\\How do YOU stack up? TELL us to WIN USPlabs VERSA-1 & MORE! //


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Sorry but im not one of these USPlabs brown noser, i did buy it and i will take it randomly, i will have a friend give me a pill (1 of which will be versa 1 and 1 of which will be random pill) and he will keep track and if i dont feel anything that means it does nothing and you are selling me crap
haha wtf. i admire questioning the authenticity of the product, this is always necessary IMO.. but how are you setting this up? because this product has an accumulating effect. you cant just go dosing random days and off on others.. ex: day one sugar pill. day two versa. day three versa. day 4 sugar pill.. i hope you have a better plan than i am understanding.
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Sorry but im not one of these USPlabs brown noser, i did buy it and i will take it randomly, i will have a friend give me a pill (1 of which will be versa 1 and 1 of which will be random pill) and he will keep track and if i dont feel anything that means it does nothing and you are selling me crap
So your going to take 1 random pill, and then anothe random pill over the course of 2 days and make a judgement on a product? how is this fair?

Thats like saying if you dont feel something on a bottle of 30 days worth of a product than day 1 is the make or break of a product.

Most products take a good week to settle in and accumulate good feedback/information. What happens if you have a bad workout you are going to blame a pill

What happens if you have a bad day, stress, mood, energy etc, your now going to blame the supplement.

Maybe you miss a meal and it causes you to lose focus/energy so your going to blame that single pill you took.

You did not get good sleep so now your going to point the finger at this said pill you took in the morning.

Saturation is key for some ingredients and require time for them to settle in before you can reap the full beenfits. Most people see good progress once week 2 comes around and into week 3 is when it takes off on Versa-1 (If you have followed the logs). Dont point the finger at the product until you give it time and run it through IMO.


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I thought i could feel it from the first dose?..
if you have a better way of testing im all ears i just dont want my mind giving me a $40 placebo effect.

Im a huge skeptic and you cant blame me cus i see all these reviews from everywhere, and they are so amazing its a little like "okay dude it cant be that amazing"- however if i find it to be good well sign me up ill be the biggest usplab c0cksacker ever
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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I thought i could feel it from the first dose?..
if you have a better way of testing im all ears i just dont want my mind giving me a $40 placebo effect.

Im a huge skeptic and you cant blame me cus i see all these reviews from everywhere, and they are so amazing its a little like "okay dude it cant be that amazing"- however if i find it to be good well sign me up ill be the biggest usplab c0cksacker ever
Take pictures, measurements, bodyfat fold, daily training & food log. There's a full, money back guarantee on the product. If the numbers are not to your liking after week 3 of honest use, you can return it. It's pretty simple if you ask me. No need to let to over complicate things.



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Take pictures, measurements, bodyfat fold, daily training & food log. There's a full, money back guarantee on the product. If the numbers are not to your liking after week 3 of honest use, you can return it. It's pretty simple if you ask me. No need to let to over complicate things.

i dont need this supplement to make progress plus the gains could easily be from my creatine or my protein or my diet or my training. but no need to get defensive all im saying is i dont like being influenced by or pushed into believing its an a amazing supplement if i havent even tried it for myself. If you get defensive it only makes you look bad im gonna give it a fair try im not the type of person to bash supplements for no reason.


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Thought I'd join the fun but way late :D.

Some of you guys have a ridiculous amounts haha.

Running the Versa-1 + Agmatine + BCAA + Jacked Micro right now. Just started all of them last Wednesday. Loving it so far.



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for example i have trial run of NO Xplode 2.0 and its crap however i freaking love hyper fx- both from the same company, most people would say bsn is crap but i gave them a shot and like a couple of their products some are okay. PES is flawless. Gasparis Superpump is crap while i do enjoy their vasotropin, LG sciences their prohormones are crap but their pre workout Epic is the BEST i have tried to this date by far.
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for example i have trial run of NO Xplode 2.0 and its crap however i freaking love hyper fx- both from the same company, most people would say bsn is crap but i gave them a shot and like a couple of their products some are okay. PES is flawless. Gasparis Superpump is crap while i do enjoy their vasotropin, LG sciences their prohormones are crap but their pre workout Epic is the BEST i have tried to this date by far.
This shows you how supplements play such a little effect on the body and why Diet/Training is key. Some things respond for SOME people, others different. Learn your body...

Testing new products is about giving it time and seeing how you respond.
Just like cutting and losing weight, its all about PATIENCE.


New member
Thank you. I wasn't sure so I had to atleast explain. Wife said same thing maybe he was paying compliment. My apologies if so. It took 18 years post college to get to where we are as a family. Excuse the dining room mess.
Yeah she's all good. Absolutely no offence intended and I tend to be a jovial poster.

