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Alright then, I felt a dramatic rise in insulin, which lowered my blood sugar enough to cause me to feel dizzy. That is exactly the type of situation I'm trying to avoid on a very low carb diet. I was wrong to call it a "sugar rush", that is just a term perpetuated by the general population to describe this "feeling". I thought with the majority of the carbs coming from fiber and not sugar, that I would avoid the spike in insulin. I guess I was wrong. Oh well, live and learn right?. I don't want to be knocked out of ketosis and not sure if eating that one chocolate chip cookie dough quest bar did that or not. To be safe, or maybe because I'm a bit anal when it comes to low carb I will be extending my time by 18 days on low carb before I have my first carb up. I still love quest bars. Just don't trust eating them when I'm trying to stay in ketosis.
Knocked out of ketosis. Man, I need to do more research. So, it is built up over a certain period? How often are your carb refeeds?
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I said I don't know if I was knocked out of ketosis or not. I'm just not sure. Maybe mr.cooper69 can shed some light on this.
Ever read Lyle McDonalds "The Ketogenetic Diet" Book? Worthy investment loaded with information.


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Ever read Lyle McDonalds "The Ketogenetic Diet" Book? Worthy investment loaded with information.
I've been through his body recomp website and reaped the freebies. I have yet to buy a book of his. You say it's a worthwhile read?


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I've been through his body recomp website and reaped the freebies. I have yet to buy a book of his. You say it's a worthwhile read?
If you're interested in keto diets and want a good all-in-one book, yes. It covers all of the basic info and does a good job putting things into an easily understandable format. I have a pdf of it if you want to have a look. Just send me a PM.


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I said I don't know if I was knocked out of ketosis or not. I'm just not sure. Maybe mr.cooper69 can shed some light on this.
From what I understand and from when I did a keto diet last summer, it usually takes a solid 3-4 days to reach ketosis if you are also doing some cardio along w your weights and really going keto- as in ZERO CARBS- no veggies, lettuce, artificial sweeteners, trace carbs in protein powders, etc...
When I did keto, all I ate was eggs and meats and the occasional shot of heavy cream... I didn't have any salad or fibrous veggies like some keto diets say to. Then once every 5th or 6th day I would have a carb MEAL not day, meal. With no more than 50 grams... I dropped significant bf in 3 weeks time, after Which my stomach was just torn apart by the acidity and I started looking and feeling like crap, so I slowly added in fruits n veggies

Point being- took me ~72 hours to reach ketosis and I was using my gda for meals as well


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If you're interested in keto diets and want a good all-in-one book, yes. It covers all of the basic info and does a good job putting things into an easily understandable format. I have a pdf of it if you want to have a look. Just send me a PM.
Thanks! PM sent.


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Just realized I won, can't wait for the products.

Wish I would've got my phone in time to take a picture of my stack for the contest but oh well.

Thanks USPLabs!


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I'm not planning on a strict keto diet. I'm just doing an extended "Adaption Phase/Stage" of the Metabolic Diet, a diet, or way of eating that I have followed since 2003. Mauro DiPasquale introduced this diet back in the early 1990's when it was called "The Anabolic Diet". Since then it's been refined into the Metabolic Diet. Supposedly there is a second edition coming out soon but I haven't seen anything new or any updates on any of his sites. The diet itself is variable in the amount of carbohydrates you can eat, so it's ok for people who can't handle strictly low carb diets. It can help teach you how to find your "Carbohydrate Set point". Guidelines for the phase that I'm in now are Fat-50-60% of caloric intake, Protein- 30-40% of caloric intake and Carbohydrate 30 grams or less(4-10%). The assessment adaption phase can be anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks long. I've decided to go 5 weeks this time around. I've only been off the diet maybe 3 times since 2003. Every-time I do go off for whatever reason I feel like crap. Eating this way is more of a lifestyle for me and not just a temporary thing. I wouldn't follow any other plan because this is what has worked for me for the past 10 years. If I ever have any questions, I just look them up in the book/books that I have from Mauro or I have emailed him before. When I first started I was able to call him up by phone and he actually called me back personally with straight answers to my questions about the diet. I don't like getting information from 3rd party sources, I like going straight to the horses mouth so to speak.
Very cool.. I used to have great results recomping on 30-50g carbs, moderate fat and high protein. I have been experimenting w much higher than average carb amounts since October.. Gained ~12 to 15 quality pounds while maintaining or losing bf during the entire process. I can't wait to start cutting (with versa1!) in April and reduce my carbs then carb cycle then go keto for the finishing touches for summer!


