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Ive ben running 750 test C for a few weeks. No AI because i feel good without it. Iv been getting bad anxiety, like i want to jump out of my skin. I can't sleep because every time i lay down i panic. Im wondering if this is e2 related? Or related to test?

Iv never had this happen and im not convinced test is doing this. Its prescription from a US pharmacy so i know the label is accurate.

Interestingly, the anxiety was so bad yesterday that i went on a run at 12:00 at night. Running alleviated the anxiety for the entire night, and i felt DRIVEN to run.


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And steroids are notorious for causing anxiety, probably from lowering gaba amongst other hormonal changes, espically if you already get anxiety. Lower your test and you could try taking some gaba too


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Does not matter that it’s pharma test. See above post.


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High androgen load can cause it. It can also be compound specific. For example, I had horrible anxiety on superdrol. Test, anadrol and mastron have all been good so far.

Even if you don't "feel" you need e2 control, get bloodwork anyway. 750 is a stiff dose for no AI


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Also, if you're only a few weeks in on cyp you're probably just starting to reach saturation. How frequently are you pinning?


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Ive ben running 750 test C for a few weeks. No AI because i feel good without it. Iv been getting bad anxiety, like i want to jump out of my skin. I can't sleep because every time i lay down i panic. Im wondering if this is e2 related? Or related to test?

Iv never had this happen and im not convinced test is doing this. Its prescription from a US pharmacy so i know the label is accurate.

Interestingly, the anxiety was so bad yesterday that i went on a run at 12:00 at night. Running alleviated the anxiety for the entire night, and i felt DRIVEN to run.
Ive ben running 750 test C for a few weeks. No AI because i feel good without it. Iv been getting bad anxiety, like i want to jump out of my skin. I can't sleep because every time i lay down i panic. Im wondering if this is e2 related? Or related to test?

Iv never had this happen and im not convinced test is doing this. Its prescription from a US pharmacy so i know the label is accurate.

Interestingly, the anxiety was so bad yesterday that i went on a run at 12:00 at night. Running alleviated the anxiety for the entire night, and i felt DRIVEN to run.
Is it your first cycle?
No not my first. Not even close. I’ve ran quite a bit of compounds, the craziest being mtren 1.5-2ng/ day. With test of course


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I have had this happen on my 1st run where I ran 500 test with (very briefly) 300 mast. That was about 4 years ago. I say briefly because i had to halve my dosages exactly due to panic attaks and horrendous anxiety. Feeling like you are about to jump out of your skin. Jumping from the bed. Soothing teas and passiflora helped a bit, but its no way to live. Its the sheer amount of androgenic signalling.


The reason was that my dose was too high. I cannot tolerate more than half a gram. The cycle was shitty anyway, with boatload of water weight and even got high blood pressure.

Never again. Next year I ran 250 test with 100mg tren a which should have ended me, due to popular wisdom and my previohs experience lol. Zero issues, and I easily grew twice as much.

After that, its no more than 250 test for me. Addition of anavar presents no problems, so does masteron at reasonable dosages. Most of the time my "blast phase" doesnt go over 350 combined. But with wise combinations one can achieve a lot with minimal dosages. Try running 150 test 100 tren and 15mg var daily with mk677 and tell you cannot grow!

Its also possible that with time, as one gets older, tolerance lowers also. Also if you never ran this much test, it could present an issue.

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