I'm with you HP.....mortgage, mortgage and then some.



Versa-1 and Compound 20:

I'm in on this!!!!

I am currently running Versa-1 with my OTC PCT. my goal is to prove this can be done without research chems and with the help of Versa-1 and compound 20 I plan to not only maintain my size but cut more fat and add some muscle. Which by the way has already started working. I also plan to meet and exceed my goals. I am on day 13 and know its going to happen. I now have my gym partner taking it and I got 3 other guys at my local Y to place an order. Lol, 1 guy did it on his smart phone right then and there haha.

I can't post links but I'm currently running a log on my protocol including pics, diet, and work out summaries... Here is a broken link to my log without the // so all can check in on my progress.


For starters I finished a nice designer cycle at the end of January that was as follows:
Cycle info:

My run was for 8 fantastic weeks!
Antaeus Labs Trenazone: 2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml
Antaeus Labs Ultradrol: 24/24/24/24/0/0/0/0 Antaeus Labs Mechabol: 0/0/0/0/75/125/125/0 LGI Epi 10: 0/0/0/0/30/30/30/30
Support supplements:
Multi vit
Fish oil
Antaeus Labs Agesis
Antaeus Labs Talos
Antaeus Labs Achillies
Cycle outcome:
My body weight jumped from 224lbs to 234lbs and the best part of this was I wasn't bulking. My calories were set to maintenance to even 500 cals below. I did resistant body building style 4 days a week and 30 min. Stationary bike 4-5 days a week. I piked up decent size and I dropped a decent amount of fat. It was a great run. At the completion of my cycle I had all my size and my final weight was 224. I have gained an inch on my arms & legs and 3 inches around my back &chest.

My work out routine changed a little towards the end and will continue as the following through pct: bodybuilding routine with slow and controlled reps.

Monday: chest and tris followed by treadmill interval training for 30 min
Tuesday: back and bis followed by treadmill interval training for 30 min
Wed.: shoulders and traps followed by treadmill interval training for 30 min
Thursday: Legs and incline treadmill training (just changed to this recently)

My goal is to drop more fat and get close to 205-210 pounds before my next run in April. Hoping Versa-1 will maintain all my size and assist with leaning process.

As of Day 12 I had a fasted weigh in of: 225.4
I'm pretty boring with my food. I keep the diet basically the same all the time with variations with dinner. I am adding 1 good cheat day a week where I eat anything I want no calorie restrictions. Which I noticed when I started Versa-1 my pumps and muscle load up and I feel like a beast!

My diet is consisting of the following:
EAS Whey Protein or Flurry 2 ½ Scoops if its a rushed morning mixed with a cup egg white substitute or I'll eat: 1 Cup Egg white Substitute with slice of cheese 2 turkey sausage links (brown n' serve) or 2 slices center cut bacon Some type of fruit: Blueberries Pineapple Banana

Mid morning:
Oatmeal with 1 1/2 scoop of EAS Whey Protein or flurry Protein powder

Brown Rice
Chicken Breast
Broccoli, stmd or edamame- some days no veggies
Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt or their greek yogurt

Mid afternoon: ~130pm
EAS Whey Protein 2 ½ Scoops

Around 3 pm:
Met-rx, Big 100 bar (on workout days) Or some type of snack like 2 tbls peanut butter

1 of the following meats: Chicken Breast, pork chop, pork loin, steak, or fish
Brown Rice or small sweet potato
Salad or green beans or edamame

2 hours after dinner I may have EAS Whey Protein 2 ½ Scoops

Now to your Questions:

Are you running VERSA-1? If so, with what?

Yes I'm currently running it with the following as a PCT:
OTC PCT Plan with Versa-1:
Weeks 1-4
VERSA-1: 1 cap/day
IForce Testobolan: as directed
IForce Reversitol: as directed
Finaflex revolution black PCT: 2caps at night
DAA: 3g/ day
Super saponins 2g twice/day
1-carboxy- 1/2 tsp/day
Super Cissus RX- 1/4 tsp 2x/day
Compound 20: 4/day- 2 caps am and 2 caps preworkout with Versa-1
Formasurge- 2 pumps/ day in am
L-Carnitine L-Tartate- 3g/day
Bridge- 3caps/day
Same support supplements as listed above except Talos.

Now as of yesterday I have decided that I love my feeling right now and know Versa-1 is to blame so I will be continuing Versa-1 for another 4 weeks.
Weeks 5-8
Versa-1: 1 cap/day
Erase Pro: 1/ day in PM
DAA: 3g/ day
Super saponins 2g twice/day
1-carboxy: 2 servings/ day
Super Cissus RX- 1/4 tsp 2x/day
Formasurge- 2 pumps/ day in am
L-Carnitine L-Tartate- 3g/day
Same support supplements as listed above except Talos.