Very cool.. I used to have great results recomping on 30-50g carbs, moderate fat and high protein. I have been experimenting w much higher than average carb amounts since October.. Gained ~12 to 15 quality pounds while maintaining or losing bf during the entire process. I can't wait to start cutting (with versa1!) in April and reduce my carbs then carb cycle then go keto for the finishing touches for summer!
Versa is awesome for cutting. I didnt cut when I beta tested it but I notice a lot of appetite suppression. It was hard for me to get all my calories in without forcefully shoveling food into my system lol.
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I've been through his body recomp website and reaped the freebies. I have yet to buy a book of his. You say it's a worthwhile read?
Lyle knows his information better than most out there. LOL to say "Not interested in his work" To each his own though, if you are going to negate a great resource that is full of information and pub med studies, then so be it.. to be ignorant to someone who studies this for their life thats great, but if you arent going to run keto by nature (As t-bone is not) and kind of modifying it by throwing in sources like quest bars, it will treally through off your perception of true keto and reaching ketosis by the limitations most follow on the diet, but then again its his diet and what he wants to do, if he gets results that is whta matters.


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Lyle knows his information better than most out there. LOL to say "Not interested in his work" To each his own though, if you are going to negate a great resource that is full of information and pub med studies, then so be it.. to be ignorant to someone who studies this for their life thats great, but if you arent going to run keto by nature (As t-bone is not) and kind of modifying it by throwing in sources like quest bars, it will treally through off your perception of true keto and reaching ketosis by the limitations most follow on the diet, but then again its his diet and what he wants to do, if he gets results that is whta matters.
Well, T bone has a point. Lyle attributes the roots and the early research to Mauro Dipasquale, even says so in his book. They spout the same info, which is legit.

I am going to finish reading this book and hopefully have aome success with the method. I am just worried that it may mess with my energy when I go back to work this week. Wonder if the diet could be utilized during a leangains IF protocol?


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Well, T bone has a point. Lyle attributes the roots and the early research to Mauro Dipasquale, even says so in his book. They spout the same info, which is legit.

I am going to finish reading this book and hopefully have aome success with the method. I am just worried that it may mess with my energy when I go back to work this week. Wonder if the diet could be utilized during a leangains IF protocol?
I did keto IF style... Bcaas during fast .. Some days were tougher than others lol


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I did keto IF style... Bcaas during fast .. Some days were tougher than others lol
Yeah. I had a bit of an unplanned carb up Friday morning. I was so friggin hungry. I didn't make it to my feeding window that day, 30 or so minutes shy. But, I stayed within my cal's for the day.
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Well, T bone has a point. Lyle attributes the roots and the early research to Mauro Dipasquale, even says so in his book. They spout the same info, which is legit.

I am going to finish reading this book and hopefully have aome success with the method. I am just worried that it may mess with my energy when I go back to work this week. Wonder if the diet could be utilized during a leangains IF protocol?
I bet it would work, any diet would work with IF, IF is just a lifestyle diet its used as a personal preference to adjust to your lifestyle to eating in a smaller window. You could do a bulk, cut on IF, just depends on your intake and how you handle larger meals.

" Lyle attributes the roots and the early research to Mauro Dipasquale, even says so in his book. They spout the same info, which is legit.

