GHenerate rebuilt my shoulder...LITERALLY



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I was amazed with your statement regarding the fast recovery, but I've also something to ask you: have verified any change in terms of bodyfat? Because as we all know, Growth Hormone not only is known to aid in recovery but also by its thermogenic/cutting effects, so if you have seen any diference regarding to bf it would be another sign of the GH boost that came from GHenerate:)
I'm lean year round..6-8%. after my surgery I was at 10.9%...currently sitting at 6.4%. GHenerate leaves me dry as a rock and pumped in the morning...I also take Igh-1 also.


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I'm lean year round..6-8%. after my surgery I was at 10.9%...currently sitting at 6.4%. GHenerate leaves me dry as a rock and pumped in the morning...I also take Igh-1 also.
Hum, nice thing to hear too:D From all you've reported from your own personal experience it really sounds like pretty strong GH boost.
I wonder if it could do the fat burning magic on me too, besides all the other muscle building goodies, since I have done a nice cut this year but I really never got rid from the belly fat that I have since my late childhood (dispite the GH boost during my teens I've never really get as lean as you are for exemple even though all the diets I've done and my hard gainer tendency). So this September I guess this product will have a new log;)
Btw, have you used Igh-1 since the begining or it was introduced somewhere while on GHenerate? If so what were the diferences you have felt between the GHenerate solo and stacked with Igh-1?


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i started using IGH about 2 months in...greater sleep/leaner morning appearance.GHenerate took about a month to kick in for me..when it does it's awesome. I believe each individual needs to tinker with dosage to find the sweet spot for their goals.


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Alright, i swear to myself next time i order supps i will get GHenerate. No more putting it off.


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10 is the most since the accident. I racked 425 hit 3 this past Tuesday but I'm gonna rep 365 for 30 for a while with a goal of 500 by the end of the year
30 straight! Goddang. Go check out the triceps challenge thread. I suggested 225lbs DL's for reps as the next challenge. I'll just concede now. I'm not a DL repper.

I actually couldn't play if I wanted. I'm still pre-habbing my lower back.


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30 straight! Goddang. Go check out the triceps challenge thread. I suggested 225lbs DL's for reps as the next challenge. I'll just concede now. I'm not a DL repper.

I actually couldn't play if I wanted. I'm still pre-habbing my lower back.
I live for deads...I could prolly pump out 35 with 225


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i started using IGH about 2 months in...greater sleep/leaner morning appearance.GHenerate took about a month to kick in for me..when it does it's awesome. I believe each individual needs to tinker with dosage to find the sweet spot for their goals.
So you've done Igh-1 since the begining of the GHenerate "cycle" is that what you mean? (sorry for asking this but my inglish isn't that good:()


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igh1 started 2 months after ghenerate was after using ghenerate for 2 months i started igh1


  • Legend!
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I live for deads...I could prolly pump out 35 with 225
I used to live for deads. If my back recovers well, I hope to get back into it like I used to.

I don't have your kind of muscle endurance or cardio conditioning to pull off 35 with 225. I think if I used straps, I could probably hit 20, maybe 25 and pass out. I have a hard time going above 5 reps, even with lighter weight. I normally hit 10 with 225 as a warm up, but everything after that, from 315 on to 405, it's 5 reps.

Damn Big, I didn't know you were so legit about deads, the hell. My favorite days, back in the day, would be deads, BB rows (up to 405, I had abnormal row strength), rack deads and BB shrugs (up to 455) and my traps and back would be thoroughly taxed. I can't even do BB rows anymore, I can't hold that position without seriously tweaking on my lower, right side and it was my second favorite exercise, next to deads. I can do one arms on the smith, but then I know I'll have to pay for it later (lumbar issue wise, injuries suck, chronic injuries tea bag after a 10 mile run).

I even bought one of those Hexagon Bars aka Trap Bars aka Dead Lifts Bars, until I realized that the hexagon bar actually does more to tax your quads and mimics the stress from doing squats and pretty does nothing for your posterior chain. That was a waste of $150.00. It's got other uses, but improving your deads is not one of them. They call it a dead lift bar, but they should really call it a squat bar, it's all quads on that thing and hardly any hams or back, some traps, but not nearly as effective as the resistance pulling from the front like a real DL.

I also bought a 4" sledge hammer to do wrist curls and 120lbs resistance hand clamps to improve my grip. I was all about it. I could pull 405 for 6, raw grip, no chalk either. I really got into it, so not being able to be about deads has sucked, which is why i think Oly lifts became the new hobby. I like being into something that gives me purpose to lift toward some primary, performance goal, as oppose to just aesthetics (these days). I only squat to improve my cleans, not for big legs and I only ever did squats before to improve my deads. Anyway, keep it up.


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Hmmm, brings back old memories. My best pull was 400 for 4 but since I ruptured my L5, I haven't seen anything over 200, and that is on prescription drugs.


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Hmmm, brings back old memories. My best pull was 400 for 4 but since I ruptured my L5, I haven't seen anything over 200, and that is on prescription drugs.
I had a slip disc at L2 with severe, severe sciatica. It wasn't a gym related injury, just one of those things. I've long since healed from it, but I have re-aggravated my lower, left side a good 5-6 times, to the point that I have to stop working out for a week or so, pretty lame.

However, whenever I start to complain, I just recall how painful doing daily ish was, like putting on socks or getting thrashed if I stepped on uneven ground and I'm just thankful to be relatively pain free and healthy. I was in severe disability for about 9 months only and it took me a year from that point to start DLing again, wherein, I've reaggravated my injury time & time again since.

I'm still trying to figure out the most effective approach to get me back to serious DLing. It could be never, but I'm still trying various approaches.


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I just rep out now. Its a good cardio workout, 200 for 20-30 reps.

A guy I know has me questioning if I should continue.
He actually has partial paralysis from an L5 injury. He says that at times he can't move his lower body due to the pain,for hours, and he also urinates on himself if it "catches" the wrong way.

After hearing that, I can say I am pretty good In my condition.

MBig, I may run that Ghen/igh for 3 months to see if it changes anything. Any slight changes would be better than downing these script meds...

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