Have you stacked with any other USPlabs products?

Yes- see my protocol above (USplabs bulk powders), compound 20, plus I have used it preworkout with my sample of Jack3d Micro.

How have your workouts changed?

Yes- As a mater of fact my workouts are amazing right now. It took me 12 days to appreciate what I have going for me. Which is why I was encouraging others to take it as well. I have more motivation and I look forward to my workouts. In fact on my off days I feel the need to do something. I don't because I know I need the recovery but boy it's hard to resist. Actually one day I did 5 sets of 30 push-ups. By the time I was done I felt like a beast!!! :) yesterday I noticed that my movements were more fluid and I was focused and controlling the weight better then I have in the past. My weights are also going up which I noticed starting day 12.

How has stacking VERSA-1 with your pre-workout of choice like Jack3d Micro(TM) helped your training?

I don't have a specific preworkout in my cabinet currently. However, I have several samples that I received from my many orders placed :). I feel like the stims hit me harder when stacked with Versa-1. In fact I can't add any extra scoops of stims to a preworkout drink. And I can't drink coffee too close to taking my preworkout or I kind of get an overload feeling which I never had before. I use to be able to double my doses of pre-workout sups. Now I don't have to as I do notice that Versa-1 increases my pre-workout drinks effectiveness. I get better pumps and my focus is even better then with Versa-1 alone.

How has stacking VERSA-1 with your thermogenic of choice like OxyElite Pro® helped your fat loss goals?

I'm not on any specific daily thermogenics per say. However, I do consider my pre-workout shakes thermos and it's working well with them. I definitely sweat more and we know that's thermogenesis right there :). So my next step is to select a pre-workout supplement and purchase it and add it to my stack.

How has stacking VERSA-1 with a leaning/hardening agent like Compound 20® worked toward your goals?

I just recently added Compound 20 and am looking forward to meeting and exceeding my goals. In the past two weeks that I have been on I have noticed a sliming effect and I'm holding my size. This is a very exciting compound! Both Versa-1 and Compound 20. Prior to adding compound 20 I noticed my muscles were harder and much more dense.

Overall I would like to say I am extremely happy with USPlabs and encourage anyone on the fence to buy it and give it a try. Also, know that you have to give it sometime so you know what your experiencing. I told my workout partner the same thing.

I refer to it as a sleep number bed... What is your number? I know my magic number was day 12. That's when I noticed everything really kicking. I notice the muscle hardness and random pumps earlier. But by day 12 I'm walking tall with an Alpha feeling, I'm tight all over, my energy is fantastic, my libido is fantastic, my muscle contractions are fantastic inside the gym and at home while I'm checking myself out, lol which is why I said before that should be a side effect. Classic expanded on it in my log as increased egotistical behavior :). I'm glad I added this to my PCT and have decided to run this straight for 8 weeks until I start my next designer cycle. This has proven itself to me and will be a staple supplement for my PCT protocols. Also, with that said I have decided to run an 8 week designer cycle where I plan to run the first 4 weeks with just the designer supps and the last 4 weeks I will be adding Versa-1 to the mix. I want to see how it enhances my last 4 weeks of my cycle. I'm so excited for that run and I plan on logging it for all that is interested as well.

Again so far so good with my OTC PCT. I feel great and my strength is increasing and I'm holding my size even after a pretty suppressive cycle. That is why I know this stuff works! I may even alter my next OTC PCT to include Prime and drop something else.

Also, after my first 4 weeks of this PCT protocol before I enter my weeks 5-8 of PCT I will be getting bloods done. So in a little over 2 more weeks ill get that done and ill post my results in my log. Right now with all that I feel; my strength, my excellent mood, alpha feeling, my muscling. I already feel like I'm back and recovered. Now, I know that it's early but it's how I feel. So that's saying something so I'm looking forward to seeing what my blood work says.

I have some pics of 8 days in... I'm continuing to hold size and lose fat slowly but surely. I will also post after pics in my log once I'm done my 8 weeks just prior to my next cycle run.


Log: http:






















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Versa-1 and Compound 20:

I'm in on this!!!!

I am currently running Versa-1 with my OTC PCT. my goal is to prove this can be done without research chems and with the help of Versa-1 and compound 20 I plan to not only maintain my size but cut more fat and add some muscle. Which by the way has already started working. I also plan to meet and exceed my goals. I am on day 13 and know its going to happen. I now have my gym partner taking it and I got 3 other guys at my local Y to place an order. Lol, 1 guy did it on his smart phone right then and there haha.