^^ Thats why i said the information is very well written because he added his research + those of others, The reason its 200 pages is because it has a ton of great information not only on Keto, but also what Keto can do to the body, and what its benefits/negatives can also supply as well.

I guess suggesting a book is "Ignorant" towards a keto diet. But like i said if you find an alternative and you prefer it by all means rock it out, Keto is going to vary depending on a TKD/CKD etc, so you could put a twist on it but in the end if you get results. Rock it out. Research which has been done is a learning tool to why people study it and what the benefits can offer with their time in the lab/research on given diets and how they can vary from individual to individual given their goal and how they respond to different macronutrients

I did keto IF style... Bcaas during fast .. Some days were tougher than others lol
You dont need BCAA's during your fast, even martin says to keep them just for pre-workout if you use it for fasted training (10g BCAA prior) other than that during the fast just water, diet soda, coffee etc...

"Training is initiated on an empty stomach and after ingestion of 10 g BCAA or similar amino acid mixture. This "pre-workout" meal is not counted towards the feeding phase. Technically, training is not completely fasted - that would be detrimental. The pre-workout protein intake, with its stimulatory effect on protein synthesis and metabolism, is a crucial compromise to optimize results. The 8-hour feeding phase starts with the post-workout meal."

****** No calories are to be ingested during the fasted phase, though coffee, calorie free sweeteners, diet soda and sugar free gum are ok (even though they might contain trace amount of calories). A tiny splash of milk in your coffee won’t affect anything either (½-1 teaspoon of milk per cup at the most - use sparingly and sensibly if you drink a lot of coffee). Neither will sugar free gum in moderation (~20 g).***

People sometimes ask me which protocol is best. I tend to look at things from a behavioral perspective first and foremost, so my reply to that is to choose the protocol best suited to your daily routine and training preferences. When dealing with clients I make the choice for them. If you work a 9-5 job and your only option is to train after work, training fasted is generally a bad idea and I always choose the one or two meals pre-workout protocol.

^^ From Martin's site and the leangains guide, i think the BCAA during the fast would illicit a protein response of BCAA's instantly entering the system not really making it a fasting period, the reason for the BCAA prior to workout on a fasted state it because you have had no food for quite some time so training after 14-16 hours or so of fasting would not be "Optimal" to his standards, but that would have to be something addressed to him via an email for a further response IMO. Just a generic stab at what he may have to say.


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You dont need BCAA's during your fast, even martin says to keep them just for pre-workout if you use it for fasted training (10g BCAA prior) other than that during the fast just water, diet soda, coffee etc...
Doesn't Martin also say 10g BCAA's every 2 hours until feed?
Example: workout at 0600- 10g pre wo, then 10g at 0800, 10g at 1000, and 10g at 1200 for a feeding window that begins at 1400.
Seems like a lot of BCAA's.

i have been debating on making my window like 9-1500 or something so I can eat sooner after my workout.


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I actually don't use bcaa during my fast :D

Or pre workout :/

I still make gains and increase my strength.. But I often wonder if not ingesting bcaa PRE is lessening my results and performance from maximal...


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I actually don't use bcaa during my fast :D

Or pre workout :/

I still make gains and increase my strength.. But I often wonder if not ingesting bcaa PRE is lessening my results and performance from maximal...
I would think that it might be. NP has a kilo of bulk modern bcaa's for cheap right now.


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Random question. So I am doing leangains protocol, with a feeding period 12-8 or 2-8. This is about the 4th week or so.
I am freezing. I mean I am cold almost all of the time. I know my resting heart rate is low, but that shold not cause this.
This is definitely something that has started in the last couple of weeks.
I eat 2187 calories a day- 35/35/30- Pro/Carb/fat
Workout 6 days a week. Lots of water intake.

Anybody with any backround or knowledge as to why I am cold?


