Healing Crystals – Do They Work or Just Pretty to Look At?


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In turbulent times, many individuals have turned to tools that offer grounding and stress relief. It’s no surprise that alternative therapies like crystal healing have gained popularity worldwide. The practice of using crystals for healing and manifestation has ancient origins, but in recent years, it has experienced a resurgence, partially because of celebrities publicly endorsing it. The accessibility of crystals through online shopping has contributed to its mainstream appeal. Social media has played a pivotal role in revitalizing this trend. An increasing portion of the American population has experimented with various forms of complementary and integrative medicine. This encompasses a range of practices, such as acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, tai chi, and even the utilization of healing crystals.
I have crystals and crystal necklaces and as I'm typing this, I have an orgone zapper on. Lol