I can't post links but I'm currently running a log on my protocol including pics, diet, and work out summaries... Here is a broken link to my log without the // so all can check in on my progress.


For starters I finished a nice designer cycle at the end of January that was as follows:
Cycle info:

My run was for 8 fantastic weeks!
Antaeus Labs Trenazone: 2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml
Antaeus Labs Ultradrol: 24/24/24/24/0/0/0/0 Antaeus Labs Mechabol: 0/0/0/0/75/125/125/0 LGI Epi 10: 0/0/0/0/30/30/30/30
Support supplements:
Multi vit
Fish oil
Antaeus Labs Agesis
Antaeus Labs Talos
Antaeus Labs Achillies
Cycle outcome:
My body weight jumped from 224lbs to 234lbs and the best part of this was I wasn't bulking. My calories were set to maintenance to even 500 cals below. I did resistant body building style 4 days a week and 30 min. Stationary bike 4-5 days a week. I piked up decent size and I dropped a decent amount of fat. It was a great run. At the completion of my cycle I had all my size and my final weight was 224. I have gained an inch on my arms & legs and 3 inches around my back &chest.

My work out routine changed a little towards the end and will continue as the following through pct: bodybuilding routine with slow and controlled reps.

Monday: chest and tris followed by treadmill interval training for 30 min
Tuesday: back and bis followed by treadmill interval training for 30 min
Wed.: shoulders and traps followed by treadmill interval training for 30 min
Thursday: Legs and incline treadmill training (just changed to this recently)

My goal is to drop more fat and get close to 205-210 pounds before my next run in April. Hoping Versa-1 will maintain all my size and assist with leaning process.

As of Day 12 I had a fasted weigh in of: 225.4
I'm pretty boring with my food. I keep the diet basically the same all the time with variations with dinner. I am adding 1 good cheat day a week where I eat anything I want no calorie restrictions. Which I noticed when I started Versa-1 my pumps and muscle load up and I feel like a beast!

My diet is consisting of the following:
EAS Whey Protein or Flurry 2 ½ Scoops if its a rushed morning mixed with a cup egg white substitute or I'll eat: 1 Cup Egg white Substitute with slice of cheese 2 turkey sausage links (brown n' serve) or 2 slices center cut bacon Some type of fruit: Blueberries Pineapple Banana

Mid morning:
Oatmeal with 1 1/2 scoop of EAS Whey Protein or flurry Protein powder

Brown Rice
Chicken Breast
Broccoli, stmd or edamame- some days no veggies
Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt or their greek yogurt

Mid afternoon: ~130pm
EAS Whey Protein 2 ½ Scoops

Around 3 pm:
Met-rx, Big 100 bar (on workout days) Or some type of snack like 2 tbls peanut butter

1 of the following meats: Chicken Breast, pork chop, pork loin, steak, or fish
Brown Rice or small sweet potato
Salad or green beans or edamame

2 hours after dinner I may have EAS Whey Protein 2 ½ Scoops

Now to your Questions:

Are you running VERSA-1? If so, with what?

Yes I'm currently running it with the following as a PCT:
OTC PCT Plan with Versa-1:
Weeks 1-4
VERSA-1: 1 cap/day
IForce Testobolan: as directed
IForce Reversitol: as directed
Finaflex revolution black PCT: 2caps at night
DAA: 3g/ day
Super saponins 2g twice/day
1-carboxy- 1/2 tsp/day
Super Cissus RX- 1/4 tsp 2x/day
Compound 20: 4/day- 2 caps am and 2 caps preworkout with Versa-1
Formasurge- 2 pumps/ day in am
L-Carnitine L-Tartate- 3g/day
Bridge- 3caps/day
Same support supplements as listed above except Talos.

Now as of yesterday I have decided that I love my feeling right now and know Versa-1 is to blame so I will be continuing Versa-1 for another 4 weeks.
Weeks 5-8
Versa-1: 1 cap/day
Erase Pro: 1/ day in PM
DAA: 3g/ day
Super saponins 2g twice/day
1-carboxy: 2 servings/ day
Super Cissus RX- 1/4 tsp 2x/day
Formasurge- 2 pumps/ day in am
L-Carnitine L-Tartate- 3g/day
Same support supplements as listed above except Talos.

Have you stacked with any other USPlabs products?

Yes- see my protocol above (USplabs bulk powders), compound 20, plus I have used it preworkout with my sample of Jack3d Micro.

How have your workouts changed?

