So you're saying OL sarms from Pred nutrition are a good choice? I've been logs and they seem good but it's hard to know man
Aww man that's good to hear, there isn't much on German Pharma as far as reviews go. So I could run their Osta and LGD with no bad sides right?
Yeah I know LGD is suppressive at effective doses, but when I say bad sides, I'm mainly talking about compared to AAS. Like I said, I used pretty harsh prohormones in the past and I'm trying to avoid similar sides, like complete shutdown. So if OL LGD isn't AS bad on that front, I'd be happy. What brand did you run from Pred? Can you vouch for OL, Focused, and fusion bro?
That's great man, I'll use OL as my main choice and maybe check out German pharmas sarms. There are reviews on their S4 talking about the yellow tint, which is always a good sign
That's great. let me know what you make of them. There's only a few places selling them, Prohormones and Factory as far as I can see. Most reviews are great, but some people are mentioning water retention on their LGD...
I am currently in my third week of lgd from Germán pharma and for now there is no negative effect, positive effect:hunger, strength, recomp.Aww man that's good to hear, there isn't much on German Pharma as far as reviews go. So I could run their Osta and LGD with no bad sides right?
Have you run anything else from them? I'm tempted to try their S4 but let me know how your whole cycle pans out, I haven't heard anything about their LGD that isn't a review.
Have you run anything else from them? I'm tempted to try their S4 but let me know how your whole cycle pans out, I haven't heard anything about their LGD that isn't a review.
dermacrine, but in the next week I will add 4ad(ol UK) and 11oxo(German pharma)
I want to review the product when I finishOkay cool, let me know what you think of their LGD by the end of your cycle, if it's legit or not
Anyone ever hear of all pro sarms? They have MK-2866 in pill form, is that even legit?
What was wrong with their OL's osta bro? Did you get steroid sides?
That's great man, what are you using as a test base? And for PCT? I take it you have a serm on hand
Yeah, I'll definitely run Clomid for PCT, I'm not taking any chance just because its a sarm and not as suppressive. So in you experience, what high doses is the lethargy hitting you on OL'S Lgd? 12 mg? When I begin to run sarms, I'll start with Ostarine and then step it up to Lgd, all from OL of course.
Derma will be my test base, as taking a prohormone like 4 Ad defeats the purpose of a sarm runbut Derma is much more mild as far suppression
i know this is abit late, but where did you source your clomid from? been lookin on pred website but can't seem to find it anywhere.
Thanks for the reply man, ive seen few websites advertising clomid claiming it is legit. But i don't want to risk it, been wanting to start a sarm cycle but really hesitant until i find a legitimate pct. i dotn like taking risks