How to "pulse" orals



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Sweet! So just to confirm stacking Epi + HDX2 @ 1cap/6hrs would still not require anything more post cycle therapy than perhaps MFX at best after an 8wk pulse? I realize it's probably symantics at this point but I'm just crossing and dotting all my t's and i's!
this is exactly what i will be running in 2 weeks..40 mgs of epi with 4 caps of hdx2 eod.glad solitude reposted it

....but here is where i get complicated..i am on a 12 hour i always take my last dose,during a pulse before 6pm no matter what shift i am how would i take the hyperdrol when i am on night shift 545 pm till 545 am...i get up around 330 pm on night so i could jsut start taking it then,right? opinions?
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6a-Br is a competitive inhibitor of aromatase, with an apparent Ki of 3.4 nM. This is 126x stronger than 6-oxo!

6b-Br is a mechanism-based irreversible inhibitor with an apparent Ki of 800 nM. This is only half as strong as 6-oxo but qualitatively quite superior in my experience.

6-Oxo is strictly a competitive inhibitor with an apparent Ki of 430 nM. It has no protracted activity either. Once you stop taking it, it's effects are done. Plus if forms 6a-OH-Testosterone as a metabolite!

Basically, 6-Br is the same as 6-Oxo but has a bromine substituted for the oxygen.

This is going on in another thread so look up what I said there for more elaboration.
thanks for the response although i only understand details vaguely...protracted? 6aohtest? oxygen for bromine?...what thread are you refering to, i didnt seem to find anything?


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Sweet! So just to confirm stacking Epi + HDX2 @ 1cap/6hrs would still not require anything more post cycle therapy than perhaps MFX at best after an 8wk pulse? I realize it's probably symantics at this point but I'm just crossing and dotting all my t's and i's!
Yes, exactly. Not 100% of course, it never hurts to have some tor or clom just in case, but this looks like a very solid 8wk plan all the way around. I would be extremely surprised if your LH/test levels were lower after 8wks of this!


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i know PP wasnt known for it like superdrol was with the glyc loading but i think that helped contribute a ton to my added strength.. i ate like 2 2serving bowls ED of malto meal and ate a ton of tuna... also added 30g carbs to my shakes with oats.... blew up real nice that cycle and had it stacked with prostan so i didnt hold hardly any water i wish i could run that cycle agian.
I agree, always got a good loading effect from it too. It was just the acne and gyno that turned me off to PP. Otherwise, loved the mental from it and liked the gains too.


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this is exactly what i will be running in 2 weeks..40 mgs of epi with 4 caps of hdx2 eod.glad solitude reposted it

....but here is where i get complicated..i am on a 12 hour i always take my last dose,during a pulse before 6pm no matter what shift i am how would i take the hyperdrol when i am on night shift 545 pm till 545 am...i get up around 330 pm on night so i could jsut start taking it then,right? opinions?
Taking the HD before you go to bed is the most important thing, no matter what shift you work. If you can take 1 cap twice while you're up and 2 more caps before you go to sleep, you'll still get a great response, practically as good as per every 6hrs which is just the ideal way but not the only way. I will dose per 8hrs like this 1/1/2 and it still works quite well I've found.


New member
Yes, exactly. Not 100% of course, it never hurts to have some tor or clom just in case, but this looks like a very solid 8wk plan all the way around. I would be extremely surprised if your LH/test levels were lower after 8wks of this!
Awesome...thanks DD, you rock da house! :djparty:


what about pulsing 1-AD and 4-AD trans?
would it be to mild to pulse?


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thanks for the response although i only understand details vaguely...protracted? 6aohtest? oxygen for bromine?...what thread are you refering to, i didnt seem to find anything?
Sorry. By protracted I mean it has a residual impact on estrogen biosynthesis, where estrogen remains low for some time even after you discontinue the supp. 6-hydroxytestosterone is a metabolite, not one you really want either, but this is not the thread for that! Oxygen and bromine are just atoms, they can be substituted for hydrogens on molecules with carbon cycles, like the ones we're discussing. That's really beyond the scope of this thread, but it's an issue of steric and electronic fit on the receptor. I'm not sure where the thread is where I was making my points, I have sense abandoned it. I was being baited again it seems but I do not want it brought to this thread so that is all I will elaborate.