Yes- As a mater of fact my workouts are amazing right now. It took me 12 days to appreciate what I have going for me. Which is why I was encouraging others to take it as well. I have more motivation and I look forward to my workouts. In fact on my off days I feel the need to do something. I don't because I know I need the recovery but boy it's hard to resist. Actually one day I did 5 sets of 30 push-ups. By the time I was done I felt like a beast!!! :) yesterday I noticed that my movements were more fluid and I was focused and controlling the weight better then I have in the past. My weights are also going up which I noticed starting day 12.

How has stacking VERSA-1 with your pre-workout of choice like Jack3d Micro(TM) helped your training?

I don't have a specific preworkout in my cabinet currently. However, I have several samples that I received from my many orders placed :). I feel like the stims hit me harder when stacked with Versa-1. In fact I can't add any extra scoops of stims to a preworkout drink. And I can't drink coffee too close to taking my preworkout or I kind of get an overload feeling which I never had before. I use to be able to double my doses of pre-workout sups. Now I don't have to as I do notice that Versa-1 increases my pre-workout drinks effectiveness. I get better pumps and my focus is even better then with Versa-1 alone.

How has stacking VERSA-1 with your thermogenic of choice like OxyElite Pro® helped your fat loss goals?

I'm not on any specific daily thermogenics per say. However, I do consider my pre-workout shakes thermos and it's working well with them. I definitely sweat more and we know that's thermogenesis right there :). So my next step is to select a pre-workout supplement and purchase it and add it to my stack.

How has stacking VERSA-1 with a leaning/hardening agent like Compound 20® worked toward your goals?

I just recently added Compound 20 and am looking forward to meeting and exceeding my goals. In the past two weeks that I have been on I have noticed a sliming effect and I'm holding my size. This is a very exciting compound! Both Versa-1 and Compound 20. Prior to adding compound 20 I noticed my muscles were harder and much more dense.

Overall I would like to say I am extremely happy with USPlabs and encourage anyone on the fence to buy it and give it a try. Also, know that you have to give it sometime so you know what your experiencing. I told my workout partner the same thing.

I refer to it as a sleep number bed... What is your number? I know my magic number was day 12. That's when I noticed everything really kicking. I notice the muscle hardness and random pumps earlier. But by day 12 I'm walking tall with an Alpha feeling, I'm tight all over, my energy is fantastic, my libido is fantastic, my muscle contractions are fantastic inside the gym and at home while I'm checking myself out, lol which is why I said before that should be a side effect. Classic expanded on it in my log as increased egotistical behavior :). I'm glad I added this to my PCT and have decided to run this straight for 8 weeks until I start my next designer cycle. This has proven itself to me and will be a staple supplement for my PCT protocols. Also, with that said I have decided to run an 8 week designer cycle where I plan to run the first 4 weeks with just the designer supps and the last 4 weeks I will be adding Versa-1 to the mix. I want to see how it enhances my last 4 weeks of my cycle. I'm so excited for that run and I plan on logging it for all that is interested as well.

Again so far so good with my OTC PCT. I feel great and my strength is increasing and I'm holding my size even after a pretty suppressive cycle. That is why I know this stuff works! I may even alter my next OTC PCT to include Prime and drop something else.

Also, after my first 4 weeks of this PCT protocol before I enter my weeks 5-8 of PCT I will be getting bloods done. So in a little over 2 more weeks ill get that done and ill post my results in my log. Right now with all that I feel; my strength, my excellent mood, alpha feeling, my muscling. I already feel like I'm back and recovered. Now, I know that it's early but it's how I feel. So that's saying something so I'm looking forward to seeing what my blood work says.

I have some pics of 8 days in... I'm continuing to hold size and lose fat slowly but surely. I will also post after pics in my log once I'm done my 8 weeks just prior to my next cycle run.


Log: http:

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That was very detailed brother.. Sick results..


  • Established
I am excited to see the winners. I am really wanting to try this stuff, all the reviews are off the hook. I hate being poor. But my kids come first so buying supplements comes last.


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Rep for you all, It has been a good day....except for the rain. The rain sucks.


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I know I'm going to dread having asked this but what exactly are the "reps" and "new reputation"?


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Bumped for results, night!


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Winners have already been announced on our home board, and I'll be back tonight to announce our winners here! Stayyyyy tunnneeeeeddddd... AND if you haven't put in your entry yet do it NOW!


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I was thinking ziploc bag.. Haha.. Jk.. Did you put your entry in bro?
Ya I did a few days ago. Some of the pictures/stacks in here looked crazy though


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Home board? Or, "home bored" as in, bored at home?


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We should stack the pictures of all the stacks.


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I'm not running Versa-1, but I would love to run it with Compound 20!!! That would be my dream stack!!


