy Birthday to Lil Man!!! How is he doing in his gymnastics? Anymore new accomplishments?


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Great session, and Happy Birthday to Lil Man!!! How is he doing in his gymnastics? Anymore new accomplishments?
Thanks guys! He has just generally been getting bigger, stronger, faster. Things that were tough before are now easy - you see things like his grip & foot strength going up, balance improving, better coordination.

This week coming up may be my last/one of my last sessions down on the floor with him, which is pretty sad for me. It went by so fast. Once they’re 3, they like to take them out of the parent-assisted class & move them into purely instructor-led group training. Hopefully he will still enjoy that if so - they say removing the parents usually actually makes them begin to perform much better, since they are more inclined to listen to someone else vs seeing it as a playtime.



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Nice strong lifts. Nice to see you able to incorporate ohp again.
Give the lil guy a big hug! Hope he had a great birthday.
Thank you; he really did. I brought mini cupcakes in for his preschool class on my lunch break to have with their lunch & all the kids went berserk. He was so excited with everyone cheering his name; I think it made him feel really special.

He is getting a big family party tomorrow, but we also took him to Chuck E Cheese last night. He thinks that place is just the best. He loves to throw the Skee balls overhand, so they crash into the ramp violently, then barely roll up into the bottom slot with no points

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