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what about pulsing 1-AD and 4-AD trans?
would it be to mild to pulse?
No, not too mild, I used to pulse 19-Nordiol/4-AD with great succcess! The doses need to be sufficient though, about 300mg 1AD and 600mg 4AD as a starting point.


No, not too mild, I used to pulse 19-Nordiol/4-AD with great succcess! The doses need to be sufficient though, about 300mg 1AD and 600mg 4AD as a starting point.
How would u go up on doses, and using an AI( let's say ATD) and cortisol control on days OFF?

And some DHEA on days OFF or all the way? lets say 150mg ED


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Sorry. By protracted I mean it has a residual impact on estrogen biosynthesis, where estrogen remains low for some time even after you discontinue the supp. 6-hydroxytestosterone is a metabolite, not one you really want either, but this is not the thread for that! Oxygen and bromine are just atoms, they can be substituted for hydrogens on molecules with carbon cycles, like the ones we're discussing. That's really beyond the scope of this thread, but it's an issue of steric and electronic fit on the receptor. I'm not sure where the thread is where I was making my points, I have sense abandoned it. I was being baited again it seems but I do not want it brought to this thread so that is all I will elaborate.
i understand thanks Dr. D.


New member
but I would say you should probably detect 40mg of epi from the first w/o or two. It's a mental energizer for me at that dose.

Thanks Poop and Dr. D this is what I was looking for.


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Got a question D

I've got a nice lil' superdrol/Havoc pulse going on.. Looks something like this:

Weeks 1-4: Havoc 20mg/SD (M-drol) 10mg
Week 5: Off
Weeks 6-9: SD 20mg/ Havoc 30mg

Taking alpha drive xl everyday as well. And cissus.

Despite the cissus, I'm having a lil' joint pain. So, how bout' droppin' like 25 mgs of Max Lmg in there eace pulse day? Or should I just deal with it until the cissus starts doing its magic? What sounds best.


  • Established

Hi guys

I need some advice.

Currently I'm on my Day 33 of my pulse cycle, and I woke up this morning and I got flu and sore throat again, this is the second time I got it during this cycle.

The first time I catch the cold was on Day 19, I stopped dosing all my supps, stop training for 4 days, and took some medicine and antibiotic during that 4 days, after that I was fine then I resumed everything, but now it has happened again, but not as bad as last time.

What do you guys think could be the cause? Could it be because of my cycle, or maybe I just push myself too hard, or maybe there are just some virus going around near me at the moment? :(

Any advice on what should I do next? I just got back from the doctor again, and I got myself my meds and antibiotics for 4 days treatment like last time.

Since I'm not as sick as last time, I'm thinking of just continuing training and continue my cycle while taking my meds, would that be a really really dumb idea?? :D


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I get a cold everytime I lack enough sleep or workout too hard without good rest....I would look at this area and make sure you are doing a fair amount of recoup, at least double the days 1 on 2 off etc, if you're working real hard!

Much Love,

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Man, if you're sick, rest until you are better and resume your pulse. Its not gonna hurt you like if you were on a regular cycle. Cold and sore throats can turn into more serious problems if you push it, and then your training and health will suffer big time.


  • Established
I get a cold everytime I lack enough sleep or workout too hard withouth good rest....I would look at this area and make sure you are doing a fair amount of recoup, at least double the days 1 on 2 off etc, if you're working real hard!

Much Love,

Man, if you're sick, rest until you are better and resume your pulse. Its not gonna hurt you like if you were on a regular cycle. Cold and sore throats can turn into more serious problems if you push it, and then your training and health will suffer big time.
Alright, I'll do that guys. Thanks.

I guess I'm just too excited during this cycle, so I really push myself to the limit every time to see if being on a hormonal supps really does make that much difference in progress.

Well I'm making good progress doing this, but it might tax my immune system too much, I'll take a few days break, and go easy next time.


New member
I am gonna start my first cycle soon (pulsing) and i have 3 questions:
1) Would it be good to stack Epi and superdrol (m-drol) or should i do them separately the first time(dose would be 30epi10mdrol)?
2) What dose would you propose if i was to do a superdrol only first time? I'm thinking 20mgs 3x/wk
3) should i use the same support supps on superdrol as i would on Epi (AI, Anti-cort, tribulus and cissus in my case)or would i need to add something?


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Androgenic Compound

Dr. D or anyone.

From what I've learned so far, androgenic compound will be awesome to be pulse at pre-workout to increase aggression and get that alpha male feeling.