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Random question. So I am doing leangains protocol, with a feeding period 12-8 or 2-8. This is about the 4th week or so.
I am freezing. I mean I am cold almost all of the time. I know my resting heart rate is low, but that shold not cause this.
This is definitely something that has started in the last couple of weeks.
I eat 2187 calories a day- 35/35/30- Pro/Carb/fat
Workout 6 days a week. Lots of water intake.

Anybody with any backround or knowledge as to why I am cold?
Happens to me always in fasting period.. Actually almost all the time lol. Just lower Bp and circulation isn't as fast bc youre in a fasted state, all your bodies processes are slowed down to an extent... Even on thermos, my fingers and toes are usually frigid.

You could also need slightly higher cals... But I'm pretty sure it's from the first thing I said

I'm on hour 32 of a 36 hour fast at the moment just felt like it was necessary, was having water retention issues and low energy... Nothing like a 36 hour fast to fix that up right quick! Going to shoot some hoops then it's chow time!
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Doesn't Martin also say 10g BCAA's every 2 hours until feed?
Example: workout at 0600- 10g pre wo, then 10g at 0800, 10g at 1000, and 10g at 1200 for a feeding window that begins at 1400.
Seems like a lot of BCAA's.

i have been debating on making my window like 9-1500 or something so I can eat sooner after my workout.


Fasted training

Training is initiated on an empty stomach and after ingestion of 10 g BCAA or similar amino acid mixture. This "pre-workout" meal is not counted towards the feeding phase. Technically, training is not completely fasted - that would be detrimental. The pre-workout protein intake, with its stimulatory effect on protein synthesis and metabolism, is a crucial compromise to optimize results. The 8-hour feeding phase starts with the post-workout meal.

Sample setup

11.30-12 AM or 5-15 minutes pre-workout: 10 g BCAA
12-1 PM: Training
1 PM: Post-workout meal (largest meal of the day).
4 PM: Second meal.
9 PM: Last meal before the fast.

Calories and carbs are tapered down throughout the day in the example above.

Early morning fasted training

Here's a sample setup for a client that trains early in the morning and prefers the feeding phase at noon or later. Read this for details regarding this protocol.

6 AM: 5-15 minutes pre-workout: 10 g BCAA.
6-7 AM: Training.
8 AM: 10 g BCAA.
10 AM: 10 g BCAA
12-1 PM: The "real" post-workout meal (largest meal of the day). Start of the 8 hour feeding-window.
8-9 PM: Last meal before the fast.

For the sake of conveniency, I recommend getting BCAA in the form of powder and not tabs. Simply mix 30 g of BCAA powder in a shake and drink one third of it every other hour starting 5-15 minutes pre-workout. Tabs are cheaper, but much more of a hassle (you're going to have to pop a lot of tabs). Check my supplements guide for specific brand recommendations.

I will stop commenting because i keep getting negged by users on this thread for my input regarding the subject...
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Random question. So I am doing leangains protocol, with a feeding period 12-8 or 2-8. This is about the 4th week or so.
I am freezing. I mean I am cold almost all of the time. I know my resting heart rate is low, but that shold not cause this.
This is definitely something that has started in the last couple of weeks.
I eat 2187 calories a day- 35/35/30- Pro/Carb/fat
Workout 6 days a week. Lots of water intake.

Anybody with any backround or knowledge as to why I am cold?
I got this too towards the end of contest prep when calories dropped, it may have to do regarding drops in hormone , t3, leptin levels from dieting or lower caloric intake. No symptoms on refeeds or once kcals started to raise up. Even in the colder months of the year.

Try searching on Martin's website regarding it.. this is something i did notice as well.. but then again anyone who does diet or lowers calories will get colder from long term dieting. Think about individuals in contest prep or those dieting who get towards the lower ends of their cutting periods and will be cold. Could be a hormonal thing...

Check this one. or search for hormones on his leangains page.