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Its on their website in the forums section who got picked. Im bummed out that I didnt get picked, but hey what can you do.


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Not an entry.

But the ultimate stack that I have planned is

Versa 1
Jack3d Micro (alternating)
Test Powder


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Speaking of bomb, is USPLabs ever going to sell the Agmatine, on its own, that came with the IC Versa-1 deal?


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Speaking of bomb, is USPLabs ever going to sell the Agmatine, on its own, that came with the IC Versa-1 deal?
They sell it in some online supplement stores.


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Speaking of bomb, is USPLabs ever going to sell the Agmatine, on its own, that came with the IC Versa-1 deal?
They should roll out another IC deal. Just for a few days. That would be sweet.


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For those that haven't seen it. I'm also running a log of my Versa-1 experience with compound 20.

I'm loving it and plan to include Versa as a staple in my PCT protocol. I'm also looking to run it with other PH and designers in the near future and will log it for those interested.

If interest:



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As promised, your eight winners are....

Winner #1:

I want to be in optimum condition to be able to take advantage of what Versa-1 can do for me.

I have not started yet, but will in about 1 month after getting rid of holiday bloat. Then it's game on.

Month 1 - Versa-1 solo
Month 2 - Versa-1 and OG OxyElite Pro
Month 3 & 4 - Versa-1 and Agmatine

Goal is to assess body reaction Versa-1 first, then recomp, recomp, recomp !!!
Winner #2:

Nice promo. Still waiting for my Versa-1 stack, and I just won out on the Versa-1 and USPowders stack promo.
Good luck to everyone!

@ FUMONEY- that stack is sick

But, I'll play...
When i get my Versa-1 and the USPowders bulk stack in the mail, I will run Versa-1 with the Compound 20, Jack3D Micro, and my bottle of OEP (og),, Another bottle of Versa-1 and OEP would be amazing, and would help out a bunch.
After my current log of course


Finally got my first package. Thank you USPS for bringing my USPlabs. :)View attachment 74589
Winner #3:

I haven't started yet, but my versa 8 week run is going to be:

April -triazole, versa 1, anabolic pump, micro, agmatine

May- versa +prime+forskolin+oep+ anabolic pump, micro, agmatine

View attachment 74389
Winner #4:

I stacked Versa 1 with Prime, Compound 20, DAA, and jack3d micro along with beta alanine and creapure. in 4 weeks (testing bottle from USP *Thanks!*) I broke numerous PRs, added about 25 pounds on bench, gained 5 pounds, and saw a little decrease in body fat. I really enjoyed my run and cant wait to run Versa 1 in my cutting stack in a few months!
Winner #5:

Cutting right now.

I've been using Versa 1, Cissus, Erase Pro, LCLT, Agmatine 500, SNS Caffeine. Pretty good natural stack. I like the Versa 1 focus especially, as it keeps me engaged during my MMA classes, sometimes my mind wanders due to my ADD, but not as much anymore.

I also feel the Versa 1 shortens recovery between sets as I don't feel like I need to rest as much.

I've only been on Versa 1 for about 1 week and a half, but I have noticed increased muscle fullness during the day even when I dont take the agmatine till later, and slightly accelerated fat loss ( Started Versa 1 3 weeks into Erase Pro, ECA, Cissus, had to stop ECA 3 days ago due to possibility of wisdom teeth removal)

Sadly I had to get my wisdom teeth removed unexpectedly (wanted to wait till after this stack, but the pain was too much), but I've been overdue for a deload week anyway. I'm hoping the Versa 1 helps keep me in an anabolic state for the 3-4 days ill be out of the gym.

Wish I could add a picture of my stack to prove that I'm not making this up, but my phone is out of commission , new one arrives Thursday. I'll upload a pic then.
Winner #6:

Right now im stacking Versa-1 with Test Powder, Super Cissus and Agmatine 500.
Im just over two weeks in and mind = blown.
Workouts are getting better and better each day - i have extreme focus, endurance is thru the roof. my drive has never been this strong using a natural product/s. I litterally have tunnel-vision while hitting sets. rest between sets has decreased. the only complaint i have is that i have to FORCE myself to leave the gym!! i feel like i could lift for days! mind and muscle connection is so intense - i havent felt this way since being "on". **** the haters. Versa is the real deal.

soming isnt working with this pic! too many supps to fit in the pixels and such..err something.. lol. not seen in the stack is more Cissus

Winner #7:

VERSA-1 + (USPowders FocusDirt + Recreate / or OEP + Recreate) + Compound 20 + PRIME plus some TNA (if can find it ;)..........then you WILL BELEIVE and this is no joke Casey and Mr. Geissler know my respect for this products and honestly about it.

note: sorry for no versa-1 pic the bottles are in wife`s car :)
Winner #8:

Versa-1 and Compound 20:

I'm in on this!!!!