I don't know much about androgenic compounds available at the moment, all I know is that most designers are highly anabolic but only mildly androgenic.

Do you guys have any good recommendations for the particular compounds that I'm looking for?
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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Dr. D or anyone.

From what I've learned so far, androgenic compound will be awesome to be pulse at pre-workout to increase aggression and get that alpha male feeling.

I don't know much about androgenic compounds available at the moment, all I know is that most designers are highly anabolic but only mildly androgenic.

Do you guys have any good recommendations for the particular compounds that I'm looking for?
While Superdrol isn't all that androgenic on paper, It sure brings out the beast in me in the gym. I feel like pounding on my chest between sets and throwing my fecal matter all around the place. LOL


  • Established
Dr. D or anyone.

From what I've learned so far, androgenic compound will be awesome to be pulse at pre-workout to increase aggression and get that alpha male feeling.

I don't know much about androgenic compounds available at the moment, all I know is that most designers are highly anabolic but only mildly androgenic.

Do you guys have any good recommendations for the particular compounds that I'm looking for?
methoxy TRN or any or one of its knock offs.... BUT if you can find the original its GOLD as far as androgenic compounds go.. aggression out the yang energy and strength hardness and pumps... i LOVED this comound but its so much androgenic i would only run it in the future stacked with an anabolic or only pulsed preworkout, its very strong works VERY fast and its only dosed in the sub 10mg's... like 4.5-8mg its perfect for pulsing...... check my log on this...


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methoxy TRN or any or one of its knock offs.... BUT if you can find the original its GOLD as far as androgenic compounds go.. aggression out the yang energy and strength hardness and pumps... i LOVED this comound but its so much androgenic i would only run it in the future stacked with an anabolic or only pulsed preworkout, its very strong works VERY fast and its only dosed in the sub 10mg's... like 4.5-8mg its perfect for pulsing...... check my log on this...
Thanks poopy, I'll check it out.

Btw, which company released M-Tren?

Is it still available or only the clones are available? If clones what do you suggest?


  • Established
Thanks poopy, I'll check it out.

Btw, which company released M-Tren?

Is it still available or only the clones are available? If clones what do you suggest?
well ALRI did the OG M-TRN .... look as hard as you can and ask around as much as possible for it... then if not mega-TRN from generic labz is your best bet.. they were said to be the only ones to get the compound correct...... the currecnt version out now is very questionable as to what is actually in it... its similar as far as what people are experiencing BUT they are getting mas gains off of it... wich leads me to belive its VER anabolic as well and not the fully correct compound.... that one is called trenadrol... they claim its the same BUT they even have it dosed at 30mg/pil... no way in hell its the same when the other ones were 1.5mg/pill and 2mg/pill respectively.. the original always being the strongest going to show its potency at a lower dose.... GL in finding it as if you do you wont be let down.


  • Established
well ALRI did the OG M-TRN .... look as hard as you can and ask around as much as possible for it... then if not mega-TRN from generic labz is your best bet.. they were said to be the only ones to get the compound correct...... the currecnt version out now is very questionable as to what is actually in it... its similar as far as what people are experiencing BUT they are getting mas gains off of it... wich leads me to belive its VER anabolic as well and not the fully correct compound.... that one is called trenadrol... they claim its the same BUT they even have it dosed at 30mg/pil... no way in hell its the same when the other ones were 1.5mg/pill and 2mg/pill respectively.. the original always being the strongest going to show its potency at a lower dose.... GL in finding it as if you do you wont be let down.
Ah ok, thanks for that. :thumbsup:

Rx Lift

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All you three times a week pulsers, what kind of workout routines are you guys doing?


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All you three times a week pulsers, what kind of workout routines are you guys doing?
I use a custom designed program created just for me, but it is a full body training type of program. :)

Not so high in number of sets, to avoid overtraining, but with higher frequency, hitting the same body part more frequently.


New member
not sure if this was covered somewhere in the middle of the thread, but pulsing reduces the chance of sides right? Taking at most 40mg of Havoc 4 days a week should I be paranoid about gyno?


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not sure if this was covered somewhere in the middle of the thread, but pulsing reduces the chance of sides right? Taking at most 40mg of Havoc 4 days a week should I be paranoid about gyno?
you refuse to read dont you.

HAVOCs active helps reduce gyno. dont know if this is proven or works for everyone. but jesus man.