Intermittent Fasting, Set-Point and Leptin | Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health


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I got this too towards the end of contest prep when calories dropped, it may have to do regarding drops in hormone , t3, leptin levels from dieting or lower caloric intake. No symptoms on refeeds or once kcals started to raise up. Even in the colder months of the year.

Try searching on Martin's website regarding it.. this is something i did notice as well.. but then again anyone who does diet or lowers calories will get colder from long term dieting. Think about individuals in contest prep or those dieting who get towards the lower ends of their cutting periods and will be cold. Could be a hormonal thing...

Check this one. or search for hormones on his leangains page.

Intermittent Fasting, Set-Point and Leptin | Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health
ok. I have dropped a great deal of weight in the last 4 months, about 35 pounds.
i should probably bump my calories up a notch. Thanks for the links.
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I would also make sure you are doing refeeds or cheat meals.. these will help a ton with hormones, leptin, t3 levels and help with continual fatloss as well

Lyle mcDonald has great articles on his website bodyrecomposition. and some good information can be found off layne norton articles on refeeding and its importance.


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I would also make sure you are doing refeeds or cheat meals.. these will help a ton with hormones, leptin, t3 levels and help with continual fatloss as well

Lyle mcDonald has great articles on his website bodyrecomposition. and some good information can be found off layne norton articles on refeeding and its importance.
How do u know when to refeed? What if u don't ever feel deprived ? Should u still force a refeed ? Mainly obviously once fat loss plateaus..


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I would also make sure you are doing refeeds or cheat meals.. these will help a ton with hormones, leptin, t3 levels and help with continual fatloss as well

Lyle mcDonald has great articles on his website bodyrecomposition. and some good information can be found off layne norton articles on refeeding and its importance.

I've been on that site, and just received a copy of his "The Ketogenic Diet" yesterday. I am plowing through it as much as I can. The wife is almost ready to give birth, so I have a chore list a mile long. I told her I have to read this for my training and conditioning class that I am taking at AMU.


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I've been on that site, and just received a copy of his "The Ketogenic Diet" yesterday. I am plowing through it as much as I can. The wife is almost ready to give birth, so I have a chore list a mile long. I told her I have to read this for my training and conditioning class that I am taking at AMU.
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How do u know when to refeed? What if u don't ever feel deprived ? Should u still force a refeed ? Mainly obviously once fat loss plateaus..
Yes you should refeed .. and from my last post:

these will help a ton with hormones, leptin, t3 levels and help with continual fatloss as well

When you diet these all drop and to keep them from dropping too low can have a bigger negative than positive. When metabolism slows this is when stalls happen, same with when your hormones, t3, and leptin levels drop it can cause stalling to happen in your weightloss.
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Yes you should refeed .. and from my last post:

these will help a ton with hormones, leptin, t3 levels and help with continual fatloss as well

When you diet these all drop and to keep them from dropping too low can have a bigger negative than positive. When metabolism slows this is when stalls happen, same with when your hormones, t3, and leptin levels drop it can cause stalling to happen in your weightloss.

I do every week, maybe every 10days.

Try and keep liquids low on your carb up days to help with bloat. Sometimes, mentally, after carb ups the bloat can de discouraging but don't let it be.

I look like compete sh!t before & right after carb ups. I don't control liquids very well as I am sometimes a complete savage :-D
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I do every week, maybe every 10days.

Try and keep liquids low on your carb up days to help with bloat. Sometimes, mentally, after carb ups the bloat can de discouraging but don't let it be.

I look like compete sh!t before & right after carb ups. I don't control liquids very well as I am sometimes a complete savage :-D
Also will depend on sources for your refeed, use lower fiber sources and it wont be a major factor. Rice and Pasta are very good sources, same with breads, adding in some fructose and fruits wont hurt either (but dont make it your priority). I would also consider/facotr in veggie intake as well. That may hold people up, it does for me if i eat too many. Lyle McDonald has an outstanding chart in his Ebooks for UD 2.0 and Rapid Fatloss handbook regarding what happens when you diet and in offseason and regarding all the levels in your body and what drops and what rasies when calories fall and when they increase and how the refeeds can play huge parts to those especially in the Ultimate Diet 2.0 which is PSMF during the week and huge carb refeeds on the weekend.