I am currently running Versa-1 with my OTC PCT. my goal is to prove this can be done without research chems and with the help of Versa-1 and compound 20 I plan to not only maintain my size but cut more fat and add some muscle. Which by the way has already started working. I also plan to meet and exceed my goals. I am on day 13 and know its going to happen. I now have my gym partner taking it and I got 3 other guys at my local Y to place an order. Lol, 1 guy did it on his smart phone right then and there haha.

I can't post links but I'm currently running a log on my protocol including pics, diet, and work out summaries... Here is a broken link to my log without the // so all can check in on my progress.


For starters I finished a nice designer cycle at the end of January that was as follows:
Cycle info:

My run was for 8 fantastic weeks!
Antaeus Labs Trenazone: 2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml/2ml
Antaeus Labs Ultradrol: 24/24/24/24/0/0/0/0 Antaeus Labs Mechabol: 0/0/0/0/75/125/125/0 LGI Epi 10: 0/0/0/0/30/30/30/30
Support supplements:
Multi vit
Fish oil
Antaeus Labs Agesis
Antaeus Labs Talos
Antaeus Labs Achillies
Cycle outcome:
My body weight jumped from 224lbs to 234lbs and the best part of this was I wasn't bulking. My calories were set to maintenance to even 500 cals below. I did resistant body building style 4 days a week and 30 min. Stationary bike 4-5 days a week. I piked up decent size and I dropped a decent amount of fat. It was a great run. At the completion of my cycle I had all my size and my final weight was 224. I have gained an inch on my arms & legs and 3 inches around my back &chest.

My work out routine changed a little towards the end and will continue as the following through pct: bodybuilding routine with slow and controlled reps.

Monday: chest and tris followed by treadmill interval training for 30 min
Tuesday: back and bis followed by treadmill interval training for 30 min
Wed.: shoulders and traps followed by treadmill interval training for 30 min
Thursday: Legs and incline treadmill training (just changed to this recently)

My goal is to drop more fat and get close to 205-210 pounds before my next run in April. Hoping Versa-1 will maintain all my size and assist with leaning process.

As of Day 12 I had a fasted weigh in of: 225.4
I'm pretty boring with my food. I keep the diet basically the same all the time with variations with dinner. I am adding 1 good cheat day a week where I eat anything I want no calorie restrictions. Which I noticed when I started Versa-1 my pumps and muscle load up and I feel like a beast!

My diet is consisting of the following:
EAS Whey Protein or Flurry 2 ½ Scoops if its a rushed morning mixed with a cup egg white substitute or I'll eat: 1 Cup Egg white Substitute with slice of cheese 2 turkey sausage links (brown n' serve) or 2 slices center cut bacon Some type of fruit: Blueberries Pineapple Banana

Mid morning:
Oatmeal with 1 1/2 scoop of EAS Whey Protein or flurry Protein powder

Brown Rice
Chicken Breast
Broccoli, stmd or edamame- some days no veggies
Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt or their greek yogurt

Mid afternoon: ~130pm
EAS Whey Protein 2 ½ Scoops

Around 3 pm:
Met-rx, Big 100 bar (on workout days) Or some type of snack like 2 tbls peanut butter

1 of the following meats: Chicken Breast, pork chop, pork loin, steak, or fish
Brown Rice or small sweet potato
Salad or green beans or edamame

2 hours after dinner I may have EAS Whey Protein 2 ½ Scoops

Now to your Questions:

Are you running VERSA-1? If so, with what?

Yes I'm currently running it with the following as a PCT:
OTC PCT Plan with Versa-1:
Weeks 1-4
VERSA-1: 1 cap/day
IForce Testobolan: as directed
IForce Reversitol: as directed
Finaflex revolution black PCT: 2caps at night
DAA: 3g/ day
Super saponins 2g twice/day
1-carboxy- 1/2 tsp/day
Super Cissus RX- 1/4 tsp 2x/day
Compound 20: 4/day- 2 caps am and 2 caps preworkout with Versa-1
Formasurge- 2 pumps/ day in am
L-Carnitine L-Tartate- 3g/day
Bridge- 3caps/day
Same support supplements as listed above except Talos.

Now as of yesterday I have decided that I love my feeling right now and know Versa-1 is to blame so I will be continuing Versa-1 for another 4 weeks.
Weeks 5-8
Versa-1: 1 cap/day
Erase Pro: 1/ day in PM
DAA: 3g/ day
Super saponins 2g twice/day
1-carboxy: 2 servings/ day
Super Cissus RX- 1/4 tsp 2x/day
Formasurge- 2 pumps/ day in am
L-Carnitine L-Tartate- 3g/day
Same support supplements as listed above except Talos.