Never enough
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you refuse to read dont you.

HAVOCs active helps reduce gyno. dont know if this is proven or works for everyone. but jesus man.
Well, whats interesting is that i've seen a few people say that on pulses, it doesn't seem to. On a full cycle it does tho.... I was wondering the same for my upcoming cycle, i'm back to confused as to what to actually take compound wise, as I'd like to avoid taking a prescription type SERM, which precludes doing a regular cycle.


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Well, whats interesting is that i've seen a few people say that on pulses, it doesn't seem to. On a full cycle it does tho.... I was wondering the same for my upcoming cycle, i'm back to confused as to what to actually take compound wise, as I'd like to avoid taking a prescription type SERM, which precludes doing a regular cycle.
What's the question?

Much Love,



Never enough
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the question is whether epistane and the clones still reduce gyno on a pulse, or possibly have the potential to cause or aggravate gyno on a pulse, even tho they seem to be effective for reducing or completely removing gyno in a conventional cycle. I've seen a few complaints of puffy / irritated nipples (not necessarily gyno I know) in pulse logs.

Rx Lift

  • Established
the question is whether epistane and the clones still reduce gyno on a pulse, or possibly have the potential to cause or aggravate gyno on a pulse, even tho they seem to be effective for reducing or completely removing gyno in a conventional cycle. I've seen a few complaints of puffy / irritated nipples (not necessarily gyno I know) in pulse logs.
I would be concerned with it possibly aggravating gyno on a pulse due to the fact there may be a rebound effect on the off days. Make sure you take anti-estrogen/AI on your off days. You can stick to the bare basics like 100-200mg of 6-oxo each night.


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actualy the SERM like effect of epi is longer lasting then its halflife so if you set up your pulse right you may not evver have to woeey about a bounce back... and the longer you take epi the longeer the effect lasts wich is a reason why its so eassy to come back and keep gains even from a conventional cycle. besides if you guys are taking an AI on your off days (wich most have noted they are) then there is DEF no need to worry about this "bounceback"


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How would u go up on doses, and using an AI( let's say ATD) and cortisol control on days OFF?

And some DHEA on days OFF or all the way? lets say 150mg ED
About as usual with doses. The AI maybe nightly because 4AD shuts down pretty fast, and the DHEA could be daily if you like but might get a bit androgenic stacked with 4AD. 150mg on off days sounds fine though.


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I've got a nice lil' superdrol/Havoc pulse going on.. Looks something like this:

Weeks 1-4: Havoc 20mg/superdrol (M-drol) 10mg
Week 5: Off
Weeks 6-9: SD 20mg/ Havoc 30mg

Taking alpha drive xl everyday as well. And cissus.

Despite the cissus, I'm having a lil' joint pain. So, how bout' droppin' like 25 mgs of Max Lmg in there eace pulse day? Or should I just deal with it until the cissus starts doing its magic? What sounds best.
If you're responding well and making gains, I wouldn't add another anabolic, but doubling up the cissus or taking some glucosamine for a week might help.


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Hi guys

I need some advice.

Currently I'm on my Day 33 of my pulse cycle, and I woke up this morning and I got flu and sore throat again, this is the second time I got it during this cycle.

The first time I catch the cold was on Day 19, I stopped dosing all my supps, stop training for 4 days, and took some medicine and antibiotic during that 4 days, after that I was fine then I resumed everything, but now it has happened again, but not as bad as last time.

What do you guys think could be the cause? Could it be because of my cycle, or maybe I just push myself too hard, or maybe there are just some virus going around near me at the moment? :(

Any advice on what should I do next? I just got back from the doctor again, and I got myself my meds and antibiotics for 4 days treatment like last time.

Since I'm not as sick as last time, I'm thinking of just continuing training and continue my cycle while taking my meds, would that be a really really dumb idea?? :D
Zinc lozenges for the sore throat! Cold-Eze are nasty, but work. Sundown brand makes a really good punch flavored one with Vit. C and echinacea in it too.

If you are using a mild, non-aromatizable compound, it is only likely to boost immunity. I would have lowered the dose till I could train again but kept going with it. Also, 4 days may not have been enough with the antibiotics. It could inspire a bigger infection if you failed to irradicate it and you may consider another, longer course of them if it helped the first time.