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Well can u refeed on a bulk? Lol I've really actually plateaued in my bulk.. I was recoumping quite nicely then started seeing some fat gain n stopped increasing lbm. Now I am maintaining.. Not sure what the next dietary move should be
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Well can u refeed on a bulk? Lol I've really actually plateaued in my bulk.. I was recoumping quite nicely then started seeing some fat gain n stopped increasing lbm. Now I am maintaining.. Not sure what the next dietary move should be
You stopped or plateaued from a few reasons
- Change in routine
- Change in Cardio
- Change in diet my guess is because you saw the scale rise you dropped kcals and that is going to harm progress with adding/size strength.

Can you refeed on a bulk? Sure.. you could do higher carbs on a leg day or a lagging bodypart day or implement a cheat meal as a form of a refeed, both would work and be a way. But once you are already hitting pretty consistent kcals and in a surplus the benefits of a refeed while bulking would not be anywhere near what they would illict on a deficit due to the swings in hormones, t3, leptin, to aid in your fatloss when in a caloric deficit over a time to help keep the metabolism churning.


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You stopped or plateaued from a few reasons
- Change in routine
- Change in Cardio
- Change in diet my guess is because you saw the scale rise you dropped kcals and that is going to harm progress with adding/size strength.

Can you refeed on a bulk? Sure.. you could do higher carbs on a leg day or a lagging bodypart day or implement a cheat meal as a form of a refeed, both would work and be a way. But once you are already hitting pretty consistent kcals and in a surplus the benefits of a refeed while bulking would not be anywhere near what they would illict on a deficit due to the swings in hormones, t3, leptin, to aid in your fatloss when in a caloric deficit over a time to help keep the metabolism churning.
No I liked seeing the scale rise bc I was seeing positive changes in the mirror for both fat loss and muscle mass. My routine didn't change ... If anything I increased cardio due to having an increase in energy! Lol so I can't imagine how an increase in cRdio would slow fat loss.. I mean I know it CAN if it caused me to actually drop too low in overall calories... So maybe that was it..!
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No I liked seeing the scale rise bc I was seeing positive changes in the mirror for both fat loss and muscle mass. My routine didn't change ... If anything I increased cardio due to having an increase in energy! Lol so I can't imagine how an increase in cRdio would slow fat loss.. I mean I know it CAN if it caused me to actually drop too low in overall calories... So maybe that was it..!
Increase in cardio can slow fatloss, I know Layne has spotted some good research to show long bursts of LISS can slow the metabolism (he posted a link to it in his workout journal on bodybuilding.com regarding it). Overall if you were looking to cut (which i know you were talking abotu bulking and refeeding) So i am kind of lost on what you are trying to talk about or what you are currently doing because you went back and forth between cutting and bulking and were asking about the benefits of refeeds.

if you did stall and the only thing you did do was increase cardio a touch, what does the mirror show? The scale is your worst tool to use during a prep or a cut, the mirror is always your best indication. Some weeks you may never lose a pound or an oz, but look leaner/tighter showing you something is going on, then all of a sudden a week later you may see a 1-2 pound drop aka a WOOSH which lyle talks about on his website (bodyrecompostion) in his fatloss articles.