Have you stacked with any other USPlabs products?

Yes- see my protocol above (USplabs bulk powders), compound 20, plus I have used it preworkout with my sample of Jack3d Micro.

How have your workouts changed?

Yes- As a mater of fact my workouts are amazing right now. It took me 12 days to appreciate what I have going for me. Which is why I was encouraging others to take it as well. I have more motivation and I look forward to my workouts. In fact on my off days I feel the need to do something. I don't because I know I need the recovery but boy it's hard to resist. Actually one day I did 5 sets of 30 push-ups. By the time I was done I felt like a beast!!! :) yesterday I noticed that my movements were more fluid and I was focused and controlling the weight better then I have in the past. My weights are also going up which I noticed starting day 12.

How has stacking VERSA-1 with your pre-workout of choice like Jack3d Micro(TM) helped your training?

I don't have a specific preworkout in my cabinet currently. However, I have several samples that I received from my many orders placed :). I feel like the stims hit me harder when stacked with Versa-1. In fact I can't add any extra scoops of stims to a preworkout drink. And I can't drink coffee too close to taking my preworkout or I kind of get an overload feeling which I never had before. I use to be able to double my doses of pre-workout sups. Now I don't have to as I do notice that Versa-1 increases my pre-workout drinks effectiveness. I get better pumps and my focus is even better then with Versa-1 alone.

How has stacking VERSA-1 with your thermogenic of choice like OxyElite Pro® helped your fat loss goals?

I'm not on any specific daily thermogenics per say. However, I do consider my pre-workout shakes thermos and it's working well with them. I definitely sweat more and we know that's thermogenesis right there :). So my next step is to select a pre-workout supplement and purchase it and add it to my stack.

How has stacking VERSA-1 with a leaning/hardening agent like Compound 20® worked toward your goals?

I just recently added Compound 20 and am looking forward to meeting and exceeding my goals. In the past two weeks that I have been on I have noticed a sliming effect and I'm holding my size. This is a very exciting compound! Both Versa-1 and Compound 20. Prior to adding compound 20 I noticed my muscles were harder and much more dense.

Overall I would like to say I am extremely happy with USPlabs and encourage anyone on the fence to buy it and give it a try. Also, know that you have to give it sometime so you know what your experiencing. I told my workout partner the same thing.

I refer to it as a sleep number bed... What is your number? I know my magic number was day 12. That's when I noticed everything really kicking. I notice the muscle hardness and random pumps earlier. But by day 12 I'm walking tall with an Alpha feeling, I'm tight all over, my energy is fantastic, my libido is fantastic, my muscle contractions are fantastic inside the gym and at home while I'm checking myself out, lol which is why I said before that should be a side effect. Classic expanded on it in my log as increased egotistical behavior :). I'm glad I added this to my PCT and have decided to run this straight for 8 weeks until I start my next designer cycle. This has proven itself to me and will be a staple supplement for my PCT protocols. Also, with that said I have decided to run an 8 week designer cycle where I plan to run the first 4 weeks with just the designer supps and the last 4 weeks I will be adding Versa-1 to the mix. I want to see how it enhances my last 4 weeks of my cycle. I'm so excited for that run and I plan on logging it for all that is interested as well.

Again so far so good with my OTC PCT. I feel great and my strength is increasing and I'm holding my size even after a pretty suppressive cycle. That is why I know this stuff works! I may even alter my next OTC PCT to include Prime and drop something else.

Also, after my first 4 weeks of this PCT protocol before I enter my weeks 5-8 of PCT I will be getting bloods done. So in a little over 2 more weeks ill get that done and ill post my results in my log. Right now with all that I feel; my strength, my excellent mood, alpha feeling, my muscling. I already feel like I'm back and recovered. Now, I know that it's early but it's how I feel. So that's saying something so I'm looking forward to seeing what my blood work says.

I have some pics of 8 days in... I'm continuing to hold size and lose fat slowly but surely. I will also post after pics in my log once I'm done my 8 weeks just prior to my next cycle run.


Log: http:

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Congrats winners! Please PM me with your name, address and stack of choice. Remember may choose between these three stacks:

VERSA-1 and OxyElite Pro - The legendary, university studied thermogenic!
VERSA-1 and Compound 20 - Leaning and Hardening Agent. Strong & Shredded!
VERSA-1 and Jack3d Micro - Clean, Focused Pre-workout Energy and Performance!

Also remember that of the winners, those who posted pictures/videos also get a bonus prize! PM for more details!

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