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I am gonna start my first cycle soon (pulsing) and i have 3 questions:
1) Would it be good to stack Epi and superdrol (m-drol) or should i do them separately the first time(dose would be 30epi10mdrol)?
2) What dose would you propose if i was to do a superdrol only first time? I'm thinking 20mgs 3x/wk
3) should i use the same support supps on superdrol as i would on Epi (AI, Anti-cort, tribulus and cissus in my case)or would i need to add something?
Never take 2 new things at once! Always try things separately for at least the first time. You can't really go wrong pulsing either as your first cycle, just take the conventional supports using the general formula. You can get fancy next time, after you have some experience. :)


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well ALRI did the OG M-TRN .... look as hard as you can and ask around as much as possible for it... then if not mega-TRN from generic labz is your best bet.. they were said to be the only ones to get the compound correct...... the currecnt version out now is very questionable as to what is actually in it... its similar as far as what people are experiencing BUT they are getting mas gains off of it... wich leads me to belive its VER anabolic as well and not the fully correct compound.... that one is called trenadrol... they claim its the same BUT they even have it dosed at 30mg/pil... no way in hell its the same when the other ones were 1.5mg/pill and 2mg/pill respectively.. the original always being the strongest going to show its potency at a lower dose.... GL in finding it as if you do you wont be let down.
Author sent me some of his 1.0 mg beta caps of Methoxy-TRN and they were pretty darn good alright. 6 of those bad boys and libido was just silly man, I mean totally off the hook for the rest of the day. :head:


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Author sent me some of his 1.0 mg beta caps of Methoxy-TRN and they were pretty darn good alright. 6 of those bad boys and libido was just silly man, I mean totally off the hook for the rest of the day. :head:
sounds fun


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the question is whether epistane and the clones still reduce gyno on a pulse, or possibly have the potential to cause or aggravate gyno on a pulse, even tho they seem to be effective for reducing or completely removing gyno in a conventional cycle. I've seen a few complaints of puffy / irritated nipples (not necessarily gyno I know) in pulse logs.
Guys, don't forget (and I emphasized this back some place in this thread already) that Epi is WAY different from the current knock-offs. About the only thing they seemed to share in common when I compared the most popular clone was the strength gains. I would not count on anything but genuine Epistane to provide consistent or residual anti-gyno benefits.


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sounds fun
Yes, for a few glorious days in a row, it was quite delightful. Even the generic ring tone on my cell phone reminded me of cheesy porn flick music! I had a one track mind. lol


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Zinc lozenges for the sore throat! Cold-Eze are nasty, but work. Sundown brand makes a really good punch flavored one with Vit. C and echinacea in it too.

If you are using a mild, non-aromatizable compound, it is only likely to boost immunity. I would have lowered the dose till I could train again but kept going with it. Also, 4 days may not have been enough with the antibiotics. It could inspire a bigger infection if you failed to irradicate it and you may consider another, longer course of them if it helped the first time.
Ah ok. :)

Btw, I sent you a PM D.


  • Established
Author sent me some of his 1.0 mg beta caps of Methoxy-TRN and they were pretty darn good alright. 6 of those bad boys and libido was just silly man, I mean totally off the hook for the rest of the day. :head:
ya i think this one was a case much like with epi... everyone who tried the OG TRN raved about great libido but those that had Mega TRN from generic labz had the strength and hardness and endurance but their libido dropped like a rock... aint nothin like the original with everything ive seen come out... phera plex was the same too... man i wish we could still get ahold of AX PP....


New member
Dr. D or anyone.

Trying to put together a simple Epi pulse cycle and need some more opinions from the pulsing gurus on this.

Initially, I'd planned the cycle with 3-times-a-week dosage on workout days only, as below:

Mon: 10mg
Wed: 20mg
Fri: 30mg
Mon: 30mg
Wed: 30mg
Fri: 30mg
Next 3 weeks without Epi and then repeat the cycle.

However, a buddy advised that he'd seen better results from 4-times-a-week dosage on workout days only, as below:

Mon: 10mg
Tue: 20mg
Thu: 30mg
Fri: 30mg
Mon: 30mg
Tue: 30mg
Thu: 30mg
Fri: 30mg
Next 3 weeks without Epi and then repeat the cycle.

What do you guys think?

Also have have the following compounds:
Perfect Cycle
Liver Longer

Any thoughts on dosing the above sups to get the most out of what should be a steady dry gain cycle.