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Increase in cardio can slow fatloss, I know Layne has spotted some good research to show long bursts of LISS can slow the metabolism (he posted a link to it in his workout journal on bodybuilding.com regarding it). Overall if you were looking to cut (which i know you were talking abotu bulking and refeeding) So i am kind of lost on what you are trying to talk about or what you are currently doing because you went back and forth between cutting and bulking and were asking about the benefits of refeeds.

if you did stall and the only thing you did do was increase cardio a touch, what does the mirror show? The scale is your worst tool to use during a prep or a cut, the mirror is always your best indication. Some weeks you may never lose a pound or an oz, but look leaner/tighter showing you something is going on, then all of a sudden a week later you may see a 1-2 pound drop aka a WOOSH which lyle talks about on his website (bodyrecompostion) in his fatloss articles.
My goal right now is recomp to lean bulk. Idc about scale ever so long as the mirror is ok... I hardly ever weigh myself. I haven't done liss in months. I keep all my interval training from 20 to 60 second bursts and allow ample recovery. I do anywhere from 10+ bursts per session


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My goal right now is recomp to lean bulk. Idc about scale ever so long as the mirror is ok... I hardly ever weigh myself. I haven't done liss in months. I keep all my interval training from 20 to 60 second bursts and allow ample recovery. I do anywhere from 10+ bursts per session
That's good stuff. Great for your heart.


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That's good stuff. Great for your heart.
Yea. I used to have to run timed mile and half and will have to again at some point. I'm not looking froward to that bc it's pointless and detrimental to my overall goals.

The only time I do liss is when I'm warming up for lifts on non HIIT days... And no more than 5-10 mins


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Aloha, I've been on versa-1 about a week notice a little more energy in the gym, but no real streath gains.
this week on versa-1, Agmatine, & oxy elite.
went from 30.2% BF to 29.8%. thats prety good for 7 days.
this week will start Versa-1, OxyElite, Test powder Preworkout, BCAA during, & Agmatine, oxyElite later in the day.
Tomarrow will be a lite day, TRX class with a little xtra cardio.
I will be posting & look'n help to reach my goals.


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Aloha, I've been on versa-1 about a week notice a little more energy in the gym, but no real streath gains.
this week on versa-1, Agmatine, & oxy elite.
went from 30.2% BF to 29.8%. thats prety good for 7 days.
this week will start Versa-1, OxyElite, Test powder Preworkout, BCAA during, & Agmatine, oxyElite later in the day.
Tomarrow will be a lite day, TRX class with a little xtra cardio.
I will be posting & look'n help to reach my goals.
Welcome to the domain brother..


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Aloha, I've been on versa-1 about a week notice a little more energy in the gym, but no real streath gains.
this week on versa-1, Agmatine, & oxy elite.
went from 30.2% BF to 29.8%. thats prety good for 7 days.
this week will start Versa-1, OxyElite, Test powder Preworkout, BCAA during, & Agmatine, oxyElite later in the day.
Tomarrow will be a lite day, TRX class with a little xtra cardio.
I will be posting & look'n help to reach my goals.
You definitely have some good supps to get the job done. I have been reading solid reviews about Compound 20 for a cut, so maybe you might throw that in your mix. Keep drinking water, and pushing yourself. Good luck!!


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I've been on that site, and just received a copy of his "The Ketogenic Diet" yesterday. I am plowing through it as much as I can. The wife is almost ready to give birth, so I have a chore list a mile long. I told her I have to read this for my training and conditioning class that I am taking at AMU.
How many of you are consuming BCAA with your carbs?


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How many of you are consuming BCAA with your carbs?
Well, I don't consume them together, other than naturally occuring BCAA's in my food.
I currently do IF, so I drink my Perform BCAA's pre and intra, then my Modern BCAA's until I eat at noon


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Well, I don't consume them together, other than naturally occuring BCAA's in my food.
I currently do IF, so I drink my Perform BCAA's pre and intra, then my Modern BCAA's until I eat at noon
Here is some information you may be interested in...

We are VERY proud to announce these exciting updates to our massively popular Modern BCAA product line!

USPlabs Modern BCAA+™
8:1:1 BCAA with Key Exercise Amino Acids

50% MORE Aminos PER Serving!*
15 grams of BCAA's & other key exercise amino's per serving!