All your expertise is much appreciated!


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Dr. D or anyone.

Trying to put together a simple Epi pulse cycle and need some more opinions from the pulsing gurus on this.

Initially, I'd planned the cycle with 3-times-a-week dosage on workout days only, as below:

Mon: 10mg
Wed: 20mg
Fri: 30mg
Mon: 30mg
Wed: 30mg
Fri: 30mg
Next 3 weeks without Epi and then repeat the cycle.

However, a buddy advised that he'd seen better results from 4-times-a-week dosage on workout days only, as below:

Mon: 10mg
Tue: 20mg
Thu: 30mg
Fri: 30mg
Mon: 30mg
Tue: 30mg
Thu: 30mg
Fri: 30mg
Next 3 weeks without Epi and then repeat the cycle.

What do you guys think?

Also have have the following compounds:
Perfect Cycle
post cycle therapy ADVANCED
Liver Longer

Any thoughts on dosing the above sups to get the most out of what should be a steady dry gain cycle.

All your expertise is much appreciated!
I would say that the best advice to give is to listen to your own body and make your decisions on the fly.


1. Dosage 10/20/30/40 progressing with each week, yes 10/20/30 for the first week is fine and then do as many weeks at 30mg as you are making good gains in strength / hardness etc.

2. This all depends on whether this is your first cycle or not or whether your a cracked out roid raged monkey! The latter will require to get to a higher dose most likely something like 20/30/40/50/50 etc.

3. 40mg's seems to be the sweet spot for this oral.

4. On on days take all your doses pre and post workout preferably before 6pm but dont worry if you take later.

5. Off days 2 Retain2's I believe is sufficient though I am unsure of the dosing, ask others to respond to this.

6. Off days Liver support of some kind, you can choose, simply Milk Thistle, NAC or SAMe will work fine. Do not take these on "on" days.

7. I don't think there is any harm in taking large amounts of BCAA's everyday but that they are actually good / beneficial.

8. Why don't you do three weeks on MWF and then if you feel you are not making good enough gains etc then go MTTHF.

This is the beauty of pulsing as you the whole point is to steer clear of sides / PCT as much as possible. Once you start getting into longer dosing Sides / PCT go up and is needed.

Much Love,


P.S let others chime in here as well as I'm no "James Teh Guru" :D


  • Established
However, a buddy advised that he'd seen better results from 4-times-a-week dosage on workout days only, as below:

Mon: 10mg
Tue: 20mg
Thu: 30mg
Fri: 30mg
Mon: 30mg
Tue: 30mg
Thu: 30mg
Fri: 30mg
Next 3 weeks without Epi and then repeat the cycle.

What do you guys think?
So if I understand this correctly basically in 5 weeks you'll only be dosing 8 times, right?

Looks very safe to me. :)

Btw, I don't see any AI there, I think you should add it to your list.

Oh wait, post cycle therapy ADVANCED is "AX's Advanced PCT" is it? If so, then I guess you already have your AI. :)


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Why would 2 weeks on 3 weeks off produce better gains :think:

Much Love,



  • Established
Why would 2 weeks on 3 weeks off produce better gains :think:

Much Love,

I think the comparison he was making was between:

1. 3 times dosing a week for 2 weeks out of 5 weeks = 6 times dosing out of 5 weeks

2. 4 times dosing a week for 2 weeks out of 5 weeks = 8 times dosing out of 5 weeks

Which his buddy said he got better gain using Number. 2, instead of his initial plan which was Number. 1.


New member
Thanks much guys! This is why I love this forum, quick, to the point answers.

Oh wait, post cycle therapy ADVANCED is "AX's Advanced post cycle therapy" is it? If so, then I guess you already have your AI.
Yep that's right. Any thoughts on dosing times with these?

I think the comparison he was making was between:

1. 3 times dosing a week for 2 weeks out of 5 weeks = 6 times dosing out of 5 weeks

2. 4 times dosing a week for 2 weeks out of 5 weeks = 8 times dosing out of 5 weeks

Which his buddy said he got better gain using Number. 2, instead of his initial plan which was Number. 1.
That's exactly what I was trying to say. I think I'll take your advice and try the 6 times dosing out of 5 weeks first and see how it goes. If it's fairly steady, then I'll stick to it. No sense in pushing up the dosage too quickly.

Again, much obliged for your thoughts!

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