Coveted 8:1:1 BCAA Ratio PLUS the addition of these key aminos:

  • Glycene: Supplementing with this amino around exercise is very important because muscles release more glycine during fasted exercise than any other amino, which creates a catabolic state.
  • Alanine: Also released at very high rates during fasted exercise, making supplementation important to preventing a catabolic state.†
  • Taurine: The most abundant amino acid in skeletal muscle. A recent animal study demonstrated that when muscles are low in taurine, muscle function and performance were significantly reduced.†
  • Lysine: This essential amino acid has been shown to preserve leucine in a protein starved state.†
NEW: Upgraded Flavor Profile! Available in Fruit Punch, Watermelon & Blue Raspberry Flavors!

A couple of key amino acids in Modern BCAA+ when ingested with a carb source have some rather amazing effects.

  • The first has shown that when it is ingested with carbs, it allows you to take advantage of the anabolic potential of the hormone insulin, while minimizing the potential lipogenic effects. This is important because insulin is a highly anabolic hormone with respect to skeletal muscle, yet, insulin can cause fat gain. This particular amino, however, seems to allow the body to take advantage of the anabolic effects of insulin upon skeletal muscle, without the risk of gaining fat...†
  • The second amino acid has been shown to have similarly beneficial effects. When this amino was ingested with a carb source, it was able to maximize the anabolic potential of insulin while minimizing the lipogenic effects of insulin. The key takeaway from both of these ingredients is that you want to maximize the levels of the highly anabolic hormone insulin, yet minimize its lipogenic potential since insulin doesn’t discriminate between being highly anabolic to muscle or fat. By utilizing these key amino acids, you can maintain or even improve the anabolic potential of insulin upon skeletal muscle, while reducing the lipogenic or fat gaining effects the hormone can have.†
† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Well-known member
Here is some information you may be interested in...

We are VERY proud to announce these exciting updates to our massively popular Modern BCAA product line!

USPlabs Modern BCAA+™
8:1:1 BCAA with Key Exercise Amino Acids
50% MORE Aminos PER Serving!*
15 grams of BCAA's & other key exercise amino's per serving!
Coveted 8:1:1 BCAA Ratio PLUS the addition of these key aminos:

[*]Glycene: Supplementing with this amino around exercise is very important because muscles release more glycine during fasted exercise than any other amino, which creates a catabolic state.
[*]Alanine: Also released at very high rates during fasted exercise, making supplementation important to preventing a catabolic state.†
[*]Taurine: The most abundant amino acid in skeletal muscle. A recent animal study demonstrated that when muscles are low in taurine, muscle function and performance were significantly reduced.†
[*]Lysine: This essential amino acid has been shown to preserve leucine in a protein starved state.†

NEW: Upgraded Flavor Profile! Available in Fruit Punch, Watermelon & Blue Raspberry Flavors!

A couple of key amino acids in Modern BCAA+ when ingested with a carb source have some rather amazing effects.

[*]The first has shown that when it is ingested with carbs, it allows you to take advantage of the anabolic potential of the hormone insulin, while minimizing the potential lipogenic effects. This is important because insulin is a highly anabolic hormone with respect to skeletal muscle, yet, insulin can cause fat gain. This particular amino, however, seems to allow the body to take advantage of the anabolic effects of insulin upon skeletal muscle, without the risk of gaining fat...†
[*]The second amino acid has been shown to have similarly beneficial effects. When this amino was ingested with a carb source, it was able to maximize the anabolic potential of insulin while minimizing the lipogenic effects of insulin. The key takeaway from both of these ingredients is that you want to maximize the levels of the highly anabolic hormone insulin, yet minimize its lipogenic potential since insulin doesn’t discriminate between being highly anabolic to muscle or fat. By utilizing these key amino acids, you can maintain or even improve the anabolic potential of insulin upon skeletal muscle, while reducing the lipogenic or fat gaining effects the hormone can have.†

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Sick write up..


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I'm currently waiting for a tub of watermelon to arrive.

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